View Full Version : just wanna ask ya guyz...

11-20-2008, 03:10 AM
whatīs the most difficult on being veggie/vegan for you? like any complications, prejudices (fuck them) etc.

second one: Please post your favourite veggie/vegan site :-)

11-20-2008, 06:58 AM
whatīs the most difficult on being veggie/vegan for you? like any complications, prejudices (fuck them) etc.

second one: Please post your favourite veggie/vegan site :-)

i'm not vegetarian/vegan but i had one of the greatest vegan food in my life about a month ago in Prague, Squat Milada. haha

11-20-2008, 07:00 AM
i'm not vegetarian/vegan but i had one of the greatest vegan food in my life about a month ago in Prague, Squat Milada. haha

hey maan! you fuckin now Pragueīs squat Milada??awsome

11-20-2008, 07:02 AM
hey maan! you fuckin now Pragueīs squat Milada??awsome

hey fuck!!!

24.10. Gyalazát (hc/thrash/punk, Maďarsko)
Dózer.hu (freestyle/psychedelic hardcore, Maďarsko)
Ginnungagap (crust, Praha)

you was there :-)))))

11-20-2008, 07:02 AM
hey maan! you fuckin now Pragueīs squat Milada??awsome

yeah, we played some shows in the Czech republic with my band, and one was at Milada. we've met some great bunch of people, and Prague rules!

11-20-2008, 07:26 AM
yeah, we played some shows in the Czech republic with my band, and one was at Milada. we've met some great bunch of people, and Prague rules!

ohh i have to see you guys when you come to Czech Republic again...

yeah, Prague is a wonderful and nowadays , a lot of hardcore/crust bands play there

11-20-2008, 07:36 AM
ohh i have to see you guys when you come to Czech Republic again...

yeah, Prague is a wonderful and nowadays , a lot of hardcore/crust bands play there

we'll probably go again in march. Yeah, as far as i know there are a lot of shows going on in that region! Definitely cool.

11-20-2008, 07:56 AM
so i hope weīll meet and waffle together :-)

ya ya im so glad to live in Prague...i remember more shows exactly when i was in Boston...boston hardcore never dies

11-20-2008, 07:59 AM
so i hope weīll meet and waffle tohether :-)

ya ya im so glad to live in Prague...i remember more shows exactly when i was in Boston...boston hardcore never dies

Boston huh? Were you studying there? How much time did you spend there?

11-20-2008, 08:04 AM
Boston huh? Were you studying there? How much time did you spend there?

ya i was studying there but just summer course...so i was there for 2 months...but it was unforgettable - every night various hardcore gigs...wish to come back soon

11-20-2008, 08:51 AM
ya i was studying there but just summer course...so i was there for 2 months...but it was unforgettable - every night various hardcore gigs...wish to come back soon
wow, nice. there's a czech punk girl i know who is also studying in the usa. hope i can get there sometime.

11-20-2008, 09:02 AM
love the spirit of boston hardcore gigs - no cigarettes, no alcohol but much more fun and energy

11-20-2008, 09:05 AM
wow, nice. there's a czech punk girl i know who is also studying in the usa. hope i can get there sometime.

what doeīs it mean "there is" - do you mean on the forum or in Hungary?

and what is the situation in Hungary about hardcore/crust/punk gigs?

11-20-2008, 09:22 AM
what doeīs it mean "there is" - do you mean on the forum or in Hungary?

and what is the situation in Hungary about hardcore/crust/punk gigs?

neither. she lives in the czech republic now i think.

Hungarian situation is getting better and better every year, there are a lot of show promoters and bands. Budapest, the capitol has at least 2 shows every week, I can't complain really.

11-20-2008, 10:57 AM
whatīs the most difficult on being veggie/vegan for you? like any complications, prejudices (fuck them) etc.

second one: Please post your favourite veggie/vegan site :-)

the toughest part for me is the fact that i have to eat differently than my wife and kids. leaves me to eat alone alot and sometimes i have to deal with MEAT ugh to feed my kids! although my kids love some shells and chreese and theres a restaurant we all go to that serves vegan food and the kids like the vegan stuff better than the meat products! GO THEM!!! im betting by age 14 they will be just like me!

