View Full Version : So I know most of you know how to read...
01-11-2009, 05:56 PM
So you might even read books. What do you like to read? Favorite authors?
I am a big reader, and I am always looking for new authors to try out.
01-12-2009, 12:16 AM
So you might even read books. What do you like to read? Favorite authors?
I am a big reader, and I am always looking for new authors to try out.
I am a huge Lord of the Rings geek, so I have read the Hobbit, all 3 lord of the rings and the Silmarillion.
I also read some other fantasy, Piers Anthony is one of my favourite authors. I read a couple of books in his Xanth series. My favourite Piers Anthony book is On a Pale Horse. It is actually what the show "Dead Like Me" is based on.
And then I do your typical Tom Clancy. I have read most of his "Net Force" series and I have read Rainbow 6
And then there is a lot of political theory that I have been into such as Thomas Hobbes' leviathan, I have also read alot of John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Marx, all that sort of thing.
So you might even read books. What do you like to read? Favorite authors?
I am a big reader, and I am always looking for new authors to try out.
I'm a sucker for Dean R. Koontz. I also enjoy reading Peter Popper's books, he's a psychologist, and a really wise man. He gives lectures all around the world.
I doubt you could find his books translated to english, at least the ones he wrote for entertainment.
P. Howard (Jenő Rejtő) is a favourite of mine as well, you should try and find some of his books in english. He has a pretty unique style of writing, with lots of ironical humour.
I wish I had the time to read, I have about 10 books on my shelves I'd like to read...
01-12-2009, 03:45 AM
I am a huge Lord of the Rings geek, so I have read the Hobbit, all 3 lord of the rings and the Silmarillion.
i have them all, even the tales of tom bombadil, and i have read the series 17 times, i also love matthew reilly, george orwell, eion colfer, chris whitcomb, and several authors
01-12-2009, 04:07 AM
The Grapes Of Wrath by John Steinbeck, it's a beautiful story about a family that needs work during the dust bowl. I also read the biography of Kurt Cobain and Frank Zappa, the one about Cobain is the most shocking imo.
and others, i liked the harry potter books :)
Wicked Brown
01-12-2009, 05:18 AM
I liked this book called Beige it's by cecil castellucci it's about this chick who lives in canada but she has to go to L.a. to stay with her dad while her mom is in peru
she hates punk music but her dad is in the punk scene it's pretty bad-ass
01-12-2009, 08:17 AM
george orwell and things down that line
01-12-2009, 09:35 AM
i'm currently reading a book about a bunch of studies on the human brain and what changes it for the better and for the worse and why. It focusses on foods, diet, metabolism, sex, exercise, sleep, puzzles, tv and so on. It goes on to explain about different chemical reactions in the brain, optimism, pessimism, depression, emotional intelligence, anxiety, motivation and a bunch of other stuff on a bio chemical level. Theres loads more thats just the first part, its a really fascinating book.
01-12-2009, 11:25 AM
I'm also a fantasy geek, but I love to read books of human anatomy (but only with nice pictures of skeletons, muscles, terrible diseases and so on), fashion and that kind of stuff. Nowadays I read a bit less than what I used to, maybe because of school.
01-12-2009, 01:31 PM
World War Z
Best book ever!
01-12-2009, 02:23 PM
You guys are all NERDS!!!
just kidding...i like reading anything by Nicholas Sparks
01-12-2009, 07:54 PM
I am a huge Lord of the Rings geek, so I have read the Hobbit, all 3 lord of the rings and the Silmarillion.
I also read some other fantasy, Piers Anthony is one of my favourite authors. I read a couple of books in his Xanth series. My favourite Piers Anthony book is On a Pale Horse. It is actually what the show "Dead Like Me" is based on.
And then I do your typical Tom Clancy. I have read most of his "Net Force" series and I have read Rainbow 6
And then there is a lot of political theory that I have been into such as Thomas Hobbes' leviathan, I have also read alot of John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Marx, all that sort of thing.
Okay I loved Dead Like Me, so I will have to check out that book.
I never have watched/read any LOTR stuff. It doesn't appeal to me at all, which is weird since I like fantasy and science fiction a lot.
