View Full Version : Edge Day

Wicked Brown
01-06-2009, 05:40 AM
I don't meen to sound dumb but when is Edge Day?
Sorry I'm kind of new to Straight Edge.

01-06-2009, 05:46 AM
I don't meen to sound dumb but when is Edge Day?
Sorry I'm kind of new to Straight Edge.

october 17

01-08-2009, 12:04 PM
What's edge day about? is that the day straight edge was started in the year? so i assume there's a big emphasis on the lifestyle, I never heard of edge day though, i guess I am still learning things.

01-08-2009, 01:03 PM
What's edge day about? is that the day straight edge was started in the year? so i assume there's a big emphasis on the lifestyle, I never heard of edge day though, i guess I am still learning things.

nah, it's the day ten yard fight played their last show. it was essentially a joke that kept going and now there are usually shows in boston on edge day with edge bands.

Wicked Brown
01-08-2009, 02:55 PM
so.......i should look up ten yard fight or what?

01-08-2009, 03:15 PM
so.......i should look up ten yard fight or what?

yeah, they were pretty good

01-08-2009, 07:34 PM
can we claim it as a holiday or something?
so then we can get out of work/school and like go to gigs or something
XV1000 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Yamaha_XV1000)

Wicked Brown
01-09-2009, 04:58 AM
i think we should be able to

Wicked Brown
01-09-2009, 05:02 AM
by the way i looked up ten yard fight they were awsome what happend to them?
by the way does anybody else get fucked with by thier parents because you're SxE?

01-09-2009, 09:14 AM
by the way i looked up ten yard fight they were awsome what happend to them?
by the way does anybody else get fucked with by thier parents because you're SxE?

like most bands they broke. one guy went on to do stand and fight, the rest sold out.

01-09-2009, 11:05 PM
im so fucking taking a day off
GL1800 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Honda_GL1800)

01-10-2009, 08:23 AM
by the way i looked up ten yard fight they were awsome what happend to them?
by the way does anybody else get fucked with by thier parents because you're SxE?

I haven't lived with my parents since in quite a while ;D

When I did reside with them, they were concerned with my involvement with punk and hardcore, but were relieved when I explained more about the straightedge movement. They thought it was an excellent way for me to be a role model to my peers and my younger sister. Ironically, the very man that they were afraid of because of his appearance (squat man with tattoos on his forehead and hands) turned out to be my greatest mentor and eventually they encouraged me to hang around him more.

Is it the scene that your parents have a problem with or do they think sxe is a gang? I know that some of my friends in high school tried to claim edge but their parents wigged out when they saw the X drawn on things, thinking it was some affiliation to a gang, a la 60Minutes.

Wicked Brown
01-12-2009, 05:08 AM
It's not either of those resons
it's that my parents are drunks.
here let me share a memory with you
this new years eve we went to a "party" with a couple of my parents friends,
one of them asked me if i wanted a beer and i politly said "nah i'm sxe"
and this guy didn't know what it meant so i explained it to him
so a few minutes later my s-mom came in and heard me say "sxe" so she looks at her friend ,who by the way seems interested in what i have to say, and says one of the most ignorant dumb ass things i've ever heard she's like
"they say 'Straight' but it's realy 'gay-edge'"
so i ,instead of going off like my millitage back ground suggests, i left the room
GOD she is such a fucking bitch

01-12-2009, 09:17 AM
It's not either of those resons
it's that my parents are drunks.
here let me share a memory with you
this new years eve we went to a "party" with a couple of my parents friends,
one of them asked me if i wanted a beer and i politly said "nah i'm sxe"
and this guy didn't know what it meant so i explained it to him
so a few minutes later my s-mom came in and heard me say "sxe" so she looks at her friend ,who by the way seems interested in what i have to say, and says one of the most ignorant dumb ass things i've ever heard she's like
"they say 'Straight' but it's realy 'gay-edge'"
so i ,instead of going off like my millitage back ground suggests, i left the room
GOD she is such a fucking bitch

militancy doesn't really do anything other than lead to escalation and in this case wouldn't really help anyone. What's most likely the case is that your parents know that they drink excessively and feel some kind of judgment based on your sobriety, so they lash out.

Wicked Brown
04-03-2009, 08:52 AM
militancy doesn't really do anything other than lead to escalation and in this case wouldn't really help anyone. What's most likely the case is that your parents know that they drink excessively and feel some kind of judgment based on your sobriety, so they lash out.

thanks dusty you're my new idol

04-13-2009, 07:38 PM
Both of my parents smoke weed and drink. They don't take it seriously at all. Like, my younger sister; yeah I said it YOUNGER gets messed up all the damn time and I swear their more proud of her for " experiencing " things than for me for claiming straightedge.

My Dad think's its like an afterschool club and makes jokes about it constantly. It just doesn't get taken seriously around my house.

Wicked Brown
04-20-2009, 11:28 AM
hey man I know how you feel dude.
It sux right? I meen we are like some of the smartest kids and we get ridiculed for our wanting to be poision free
it's gay

04-22-2009, 01:03 AM
hey man I know how you feel dude.
It sux right? I meen we are like some of the smartest kids and we get ridiculed for our wanting to be poision free
it's gay

Your spelling doesn't help your image as one of the "smartest kids".

04-22-2009, 08:24 AM
Your spelling doesn't help your image as one of the "smartest kids".

The spelling is not what concerns me about this post, its the homophobic slur.

Wicked Brown
04-22-2009, 11:30 AM
okay sorry

Wicked Brown
04-22-2009, 11:30 AM
and besides I am Bi

04-22-2009, 04:16 PM
and besides I am Bi

Then it boggles the mind even more why to would associate homosexuality with negativity.

04-22-2009, 05:44 PM
semi relatedly, happy earth day!

Wicked Brown
04-24-2009, 06:05 AM
Then it boggles the mind even more why to would associate homosexuality with negativity.

You see the way I look at it is:
Other people are gonna say shit about it and all that so why not just get used to it?
You see I used to HATE gays, but that was only to cover up that I'm Bi.
you see it's kind of a...i don't know acctualy.

04-24-2009, 08:19 AM
You see the way I look at it is:
Other people are gonna say shit about it and all that so why not just get used to it?

The way i look at it is that its really shitty to condone disparaging comments based on sexual orientation and to do so is not only lazy and thoughtless it also enforces a negative view of homosexuality. Just because people say wrong things that are based in hatred it really is no reason for you to do so and in fact it is even more of a reason for you to oppose it in the way you speak at least. Sitting back and getting used to it is essentially you saying you have no problem with people seeing homosexuality in a negative way, you should be able to see your sexual preference in a proud and positive light and not just accept baseless degradation of it.

You see I used to HATE gays, but that was only to cover up that I'm Bi.
you see it's kind of a...i don't know acctualy.

and further more, these slurs on homosexuality help to make pride in ones sexuality even harder to the point where people have to hide their true feelings away, thats not right or healthy. The slurs just help people see it as a bad thing that no one wants to be, some people struggle to tell themselves they aren't gay purely because of the way its commonly percieved. You yourself speak of harbouring hatred towards gays rather than being open about your sexuality...its just so wrong, people should feel they are able to be free and comfortable in their sexuality and for that to happen people have to stop being so damn ignorant and allowing homosexuality to be seen as a good and wonderful thing.

Wicked Brown
04-27-2009, 08:46 AM
hey thanks bro. that makes more sence