View Full Version : Fascism, Nationalism, Racism, Nazism.

01-31-2009, 08:03 PM
if you are posting on stormfront use a proxy as they track IP's and often give them to redwatch etc.

personally i am VERY anti nazi, discrimination and such.

01-31-2009, 08:13 PM
if you are posting on stormfront use a proxy as they track IP's and often give them to redwatch etc.

personally i am VERY anti nazi, discrimination and such.

I'm not quite sure what you are suggesting here? that people here go to those sites and discuss?

I mean why post those links? To get a bunch of traffic going from here to there?

I'm lost on this.

02-01-2009, 02:08 AM
I'm not quite sure what you are suggesting here? that people here go to those sites and discuss?

I mean why post those links? To get a bunch of traffic going from here to there?

I'm lost on this.
should have explained that more lol, i want to discuss what people think about racism etc, and those links contain everything you want to know about it pretty much.

02-01-2009, 02:14 AM
......generly i hate em' and i think damn boneheads give real skinheads bad names

02-01-2009, 02:24 AM
should have explained that more lol, i want to discuss what people think about racism etc, and those links contain everything you want to know about it pretty much.

racists are humans.
so their complicationists.
but in their own manner.
have you watched the believer?

02-01-2009, 06:00 AM
should have explained that more lol, i want to discuss what people think about racism etc, and those links contain everything you want to know about it pretty much.

I think you could find better resources if anyone was indeed in need of learning about what racism is. I'm hoping that no one here would want to post there.

While i cannot really respect the views or actions of someone who supports and follows racist ideals i find i have a lot more trouble with average people that harbour racist views but claim not to be racist. The extreme views of people that follow national or nazi movements does bother me and i often find the reasoning to be rather deluded but they know they are racist and that they issues and hatred based on peoples hate. But something i hear here a lot is statements like "i'm not racist i just hate pakkis" or "i don't hate them i just wish they would fuck off to their own country". And then of course there are the jokes, i think only a very small percent of people i have met would not find a racist joke funny. Most people just simply don't think about how prevalent racism is in our everyday lives, its ingrained in so many people, just little things like how they react differently to someone of a different race or letting a stereotype of a race be how you view them.

02-01-2009, 05:57 PM
I think you could find better resources if anyone was indeed in need of learning about what racism is. I'm hoping that no one here would want to post there.

While i cannot really respect the views or actions of someone who supports and follows racist ideals i find i have a lot more trouble with average people that harbour racist views but claim not to be racist. The extreme views of people that follow national or nazi movements does bother me and i often find the reasoning to be rather deluded but they know they are racist and that they issues and hatred based on peoples hate. But something i hear here a lot is statements like "i'm not racist i just hate pakkis" or "i don't hate them i just wish they would fuck off to their own country". And then of course there are the jokes, i think only a very small percent of people i have met would not find a racist joke funny. Most people just simply don't think about how prevalent racism is in our everyday lives, its ingrained in so many people, just little things like how they react differently to someone of a different race or letting a stereotype of a race be how you view them.
trust me just look through stormfronts forums and you will know everything you need and somethings you dont want to.
revleft is their rival site, and they can explain teh many hypocrisies of nazis, check their anti fascism section

02-01-2009, 06:18 PM
trust me just look through stormfronts forums and you will know everything you need and somethings you dont want to.
revleft is their rival site, and they can explain teh many hypocrisies of nazis, check their anti fascism section

What do i need to know?

Straightedge revenge
02-04-2009, 04:42 PM
Leftwing Rightwing. political stew !!!!!
I know quite a few bands afiliated to stormfront and they are not all mindless goons. I am sick of isms. The older I grow the more I see through all the political shit. Sure, hatred is bad, but I hate most non straightedge people. I suppose that is fascisim ? For every wrong there is a right. Humans are very stupid really. Very few seeing the world as it really is.

In summary. Im not a racisit. Im not a nazi And think both sites suck and have no idea why this thread is here, or why I am writing this shit in it !!!!!!!

Go listen to GBs and smile lots !!!

