View Full Version : Endorphins

06-01-2008, 08:45 PM
I know that endorphins are naturally released throughout the body when you are in huge amounts of either pleasure or pain, or if you are scared. Is it an edgebreak though? Because when I meditate, endorphins are released, because of the pain/pleasure I get from meditating. It's not breaking edge is it?

06-01-2008, 08:58 PM
I know that endorphins are naturally released throughout the body when you are in huge amounts of either pleasure or pain, or if you are scared. Is it an edgebreak though? Because when I meditate, endorphins are released, because of the pain/pleasure I get from meditating. It's not breaking edge is it?

why are you so concerned with this? what's the point of being edge to you? What is it about for you?

06-01-2008, 09:41 PM
no i dont think so, its natural

06-01-2008, 09:46 PM
The point of being edge to me is not doing drugs, not drinking, no promiscuous sex, and no smoking. Also, I am concerned, because what if someone relied on endorphins to make them happy? Not like all the time though.

06-01-2008, 09:50 PM
The point of being edge to me is not doing drugs, not drinking, no promiscuous sex, and no smoking. Also, I am concerned, because what if someone relied on endorphins to make them happy? Not like all the time though.

so how to endorphins come into play? are they drugs? What is happiness? What is biochemistry? What makes a person happy if it isn't a biochemical reaction?

06-01-2008, 10:01 PM
I know that endorphins are naturally released throughout the body when you are in huge amounts of either pleasure or pain, or if you are scared. Is it an edgebreak though? Because when I meditate, endorphins are released, because of the pain/pleasure I get from meditating. It's not breaking edge is it?

If it was breaking edge what would you do about it? I mean would you look to stop your body releasing endorphins?

06-01-2008, 10:07 PM
oh, man...

06-01-2008, 10:23 PM
The point of being edge to me is not doing drugs, not drinking, no promiscuous sex, and no smoking. Also, I am concerned, because what if someone relied on endorphins to make them happy? Not like all the time though.

You mean like if someone continued to exercise because it made them feel good and part of what made them feel good was a release of endorphins? Can you really see that as a negative thing? Its like you are arguing with how the human body is made?

Unless you are actually doing something like using particular drugs to induce higher levels of chemicals to be produced and released into the body then you can't really consider it dependance. I mean, theres all kinds of chemicals released into your blood that need to be there, i can't personally fathom a reason why you would see that as a problem.

06-02-2008, 08:54 PM
No like, okay when I exercise, I sort of feel spiritual almost. And I'm not saying its a bad things, but what if I become too dependable on them? Am I breaking edge by being dependable on my own bodily chemicals?

06-02-2008, 09:07 PM
you are not.

06-02-2008, 09:19 PM
No like, okay when I exercise, I sort of feel spiritual almost. And I'm not saying its a bad things, but what if I become too dependable on them? Am I breaking edge by being dependable on my own bodily chemicals?

you can't be serious.

06-02-2008, 09:45 PM
If I am, what happens? Should I leave now for being a dork?

06-03-2008, 01:39 AM
No like, okay when I exercise, I sort of feel spiritual almost. And I'm not saying its a bad things, but what if I become too dependable on them? Am I breaking edge by being dependable on my own bodily chemicals?
oh come on.

06-03-2008, 07:59 AM
If I am, what happens? Should I leave now for being a dork?

I just don't understand why you'd worry about something you can't affect or control and then worry about whether or not it's "edge".

06-03-2008, 09:17 AM
No like, okay when I exercise, I sort of feel spiritual almost. And I'm not saying its a bad things, but what if I become too dependable on them? Am I breaking edge by being dependable on my own bodily chemicals?

Well its hardly dependance, i mean if anything it would be the exercise that you are dependant on in order to get the release. I mean i like comedy because it makes me laugh and happy, i am dependant on comedy to get that reaction in my brain. Sometimes i get a bad hit of comedy that isn't funny and then i get all strung out until i get some good shit again.

So you haven't really answered what i asked, like if it was breaking edge what would you do? Would you want to stop the release of endorphins? And don't you think that every human being, edge or not, is "dependant" on certain chemical releases to create certain feelings and moods? I mean really, how can you even begin to think that it pertains to edge in anyway?

06-03-2008, 09:18 AM
If I am, what happens? Should I leave now for being a dork?

Well if yo were to leave now what kind of chemical release would that potentially trigger?

06-03-2008, 01:44 PM
Well, I suppose I wouldn't want to stop the production of endorphins, because then if I wanted to meditate, or exercise, the pain would be unbearable. And I'm only asking because when I do meditate, endorphins are released, and then I feel happy. But I am only dependent on meditation, because it's my religion, and I don't want to stop it. So here's my question, am I breaking edge by being dependent on meditation, because of the release of endorphins? And no, that's not why I meditate, I meditate because it feels good, and it calms me down.

06-03-2008, 02:23 PM
Well, I suppose I wouldn't want to stop the production of endorphins, because then if I wanted to meditate, or exercise, the pain would be unbearable. And I'm only asking because when I do meditate, endorphins are released, and then I feel happy. But I am only dependent on meditation, because it's my religion, and I don't want to stop it. So here's my question, am I breaking edge by being dependent on meditation, because of the release of endorphins? And no, that's not why I meditate, I meditate because it feels good, and it calms me down.
do you think you can control your body to not release endorphin? the answer is no, you can't control it. And it 's not only meditation and working out that makes your body release endorphin, there are a lot of other things that cause that reaction.

And by the way what is wrong with endorphin? It makes you happy, so what? Is being happy wrong in your views?
shit dude, this is getting ridiculous.

06-03-2008, 03:37 PM
Well, I suppose I wouldn't want to stop the production of endorphins, because then if I wanted to meditate, or exercise, the pain would be unbearable. And I'm only asking because when I do meditate, endorphins are released, and then I feel happy. But I am only dependent on meditation, because it's my religion, and I don't want to stop it. So here's my question, am I breaking edge by being dependent on meditation, because of the release of endorphins? And no, that's not why I meditate, I meditate because it feels good, and it calms me down.

Ok, think about it, everyone does things that cause chemicals to be released. If it were to break edge there wouldn't be anyone that was edge.

06-03-2008, 04:17 PM
Well, yea that's true that there would be no one edge if it was an edge break. I'm only asking, because a) I don't want to become dependent(even though there is NOTHING wrong with being happy) and b) I want to do straight edge right.

06-03-2008, 04:35 PM
Well, yea that's true that there would be no one edge if it was an edge break. I'm only asking, because a) I don't want to become dependent(even though there is NOTHING wrong with being happy) and b) I want to do straight edge right.

Yeah but theres nothing you could realistically or sanely do to stop the release of endorphins, its what your body needs to do which is a whole world of difference from using drugs that your body really doesn't need at all.

You can't become dependent on these releases, your meditation can become a habit and part of your life but you aren't going to experience anything like drug addiction.

I think you may be trying to hard to do things in the name of straightedge instead of doing things because you believe them to be right or wrong. I mean surely if you are perfectly happy doing something and see no problem in it then if its edge or not really isn't important. Whats important is you believe it to be right, so first and foremost ask yourself what you believe not if it fits into edge. But seriously, this is probably the craziest question i have encountered in a while!

06-04-2008, 10:26 AM
Okay, thanks. So, I can continue meditating, without becoming addicted to endorphins? Gotcha.

06-04-2008, 11:19 AM
Okay, thanks. So, I can continue meditating, without becoming addicted to endorphins? Gotcha.

sure, i guess.