View Full Version : Caffeine?

09-30-2008, 12:40 PM
So i recently stopped drinking pop/soda/whatever you call it, coffee and uhh...o yeah energy drinks. Mainly i know the caffeine in those isn't very good for you. And well energy drinks...not good for you at all.

So my question is, would you drink "caffeine free" drinks like, some root beers and sprite?

09-30-2008, 12:49 PM
So i recently stopped drinking pop/soda/whatever you call it, coffee and uhh...o yeah energy drinks. Mainly i know the caffeine in those isn't very good for you. And well energy drinks...not good for you at all.

So my question is, would you drink "caffeine free" drinks like, some root beers and sprite?

I'm drinking a root beer right now. I can't drink too much carbonated stuff though, i prefer still drinks like juices and water.

09-30-2008, 12:49 PM
i live off caffeine which is pretty bad but yea i love caffeine and energy drink despite them being bad for you.

09-30-2008, 12:51 PM
i live off caffeine which is pretty bad but yea i love caffeine and energy drink despite them being bad for you.

It kind of contradicts a drug free stance don't you think?

09-30-2008, 12:51 PM
i live off caffeine which is pretty bad but yea i love caffeine and energy drink despite them being bad for you.

even though it's a drug?

09-30-2008, 01:26 PM
its a drug?
i did'nt even know that

09-30-2008, 01:28 PM
its a drug?
i did'nt even know that

yeah, that's where the energy comes from, caffeine is a stimulant.

09-30-2008, 01:36 PM
yeah, that's where the energy comes from, caffeine is a stimulant.
i cant believe i didnt know that lol
well i quess its time to get off the caffeine and start drinking no caffeine free drinks.

10-01-2008, 02:38 PM
I'm drinking a root beer right now. I can't drink too much carbonated stuff though, i prefer still drinks like juices and water.

Yeah i drink alot of still drinks. V8 splash, oj, aj, gj...green tea, lemonade. I wasnt to sure about root beer though. It's still all pop like. I wasn't sure if it had caffeine.

10-01-2008, 02:44 PM
Yeah i drink alot of still drinks. V8 splash, oj, aj, gj...green tea, lemonade. I wasnt to sure about root beer though. It's still all pop like. I wasn't sure if it had caffeine.

most doesn't, but some like barq's do.

10-01-2008, 02:49 PM
most doesn't, but some like barq's do.

see the only reason im curious is because i like root beer floats. THats some good stuff....[drools]. So since most dont have caffeine, i start having some of those again.

10-01-2008, 04:13 PM
root beer floats are amazing but since reading this thread i havent had any caffeine or energy drinks.

10-02-2008, 06:23 AM
I didn't think caffine was a drug either, but upon going this site I discovered the effects of caffine on the body and how bad it can get to people. Now I notice when people are buying energy drinks to keep themselves awake or say "Damn, I couldn't get up in the morning without a cup of coffee".

10-02-2008, 07:57 AM
root beer floats are amazing but since reading this thread i havent had any caffeine or energy drinks.
evidently some rootbeers dont have caffeine

I didn't think caffine was a drug either, but upon going this site I discovered the effects of caffine on the body and how bad it can get to people. Now I notice when people are buying energy drinks to keep themselves awake or say "Damn, I couldn't get up in the morning without a cup of coffee".

Yeah that's why i stopped. My parents drink coffee every morning and if they don't...well they're grumpy assholes. So i don't want any substance effecting(affecting?) me like that. That and my friend james can't go a day without drinking pop. Although, he the strongest person i have ever seen and is in amazing physical condition. Still hes addicted...haha.

10-02-2008, 08:44 AM
I'm still drinkin caffeine in the form of Pepsi Max and English tea. I am not addicted at all - I can spend weeks without drinkin' them if I have to - but Pepsi Max is the only soft drink I really like and here's no decaf version of it. And when everyone around is drinking booze I'm drinking Pepsi and water..

Well, maybe some day.

10-20-2008, 06:31 AM
i usually just drink alot of vitamin water, sobe, or good ol' h20. i used to drink so much mountain dew it was ridiculous but i haven't had one in ages

10-30-2008, 12:16 AM
i don't really understand why caffeine is such a big deal. i mean yes i guess you could consider it a drug because it has mind altering effects, but it's not like i'm going to drink coffee and then completely loose my grip with reality and have sex with a random person i don't know

10-30-2008, 02:38 AM
i don't really understand why caffeine is such a big deal. i mean yes i guess you could consider it a drug because it has mind altering effects, but it's not like i'm going to drink coffee and then completely loose my grip with reality and have sex with a random person i don't know

here we go again!

well, dude, it's the same with a beer. is that ok?
and i know my parents are a slave to caffeine, if they don't get their fix of coffee in the morning, all hell breaks loose.
you should read the whole thread, or threads, the issue had been talked about a lot.

10-31-2008, 01:23 AM
I'm still drinkin caffeine in the form of Pepsi Max and English tea. I am not addicted at all - I can spend weeks without drinkin' them if I have to - but Pepsi Max is the only soft drink I really like and here's no decaf version of it. And when everyone around is drinking booze I'm drinking Pepsi and water..

Well, maybe some day.

So because they don't make a non caffinated version of Pepsi Max, its ok to drink it? Thats like saying they don't make a non-alcoholic version of beer, so its ok to just drink it. Caffeine is addictive, it is mind altering, yeah you might not get "fucked up" on it, but it still gives you that "fix", which is what drugs do.