02-05-2009, 01:20 AM
leftwing rightwing. Political stew !!!!!
I know quite a few bands afiliated to stormfront and they are not all mindless goons. I am sick of isms. The older i grow the more i see through all the political shit. Sure, hatred is bad, but i hate most non straightedge people. I suppose that is fascisim ? For every wrong there is a right. Humans are very stupid really. Very few seeing the world as it really is.

In summary. Im not a racisit. Im not a nazi and think both sites suck and have no idea why this thread is here, or why i am writing this shit in it !!!!!!!

Go listen to gbs and smile lots !!!

i am smiling

02-05-2009, 05:47 AM
Leftwing Rightwing. political stew !!!!!
I know quite a few bands afiliated to stormfront and they are not all mindless goons. I am sick of isms. The older I grow the more I see through all the political shit. Sure, hatred is bad, but I hate most non straightedge people. I suppose that is fascisim ? For every wrong there is a right. Humans are very stupid really. Very few seeing the world as it really is.

In summary. Im not a racisit. Im not a nazi And think both sites suck and have no idea why this thread is here, or why I am writing this shit in it !!!!!!!

Go listen to GBs and smile lots !!!

I'm just wondering why you hate most non straightedge people? And also why you don't hate all non straightedge people?

03-04-2009, 01:56 AM
Nationalism and fascism it very much serious problem in my country. At us numerous nazi skinhead movement. And the most awful that these people because of the hatred and ignorance try to connect ideas Straight Edge with fascism and racial pride. Also now they try to develop nazi-hardcore a stage they name itself Hardline. But they the only thing with whom only fight it with Anti-fascists. They even not a vegans or vegetarians they do not protect animals.
They like to speak that in a hardcore there are no precise policy and consequently they can easy connect SxE ideas with their nazi shit. I think it's whole shit, i know that many of us are not in politics but always punk/hardcore scene was against racism and fascism.
Punks, Hardcore/sxe kids, skinheads resist nazis on the streets and protect HxC/punk scene from dung. Some in the peace ways, the some people with the fists, but an essence in that that if it to not do that will occur too that has occured in England in in 70th with Skinheads. Many of our comrades are dead for their views. =(
Just look http://www.antifa.org.uk/fallcom.htm

Some of great hardcore lyrics about fascism and prejudice:


Do you think that all blacks are niggers?
Ignorance is an attitude
You wallow in your racist stupor
Have you really stopped to think?
Do you believe in the K.K.K., do you think White Power rules today?
Would you like to shoot a white man dead, would you like to bust
a black man's head - No way!

In England there's the National Front, headstrong bunch, these fuckin' cunts
With Webster as their figurehead, they liberate Hitler as he lies dead
They think they're so bloody tough, paki-bashing ain't enough
Martin Webster like the K.K.K., map out all the plans his own way

Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism fucking sucks!

Some black folks call the white race scum, cos they think we are the only ones
Who only live in prejudice, while a lot of blacks live just the same
Do you really judge a man, by the color of his skin
You got the color, you got no right, to fuck up everybody else's life

Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism fucking sucks!

CALIBAN - Destroy Fascism Lyrics [Endstand cover]

I've had enough of your lies
Now it's the time to make it stop
Spreading false propaganda how your race is clean
How can you be so stupid? Colour doesn't mean a fucking thing

Now we're ready to fight for everyone's right
To live without fear getting attacked by you
Baldheaded assholes this we won't tolerate
It's time to put end to this fucking hate

Destroy fascism!
Antifascist action now...

Pointing finger - hard times

You think you’re so fucking right
I thought judging people by colour
was like choosing books by its cover
but I’m not surprised
I wonder when people will realize

we’re living in hard times
people aren’t blind to the only thing that shouldn’t mind

these masks of fear shaped in our heads
(the mentality of) “you better have a gun or you’ll be dead”
so easy to hate so hard to embrace
(neglecting essence) everybody deserves a chance

we’re living in hard times
people aren’t blind to the only thing that shouldn’t mind

we’ll speak out, we won’t bow down
fuck your system the time is now
they may set the rules but we play the game
just refuse to be their pawn
so this picture will fucking stain
what do you have better to show than racial pride
'cause I only see old fears that you try to hide
do you even know why you hate?
why don't you get in someone's shoes and face their fate
what if the world refused to turn
your country at the dark
where would you run?

