View Full Version : Just a few things

01-12-2009, 12:50 PM
I've been checking this site for a couple of weeks now, but I've only just registerd..

I don't drink, smoke or do drugs.

I wouldn't call myself straight edge, but I always try and think about what would happen if I was involved in a confrontation, if I was drunk or high, I'd be at a huge disadvantage because I wouldn't be able to try and sort it out and if I had to fight for a long period of time, smoking would make me out of breath really quickly..

How do you guys stay motivated to not break edge? I usually remind myself of the good-to-bad ratio of smoking or if it's drinking, the fact that I'd rather be in control of my body. Even with this, sometimes I find myself tempted, how do you guys do it?

There were a couple of other things, but I've forgotten them :/

01-12-2009, 01:53 PM
I don't know if this helps, but I haven't break the edge mostly because I'm so damn stubborn. It's just because of that.

01-12-2009, 03:06 PM
I don't know if this helps, but I haven't break the edge mostly because I'm so damn stubborn. It's just because of that.

ninjas dont need alcohol(and drugs and cigarettes etc)! especially high heeled ones!

01-12-2009, 03:16 PM
I don't know if this helps, but I haven't break the edge mostly because I'm so damn stubborn. It's just because of that.

Yeah, I know what you mean, I was vegetarian for about 3 years just because it had been so long that I felt obligated to keep it up, I'm glad I did keep it up because still I'm vegetarian but I have reasons.

I think the no drinking, drugs, smoking thing, for me is just because I put it in the confrontation situtation, it all comes down to me wanting to be in control in a situation like that..

01-12-2009, 04:10 PM
I've been checking this site for a couple of weeks now, but I've only just registerd..

I don't drink, smoke or do drugs.

I wouldn't call myself straight edge, but I always try and think about what would happen if I was involved in a confrontation, if I was drunk or high, I'd be at a huge disadvantage because I wouldn't be able to try and sort it out and if I had to fight for a long period of time, smoking would make me out of breath really quickly..

How do you guys stay motivated to not break edge? I usually remind myself of the good-to-bad ratio of smoking or if it's drinking, the fact that I'd rather be in control of my body. Even with this, sometimes I find myself tempted, how do you guys do it?

There were a couple of other things, but I've forgotten them :/

I don't like smoking, drinking or taking drugs so it doesn't take much to motivate me not to do them. Its similar to the motivation that keeps me from putting my face in horse manure, its simply not something i desire.

01-12-2009, 04:48 PM
ninjas dont need alcohol(and drugs and cigarettes etc)! especially high heeled ones!

Good one, now I have two reasons to be edge, great! Thanks dude!

01-12-2009, 07:51 PM
I don't like smoking, drinking or taking drugs so it doesn't take much to motivate me not to do them. Its similar to the motivation that keeps me from putting my face in horse manure, its simply not something i desire.

Same here. It's easy too stay away from drinking, smoking and drugs because I have no desire to do any of them.

01-13-2009, 02:01 AM
Good one, now I have two reasons to be edge, great! Thanks dude!

its what i do....

01-13-2009, 01:52 PM
It's easy to stay away from something you don't want to do. In the beginning for me I had a hard time breaking certain habits, but once I had I never had to think about it again.

01-13-2009, 02:18 PM
I've been checking this site for a couple of weeks now, but I've only just registerd..

I don't drink, smoke or do drugs.

I wouldn't call myself straight edge, but I always try and think about what would happen if I was involved in a confrontation, if I was drunk or high, I'd be at a huge disadvantage because I wouldn't be able to try and sort it out and if I had to fight for a long period of time, smoking would make me out of breath really quickly..

How do you guys stay motivated to not break edge? I usually remind myself of the good-to-bad ratio of smoking or if it's drinking, the fact that I'd rather be in control of my body. Even with this, sometimes I find myself tempted, how do you guys do it?

There were a couple of other things, but I've forgotten them :/

See, there's a HUGE difference in WHAT outcome you choose to focus on. If you focus mainly on imagining what would be if you had to deal with certain situations when you're drunk or high you make you brain work on that. It'll put you into real life situations when you will have to deal with this scenario. This might sound a little incredible to say the least but it's a well known fact, actually. You'd be better off focusing on the positive outcome such as enjoying your life where there's no place for drugs, alcohol and tobacco - a drug free life.

