View Full Version : Actions, Missions, Operation

07-07-2008, 04:35 PM
What are You doing to improve yourself
among peoples?
What actions are You planning and realizing?
What steps are Your going to do?
(for example: graffity actions, hardline actions, hardcore concerts etc.)
I'am from Ukraine, our sxe-hardcore scene is at the top of begining - and
this all questions are very interesting for me.
Sorry for my English :) Tahnks

07-07-2008, 04:56 PM
nothing hardline. i doubt graffiti would do anything, but it might rise question to people who have never seen sxe. hardcore shows would definetly help!

07-08-2008, 09:18 AM
Only hardcorescene and that's all?
But, what are your porpouses?
Have a nice time with straight edge friends and ... ???

07-08-2008, 10:19 AM
Only hardcorescene and that's all?
But, what are your porpouses?
Have a nice time with straight edge friends and ... ???

I think the purpose is to continue to have a place for straightedge and hardcore to exist, to me that seems like a good purpose. Keeping that scene as a decent thing to be apart of in itself is no easy task, its all to easy to spread yourself to wide and try to encompass to much. I know that what attracted me to this scene was finding people who shared my outlook on things, most people don't have strong opinions on drugs or independant music that is totally expressive and kept independent so its great to see that people have kept that going strong.

Hardline is a rather misunderstood factor and certainly not something i personally ever wish to be associated with. Its definitely not something that would serve to allow straightedge to continue to be a postive scene.

Graffiti can be an awesome artistic expression, i mean when its done by someone talented. However i'm not to sure how it would relate to straightedge to much. I mean if there was a talented artist who chose to relay their personal feelings of straightedge through that medium then thats fair enough i guess but graffiti doesn't seem to be a popular past time with most hardcore kids. I think encouraging it would end up with badly painted slogans in inappropiate places that would make straightedge seem more like a troublesome gang than a positive group, not to mention that it would actively be asking kids to break the law unless you are talking about graffiti at a place that is permitted.

Basically i think putting on shows, putting out zines and geberally making a positive and forward thinking scene is a top goal and shouldn't be downplayed.

07-08-2008, 10:38 AM
Another important thing- peoples with their assured views on alcohol, drugs etc. and
desire of changing - we just can't find them.
There is in Ukraine us not so much and it's difficult to improve our way.
So we decided to ask You about sxe LIFESTYLE))))
What was your start point?

07-08-2008, 12:23 PM
Another important thing- peoples with their assured views on alcohol, drugs etc. and
desire of changing - we just can't find them.
There is in Ukraine us not so much and it's difficult to improve our way.
So we decided to ask You about sxe LIFESTYLE))))
What was your start point?

Do you have any local hardcore bands?

07-08-2008, 02:55 PM
Do you have any local hardcore bands?
No, haven't.
We have few hardcore bands, but they are not true, they are comercial
and we can't comunicate with them.
But i'am plaing guitar and drums for a long time, so i'am going to find
people and start making haka music:)

07-08-2008, 03:48 PM
No, haven't.
We have few hardcore bands, but they are not true, they are comercial
and we can't comunicate with them.
But i'am plaing guitar and drums for a long time, so i'am going to find
people and start making haka music:)

Well there may be some hardcore bands in your country, keep searching and if you start your own band you guys can network and try and get shows going. Good luck, if you find any bands from ukraine or do start your own then post about them on here!

07-08-2008, 04:12 PM
Well there may be some hardcore bands in your country, keep searching and if you start your own band you guys can network and try and get shows going. Good luck, if you find any bands from ukraine or do start your own then post about them on here!
Thanks for answer.
We will try!
And i with greate pleasure will continue communicate with You and i hope i'll improve my english)
Do you have ICQ number?Can you mail me?

07-08-2008, 05:32 PM
Thanks for answer.
We will try!
And i with greate pleasure will continue communicate with You and i hope i'll improve my english)
Do you have ICQ number?Can you mail me?

you can just leave me a message on here if you like.

07-30-2008, 07:42 AM
Mostly just flyers for Substance Free Youth (www.myspace.com/24sfy), which is affiliated with both straight edge and animal rights. We're relatively young as a "street team" but we already have members all across the USA and in Europe.