Agnostic Front - Fascist attitude

Why should you go around bashing one another
If they look or think different, why let it bother
Everyones got their own style, their own thoughts
Don't let it bother you, don't let it get caught
Your fascist attitudes - we need the least
With a scene that's fighting for unity & peace
Don't need more anger; no more danger
Don't need to hate; stop before it's too late
Learning how to respect each other is a must
So why start a war of anger & danger among us
It's time to grow out of your nazi hypocrism
When you really don't want part of a fucked up system

Youth Of Today - Prejudice

Arguing your point about which race is best
think you've got some insight well it's just prejudice
and the more that you argue the more mad you get
well I don't want to fill myself with hate like that
you're prejudice just look at you
you're prejudiced and you're gonna be judged too
You've taken your stance, you've split us apart
let's see how many bad feelings you can start
trying to make hatred seem real cool
keep talking those facts you come off the fool
you're prejudice just look at you
you're prejudiced and you're gonna be judged too
unite the race what listen
we may be the same race but we're not the same [ PREJUDICE ]
you're cowards looking for someone else to blame
and you're just a few cause most are too smart
to listen to all the shit that you start

The Brotherhood - No Tolerance (For Ignorance)

So proud of your country, nationalistic pride
So proud of your race, prejudiced mind
If you so love your country why can't you see
It's made up of all people, no racial boundaries

We're dedicated to stop your ignorance
Band together to bring you to your knees
For your actions we have no tolerance
Your blind hate, prejudice, a disease

Beating up kids who don't share your views
Pull that shit with us and you'll lose
We may lose some battles
But we'll win this war
We may have sat complacent once, no more

03-04-2009, 03:16 PM
Nationalism and fascism it very much serious problem in my country. At us numerous nazi skinhead movement. And the most awful that these people because of the hatred and ignorance try to connect ideas Straight Edge with fascism and racial pride. Also now they try to develop nazi-hardcore a stage they name itself Hardline. But they the only thing with whom only fight it with Anti-fascists. They even not a vegans or vegetarians they do not protect animals.
They like to speak that in a hardcore there are no precise policy and consequently they can easy connect SxE ideas with their nazi shit. I think it's whole shit, i know that many of us are not in politics but always punk/hardcore scene was against racism and fascism.
Punks, Hardcore/sxe kids, skinheads resist nazis on the streets and protect HxC/punk scene from dung. Some in the peace ways, the some people with the fists, but an essence in that that if it to not do that will occur too that has occured in England in in 70th with Skinheads. Many of our comrades are dead for their views. =(
Just look http://www.antifa.org.uk/fallcom.htm

how large of a group are the nazi hardcore kids?

03-04-2009, 04:03 PM
Not large, but it grows. They and earlier tried to appropriate ideas SxE in the RAC and Hatecore to music but until recently they never tried to play hardcore and to imitate in clothes and mosh dances. All of us it is perfectly known what bad role means mass media can to play, I do not want that people associate my way of life and our scene with any shit like it. = ( These guys never were a part of our scene and now they try to appropriate and to the stupid ideas that that at all does not belong to them.

They sometimes like to mention that Hitler conducted a healthy way of life. It's so stupid... x(

sorry for my maybe not excellent english language

03-04-2009, 04:13 PM
Not large, but it grows. They and earlier tried to appropriate ideas SxE in the RAC and Hatecore to music but until recently they never tried to play hardcore and to imitate in clothes and mosh dances. All of us it is perfectly known what bad role means mass media can to play, I do not want that people associate my way of life and our scene with any shit like it. = ( These guys never were a part of our scene and now they try to appropriate and to the stupid ideas that that at all does not belong to them.

They sometimes like to mention that Hitler conducted a healthy way of life. It's so stupid... x(

sorry for my maybe not excellent english language

don't worry about it, your english is awesome and I'm really glad you're here posting about it. We've gotten news reports but you're the first person actually from Russia to talk about it.

03-04-2009, 04:45 PM
Not large, but it grows. They and earlier tried to appropriate ideas SxE in the RAC and Hatecore to music but until recently they never tried to play hardcore and to imitate in clothes and mosh dances. All of us it is perfectly known what bad role means mass media can to play, I do not want that people associate my way of life and our scene with any shit like it. = ( These guys never were a part of our scene and now they try to appropriate and to the stupid ideas that that at all does not belong to them.

