View Full Version : xAFBx

05-21-2008, 06:54 PM
xAFBx (Armed For Battle) has got to be the best hardcore/straight edge band i've ever heard.

Every one of their songs is great, and they have meaning behind their lyrics. Their record label is Seventh Dagger, so you know its gotta be good :)

Also, if you want to check them out just go to myspace.com/xafbx

05-22-2008, 12:30 AM
Fake poster.

05-22-2008, 01:38 AM
Fake poster.
this coming from you sounds funny!

05-22-2008, 01:39 AM
xAFBx (Armed For Battle) has got to be the best hardcore/straight edge band i've ever heard.

Time to listen to some Youth Of Today then!

05-22-2008, 04:24 AM
xAFBx (Armed For Battle) has got to be the best hardcore/straight edge band i've ever heard.

Every one of their songs is great, and they have meaning behind their lyrics. Their record label is Seventh Dagger, so you know its gotta be good :)

Also, if you want to check them out just go to myspace.com/xafbx

They are a metal band, not a hardcore band.

Seventh Dagger is complete bullshit and promotes all of the wrong messages, people should really stop giving them there money.

05-22-2008, 09:00 AM
Fake poster.

kind of a harsh welcome.

05-22-2008, 09:00 AM
this coming from you sounds funny!

you're just bitter that you got caught out.

05-22-2008, 11:23 AM
you're just bitter that you got caught out.
i checked my hands, and they are not red!

05-24-2008, 03:20 PM
Time to listen to some Youth Of Today then!

I checked out youth of today and was disappointed. I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging. but if you like them, thats cool i guess.

05-24-2008, 03:35 PM
I checked out youth of today and was disappointed. I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging. but if you like them, thats cool i guess.

So what you are actually saying is you are not really into hardcore. But if thats how it is then thats cool i guess!

05-24-2008, 03:48 PM
I checked out youth of today and was disappointed. I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging. but if you like them, thats cool i guess.

so wait. you think armed for battle is better than youth of today?


05-24-2008, 05:30 PM
I checked out youth of today and was disappointed. I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging. but if you like them, thats cool i guess.

Holy shit. You are saying Youth Of Today is un-talented? I don't even want to type what I am thinking right now.

05-24-2008, 07:01 PM
I checked out youth of today and was disappointed. I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging. but if you like them, thats cool i guess.

Take out some of the adjectives you used like "random, untalented and senseless" and you basically just described hardcore, and you are saying you don't like it?

05-24-2008, 08:00 PM
i think i dont need to say anything right now

05-26-2008, 03:13 AM
Fake poster.

What this guy said.

05-29-2008, 01:39 PM
What do you want me to say...im sorry? im not old fashioned, im into newer hardcore. I like xAFBx more the YoT....sue me.

05-29-2008, 03:07 PM
What do you want me to say...im sorry? im not old fashioned, im into newer hardcore. I like xAFBx more the YoT....sue me.

Yes, say you are sorry otherwise we will sue.

05-29-2008, 04:50 PM
im kinda pissed about the "un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants" description

05-29-2008, 04:55 PM
What do you want me to say...im sorry? im not old fashioned, im into newer hardcore. I like xAFBx more the YoT....sue me.

Yeah, but the thing is, AFB aren't a hardcore band, they are an un-talented metalcore band.....

05-29-2008, 05:10 PM
Yeah, but the thing is, AFB aren't a hardcore band, they are an un-talented metalcore band.....

Perhaps we should sue them instead!

05-29-2008, 05:13 PM
im kinda pissed about the "un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants" description

Just put it down to flawed judgement...the evidence is already there.

05-30-2008, 02:54 AM
Perhaps we should sue them instead!

Lets do it!

Is anyone on here a lawyer?

05-30-2008, 02:27 PM
Because i have an opinion? haha sorry? idc what anyone thinks, if AFB wasn't talented they wouldnt be headlining shows, period.

05-30-2008, 03:21 PM
Because i have an opinion? haha sorry? idc what anyone thinks, if AFB wasn't talented they wouldnt be headlining shows, period.

lots of untalented bands headline shows. the bigger question is in 10 years will anyone know or care about armed for battle, because it's been 20 for YOT and people definitely still care.

05-30-2008, 03:27 PM
Because i have an opinion? haha sorry? idc what anyone thinks, if AFB wasn't talented they wouldnt be headlining shows, period.

So according to your logic bands are talented if they headline shows...which means that YOT are now talented in your opinion. It also means you think Marilyn Manson or Def Leopard are talented because they headline shows!!! So whilst you are perfectly entitled to your opinion i must point at the dubious criteria you utilise to arrive at said opinion.