01-12-2009, 07:57 PM
I'm also a fantasy geek, but I love to read books of human anatomy (but only with nice pictures of skeletons, muscles, terrible diseases and so on), fashion and that kind of stuff. Nowadays I read a bit less than what I used to, maybe because of school.
I like books about the human body too. I am really interested in books studying human bodies post-mortem, that sort of thing. If you haven't read Stiff (by Mary Roach), I highly suggest it. It's really interesting, and the author definitely has a sense of humor as well.
01-12-2009, 07:59 PM
oh, and I read lots and lots of science fiction too, if anyone ever wants any new authors to try out.
01-12-2009, 08:24 PM
you'd really like fables. books with pictures are way better than books with just words.
01-12-2009, 08:41 PM
you'd really like fables. books with pictures are way better than books with just words.
Nah, pictures always ruin the images I create in my head. That's probably why I would rather read the book than see the movie.
01-13-2009, 02:01 AM
Nah, pictures always ruin the images I create in my head. That's probably why I would rather read the book than see the movie.
i totally agree
01-13-2009, 08:41 AM
Nah, pictures always ruin the images I create in my head. That's probably why I would rather read the book than see the movie.
yeah, but that's why comics are so much better, because they're original works that are completely set out to the creators vision. comics shouldn't be avoided just because they have pictures.
01-13-2009, 09:14 AM
i like paul auster.
and the adaptation to graphic novel of City of Glass was great.
01-13-2009, 01:35 PM
Nah, pictures always ruin the images I create in my head. That's probably why I would rather read the book than see the movie.
It's funny when I read a comic, then see it made in some way for TV/movies I get kinda sad sometimes when the voices/actors don't match how I pictured the charachters in my head. I find that you end up putting your own stamp on the charachters even with the images there. There are some great stories written that way! From Hell by Alan Moore is a good one too, the drawing style is kind of lose, so it suggests, but you still have a lot to fill in yourself.
For book books I'm addicted to anything 18th century, I loved Evelina, for painting a picture of life back then in a way that is still funny and lively today! (been on a HUGE Frances Burney kick lately)
K. Fury
01-13-2009, 10:14 PM
I recently read The Meaning of Night by Michael Cox, which I enjoyed. I'm also way into Fitzgerald and Dickens. Also, anyone who hasn't read Dune yet should really get on that. For fantasy nerds I recommend Joe Abercrombie's First Law series (first book is The Blade Itself) and George R R Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series (first book- a Game of Thrones)
01-13-2009, 10:41 PM
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
My class is reading Ethan Frome and Romeo & Juliet. I'm a big Shakespeare nerd. We'll be reading Night, Speak and Julius Caesar later this semester. I actually like reading nonfiction, biographies, and psychology and socio-politico books.
Tolkien drives me nuts; I prefer the other Inkling, C.S. Lewis.
01-14-2009, 06:47 AM
yeah, but that's why comics are so much better, because they're original works that are completely set out to the creators vision. comics shouldn't be avoided just because they have pictures.
true they shouldnt be avoided, but books with pictures are shite
08-29-2009, 10:07 AM
7 months later...what is everyone reading?
I just finished The Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman and am currently reading Me Talk Pretty One Day and listening to Silent Spring (I have a 45 minute commute to work and don't want waste valuable time).
08-29-2009, 07:26 PM
Right now I am reading Vanished, by Kat Richardson. It's part of a series that she writes that is really interesting, about a person that can see into the "ghost" world that lives on top of our normal world.
I'm a super geek so I have a list on my phone of when upcoming books that I want come out, and there's a good 15 books on there, leading all the way up to the end of the year. I'm looking forward to the new Kelli Armstrong book that comes out at the end of September.
I figure I go through at least a book a week, if not two. Good thing I don't have a life.
08-30-2009, 08:15 AM
Right now I am reading Vanished, by Kat Richardson. It's part of a series that she writes that is really interesting, about a person that can see into the "ghost" world that lives on top of our normal world.
I'm a super geek so I have a list on my phone of when upcoming books that I want come out, and there's a good 15 books on there, leading all the way up to the end of the year. I'm looking forward to the new Kelli Armstrong book that comes out at the end of September.
