View Full Version : moderation

11-21-2008, 08:56 AM
What is your view on moderate use of drugs? For example people having a drink/smoking dope ocassionally.
Do you view it as you do a person getting hammered? or just a crutch? Or do you think they are insecure with their lives and need to get intoxicated to be able to have fun?

Let's discuss!

11-21-2008, 09:28 AM
What is your view on moderate use of drugs? For example people having a drink/smoking dope ocassionally.
Do you view it as you do a person getting hammered? or just a crutch? Or do you think they are insecure with their lives and need to get intoxicated to be able to have fun?

Let's discuss!

Moderate use of drugs is very relative. Who can say, what´s moderate, and what´s not any more? i think that the border between "weekend users" and drug addicts is very fuzzy. You can be ocassionall user today, but tomorrow, you can be drug addict.

So my opinion is, that just innocent try is very hazardous.

11-21-2008, 09:28 AM
I think, certainly where I live, that people think that they need to drink in order to be more "sociable" and have more "fun". I don't think people have ever stood back and realised that drinking doesn't create this "fun" that they go looking for, and that they don't even need to drink to be sociable with people.

Even my parents say to me "just have one or two beers and at least be sociable". And it is like, what the fuck, how is drinking one or two of those going to make me more sociable with people. It is fucked up and makes no sense what so ever, but because it is the mass normality, everyone follows this and can't understand someone who can actually stand back and realise something isn't right.

If other people want to drink or smoke or whatever in moderation, that is fine with me. I do not particularly care. When people have this attitude where they go out with the intentions of getting absolutely shit faced, that really annoys me simply because I cannot see why anyone would want to do that. But then again, that is maybe just because that type of thing doesn't interest or excite me at all.

The majority of people can't understand that I am a person just like them (Minor Threat are awesome) because a good Saturday night to me is spent playing hockey, or playing Xbox or even just hanging out with friends. If you don't go out on Saturday nights drinking at all, then you are a weird dude, but really, I see myself as an actual individual, not one of these kids who think they are there own person yet follow in the footsteps of every other kid they know.

Basically, moderation I can live with. This is a good thread Dini, I hope more people answer. I gave you more than you wanted probably but I had fun writing it anyway.

11-22-2008, 06:19 AM
I think, certainly where I live, that people think that they need to drink in order to be more "sociable" and have more "fun". I don't think people have ever stood back and realised that drinking doesn't create this "fun" that they go looking for, and that they don't even need to drink to be sociable with people.

Even my parents say to me "just have one or two beers and at least be sociable". And it is like, what the fuck, how is drinking one or two of those going to make me more sociable with people. It is fucked up and makes no sense what so ever, but because it is the mass normality, everyone follows this and can't understand someone who can actually stand back and realise something isn't right.

If other people want to drink or smoke or whatever in moderation, that is fine with me. I do not particularly care. When people have this attitude where they go out with the intentions of getting absolutely shit faced, that really annoys me simply because I cannot see why anyone would want to do that. But then again, that is maybe just because that type of thing doesn't interest or excite me at all.

The majority of people can't understand that I am a person just like them (Minor Threat are awesome) because a good Saturday night to me is spent playing hockey, or playing Xbox or even just hanging out with friends. If you don't go out on Saturday nights drinking at all, then you are a weird dude, but really, I see myself as an actual individual, not one of these kids who think they are there own person yet follow in the footsteps of every other kid they know.

Basically, moderation I can live with. This is a good thread Dini, I hope more people answer. I gave you more than you wanted probably but I had fun writing it anyway.

oh, that´s very interesting post. I think, that drinking alcohol by every convenience is very deep-seated in the modern society. The majority of people can´t imagine for example celebration New Year´s eve without sparkling wine...

As for drinking alcohol, i absolutely agree with you. When somebody drinks just one glass of wine or pint of beer, i´m okay with it. The problem is, when somebody must be really tight to be sociable and communicative. Most of them can´t "celebrate" and rollick without alcohol in their blood. And that´s sorrowful.