Imagine your life where rule number one is "Drugs is something stupid and wrong". Screw what others think. It's your life and your rules. That will help you deal with pressure from the outside world.

I personally follow this idea and use it on a daily basis. I not only imagine my drug free life but I also make it happen and genuinely enjoy living it.

For the record, I enjoy smoking tobacco. I used to smoke and I liked it. I decided no more, though.

I brush off the temptation which surely assaults me sometimes by imagining the life I want to live, then TAKE ACTION. Since I focus not on a struggle but an outcome of it - drug free life - I jump right to the pest part of this fantasy and live it through each day of my life.

Hope that helps somehow.

01-13-2009, 03:18 PM
See, there's a HUGE difference in WHAT outcome you choose to focus on. If you focus mainly on imagining what would be if you had to deal with certain situations when you're drunk or high you make you brain work on that. It'll put you into real life situations when you will have to deal with this scenario. This might sound a little incredible to say the least but it's a well known fact, actually. You'd be better off focusing on the positive outcome such as enjoying your life where there's no place for drugs, alcohol and tobacco - a drug free life.

Imagine your life where rule number one is "Drugs is something stupid and wrong". Screw what others think. It's your life and your rules. That will help you deal with pressure from the outside world.

I personally follow this idea and use it on a daily basis. I not only imagine my drug free life but I also make it happen and genuinely enjoy living it.

For the record, I enjoy smoking tobacco. I used to smoke and I liked it. I decided no more, though.

I brush off the temptation which surely assaults me sometimes by imagining the life I want to live, then TAKE ACTION. Since I focus not on a struggle but an outcome of it - drug free life - I jump right to the pest part of this fantasy and live it through each day of my life.

Hope that helps somehow.
it's funny reading all this from you.

01-13-2009, 03:22 PM
I've been checking this site for a couple of weeks now, but I've only just registerd..

I don't drink, smoke or do drugs.

I wouldn't call myself straight edge, but I always try and think about what would happen if I was involved in a confrontation, if I was drunk or high, I'd be at a huge disadvantage because I wouldn't be able to try and sort it out and if I had to fight for a long period of time, smoking would make me out of breath really quickly..

How do you guys stay motivated to not break edge? I usually remind myself of the good-to-bad ratio of smoking or if it's drinking, the fact that I'd rather be in control of my body. Even with this, sometimes I find myself tempted, how do you guys do it?

There were a couple of other things, but I've forgotten them :/

it's something you get used to. When i became sxe, i had the urge to drink for a few weeks, mostly because i was hanging around my friends who drank. Then i thought about why i wanted to become sxe, and my way of thinking lead me to this decision.
Even though I felt like a beer would feel good, i didn't drink, because i knew it would fuck me up, and when i got home and opened the fridge, i naturally picked the fruit juice, instead of my dad's beer.

It's just a matter of time really. It'll be the way you live, and temptation will become slighter and slighter of a thought.

01-13-2009, 10:34 PM
When I was younger and curious about drugs, I was very systematic in trying out everything. I suppose I've always been like that. My cousin and I (13 at the time) lined up shot glasses of every different type of liquor we could find-vodka, tequila, rum, beer, wine, champagne, and a variety of Puckers-with shots of water in between. Then we just went down the line taking a shot of each, waiting for the burning to stop, then a shot of water before going to the next set of alcohol. I hated all of it.

That was also the summer we tried pot and cigarettes. Again, I hated it. Later, I started seeing how drugs were affecting my friends and relatives, thus deciding to go edge. I suppose that if I had liked any form of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, I would have decided to still be edge, which is what I do every day. My husband, on the other hand, likes beer and other liquors and decided to start drinking again at the age of 24. For him, it was a decision to not deny himself anymore something he actuals likes and doesn't have a problem with even though he had committed to it for quite a while. That brings me to my other point, I think it's silly to stick with something just out of obligation, particularly if your beliefs have changed.

01-14-2009, 12:07 AM
it's funny reading all this from you.

ahem.. elaborate, please.

01-14-2009, 01:41 AM
ahem.. elaborate, please.

weren't you the guy who got drunk in order to not losing your girlfriend?