05-30-2008, 03:49 PM
So according to your logic bands are talented if they headline shows...which means that YOT are now talented in your opinion. It also means you think Marilyn Manson or Def Leopard are talented because they headline shows!!! So whilst you are perfectly entitled to your opinion i must point at the dubious criteria you utilise to arrive at said opinion.
it can give you a whole new perspective to fast food too.

05-30-2008, 04:20 PM
it can give you a whole new perspective to fast food too.

I'm a little lost here, please explain?

05-30-2008, 04:33 PM
So according to your logic bands are talented if they headline shows...which means that YOT are now talented in your opinion. It also means you think Marilyn Manson or Def Leopard are talented because they headline shows!!! So whilst you are perfectly entitled to your opinion i must point at the dubious criteria you utilise to arrive at said opinion.

Woah woah, what's your issue with Def Leppard? One armed drummer man, how can anybody hate on that!

05-30-2008, 04:55 PM
Woah woah, what's your issue with Def Leppard? One armed drummer man, how can anybody hate on that!

I think the question should be whats your issue with def leppard? You seem a little protective of them!! But i have no issue with them, you could replace them with brittney spears or nickleback or something if it makes you feel a little better.

05-30-2008, 05:18 PM
So according to your logic bands are talented if they headline shows...which means that YOT are now talented in your opinion. It also means you think Marilyn Manson or Def Leopard are talented because they headline shows!!! So whilst you are perfectly entitled to your opinion i must point at the dubious criteria you utilise to arrive at said opinion.
deaf leopard! haha

in a my name is earl episode:
think something sad! for example the drummer from deaf leppard!

05-30-2008, 07:07 PM
I'm a little lost here, please explain?
well, bands get booked and go headlining shows when people like 'em. but that doesnt mean they are good at all, just that people like em, same thing with fast food.

just thought i would add that if we keep the same idea to other stuff we can discover that some really crappy foods are actually good

05-31-2008, 08:35 AM
well, bands get booked and go headlining shows when people like 'em. but that doesnt mean they are good at all, just that people like em, same thing with fast food.

just thought i would add that if we keep the same idea to other stuff we can discover that some really crappy foods are actually good

I think i understand now...it just confused me that we were suddenly talking about food.

05-31-2008, 09:29 AM
Because i have an opinion? haha sorry? idc what anyone thinks, if AFB wasn't talented they wouldnt be headlining shows, period.

Dude, you should seriously get a clue before posting dumb shit like this. YOT were "headlining" shows before those dudes in AFB even knew what a guitar was. They were spreading the straight edge message before AFB could even consider killing there local drug dealers. Even wikipedia would be a good start for you.

05-31-2008, 02:32 PM
okay wow, i post a band to support them and tell people about them and then i get bombarded with insults about how they suck and how yot is so much better. I DONT CARE. if i liked yot i would post something about them. i dont like them, and just because they are older does NOT make them better.

Because members of AFB were born later, that makes them worse? fuck you guys. i can see why this site is going nowhere now. i say my opinion and get called a dumbass for it. Straight Edge is not about having to like the original bands and if someone doesnt like them you shove that band down their throat. What i meant was there is no way in hell AFB is untalented. NO BAND STRAIGHT EDGE BAND IS UNTALENTED. what an ignorant thing to say. If you gave afb a chance and listened to more then 1 song, you would see that. There shows are the best ive ever been to. I've checked out every aspect of yot and am not impressed whatsoever.

By the way, im leaving this site, so dont bother to reply. This site is obviously only for the original edge bands and does not accept the opinions about them from others. bye.

05-31-2008, 02:41 PM
NO BAND STRAIGHT EDGE BAND IS UNTALENTED. what an ignorant thing to say.

I checked out youth of today and was disappointed. I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging. but if you like them, thats cool i guess.
this made me giggle

05-31-2008, 03:35 PM
okay wow, i post a band to support them and tell people about them and then i get bombarded with insults about how they suck and how yot is so much better. I DONT CARE. if i liked yot i would post something about them. i dont like them, and just because they are older does NOT make them better.

Now i think you have over reacted here. I didn't see a bombardment of insults, in fact the only insulting thing towards you really was one person saying that you had posted some dumb shit. And surely that was just another expression of someones opinion like you saying YOT was untalented.

As for them being older, the point is its not them being older that makes them better, its that they have stood the test of time thus far and are still making an impact in hardcore even now. Will AFB do the same, well we can't say for sure for 20 years but it is an interesting thing to think about when you consider YOT, i mean there has to be something good about them for them to have that kind of impact right?