As i wrote above,by my opinion, moderate use of drugs doesn´t exist. May be just occasional smoking weed is conformable to occasional drinking of alcohol. But if you try drugs just once, you´re hype anyway, no drugs tester.

So, tu sum up - moderation i don´t care. But i hate permanently alcohol-soaked people.

11-22-2008, 08:12 AM
What is your view on moderate use of drugs? For example people having a drink/smoking dope ocassionally.
Do you view it as you do a person getting hammered? or just a crutch? Or do you think they are insecure with their lives and need to get intoxicated to be able to have fun?

Let's discuss!

My view on moderate drug use...well its not for me obviously but i don't view it the same as a person getting hammered necessarily. "Occasionally" is rather subjective and umbrellas a lot of different attitudes to drinking, some people i know will drink a small amount rather sporadically whilst others are a little more frequent with it but still remain occasional drinkers. Thinking about these people i don't feel they are insecure with their lives and as they drink only occasionally i don't think they need to drink to have fun - the truth of it is they may want to drink occasionally and find it fun to do on occasion. Whilst drinking and smoking dope is something i have no interest in and have no desire to do whatsoever, i find it incredibly hard to see the appeal a lot of the time, i understand that other people can view it very differently to me. I often see the social pressure of drinking and that can prey on insecurity of those who want to fit in, the acceptance of drinking in our society and the huge role it plays in social areas is an issue but i think it is a little naive to think that everyone that drinks occasionally or doesn't view drink and drugs the way i do is somehow unable to make informed choices that aren't routed in some negative manifestation of fear or insecurity. I don't need drink or drugs to have a good time and more importantly i don't want them, some people genuinely may want to drink once in a while and thats fine. I personally have much more of an issue with people who find it necessary to drink often and can't go out without drinking and i think that makes a definition between occasional users and those who seem to rely on it more. So no, i don't view it the same and i don't think it automatically means they need to do it to have fun at all, it might add to fun for them but the fact its "occasionally" makes me think its not a necessity in their lives. Of course like i say it really doesn't follow suit with my opinions at all.

12-12-2008, 01:49 PM
I think, certainly where I live, that people think that they need to drink in order to be more "sociable" and have more "fun". I don't think people have ever stood back and realised that drinking doesn't create this "fun" that they go looking for, and that they don't even need to drink to be sociable with people.

Even my parents say to me "just have one or two beers and at least be sociable". And it is like, what the fuck, how is drinking one or two of those going to make me more sociable with people. It is fucked up and makes no sense what so ever, but because it is the mass normality, everyone follows this and can't understand someone who can actually stand back and realize something isn't right.

If other people want to drink or smoke or whatever in moderation, that is fine with me. I do not particularly care. When people have this attitude where they go out with the intentions of getting absolutely shit faced, that really annoys me simply because I cannot see why anyone would want to do that. But then again, that is maybe just because that type of thing doesn't interest or excite me at all.

The majority of people can't understand that I am a person just like them (Minor Threat are awesome) because a good Saturday night to me is spent playing hockey, or playing Xbox or even just hanging out with friends. If you don't go out on Saturday nights drinking at all, then you are a weird dude, but really, I see myself as an actual individual, not one of these kids who think they are there own person yet follow in the footsteps of every other kid they know.

Basically, moderation I can live with. This is a good thread Dini, I hope more people answer. I gave you more than you wanted probably but I had fun writing it anyway.

So you're saying all alcohol use is really only SAID to have the effect of relaxing and loosening up ones inhibitions? People won't "step back and realize" that it doesn't do those things? That just sounds like ignorance.

I understand that it's common and acceptable in society to drink, and it can be a trap, a crutch, and is often the downfall of the user, but it feels good usually. It at least helps us act naturally...