01-14-2009, 05:13 AM
weren't you the guy who got drunk in order to not losing your girlfriend?
i think that was another dude

01-14-2009, 08:06 AM
yeah dno, but it was a good laugh i guess :)

i'm edge because i get fucking disgust by smokes, drugs, and alcohol ! i hate it...
straight edge is so positive, i can't stop it, i just love it ;)

01-14-2009, 08:23 AM
i think that was another dude

somebody needs to clear this up. i'm confused, maybe i'm not right. somebody back me up please!

01-14-2009, 08:32 AM
somebody needs to clear this up. i'm confused, maybe i'm not right. somebody back me up please!


01-14-2009, 08:41 AM
gonna put that one in my favorites

01-14-2009, 09:08 AM
ahem.. elaborate, please.


oops, sorry dude. I mixed up the Latvia-Ukraine part somehow.

I apologize.

01-14-2009, 09:44 AM
weren't you the guy who got drunk in order to not losing your girlfriend?

No, that wasn't me.

01-14-2009, 09:44 AM
oops, sorry dude. I mixed up the Latvia-Ukraine part somehow.

I apologize.

No problem ;)

01-14-2009, 02:10 PM
Another thing I do is think about WHY I want to do these things, over time I've ocme to conclusion that:

1) I can't think of a single reason to start smoking and the people I've asked that do smoke can't think of one either.
2) I don't really like to lose control of my body and drinking screws your body up, anything that gives you a hang-over isn't good for me.
3) If you need drugs or alcohol to have a good time and enhance your personality, then deep down, you are a very boring person.

Thinking about those things helps me alot..

01-14-2009, 03:35 PM
Another thing I do is think about WHY I want to do these things, over time I've ocme to conclusion that:

1) I can't think of a single reason to start smoking and the people I've asked that do smoke can't think of one either.
2) I don't really like to lose control of my body and drinking screws your body up, anything that gives you a hang-over isn't good for me.
3) If you need drugs or alcohol to have a good time and enhance your personality, then deep down, you are a very boring person.

Thinking about those things helps me alot..

1) one big reason is seeing peers smoke another reason is living in a household of smokers and being brought up around it. Kids often learn by imitation so if their main role models are displaying this behaviour there is a higher chance the kid will evolve to follow suit.

2) good for you. this is also the reason most drinkers will often be heard saying "i'm never going to drink again" but obviously their desire to drink outweighs that and they end up drinking again...seems as people get older they do become more responsible with their drinking though.

3) I don't think it necessarily means you are necessarily boring, i think it can at times point to social ineptness but not consistently enough to say its a rule. It can also point to a lack of confidence but so can lots of things but this is of course assuming people "need" drugs or alcohol. Of course not all people who drink need to in order to have a good time.

01-15-2009, 01:21 PM
1) I still think the whole, 'Im going to smoke because it looks cool/my parents do' is ridiculous.. That's really not a reason to smoke when you think about it logically and consider the damage to your body.. :/

3) I don't mean that you are boring if you drink, I just mean that people that have to drink to have fun at a party can't be very fun themselves, if they need to change their conciousness in order to have fun.

01-15-2009, 04:35 PM
1) I still think the whole, 'Im going to smoke because it looks cool/my parents do' is ridiculous.. That's really not a reason to smoke when you think about it logically and consider the damage to your body.. :/

Behaviour isn't always logical, hence why smokers are smokers and can't give you a logical reason why. It really is a reason, i'm not suggesting its a logical reason based on the effects of smoking but it is one reason that causes people to smoke. You have to remember this isn't as much of a concious decision but rather but a sub concious and even primal desire to fit in or feel more adult like...it relates to younger people more when logical thinking isn't at its best and acceptance is more desired. When you do begin thinking more logically you may already have a chemical dependence.

There are lots of things that aren't exactly logical at the first look, like a fear of spiders, but if you look at things from where they first came around they make more sense, a reaction to spiders is said to come about as a survival tool. Seems irrational and illogical now but survival is pretty logical really. Learning from parents by mimicking behaviour and wanting to fit into packs can also be rather logical with that in mind.

3) I don't mean that you are boring if you drink, I just mean that people that have to drink to have fun at a party can't be very fun themselves, if they need to change their conciousness in order to have fun.