I figure I go through at least a book a week, if not two. Good thing I don't have a life.
Wow girl! I'm not knowledgeable about modern authors. :/
I feel like I'm always trying to play catch up with the classics and the long lists that I received every summer 7th to 12th grade.
08-30-2009, 03:24 PM
Recently I've read both Homicide and The Corner by David Simon. Boyd, Sweat And Beers, which is a diary of Peterborough United's promotion season as written by the fans, myself included. I'm now re-reading Preacher By Garth Ennis.
08-30-2009, 04:06 PM
Read, The Hundred Penny Box. For some reason, I always loved this book growing up. Not very long, like a little less than a hundred pages I think. Good book. It's like a book meant for 3rd grade levels, but still good haha.
08-30-2009, 04:47 PM
I'm rereading The Bell Jar at the moment. I want to find one of my fav quotes again so I have to read the book again. Haha. I love The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons. Feed is one of my favorite books. I doubt many know that book. I also love the book Before I Die. Such a sad book but so moving. Anything with a very strong message is amazing. But once I start a book I can't put it down so I can usually read a book in a day. I also have to buy all of my books so that I can keep them all to remember what I've read. I have over 150 books that I read within a year probably. Now I just need money for new ones. Ha.
08-30-2009, 05:45 PM
i'm half reading total immersion by terry laughlin, its a great insight into swimming easier and better and more effortlessly. Also on my pile of half read unfinished books is an old favourite i am reading again called beyond the known by tri thong dang...its a nice collection of martial arts/philosophical anecdotes. I am reading a bit more of my Derren brown book too called tricks of the mind, its a really fascinating book at times and at others not. But he has a new series comming out on TV so i thought i'd have a little look. Theres also a couple of unfinished books that i look at from time to time, one is and old book about auto suggestion by emile coue and another about non verbal communication.
08-30-2009, 05:54 PM
Wow girl! I'm not knowledgeable about modern authors. :/
I feel like I'm always trying to play catch up with the classics and the long lists that I received every summer 7th to 12th grade.
I'm the opposite, I generally don't read the classics of the books that people say "oh, you've got to read this, it's so touching and made me cry and think about my life". I love science fiction/mystery type of stuff.
08-31-2009, 08:28 PM
haha, I don't know how no one's mentioned Poe yet, it's deep stuff
but I'm reallly into historical fiction stuff like the Sharpe Series by Bernard Cornwall. I used to be more into fantasy and I read the Shannara Series but for some reason my dad didn't like me reading fantasy lol.
I've also been reading a lot of American Literature like Black Boy and The Jungle, I think it's interesting to be able to look back at the way things were and how the people were like and how far we've advanced or haven't. If anyone has some good recommendations tell me since I'm taking Honors Amereican Lit too so it's be good for school and knowledge
09-01-2009, 04:18 AM
haha, I don't know how no one's mentioned Poe yet, it's deep stuff
Well i have mentioned him as i am not reading him at the moment!
09-02-2009, 01:42 AM
haha, I don't know how no one's mentioned Poe yet, it's deep stuff
but I'm reallly into historical fiction stuff like the Sharpe Series by Bernard Cornwall. I used to be more into fantasy and I read the Shannara Series but for some reason my dad didn't like me reading fantasy lol.
I've also been reading a lot of American Literature like Black Boy and The Jungle, I think it's interesting to be able to look back at the way things were and how the people were like and how far we've advanced or haven't. If anyone has some good recommendations tell me since I'm taking Honors Amereican Lit too so it's be good for school and knowledge
I love Poe...Black Boy is great and The Jungle is disturbing. I teach high school English and my kids tend to love The Great Gatsby. Surprisingly there are plenty of modern day allusions to that novel. Read Howl if you haven't already.
i just saw Lord of the flies yesterday, and now i want to read it. it's probably way better than the movie was.
09-02-2009, 08:49 PM
i just saw Lord of the flies yesterday, and now i want to read it. it's probably way better than the movie was.
That is my favorite book I was required to read in school.
09-03-2009, 12:17 AM
i just saw Lord of the flies yesterday, and now i want to read it. it's probably way better than the movie was.