We spend our whole lives having group think shoved in our face by our society. We're trained from birth to be 'good' citizens who behave properly and do what is acceptable and that causes us to build up walls and inhibitions. I think inhibitions are good for us obviously and keep society functional, but I understand the need people have to escape the pressure of civilization a while, act primal, and be at one with their true human nature. Alcohol is not happiness, nor does it 'solve' any problem, but it does a heavy number on inhibitions that otherwise keep people from acting like people.

12-12-2008, 01:52 PM
Moderation is the mark of wisdom, individuality, and self discipline. To achieve it you must be aware of yourself, aware of your actions, and willing to take responsibility for them both. It lacks the fear and ignorance that are often (keep in mind i'm saying often and not always) associated with abstinence. It lacks the recklessness and weakness that are associated with addiction. It is for an individual who respects both themselves and their place in the society they are a part of.

As has been mentioned, moderation is very relative and based entirely on exactly how ones indulgences are effecting their life, mindset, and relationships. The root of the problem with all addictions is unchecked and unbalanced selfishness and that is such a personal matter and causes so many different problems for people it's hard to establish a guideline.

It isn't easy to achieve, as has also been mentioned, but that's just an issue of civilization versus primal instinct and has less to do with the outward issues. People want to set up a system to figure it out ("This many a week and you're going too far.") and it just doesn't work that way.

12-13-2008, 12:56 PM
This is something I had to think long and hard about since my husband used to be straightedge and is now known to drink on occassion. Having to get over my qualms with his decision was extremely hard since I felt that he was changing a core belief that we shared at the beginning of our relationship.

He and our friends are not the type to go out and get hammered or go beyond caffeine and alcohol, so there is moderation being used there. The Ballydawse lyrics, "I wouldn’t disgrace my spit mixing with your corporate stout/indulgence can be freedom, moderation liberty/but the freedom for the weakest is the one that is for me" kept coming to mind. To me, living a drug free lifestyle takes discipline and to start drinking can be a slippery slope; it can be even harder to put on the brakes when you're going down said hill. So in some ways, I think it's harder to determine your personal limit than to not have a drink at all.

12-13-2008, 02:16 PM
This is something I had to think long and hard about since my husband used to be straightedge and is now known to drink on occassion. Having to get over my qualms with his decision was extremely hard since I felt that he was changing a core belief that we shared at the beginning of our relationship.

He and our friends are not the type to go out and get hammered or go beyond caffeine and alcohol, so there is moderation being used there. The Ballydawse lyrics, "I wouldn’t disgrace my spit mixing with your corporate stout/indulgence can be freedom, moderation liberty/but the freedom for the weakest is the one that is for me" kept coming to mind. To me, living a drug free lifestyle takes discipline and to start drinking can be a slippery slope; it can be even harder to put on the brakes when you're going down said hill. So in some ways, I think it's harder to determine your personal limit than to not have a drink at all.

Yeah it's a shot in the dark.

But I keep wanting to ask when it becomes a 'problem' and why we consider it that? What sort of rules are there besides "do what you will" ?

12-15-2008, 09:36 AM
Yeah it's a shot in the dark.

But I keep wanting to ask when it becomes a 'problem' and why we consider it that? What sort of rules are there besides "do what you will" ?

"Do what you will but harm none"

Drugs become a problem when it affects those around you or your work/school

12-15-2008, 03:12 PM


12-15-2008, 08:54 PM

12-15-2008, 09:38 PM
prohibition eh?

yeah that works. "Hello, Mafia!"

Speaking of which we should really end the drug one.

12-15-2008, 10:28 PM
eh, i just post that whenever the topic comes up. It's an old Unconquered shirt that i always think of every time i hear either the word "moderation" or "prohibition". I support the former much more so than the latter; though crime is sweet.

Wicked Brown
01-13-2009, 05:56 AM
i think any consumption of alcohal or narcotic is a horable thing.
every drink or hit kills brain cells