10-31-2008, 01:25 AM
i don't really understand why caffeine is such a big deal. i mean yes i guess you could consider it a drug because it has mind altering effects, but it's not like i'm going to drink coffee and then completely loose my grip with reality and have sex with a random person i don't know

I'm not trying to be mean here, but in all honesty, that was just dumb. You said "i guess you could consider it a drug" << if your edge and/or drug free, then your admitting its a drug, but yet your fine with it??? doesn't add up in my book.

10-31-2008, 08:42 AM
So because they don't make a non caffinated version of Pepsi Max, its ok to drink it? Thats like saying they don't make a non-alcoholic version of beer, so its ok to just drink it. Caffeine is addictive, it is mind altering, yeah you might not get "fucked up" on it, but it still gives you that "fix", which is what drugs do.

My edge, my rules.

10-31-2008, 09:05 AM
My edge, my rules.

Lots of people try to use that one....

If someone said to you that they were straight edge but they had 2 cans of beer every 2nd Saturday, you would say they weren't straight edge. But hey, it's there edge and there rules.

You see how it doesn't make sense?

Not being a dick or anything, just saying.

10-31-2008, 05:25 PM
Not being a dick or anything, just saying.

And you being right, I have to agree, and you're not being a dick (or anything).

Well, I count few strict lines in sxe; no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking, those are my #1 guidelines. But the most important guideline is listening to myself and being true to myself and my values; well, okay, many people think that caffeine is a drug, I don't know my attitude with it yet (I think I need to use Google a bit more before saying anything).

I'm trying to avoid caffeine in most of cases (no coffee and tea only when visiting someone, usually when you go to somewhere in Finland you have to drink coffee or tea), but well, as I don't see it harmful to myself (yet) I'm not very much thinking about it.

Halloween night, I'm tired. I know that anything above doesn't make very good sense. And the "my edge, my rules"-quotation were mostly like a.. "end of discussion /w JoeyX"-quotation.

11-01-2008, 01:30 PM
this thread is like some evil moster.lets take chucky! it comes, it gets anoying, goes away and a few weeks/months...............................ITS BACK!

11-01-2008, 01:58 PM
Stoooopid! Im drinking a big old cup of joe with my vegan brownie right now.

11-02-2008, 08:49 PM
Stoooopid! Im drinking a big old cup of joe with my vegan brownie right now.

consistency in beliefs and actions.
it's like vegans that eat honey.

11-02-2008, 11:03 PM
consistency in beliefs and actions.
it's like vegans that eat honey.

Wow that is the first time I made the connection between vegans and honey. I suppose I am kinda slow?

11-03-2008, 05:32 AM
Wow that is the first time I made the connection between vegans and honey. I suppose I am kinda slow?

what, that honey isn't vegan?

11-03-2008, 09:19 AM
what, that honey isn't vegan?

Yeah I never really thought about honey being a product of animals. I mean, I knew that it was, I just never really thought about it like that.

11-03-2008, 09:26 AM
Yeah I never really thought about honey being a product of animals. I mean, I knew that it was, I just never really thought about it like that.

I'm all about expanding minds!

11-03-2008, 03:50 PM
I'm trying to avoid caffeine in most of cases (no coffee and tea only when visiting someone, usually when you go to somewhere in Finland you have to drink coffee or tea), but well, as I don't see it harmful to myself (yet) I'm not very much thinking about it.

England is pretty well known for drinking a lot of tea, everyone at work drinks tea and coffee, people always offer it when i visit people but just because it is such an ingrained social standard you can avoid it. There are a load of caffeine free alternatives, just carry a rooibos tea bag with you when you visit people or something. Unfortunately caffeine being a drug is not really a debatable matter, as for it not causing you harm, well alot of drugs will not cause harm taken in small doses, just food for thought.

11-03-2008, 03:57 PM
Yeah I never really thought about honey being a product of animals. I mean, I knew that it was, I just never really thought about it like that.

did you think about silk?

11-03-2008, 11:10 PM
did you think about silk?

Nope, its a good thing I am not a vegan. I'd be the most inconsistent vegan ever!

11-24-2008, 08:50 PM
i no that energy drink are bad and that caffeine is drug ive known that for a long time but the reason i drink energy drinks is becuz i like the taste and i have never felt and effect from them even when i first had one but if i from 3 or 4 at one time i fell jumpy and i dont like that so i never do that but ya im ganna stop drinking energy drinks becuz they cost to much and are very bad for u

11-25-2008, 01:25 AM
So i recently stopped drinking pop/soda/whatever you call it, coffee and uhh...o yeah energy drinks. Mainly i know the caffeine in those isn't very good for you. And well energy drinks...not good for you at all.

So my question is, would you drink "caffeine free" drinks like, some root beers and sprite?

i love root beer...donīt drink carbonated drinks with sweetener i think the best stuff to drink is some fresh juice or "ordinary" water...

and caffeine is a drug and it can make you dependent on it so i donīt drink it...

12-03-2008, 12:34 AM
That's right. My sxe friends and I would have rootbeer kegs in college. Carbonated drinks and anything that's so sugary isn't good for you, let alone the fact that caffeine is a drug. But occassionally you need to enjoy some sugar. :D

By the by, I too grew up with tons of tea in my house (European grandparents), and still drink at least 2 cups a day. However, there are plenty of herbal alternatives.