11-20-2008, 10:57 AM
the toughest part for me is the fact that i have to eat differently than my wife and kids. leaves me to eat alone alot and sometimes i have to deal with MEAT ugh to feed my kids! although my kids love some shells and chreese and theres a restaurant we all go to that serves vegan food and the kids like the vegan stuff better than the meat products! GO THEM!!! im betting by age 14 they will be just like me!

do they eat balut?

11-20-2008, 11:21 AM
do they eat balut?

naw they arent disgusting! hahaha
their relatives do though, pretty disturbing

11-20-2008, 11:21 AM
the toughest part for me is the fact that i have to eat differently than my wife and kids. leaves me to eat alone alot and sometimes i have to deal with MEAT ugh to feed my kids! although my kids love some shells and chreese and theres a restaurant we all go to that serves vegan food and the kids like the vegan stuff better than the meat products! GO THEM!!! im betting by age 14 they will be just like me!

i agree with you. i also thing that the toughest part is the familly and best friends...

and how old are they? I think that young kids canīt think about this things and they decide what to eat in accordance of its taste not in accordance to their conscience. But if you nurture them in a right way, i bet they will be like you..

11-20-2008, 11:26 AM
i agree with you. i also thing that the toughest part is the familly and best friends...

and how old are they? I think that young kids canīt think about this things and they decide what to eat in accordance of its taste not in accordance to their conscience. But if you nurture them in a right way, i bet they will be like you..

they are young and i think its great for them to have a dad like me because not only do they eat the regular foods that other kids eat they are given other options that most kids would rarely see. how many 3 year olds eat falafel? but as far as their conscience goes you're right they dont think about it yet... i plan on just leading by example and continue to give them lots of options.

11-20-2008, 12:56 PM
The toughest part for me is being a weirdo vegan when my family wants to sit around the table for thanksgiving and christmas and eat turkey or ham or whatever filth until they pass out. The gluttony of the season and a full-bodied dead animal carcass (turkeys are huge) on the table repulses me. The food of the standard american family during the holiday season is just an explosion of animal products and too much for me to handle. I'm not a big fan of a holiday devoted to gorging one self until one nearly becomes sick.

11-20-2008, 05:33 PM
i want to be a vegan.............im not allowed says my dad. its not that he has anything against them, he just thinks i need meet for a good source of nutrients.

11-20-2008, 06:03 PM
i want to be a vegan.............im not allowed says my dad. its not that he has anything against them, he just thinks i need meet for a good source of nutrients.

i was in a similar situation a while ago. i went vegan during summer when i never ate at home anyway and by the time summer was over i told my parents i had been vegan for the past 2 months whilst biking around 20-30 miles a day without losing any weight or energy. The whole argument of it being not healthy went out the window after that. It's been smooth sailing ever since some one and a half years later.

11-20-2008, 06:10 PM
that wouldnt really work for me. i have bone loss and i think he thinks it would make it worse...........im not sure if he is right

11-21-2008, 04:25 AM
i want to be a vegan.............im not allowed says my dad. its not that he has anything against them, he just thinks i need meet for a good source of nutrients.

my parents have the same opinion, so i had to move away :-)

11-21-2008, 04:30 AM
The toughest part for me is being a weirdo vegan when my family wants to sit around the table for thanksgiving and christmas and eat turkey or ham or whatever filth until they pass out. The gluttony of the season and a full-bodied dead animal carcass (turkeys are huge) on the table repulses me. The food of the standard american family during the holiday season is just an explosion of animal products and too much for me to handle. I'm not a big fan of a holiday devoted to gorging one self until one nearly becomes sick.

oh, thatīs doomy....iīv very thoroughful familly and girlfriend so they donīt eat meal with meat in the presence of me if itīs not really essential...

11-21-2008, 04:47 AM
they are young and i think its great for them to have a dad like me because not only do they eat the regular foods that other kids eat they are given other options that most kids would rarely see. how many 3 year olds eat falafel? but as far as their conscience goes you're right they dont think about it yet... i plan on just leading by example and continue to give them lots of options.

i absolutely agree! itīs very good for them that they have chance to choose between meat and meal without meat. later they can conclude that eating vegan food is the right way. i thing that giving them lots of options is the best way to direct them towards your opinions...