There's a freakin' movie?!? I hope my kids don't find out.... j/k I'll totally show it in class.
That is my favorite book I was required to read in school.
yeah, i was kinda shocked that it's required in school.
There's a freakin' movie?!? I hope my kids don't find out.... j/k I'll totally show it in class.
there are two. a black and white one and another from the 80's or 70's? i saw the latter, it was pretty well done.
09-04-2009, 12:43 AM
but I'm reallly into historical fiction stuff like the Sharpe Series by Bernard Cornwall. I used to be more into fantasy and I read the Shannara Series but for some reason my dad didn't like me reading fantasy lol.
I've never read any of his Sharpe books, but I've seen the tv show. I liked his Athurian and Saxon books. If he has a new one out it tends to form part of my holiday reading.
I started reading those Shannara books when I was younger, but could never get into them.
09-04-2009, 01:14 AM
I've never read any of his Sharpe books, but I've seen the tv show. I liked his Athurian and Saxon books. If he has a new one out it tends to form part of my holiday reading.
I started reading those Shannara books when I was younger, but could never get into them.
I rented some of the Sharpe episodes from the library but they weren't the best and I enjoyed reading them more than watching them, and the Saxon books were good but my favorite series by him next to the Sharpe's had ot have been the Archer series
I love Poe...Black Boy is great and The Jungle is disturbing. I teach high school English and my kids tend to love The Great Gatsby. Surprisingly there are plenty of modern day allusions to that novel. Read Howl if you haven't already.
I'll definitely try reading Howl, but I kinda got sick of The Jungle because as disturbing as it is, it was used by Upton Sinclair to promote socialism, I mean the last two chapters were devoted to describing "how great socialism is" I just got tired of it. I could understand in Black Boy because it was a memoir/autobiography type thing.
09-04-2009, 12:16 PM
i just saw Lord of the flies yesterday, and now i want to read it. it's probably way better than the movie was.
Amazing book, I loved it when I read it years ago.
There's a freakin' movie?!? I hope my kids don't find out.... j/k I'll totally show it in class.
Haha my teacher in highschool did the same thing. We had to read the book for class and then when we were done the unit we had to do on it she showed the movie.
09-04-2009, 03:01 PM
There's a freakin' movie?!? I hope my kids don't find out.... j/k I'll totally show it in class.
The things you are saying makes it seem to me like you are a teacher.
Which begs the question, are you a teacher?
What is that like, how fun is it? Because I love teachers and I am going into the field myself.
If it is so I think you would be a pretty cool teacher.
Speaking of teaching
I am reading this book called To Teach the journey of a Teacher by William Ayers, who is really hip and happening with the kids.
Vonnegut is a really good author props to whoever previously mentioned him
But you know what is a really good book, and it is by a straight edge person, and it changed my life?
I recommend it to everyone I meet. It is called Evasion by Anonymous. It is really cool, and about this straight edge vegan who is voluntarily unemployed and goes across the country on adventures.
Lastly I am reading these books about improvisational theater I got from the library. One is called IMPRO, and one is by Viola Spolin. But i think you learn the most about theatrical improvisation by doing it.
One time my friends and I started a message board that was really simple and when we said books we just put the titles in all caps since we didn't have a convenient underlining feature.
Adam Edge hwc
09-07-2009, 08:59 PM
Anything H.P. Lovecraft.
To me when you start reading any of his books you can't
Plus im a huge horror fan,so that might help.
09-07-2009, 09:03 PM
right now i'm reading The New York Trilogy, from Paul Auster, i'm at City of Glass.
i dig Paul Auster a lot
09-08-2009, 07:11 AM
The things you are saying makes it seem to me like you are a teacher.
Which begs the question, are you a teacher?
What is that like, how fun is it? Because I love teachers and I am going into the field myself.
If it is so I think you would be a pretty cool teacher.
Speaking of teaching
I am reading this book called To Teach the journey of a Teacher by William Ayers, who is really hip and happening with the kids.
Vonnegut is a really good author props to whoever previously mentioned him
But you know what is a really good book, and it is by a straight edge person, and it changed my life?
