View Full Version : Food with alcohol in it

06-26-2008, 04:00 PM
Okay, so my mom has made me a sandwich with dijon mustard, but the mustard has white wine vinegar in it, and I know that, but I don't think my mom does. So, since I knew it had the alcohol in it, I guess I sort of broke, right? I mean I don't have the heart to not tell my mom that it has alcohol in it/I can't not eat the sandwich. And she made it twice, so I had to eat one tuesday, and today. What is your opinion on this? I consider myself edge still, but I guess I broke since I knew that the mustard had white wine in it.

06-26-2008, 04:39 PM
Okay, so my mom has made me a sandwich with dijon mustard, but the mustard has white wine vinegar in it, and I know that, but I don't think my mom does. So, since I knew it had the alcohol in it, I guess I sort of broke, right? I mean I don't have the heart to not tell my mom that it has alcohol in it/I can't not eat the sandwich. And she made it twice, so I had to eat one tuesday, and today. What is your opinion on this? I consider myself edge still, but I guess I broke since I knew that the mustard had white wine in it.

White wine vinegar or any vinegar is a process that ferments alcohol to acetic acid. You'd be hard pressed to get drunk from white wine vinegar dude!

06-26-2008, 05:53 PM
So, I'm still straight edge then? SWEET!!! And my other concern is I bought some soysauce made organically, with just like soybeans and whole wheat(maybe with another ingredient, like water) and I think that might have alcohol in it too. Should I keep looking for non alcoholic soysauce?

06-26-2008, 07:40 PM
So, I'm still straight edge then? SWEET!!! And my other concern is I bought some soysauce made organically, with just like soybeans and whole wheat(maybe with another ingredient, like water) and I think that might have alcohol in it too. Should I keep looking for non alcoholic soysauce?

Are you serious? Do you suffer from OCD?

I'm not saying you are still straightedge or that you aren't but if i said you weren't edge would that change your actions on eating the mustard? I mean i think you shouldn't try so hard to fit into a pre existing stance like straightedge and instead should examine what you think and feel about things. For example if you think eating white wine vinegar in mustard is wrong then don't do it, if you think even the minimal caffeine in decaf drinks should be avoided then avoid them...do these things because you think thay should be done and think about exactly why you are avoiding them and leave straightedge out of the equation. If you personally have a reason to avoid white wine vinegar, soy sauce and decaf drinks then examine those reasons and don't use straightedge as a reason to do things otherwise you are just struggling to fit into a mould that may not fit your personal beliefs. If your personal reasoning just happens to coincide with straightedge then great but don't choose to do things or not do things simply to fit the idea of straightedge, do it for yourself and what you think.

You have gone on about endorphins, decafinated beverages and now mustard! I think you are really missing the point of the replies you have received, why are you so concerned about soy sauce, what is your actual reason for avoiding a soy sauce that may have a insignificant amount of alcohol in it. Examine that first, if you think soy sauce is ok then cool, if you don't then cool but at least then it will be what you think and not a choice based on fitting with an external idea like straightedge.

06-26-2008, 08:00 PM
But I don't like alcohol, and have no intentions of drinking when Im older. Also, I'm a buddhist, so I can't drink alcohol, or it would be disrespectful to my religion.

06-26-2008, 09:22 PM
But I don't like alcohol, and have no intentions of drinking when Im older. Also, I'm a buddhist, so I can't drink alcohol, or it would be disrespectful to my religion.

you really spend to spend some time thinking about why and what you believe in rather than asking other people whether or not something incredibly insignificant matters.

06-27-2008, 10:26 AM
But I don't like alcohol, and have no intentions of drinking when Im older. Also, I'm a buddhist, so I can't drink alcohol, or it would be disrespectful to my religion.

Yeah but again choosing religion as a reason to abstain ignores the idea of doing it for yourself. I am not sure if you have been able to grasp what was said in the post i made as you haven't really reacted to the points raised.

Out of interest, what kind of buddhism do you follow?

Straightedge revenge
06-27-2008, 04:19 PM
This thread is well funny. I cleaned my paint brushes with meths the other day and the fumes may have gone up my nose. Have I lost my edge ? If I have can I have it back again please ? Fucking well funny.

07-05-2008, 01:21 AM
wow, just the quote"Really? So im still straight edge? SWEET!" pissed me off.

If you need other people to tell you who you are, thats quite pathetic, and you should not even be edge. It's a commitment, a lifestyle, eating mustard with alcohol in it shouldnt change your aspect on life.