11-21-2008, 04:53 AM
i was in a similar situation a while ago. i went vegan during summer when i never ate at home anyway and by the time summer was over i told my parents i had been vegan for the past 2 months whilst biking around 20-30 miles a day without losing any weight or energy. The whole argument of it being not healthy went out the window after that. It's been smooth sailing ever since some one and a half years later.

itīs a pity, that the major part of population thinks of vegans/vegetarians as something weird, and something that could cause some serious mayhem...I think itīs because of just few people know what really means to be a vegan/vegetarian. "Freaky man with moss on his head"

11-21-2008, 07:28 AM
itīs a pity, that the major part of population thinks of vegans/vegetarians as something weird, and something that could cause some serious mayhem...I think itīs because of just few people know what really means to be a vegan/vegetarian. "Freaky man with moss on his head"

and you know what? fuck the majority of the population!

11-21-2008, 07:32 AM
and you know what? fuck the majority of the population!

no doubt! fuck them because we know and thatīs what really matters.

11-26-2008, 02:04 PM
whatīs the most difficult on being veggie/vegan for you? like any complications, prejudices (fuck them) etc.

When I was on vegan diet the toughest part is to here my mom's complains how I'm ruining my life by denying everything from myself and not eating properly. When I actually ate better and healthier when I was a vegan. Now I've been on veggie diet for about 6 months, but I'm going back to vegan after christmas, it suits me so much more better.

11-26-2008, 03:56 PM
When I was on vegan diet the toughest part is to here my mom's complains how I'm ruining my life by denying everything from myself and not eating properly. When I actually ate better and healthier when I was a vegan. Now I've been on veggie diet for about 6 months, but I'm going back to vegan after christmas, it suits me so much more better.

I was vegan for about 3 and a half years and pretty much came to the conclusion that i was denying myself a lot of things i wanted or wanted to try. I learnt a lot through being vegan particularly about my own body and my metabolism and all sorts of food properties etc. Now i eat a pretty healthy and varied diet and enjoy all the foods i like also. For me veganism was primarily about health, its a really healthy diet, i think if you have ethical issues its great but you can make your diet equally as healthy and eat just as well with a regular diet.

11-27-2008, 01:52 AM
I was vegan for about 3 and a half years and pretty much came to the conclusion that i was denying myself a lot of things i wanted or wanted to try. I learnt a lot through being vegan particularly about my own body and my metabolism and all sorts of food properties etc. Now i eat a pretty healthy and varied diet and enjoy all the foods i like also. For me veganism was primarily about health, its a really healthy diet, i think if you have ethical issues its great but you can make your diet equally as healthy and eat just as well with a regular diet.

I feel very uncomfortable for eating anything animal and there isn't anything I would miss from my diet now that I couldn't replace with some vegan product. I don't know why it is so hard for me to try to eat healthier now when I'm on "normal" veggie diet. I know I'll feel better in so many ways when I'm on vegan diet.

11-27-2008, 09:16 AM
I feel very uncomfortable for eating anything animal and there isn't anything I would miss from my diet now that I couldn't replace with some vegan product. I don't know why it is so hard for me to try to eat healthier now when I'm on "normal" veggie diet. I know I'll feel better in so many ways when I'm on vegan diet.

Fortunately i don't of that issue of being uncomfortable eating animals so i get to eat what i like.

11-27-2008, 04:45 PM
Fortunately i don't of that issue of being uncomfortable eating animals so i get to eat what i like.

Well, I get to eat what I like too. And I prefer the taste of soy products compared to dairy. And I have never even liked the taste of meat, not that I even remember what it tasted like since it's been years since I ate any.

11-27-2008, 05:15 PM
Well, I get to eat what I like too. And I prefer the taste of soy products compared to dairy. And I have never even liked the taste of meat, not that I even remember what it tasted like since it's been years since I ate any.

You couldn't eat something you've never tried before if it was meat though. You don't know what it tastes like if its something you have never tried so saying you don't like it is neither here nor there. Your views on animals and your vegetarian/vegan diet restricts you from trying anything that isn't within the parameters of those diets. I can try all kinds of foods even if i think i might not like it or whatever, there are all sorts of weird and wonderful foods open to me, i am not restricted the way you are by ethics and diet.