I recommend it to everyone I meet. It is called Evasion by Anonymous. It is really cool, and about this straight edge vegan who is voluntarily unemployed and goes across the country on adventures.
Lastly I am reading these books about improvisational theater I got from the library. One is called IMPRO, and one is by Viola Spolin. But i think you learn the most about theatrical improvisation by doing it.
One time my friends and I started a message board that was really simple and when we said books we just put the titles in all caps since we didn't have a convenient underlining feature.
I am a high school English teacher. I currently teach 10th & 11th grade. This is my second career and I enjoy teaching much more than my previous life as a journalist. I'll have to look into that book; it's always good to read about others who are progressive educators.
Thanks for the props. ;) I'm trying to get my kids excited about reading Vonnegut.
09-20-2009, 08:28 PM
That is cool. Right now I am in an elementary education class, but I want to go into secondary teaching.
I currently have to write a paper about an article called Life in the Classroom by Phillip W Jackson, and that is not cool.
How did you transition from journalism to High School Teacher? Like when did you decide that?
I would have loved to read Vonnegut in high school, i think. You know how sometimes you want to read something, but then it is an assignment and then you don't want to do it anymore?
09-20-2009, 09:24 PM
About three years ago. I always wanted to go into teaching, just later in life. However, I realized that the amount of stress for the little pay I received was too much for the life I wanted to live. So...change in gears and career. My current career is certainly stressful, but I'm much happier than I ever was writing for the newspaper. I still write--but I have the choice of if it gets published or not, and when.
09-21-2009, 03:25 AM
I'm actually reading a book. I have read like 5 in my life.
I'm reading "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks. It's awesome so far.
09-21-2009, 04:05 PM
I'm actually reading a book. I have read like 5 in my life.
I'm reading "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks. It's awesome so far.
My opinion of you just plummeted!
09-21-2009, 07:44 PM
My opinion of you just plummeted!
What are you talking about? That's a great book.
Dean, you should also read "World War Z" if you haven't already.
09-21-2009, 10:14 PM
The things you are saying makes it seem to me like
I recommend it to everyone I meet. It is called Evasion by Anonymous. It is really cool, and about this straight edge vegan who is voluntarily unemployed and goes across the country on adventures.
You mean this? ?
AWESOME! I'm going to get this thanks. I just love books about vagabonds and adventurers. In fact I want to be a novelist when I grow up.
Some of the books that really inspired me and have a profound impact in my life were:
The Things they carried by Tim O'Brien
Bright Shiney Morning by James Frey
On The Road by Jack Keuroac
Lies my teacher told me by James Loewen
Call of the Wild and White Fang by Jack London
A Teenager's Journey by Richard B. Pelzer
Almost Lost by Beatrice Sparks
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
A People's History of the United States 1492-present by Howard Zinn (which I was only supposed to read a few chapters for history a few semesters ago but I am planning to finish it.)
In fact other types of books that have shaped my characters are various books on creative writting both for my english classes (not on creative writting itself though,) my sociology books for school I like to finish (it takes a long time) even after school's out, the occult, stories I read on the internet my young storytellers like myself not published but posted on websites, anime comic books, and a lot more I read for classes too far back to remember. but the top are my life influences and many many others.
09-21-2009, 10:31 PM
Currently reading: Assata by Assata Shakur, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, a compilation of Percy Bryce Shelley's poetry, and Hamlet (for school).
As a suggestion, everyone should read the "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pullman. I read this trilogy in two weeks over the summer after having waited for nearly a year and I was totally blown away.
09-22-2009, 03:34 AM
My opinion of you just plummeted!
Howcome? :(
Dean, you should also read "World War Z" if you haven't already.
I seen that one when I bought the other. I am a very slow reader but when I finish this one I will get World War Z. If I was a pro like you guys I could read 2 books at the same time haha.
09-22-2009, 11:46 AM
What are you talking about? That's a great book.
09-22-2009, 11:48 AM
Howcome? :(
I feel the book is concentrated lameness.
09-22-2009, 03:10 PM
I feel the book is concentrated lameness.
Well Ed, I'll be sure to blow your brains out when you are trying to eat my flesh.