Because members of AFB were born later, that makes them worse? fuck you guys. i can see why this site is going nowhere now. i say my opinion and get called a dumbass for it.

Funny thing is no one has actually said that when they were born has anything at all to do with it. Well aside from you in your assumption that is. But even if what you are suggesting was an opinion held by someone here then surely retorting to that opinion by saying "fuck you guys" is exactly what you are complaining about from others.

Straight Edge is not about having to like the original bands and if someone doesnt like them you shove that band down their throat. What i meant was there is no way in hell AFB is untalented. NO BAND STRAIGHT EDGE BAND IS UNTALENTED. what an ignorant thing to say.

Yes it was an ignorant thing for you to say and i am glad you are retracting your initial statement of calling YOT untalented and hopefully you now see how the ignorance of your initial statement may have contributed to the kind of response you were getting.

If you gave afb a chance and listened to more then 1 song, you would see that. There shows are the best ive ever been to. I've checked out every aspect of yot and am not impressed whatsoever.

Who is to say people have only listened to one AFB song...surely thats just an assumption on your part. You must have been pretty much immersed in YOT music, history etc. over the last few days to have checked out every aspect, i mean its been like 7 days since you first checked them out, perhaps you should hold off on making a decision just yet and try giving them more of a chance. I mean i would suggest look at all the bands that came after that they influenced, i would also suggest looking at other bands of the time and how they all are still reflected in hardcore today. You say you like newer hardcore which is fine and you talk about ignorance, again fine, what i will say though is it is kind of ignorant to be part of something and have no appreciation for what made it what it is. Thats just a thought so don't get upset.

By the way, im leaving this site, so dont bother to reply. This site is obviously only for the original edge bands and does not accept the opinions about them from others. bye.

As you are leaving you won't read this, but i'm sure you will be back to read it anyway even if you don't reply to it. I'm also pretty sure that its unlikely that you will actually take on board what i have said because you have already made your mind up about this site and the people on it without giving them a chance...i know, sounds familiar!! Anyway, this site is not just about bands from the 80's, its also about great bands that are around today as well as a bunch of other stuff. Now you have come here and seen a rather opposing view to a band you like, the best thing to do would be to stay and find out why some people really don't like the band, there might be good reasons or there might not but surely running away because someone doesn't share the same view as you is the definition of being ignorant.

06-01-2008, 03:18 AM
this thread didn't end well!

06-20-2008, 12:49 AM
k yes i did comeback to see what the replies would be, and to rodrigo, LEARN HOW TO READ
i said "I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging." I SAID THE SINGING WAS UNTALENTED NOT THE BAND! (hence the word "with")read it slower or something, shit.

And endwells a band dumbshit, wtf is sgtd? sucking good tall dick?

06-20-2008, 01:41 AM
k yes i did comeback to see what the replies would be, and to rodrigo, LEARN HOW TO READ
i said "I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging." I SAID THE SINGING WAS UNTALENTED NOT THE BAND! (hence the word "with")read it slower or something, shit.

And endwells a band dumbshit, wtf is sgtd? sucking good tall dick?
oh my! somebody is reallllly angry!

I know endwell is a band, and i made a pun. Sorry if you're too mad not noticing it, I didn't mean any offense. Either way, you calling me names just because of that means you have issues. wtf is sgtd? it is actually sucking good tall dick. you have a problem with that?

06-20-2008, 05:09 AM
k yes i did comeback to see what the replies would be, and to rodrigo, LEARN HOW TO READ
i said "I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging." I SAID THE SINGING WAS UNTALENTED NOT THE BAND! (hence the word "with")read it slower or something, shit.

And endwells a band dumbshit, wtf is sgtd? sucking good tall dick?

I have bolded a part in the quote for you to make things easier and to hopefully make you realise you again looked like a complete dipshit with this post.

Since you have lowered everyones IQ by atleast 20 with your completely dumb posts and have even resulted to shitty insults, I hope for your sake you realise it's time to beat it and stop posting your bullshit here.

06-20-2008, 07:09 AM
k yes i did comeback to see what the replies would be, and to rodrigo, LEARN HOW TO READ
i said "I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging." I SAID THE SINGING WAS UNTALENTED NOT THE BAND! (hence the word "with")read it slower or something, shit.