Like i say, if it is a need it might not point to someone being boring it might point to someone being very anxious, having low confidence or some other problem they are masking with drink. They could be the most fascinating and interesting person ever but with a problem. I know exactly where you are coming from i just don't think its consistently true.

01-19-2009, 02:15 PM
Ok, well with the drinking and drugs thing, I just use the 'hospital senario' , if I was in a situation where I had to get someone to a hospital, I'd rather be in a state to do that. No-one I've ever met has been able to give me a reason to drink that can beat that.. :/

01-19-2009, 07:56 PM
Something that keeps me from the urges is seeing how the things I'm against affect my loved ones.

My father was an abusive drinker and my aunt died from complications from a liver transplant that she never would have needed if she didn't drink her liver dead.

Pretty much my entire family smokes and it makes me sick to be around them for long periods of time, smoke and the residue from it gives me migraines and my mother is in quite poor health from smoking.

Drugs just seem silly to me. I can't even wrap my head around the appeal of drugs. It's dangerous on numerous levels to use drugs, one is your health, two is if you're ever caught by authorities and three is what it takes to even get ahold of them. The drug market is not a good thing to be involved in.

I've been against these substances for as long as I can remember and beyond the above reasons, I'm also terrified of being a hypocrite and the effects it may have on people who look up to me.

Even though I'm not completely Straight Edge (I drink caffienated soda) I was considering getting a tattoo of the three X's to remind myself of my dedication to staying clean.

01-20-2009, 02:46 AM
Even though I'm not completely Straight Edge (I drink caffienated soda) I was considering getting a tattoo of the three X's to remind myself of my dedication to staying clean.

You are either straight edge, or not straight edge. You can't be slightly straight edge or partly straight edge because you still consume something you, yourself, think is a drug.

01-22-2009, 05:16 PM
You are either straight edge, or not straight edge. You can't be slightly straight edge or partly straight edge because you still consume something you, yourself, think is a drug.

I never claimed to be. The X's symbolize the three things you don't do,

[X] Don't Drink

[X] Don't Smoke

[X] Don't Fuck

I don't do any of those three things, so that is why the X's are important to me. When I said "I'm not completetly Straight Edge" I wasn't claiming a partial edge lol, I was triyng to say that I would like to be but, I drink caffienated sodas.

01-22-2009, 05:24 PM
I never claimed to be. The X's symbolize the three things you don't do,

[X] Don't Drink

[X] Don't Smoke

[X] Don't Fuck

I don't do any of those three things, so that is why the X's are important to me. When I said "I'm not completetly Straight Edge" I wasn't claiming a partial edge lol, I was triyng to say that I would like to be but, I drink caffienated sodas.

It always fascinates me when people say don't don't smoke, don't drink, don't fuck. I mean it seems to omit a lot of recreational drug use which seems to be the main focus of what straightedge is about.

So anyway, why do you drink caffeine?

01-22-2009, 05:36 PM
It always fascinates me when people say don't don't smoke, don't drink, don't fuck. I mean it seems to omit a lot of recreational drug use which seems to be the main focus of what straightedge is about.

So anyway, why do you drink caffeine?

I honestly think the "Don't smoke" part is meant to be more than just tabacco, but you're right, it seriously leaves out several other ways people take drugs.

As for the caffiene,
I don't drink it to help me stay awake or get energy or anything, the amount I consume isn't enough to affect me, I go to out to eat alot (not just fast food, sit down places too) and un caffinated, diet (i can't drink regular soda) sodas are very hard to find at restaurants and I always buy the off brand soda and they NEVER have diet caffiene free...

I am not in any way blaming anything on the fact that I have limited options because I know I'm not forced to drink soda, I'm just very picky.

01-22-2009, 06:06 PM
I honestly think the "Don't smoke" part is meant to be more than just tabacco, but you're right, it seriously leaves out several other ways people take drugs.

what makes you think it was intended to mean more than tobacco?

As for the caffiene,
I don't drink it to help me stay awake or get energy or anything, the amount I consume isn't enough to affect me, I go to out to eat alot (not just fast food, sit down places too) and un caffinated, diet (i can't drink regular soda) sodas are very hard to find at restaurants and I always buy the off brand soda and they NEVER have diet caffiene free...