They sometimes like to mention that Hitler conducted a healthy way of life. It's so stupid... x(

sorry for my maybe not excellent english language

I have heard about this too.
Thank you for posting, it's really good to hear from a primary source about it.
Also, don't worry, your english is better than most people's english who speak it as their primary language in America.

03-06-2009, 10:34 AM
racism very bad

03-07-2009, 09:40 PM
Nationalism and fascism it very much serious problem in my country. At us numerous nazi skinhead movement. And the most awful that these people because of the hatred and ignorance try to connect ideas Straight Edge with fascism and racial pride. Also now they try to develop nazi-hardcore a stage they name itself Hardline. But they the only thing with whom only fight it with Anti-fascists. They even not a vegans or vegetarians they do not protect animals.
They like to speak that in a hardcore there are no precise policy and consequently they can easy connect SxE ideas with their nazi shit. I think it's whole shit, i know that many of us are not in politics but always punk/hardcore scene was against racism and fascism.
Punks, Hardcore/sxe kids, skinheads resist nazis on the streets and protect HxC/punk scene from dung. Some in the peace ways, the some people with the fists, but an essence in that that if it to not do that will occur too that has occured in England in in 70th with Skinheads. Many of our comrades are dead for their views. =(
Just look http://www.antifa.org.uk/fallcom.htm

Some of great hardcore lyrics about fascism and prejudice:


Do you think that all blacks are niggers?
Ignorance is an attitude
You wallow in your racist stupor
Have you really stopped to think?
Do you believe in the K.K.K., do you think White Power rules today?
Would you like to shoot a white man dead, would you like to bust
a black man's head - No way!

In England there's the National Front, headstrong bunch, these fuckin' cunts
With Webster as their figurehead, they liberate Hitler as he lies dead
They think they're so bloody tough, paki-bashing ain't enough
Martin Webster like the K.K.K., map out all the plans his own way

Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism fucking sucks!

Some black folks call the white race scum, cos they think we are the only ones
Who only live in prejudice, while a lot of blacks live just the same
Do you really judge a man, by the color of his skin
You got the color, you got no right, to fuck up everybody else's life

Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism sucks! Racism sucks! Racism sucks!
Racism fucking sucks!

CALIBAN - Destroy Fascism Lyrics [Endstand cover]

I've had enough of your lies
Now it's the time to make it stop
Spreading false propaganda how your race is clean
How can you be so stupid? Colour doesn't mean a fucking thing

Now we're ready to fight for everyone's right
To live without fear getting attacked by you
Baldheaded assholes this we won't tolerate
It's time to put end to this fucking hate

Destroy fascism!
Antifascist action now...

Pointing finger - hard times

You think you’re so fucking right
I thought judging people by colour
was like choosing books by its cover
but I’m not surprised
I wonder when people will realize

we’re living in hard times
people aren’t blind to the only thing that shouldn’t mind

these masks of fear shaped in our heads
(the mentality of) “you better have a gun or you’ll be dead”
so easy to hate so hard to embrace
(neglecting essence) everybody deserves a chance

we’re living in hard times
people aren’t blind to the only thing that shouldn’t mind

we’ll speak out, we won’t bow down
fuck your system the time is now
they may set the rules but we play the game
just refuse to be their pawn
so this picture will fucking stain
what do you have better to show than racial pride
'cause I only see old fears that you try to hide
do you even know why you hate?
why don't you get in someone's shoes and face their fate
what if the world refused to turn
your country at the dark
where would you run?

Agnostic Front - Fascist attitude

Why should you go around bashing one another
If they look or think different, why let it bother
Everyones got their own style, their own thoughts
Don't let it bother you, don't let it get caught
Your fascist attitudes - we need the least
With a scene that's fighting for unity & peace
Don't need more anger; no more danger
Don't need to hate; stop before it's too late
Learning how to respect each other is a must
So why start a war of anger & danger among us
It's time to grow out of your nazi hypocrism
When you really don't want part of a fucked up system