And endwells a band dumbshit, wtf is sgtd? sucking good tall dick?

what, you enjoy just listening to the guitars? or the bass maybe and thats what makes a band good and talented? you obviously didnt like the drums or the singing and even the lyrics seemed random to you, so i guess what actually would make YOT talented, in your crazy point of view is just the guitars and the bass.

dude, you dont even know what you're saying, have insulted memebers with no real reason, have failed to demonstrate your point and missed a lot of others, so either you apologise for your dumb behavior or just take dean's advice and beat it

06-20-2008, 07:10 AM
man, tellin' me ah cant read well...

06-20-2008, 08:39 AM
k yes i did comeback to see what the replies would be, and to rodrigo, LEARN HOW TO READ
i said "I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging." I SAID THE SINGING WAS UNTALENTED NOT THE BAND! (hence the word "with")read it slower or something, shit.

And endwells a band dumbshit, wtf is sgtd? sucking good tall dick?

Wow, you are pretty impresive aren't you. Its great that you came back to see the replies however its unfortunate that you weren't able to actually address the points and reasoning raised in those replies. And its even more unfortunate that you are still trying to change your story or justify the foolish comments you made whilst shifting focus by insulting people.

For the record sgtd's "this thread didn't endwell" post was actually pretty funny.

07-05-2008, 01:14 AM
I have bolded a part in the quote for you to make things easier and to hopefully make you realise you again looked like a complete dipshit with this post.

Since you have lowered everyones IQ by atleast 20 with your completely dumb posts and have even resulted to shitty insults, I hope for your sake you realise it's time to beat it and stop posting your bullshit here.

wow, you are a fucking idiot. since when does senseless mean un-talented? READ IT SLOWER YOU FUCKING DUMBASS. "I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging" KEY WORD "WITH"

got that? WITH! it's not that hard to understand. senseless and un-talented are 2 different words...surprised? Get it through your thick fucking head. Seriously, people these days...

And how the fuck did me saying how yot's cymbal banging is senseless get to i think bands only need guitar and bass? I PLAY DRUMS, STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME. Youth of Today, does not know how to properly use cymbals, that does not mean i don't think drums are important? Did you seriously run out of insults that you have to start making up shit.

07-05-2008, 06:16 AM
wow, you are a fucking idiot. since when does senseless mean un-talented? READ IT SLOWER YOU FUCKING DUMBASS. "I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging" KEY WORD "WITH"

got that? WITH! it's not that hard to understand. senseless and un-talented are 2 different words...surprised? Get it through your thick fucking head. Seriously, people these days...

And how the fuck did me saying how yot's cymbal banging is senseless get to i think bands only need guitar and bass? I PLAY DRUMS, STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME. Youth of Today, does not know how to properly use cymbals, that does not mean i don't think drums are important? Did you seriously run out of insults that you have to start making up shit.

You seem very angry, so what makes the singing untalented? and what makes the cymbal use senseless? What makes the chants random?

See i'm pretty sure the way they used cymbals was intentional and thus not senseless, i'm also sure that the chants weren't random but rather part of the composition that wasn't random. As for the singing, well i personally fail to see how its untalented, perhaps if you are comparing it to classically trained singers but if you are comparing it to AFB then i really fail to see this. I mean its greatly expressive of the anger and passion described within the lyrics and it really runs in line with hardcore qualities in general, as do the "random" chants and the "senseless" cymbal use.

I think people are just generally shocked to hear your opinions on YOT, i mean sure people hear it from people who aren't into hardcore, but within the hardcore world YOT are well respected for what they have done and i'm just wondering what you think of other hardcore bands. Perhaps you could share your opinions on champion, ten yard fight, in my eyes, have heart, with honor, floorpunch, mouthpiece, turning point. It could be interesting to see what you think of these bands.

07-05-2008, 05:17 PM
wow, you are a fucking idiot. since when does senseless mean un-talented? READ IT SLOWER YOU FUCKING DUMBASS. "I'm really not into the un-talented talk/singing/screaming, with random chants, and senseless cymbal banging" KEY WORD "WITH"

got that? WITH! it's not that hard to understand. senseless and un-talented are 2 different words...surprised? Get it through your thick fucking head. Seriously, people these days...

And how the fuck did me saying how yot's cymbal banging is senseless get to i think bands only need guitar and bass? I PLAY DRUMS, STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME. Youth of Today, does not know how to properly use cymbals, that does not mean i don't think drums are important? Did you seriously run out of insults that you have to start making up shit.

Internet tough guy huh?

Well done.

Youth Of Today, one of the most well known hardcore bands of all time do not know how to use cymbals, but you do, because you play drums. Wow, just wow.

What are you, 15-16 years old? You seem really immature dude.