12-18-2008, 02:06 PM
Project web-site: http://www.c-h-p-a.org
So what exactly is CHPA? Our Mission Statement explains just that.
Project Mission Statement
The Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive strives to create an on-line, Internet-based, global hardcore and straight edge media archive available to anyone, anytime, any day of the year by creating, administering and constantly developing a public FTP server. The Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive makes it its primary goal to preserve hardcore, straight edge music and related media for future generations while adhering to DIY ethic, staying non-profit and preventing law and copyright infringement by vigilantly checking for legal permissions to host media files and providing consultation on the subject matter to anyone willing to contribute content to the Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive.
Project overview and some background information
There is a set of ideas that drived the inception of Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive project.
I believe that music should be free of charge for it's not money that motivates people to create passionate songs about fellowship, hardcore, straight edge, personal and collective struggles, etc.
The ultimate goal of creating a music record is not money, it is being able to let others hear it, reach people with your message, let them enjoy it and receive feedback so why would we want to charge anyone for desire to listen to the music we created?
There's a very obvious and important role financial gratification plays in the society we live in where monetary system is at its core. The artists need your financial support to be able to record their music in a studio or issue CDs/vinyls, or simply say buy strings for instruments. I realise it and thus make it clear to everyone that if you're really into band and their music you should by all means support them financially.
This is crucial as it brings us to the idea that support comes from those who really care. People who don't want to pay for your music will find a way not do so anyway.
I also believe that music should be available to everyone willing to hear it and music should also be preserved so that other generations could access intellectual, artistic fortune of today.
To sum it up the core believes behind Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive are following:
o music should be free (it's not about the money, it's about the art and the message)
o music should be available to everyone (let's make it available to the whole world at anytime)
o music should be preserved (it's crucial hardcore punk archive)
o support comes only from those who really care (people who don't want to pay for your music will find a way not to do so anyway)
Therefore Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive was created to serve a few specific purposes. First and foremost it provides a single point of access to hardcore/straight edge music and media from around the world free of charge, to anyone, 24/7/365. It stores music and other media permanently thus being ultimately an archive that can be accessed by younger generations in the future.
I emphasize the importance of creating an archive for the idea of running a global, comprehensive hardcore/straight edge archive created willingly by collective effort of hundreds of people from around the world thrills my mind.
I intend to do just that.
And I encourage and welcome you to become a part of Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive.
Original announcement message below.
Okay, here's the deal.
I run an FTP server that hosts ONLY straight edge/hardcore punk media. MP3s, videos, pics whatever. I host only with permission of media files owners.
No metalcore, grindcore or shitty bands pretending to be playing hardcore punk music.
FTP server can be accessed as an anonymous user. That means that anyone who knows its IP address can access it, view & download files from it.
If you, your band or your friends' band(s) need to host their mp3s, live performance videos, music videos etc. feel free to tell them about this FTP server and tell them how to contact me.
I'll host straight edge/hardcore punk media with great pleasure.
port: 21
login: anonymous
login: ftp
You can browse it in your web-browser application by clicking one of these links:
Server is up running 24/7. Some unplanned downtime is expected. It's free so it's kind of... expected. Server goes down seldom, though. But sometimes it does and you should keep it in mind.
So what exactly is CHPA? Our Mission Statement explains just that.
Project Mission Statement
The Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive strives to create an on-line, Internet-based, global hardcore and straight edge media archive available to anyone, anytime, any day of the year by creating, administering and constantly developing a public FTP server. The Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive makes it its primary goal to preserve hardcore, straight edge music and related media for future generations while adhering to DIY ethic, staying non-profit and preventing law and copyright infringement by vigilantly checking for legal permissions to host media files and providing consultation on the subject matter to anyone willing to contribute content to the Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive.
Project overview and some background information
There is a set of ideas that drived the inception of Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive project.
I believe that music should be free of charge for it's not money that motivates people to create passionate songs about fellowship, hardcore, straight edge, personal and collective struggles, etc.
The ultimate goal of creating a music record is not money, it is being able to let others hear it, reach people with your message, let them enjoy it and receive feedback so why would we want to charge anyone for desire to listen to the music we created?
There's a very obvious and important role financial gratification plays in the society we live in where monetary system is at its core. The artists need your financial support to be able to record their music in a studio or issue CDs/vinyls, or simply say buy strings for instruments. I realise it and thus make it clear to everyone that if you're really into band and their music you should by all means support them financially.
This is crucial as it brings us to the idea that support comes from those who really care. People who don't want to pay for your music will find a way not do so anyway.
I also believe that music should be available to everyone willing to hear it and music should also be preserved so that other generations could access intellectual, artistic fortune of today.
To sum it up the core believes behind Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive are following:
o music should be free (it's not about the money, it's about the art and the message)
o music should be available to everyone (let's make it available to the whole world at anytime)
o music should be preserved (it's crucial hardcore punk archive)
o support comes only from those who really care (people who don't want to pay for your music will find a way not to do so anyway)
Therefore Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive was created to serve a few specific purposes. First and foremost it provides a single point of access to hardcore/straight edge music and media from around the world free of charge, to anyone, 24/7/365. It stores music and other media permanently thus being ultimately an archive that can be accessed by younger generations in the future.
I emphasize the importance of creating an archive for the idea of running a global, comprehensive hardcore/straight edge archive created willingly by collective effort of hundreds of people from around the world thrills my mind.
I intend to do just that.
And I encourage and welcome you to become a part of Crucial Hardcore Punk Archive.
Original announcement message below.
Okay, here's the deal.
I run an FTP server that hosts ONLY straight edge/hardcore punk media. MP3s, videos, pics whatever. I host only with permission of media files owners.
No metalcore, grindcore or shitty bands pretending to be playing hardcore punk music.
FTP server can be accessed as an anonymous user. That means that anyone who knows its IP address can access it, view & download files from it.
If you, your band or your friends' band(s) need to host their mp3s, live performance videos, music videos etc. feel free to tell them about this FTP server and tell them how to contact me.
I'll host straight edge/hardcore punk media with great pleasure.
port: 21
login: anonymous
login: ftp
You can browse it in your web-browser application by clicking one of these links:
Server is up running 24/7. Some unplanned downtime is expected. It's free so it's kind of... expected. Server goes down seldom, though. But sometimes it does and you should keep it in mind.