View Full Version : NewJersy U.G

12-03-2003, 11:08 AM
There are so many kickass punk bands in New Jersy like anex and no easy answer but their U.G and it's hard to like try and get to their shows but if your a real hardcore punk fan and hate this new punkemo punk and pop punk you should try and see them play their kick ass

12-12-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by punkrocker
There are so many kickass punk bands in New Jersy like anex and no easy answer but their U.G and it's hard to like try and get to their shows but if your a real hardcore punk fan and hate this new punkemo punk and pop punk you should try and see them play their kick ass

cricket, you are totaly right but you are totally a talking out of both sides ofyour mouth because you are a punkpopper! an you forgot the most kick ass band in NJ A HERO FOR NOTHING! they rock much harder than Anex or No Easy answer! love ya kid-alex