09-22-2009, 06:18 PM
Well Ed, I'll be sure to blow your brains out when you are trying to eat my flesh.
a) i'm not a zombie b) if i were i wouldn't eat your lame ass book reading flesh c) if i were a zombie and did somehow had fallen on such hard times that i was reduced to eating your stupid flesh i would still kick your ass all over the place!
09-22-2009, 07:42 PM
I think you just don't appreciate post-apocalyptic irony. :P
09-23-2009, 06:33 AM
a) i'm not a zombie b) if i were i wouldn't eat your lame ass book reading flesh c) if i were a zombie and did somehow had fallen on such hard times that i was reduced to eating your stupid flesh i would still kick your ass all over the place!
You may be smart now, but when you are ill prepared come the apocolypse and are quickly infected, I'll be the smart one as my brain will still be fully functioning whilst blowing you and your zombie buddies to hell.
Even as a zombie I think you would still be more intelligent than I am though haha.
09-26-2009, 06:25 AM
I think you just don't appreciate post-apocalyptic irony. :P
I think you appreciate dumb books!
09-26-2009, 06:28 AM
You may be smart now, but when you are ill prepared come the apocolypse and are quickly infected, I'll be the smart one as my brain will still be fully functioning whilst blowing you and your zombie buddies to hell.
Even as a zombie I think you would still be more intelligent than I am though haha.
dude, why do you want to blow me and my friends so much? Its a little over familiar especially if we are zombies!
09-26-2009, 07:32 AM
So anyway....
I just finished "Savage Girl" and "Jennifer Government" I would only half-heartedly recommend the first. They were both a social commentary on how fashion and corporations have imposed on the human experience, written as a fictional story. The characters were flat and the plotline was predictable.
I've been reading "One Day Me Talk Pretty" too, but for some reason, it's taking a long time to get through it.
09-26-2009, 12:59 PM
dude, why do you want to blow me and my friends so much? Its a little over familiar especially if we are zombies!
Don't get your hopes up man, you have a dirty mind!
09-26-2009, 01:46 PM
Don't get your hopes up man, you have a dirty mind!
Its nothing to do with my mind you said you would be blowing me and my buddies, thats a product of your mind not mine.
09-26-2009, 02:10 PM
Its nothing to do with my mind you said you would be blowing me and my buddies, thats a product of your mind not mine.
In my mind I was imagining myself blowing zombies brains out using either a shotgun, or an M16. You did not see it this way, because you have a dirty mind my good man.
09-26-2009, 02:22 PM
In my mind I was imagining myself blowing zombies brains out using either a shotgun, or an M16. You did not see it this way, because you have a dirty mind my good man.
Subconciously you were thinking about blowing me.
09-26-2009, 02:53 PM
In my mind I was imagining myself blowing zombies brains out using either a shotgun, or an M16. You did not see it this way, because you have a dirty mind my good man.
have you ever fired a gun?
09-27-2009, 05:30 AM
have you ever fired a gun?
Ovcourse I have. I grew up with guns as my dad trains gun dogs and I would go hunting with him every weekend.
09-27-2009, 07:54 AM
Ovcourse I have. I grew up with guns as my dad trains gun dogs and I would go hunting with him every weekend.
you say that like guns are common in your country.
09-27-2009, 01:54 PM
you say that like guns are common in your country.
Guns were common to me, like I say my dads always had them and 85% of his friends I was around when I was younger had them as well.
11-04-2009, 09:55 AM
Just thought I'd ask: What books are you all reading right now? What are your favorites?
I'm reading Tunneling to the Center of the Earth by Kevin Wilson at the moment. It's a collection of really weird, vivid short stories. The man is absolutely brilliant, and I bought the book immediately after hearing him read at our university last night.
I'm also reading Shame of the Nation by Jonathan Kozol, which is an expose on the segregation of the nation's schools. It's very eye-opening, but also incredibly opinionated and emotional.
Favorite books of all time are Ulysses and Dubliners by Joyce, A Farewell To Arms by Hemingway, and The Stranger by Camus.