I am not in any way blaming anything on the fact that I have limited options because I know I'm not forced to drink soda, I'm just very picky.

Not picky enough to not drink beverages with caffeine in though?!

I have never had a problem but then i don't understand why anyone drinks diet soda, why can't you drink normal soda? Most places offer a bunch of beverages with no caffeine but why do you have to drink soda at all especially if its not the soda you actually want and has caffeine in? If i find no soda i want i have water instead of a soda i don't want.

It sounds like you don't want to stop drinking caffeine at all.

01-22-2009, 07:24 PM
what makes you think it was intended to mean more than tobacco?

It makes me think of pot since that is commonly smoked.

Not picky enough to not drink beverages with caffeine in though?!

I have never had a problem but then i don't understand why anyone drinks diet soda, why can't you drink normal soda? Most places offer a bunch of beverages with no caffeine but why do you have to drink soda at all especially if its not the soda you actually want and has caffeine in? If i find no soda i want i have water instead of a soda i don't want.

It sounds like you don't want to stop drinking caffeine at all.
regular soda and drinks like Sobe that aren't "light" are like syrup to me. They make my throat all sticky..

Believe me, if I had access to caffiene free soda wherever I went, there would be no question about it. I would never care to go back.

I hate that normally if you don't drink soda you're limited to water or like fruit punch loaded with sugar.

I really love unsweetened tea though and I will only drink that without caffiene.

I should just start carrying my own drinks lol, that would save me in the long run anywyas.

01-23-2009, 08:27 AM
It makes me think of pot since that is commonly smoked.

so is crack, do you think it means crack too?

regular soda and drinks like Sobe that aren't "light" are like syrup to me. They make my throat all sticky..

Believe me, if I had access to caffiene free soda wherever I went, there would be no question about it. I would never care to go back.

I hate that normally if you don't drink soda you're limited to water or like fruit punch loaded with sugar.

I really love unsweetened tea though and I will only drink that without caffiene.

I should just start carrying my own drinks lol, that would save me in the long run anywyas.

So in answer to my questions you are saying theres not an actual reason that you can't drink regular soda its just you don't want to? And that although you would like to avoid caffeine you aren't prepared to because you already avoid sugar and have a preferance for diet soda?

01-23-2009, 05:14 PM
so is crack, do you think it means crack too?

So in answer to my questions you are saying theres not an actual reason that you can't drink regular soda its just you don't want to? And that although you would like to avoid caffeine you aren't prepared to because you already avoid sugar and have a preferance for diet soda?

I really hate being complicated. I hate being limited when I'm out with someone. It makes me feel like I'm trying to attract attention to myself when I honestly would rather be left alone. I've drank diet soda since I was 6 years old (my mother, don't ask) and the stickiness of regular soda actually makes me sick. I've felt like being limited with that has made me stand out for years and the thought of standing out for another reason really bothered me.

I put off letting go of caffeine for those reasons..

I've realized it's not worth it, knowing that I still drink caffeine and having the views that I have has bothered me for too long, I went out and got caffeine free drinks last night. Wish me luck.

01-23-2009, 06:10 PM
I really hate being complicated. I hate being limited when I'm out with someone. It makes me feel like I'm trying to attract attention to myself when I honestly would rather be left alone. I've drank diet soda since I was 6 years old (my mother, don't ask) and the stickiness of regular soda actually makes me sick. I've felt like being limited with that has made me stand out for years and the thought of standing out for another reason really bothered me.

I put off letting go of caffeine for those reasons..

I've realized it's not worth it, knowing that I still drink caffeine and having the views that I have has bothered me for too long, I went out and got caffeine free drinks last night. Wish me luck.

I understand being concerned about standing out and attracting attention. You know its not a good enough reason to make a decision though, you can't let a concern of how you appear to others rule your personal choices. Besides with a little time it just becomes who you are and you cease to worry about how people interpret you and you simply are just being yourself. The main crux of your decision to drink or not drink caffeine should be if you want to or not and if you don't want to then don't, i know it sounds easy but the truth is it is that easy we just like to make it more complicated.

Anyway good luck, i personally feel a lot better without caffeine in my diet and i also feel great about my actions coinciding with what beliefs i hold.

01-24-2009, 03:53 AM
Everyone! Show me your hats!