11-27-2008, 05:23 PM
You couldn't eat something you've never tried before if it was meat though. You don't know what it tastes like if its something you have never tried so saying you don't like it is neither here nor there. Your views on animals and your vegetarian/vegan diet restricts you from trying anything that isn't within the parameters of those diets. I can try all kinds of foods even if i think i might not like it or whatever, there are all sorts of weird and wonderful foods open to me, i am not restricted the way you are by ethics and diet.

True, but I wouldn't be even interested or tempted on trying anything that has meat. When it comes to food there are very few meals I like. Trying out new foods is not really intriguing to me.

11-27-2008, 05:44 PM
True, but I wouldn't be even interested or tempted on trying anything that has meat. When it comes to food there are very few meals I like. Trying out new foods is not really intriguing to me.

Well yes, i'm sure its really of no interest to you to sample wondrous new foods from different cultures, if it did interest you you'd be a little stuck! And of course you aren't interested in trying things with meat in, your ethics clearly put that message across. Its a little like my being straightedge, i have no desire to drink any alcohol but if i did want to i would have to rethink things, of course its different because its more of a personal choice where as most vegans are thinking on behalf of animals so i guess you'd need to meet the meat!


11-28-2008, 08:38 AM
Well yes, i'm sure its really of no interest to you to sample wondrous new foods from different cultures, if it did interest you you'd be a little stuck! And of course you aren't interested in trying things with meat in, your ethics clearly put that message across. Its a little like my being straightedge, i have no desire to drink any alcohol but if i did want to i would have to rethink things, of course its different because its more of a personal choice where as most vegans are thinking on behalf of animals so i guess you'd need to meet the meat!


i absolutely agree with you that following some diet or rules of eating is really restrictive. I donīt agree with people who are vegies/vegans just because of being part of some group. But im okay with being vegie/vegan because of your own attitude. I donīt eat meat not beacause of some taboo, but because i really donīt like it and i hate the thought of eating "dead flesh". Everybody sholud think on behalf of his personal conscience.

12-03-2008, 03:01 PM
whatīs the most difficult on being veggie/vegan for you? like any complications, prejudices (fuck them) etc.

second one: Please post your favourite veggie/vegan site :-)

It looks like no one listed his/her favorite veg site. Here are a couple of mine: www.veganessentials.com www.veganstore.com www.azvegan.com www.dailyplate.com

I like using the Daily Plate to keep track of my calories, exercise routines, etc.

Regarding the first question, the most difficult thing I find as a vegan is the scrutiny I receive from people, including other veg*ns. For example, if I'm ordering a veggie sandwich, I try not to think too much about the ingredients in the bread. I'm not strict about my diet when I'm dining out, although I try to pick places that I know are veg-friendly if given the opportunity to suggest. I'm surprised and amazed at how people will react if I don't fit into their idea of how a vegan should act; truly a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

12-03-2008, 04:21 PM
It looks like no one listed his/her favorite veg site. Here are a couple of mine: www.veganessentials.com www.veganstore.com www.azvegan.com www.dailyplate.com

I like using the Daily Plate to keep track of my calories, exercise routines, etc.

Regarding the first question, the most difficult thing I find as a vegan is the scrutiny I receive from people, including other veg*ns. For example, if I'm ordering a veggie sandwich, I try not to think too much about the ingredients in the bread. I'm not strict about my diet when I'm dining out, although I try to pick places that I know are veg-friendly if given the opportunity to suggest. I'm surprised and amazed at how people will react if I don't fit into their idea of how a vegan should act; truly a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

oh, thanks for posting your favourite veg sites!

yes, i must agree, people are always expecting that you will fit into their idea of "ideal vegan". I love to eat in veg restaurants, cuz the stuff and other people are veg-friendly and you can also chat about veg meal.

12-11-2008, 07:59 AM
I'm trying Veganism at the moment, not for any health reasons, moreso because of my love of animals.
It seems to be going okay so far i noticed my energy is very good actually better than before, i eat alot of chick peas, brown rice, assorted veggies, alot of tofu and mixed nuts.