11-04-2009, 11:31 AM
11-04-2009, 12:22 PM
Nooooooo I was afraid of that. I just couldnt find it
11-04-2009, 12:34 PM
id have to say the collection of all edgar allen poes stories or theres "number the stars" by louis lowrey or "the outsiders"
11-04-2009, 01:00 PM
Just thought I'd ask: What books are you all reading right now? What are your favorites?
I'm reading Tunneling to the Center of the Earth by Kevin Wilson at the moment. It's a collection of really weird, vivid short stories. The man is absolutely brilliant, and I bought the book immediately after hearing him read at our university last night.
I'm also reading Shame of the Nation by Jonathan Kozol, which is an expose on the segregation of the nation's schools. It's very eye-opening, but also incredibly opinionated and emotional.
Favorite books of all time are Ulysses and Dubliners by Joyce, A Farewell To Arms by Hemingway, and The Stranger by Camus.
I just finished A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce and was blown away. Definitely rocketed to the top of my list of favorite books. Dubliners has a few wonderful stories (Araby being my favorite) but has a lot of mediocre ones as well. I'm looking to read Ulysses soon when I have the time.
Currently I am reading A Supposedly Fun Thing I Will Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace which is just a collection of his non-fiction articles/essays.
Also making my way through Cancer as a Social Activity: Affirmations of World's End by Michael D. Williams (Singer of Eyehategod) which is a collection of his very negative and surrealistic poetry.
11-04-2009, 02:42 PM
Nooooooo I was afraid of that. I just couldnt find it
I only knew it existed because I made it!
I said it in the other thread, and I'll say it again: I read crap. I love science fiction and mystery and horror. I'm not much for the classics, but I will give anything a shot recommended to me. For whatever reason, I lean more towards books with a female lead character. Maybe because I feel like I can relate better, who knows. I don't know how much I can relate to a half vampire half werewolf though, like the main character in the book I'm reading now. :)
11-05-2009, 09:50 AM
I just finished A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce and was blown away. Definitely rocketed to the top of my list of favorite books. Dubliners has a few wonderful stories (Araby being my favorite) but has a lot of mediocre ones as well. I'm looking to read Ulysses soon when I have the time.
Currently I am reading A Supposedly Fun Thing I Will Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace which is just a collection of his non-fiction articles/essays.
Also making my way through Cancer as a Social Activity: Affirmations of World's End by Michael D. Williams (Singer of Eyehategod) which is a collection of his very negative and surrealistic poetry.
Do you like David Foster Wallace? I'm told repeatedly that I should read him, and I have yet to get around to it.
Araby is, by far, my favorite story of the collection, but I think they definitely all hold merit. Ulysses is a hell of an undertaking. I couldn't have done it without the reading group a few of us formed over the summer.
hey, i'm looking forward to this ( that could be a good reading.. what do you think?
05-21-2010, 08:14 AM
I'm trying to make my summer reading list. I've added Beige and The Meaning of Night. Anything new you all are reading? I'll dig through this thread later, but I have to go clean out my classroom now.
Okay, I'm just waiting for my principal to sign off on my room, so I had some time to browse through this thread again. I've also added HP Lovecraft, The New York Trilogy, the Fire & Ice series and Almost Lost. That should get me to July. Anything else?
Oh, and funwithpinetrees: I finally read Evasion. It was pretty good.
05-23-2010, 12:22 PM
I only knew it existed because I made it!
I said it in the other thread, and I'll say it again: I read crap. I love science fiction and mystery and horror. I'm not much for the classics, but I will give anything a shot recommended to me. For whatever reason, I lean more towards books with a female lead character. Maybe because I feel like I can relate better, who knows. I don't know how much I can relate to a half vampire half werewolf though, like the main character in the book I'm reading now. :)
So now that Carla dug out this one: I have 2 years of reading I am intent on getting through this summer....including the crap that you are talking about linsee. :) :) And if you want an addicting series...which also doesn't have an ending at the moment. Try "Vampire Academy" series amazing female lead...started the first book 4 days ago and I'm on the third right now.
But, my next books are all hippie stuff that I didn't get to fully read while studying: "Cradle to Cradle: remaking the way we make things" and "Movement of Movements: is another world really possible" are first on the list.
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