View Full Version : Sex

10-26-2008, 02:43 PM
Okay, so I'm thinking about a FWB (friends with benefits) type deal, because I'm not really looking for a relationship now. And I was wondering, if I use a condom, and the girl is drug/disease free, it doesnt go against straight edge, does it? I know most straight edge kids don't fuck, and I normally don't fuck, but it's been a while, lol. So yeah, tell me what you think.

10-26-2008, 03:37 PM
i have sex with my partner, but we have been dating for around nine months. Honestly, do what you want, who cares about some arbitrary "rules" that are only enforced by other peoples' opinions of you. If you can live with it and think it's fine, then do it.

10-26-2008, 04:14 PM
Okay, so I'm thinking about a FWB (friends with benefits) type deal, because I'm not really looking for a relationship now. And I was wondering, if I use a condom, and the girl is drug/disease free, it doesnt go against straight edge, does it? I know most straight edge kids don't fuck, and I normally don't fuck, but it's been a while, lol. So yeah, tell me what you think.

Why would it go against straight edge?

10-26-2008, 04:30 PM
Idk, isnt like having sex with prostitutes against edge? But I'm not talking about prostitutes, I'm talking about normal people. Plust no promiscuous sex, but like I said, it's been a while, and Idk, I wanna experience new things.

10-26-2008, 06:47 PM
Oh, it's this guy again....

10-26-2008, 07:58 PM
well with me i have sex with my girlfriend but we have been dating for about a year and she to is straightedge i say only fuck if you've been dating for awhile

10-26-2008, 10:53 PM
my own personal thing is not to have sex with anyone im not in a relationship with.

but i feel that if u want to have a FWB its prefectly okay if thats the ONLY person you're doing things with, and if you're the ONLY person they are doing things with. b/c then its not promiscuous.

10-27-2008, 04:50 AM
Idk, isnt like having sex with prostitutes against edge? But I'm not talking about prostitutes, I'm talking about normal people. Plust no promiscuous sex, but like I said, it's been a while, and Idk, I wanna experience new things.

So why would it go against straight edge?

11-24-2008, 09:03 PM
So why would it go against straight edge?

say same question
has far as i no haveing sex is ok
some of ppl ive talked to think being edge is about not haveing sex, drinking, and doing drugs (these ppl are not edge)
but i always thought sex had nothing to do with being edge or not

11-25-2008, 01:14 AM
say same question
has far as i no haveing sex is ok
some of ppl ive talked to think being edge is about not haveing sex, drinking, and doing drugs (these ppl are not edge)
but i always thought sex had nothing to do with being edge or not

i think that promiscuity or moderation have au fond nothing to do with being edge or not...

but promiscous life is hardly compatible with "edge ideas"...

11-25-2008, 01:17 AM
my own personal thing is not to have sex with anyone im not in a relationship with.

but i feel that if u want to have a FWB its prefectly okay if thats the ONLY person you're doing things with, and if you're the ONLY person they are doing things with. b/c then its not promiscuous.

exactly. having more FWBīs is promiscous but if you dontīt want to have serious partnership, itīs good to have one FWB than going to some fancy house...

12-24-2008, 10:04 AM
i think that promiscuity or moderation have au fond nothing to do with being edge or not...

but promiscous life is hardly compatible with "edge ideas"...

"I Don't Smoke. I Don't Drink. I Don't Fuck."

Although straight edge has evolved. Don't fuck as a conquest, and most would say that is straight edge. Drinking coke is also, by many, considered ok. Although that is clearly a drug. Don't ask the question. You should already know the answer. Be true to your beliefs and don't do mind altering drugs. Then call yourself Straight Edge.