Youth Of Today - Prejudice

Arguing your point about which race is best
think you've got some insight well it's just prejudice
and the more that you argue the more mad you get
well I don't want to fill myself with hate like that
you're prejudice just look at you
you're prejudiced and you're gonna be judged too
You've taken your stance, you've split us apart
let's see how many bad feelings you can start
trying to make hatred seem real cool
keep talking those facts you come off the fool
you're prejudice just look at you
you're prejudiced and you're gonna be judged too
unite the race what listen
we may be the same race but we're not the same [ PREJUDICE ]
you're cowards looking for someone else to blame
and you're just a few cause most are too smart
to listen to all the shit that you start

The Brotherhood - No Tolerance (For Ignorance)

So proud of your country, nationalistic pride
So proud of your race, prejudiced mind
If you so love your country why can't you see
It's made up of all people, no racial boundaries

We're dedicated to stop your ignorance
Band together to bring you to your knees
For your actions we have no tolerance
Your blind hate, prejudice, a disease

Beating up kids who don't share your views
Pull that shit with us and you'll lose
We may lose some battles
But we'll win this war
We may have sat complacent once, no more

i am now going to cover ALL of these songs

03-15-2009, 08:43 PM
I'm against all forms of racism, nationalism and fascism. I came across this earlier http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=577361 i wondered if anyone had details of the event they mention cuz it'd be great to go and meet loads of edgers theres not that many round here n good too confront the fash too so as to stop them from spreading there racist propoganda.

03-15-2009, 08:46 PM
I thought id post this so you didnt have to go too there crappy forum in the link i posted.

In association with other groups and individuals plans for an NSBM and straight edge meet up have been passed forward for this year 2009 London.

The NSBM scene in the UK is close to 0. The same is for the straight edge life style amongst pro-whites.

We hope this can change in the near future.

The plan is not a pointless social gathering. Straight edge is against drinking pathetic alcohol is a waste of time it's been seen and done before a bunch of white nationalists meet up and get drunk like negros.

The idea is to spread and discuss ideology/s which is mainly straight edge and music and also share out many bootlegs. Some rare. A compilation cd will be giving out with half NSBM bands and the other Half Straight edge bands.

Leaflets will also be giving out in bulks to members and then handed out to the public.

If you are interested in this. You can reply here. PM me or simply spread the word.

I recommend more whites consider the Straight edge lifestyle. It is 100% pure.

03-15-2009, 09:02 PM
I thought id post this so you didnt have to go too there crappy forum in the link i posted.

In association with other groups and individuals plans for an NSBM and straight edge meet up have been passed forward for this year 2009 London.

The NSBM scene in the UK is close to 0. The same is for the straight edge life style amongst pro-whites.

We hope this can change in the near future.

The plan is not a pointless social gathering. Straight edge is against drinking pathetic alcohol is a waste of time it's been seen and done before a bunch of white nationalists meet up and get drunk like negros.

The idea is to spread and discuss ideology/s which is mainly straight edge and music and also share out many bootlegs. Some rare. A compilation cd will be giving out with half NSBM bands and the other Half Straight edge bands.

Leaflets will also be giving out in bulks to members and then handed out to the public.

If you are interested in this. You can reply here. PM me or simply spread the word.

I recommend more whites consider the Straight edge lifestyle. It is 100% pure.

heh, chances are it's the same kid that tried to "organize" something and it blew up in their face with hilarious results.

03-15-2009, 09:12 PM
Cheers lol

03-15-2009, 11:47 PM
heh, chances are it's the same kid that tried to "organize" something and it blew up in their face with hilarious results.

why did he even think that would work?

03-16-2009, 08:45 AM
why did he even think that would work?

consider we could never get a straight answer out of it, I don't know.

03-20-2009, 02:00 AM
consider we could never get a straight answer out of it, I don't know.

hmmm, typical stormfronter.

03-20-2009, 02:14 PM
Sure nazi's and racism are bad, wont hear me say anything different.
But i do support a mild way of nationalism, even though i realise thats quite
ignorant considering Belgium is part of the European Union.
But still i think our polititians (thats correct english?) are to stand up
in the european congress and speak load for the Belgian case.

Extremism isnt good for anything, not for nationalism at all.
But i do believe you can get a form of nationalism without being a racist.

11-28-2009, 02:42 PM

Evening Monday 16th, 26 years old Ivan Khutorskoy aka Vanya-kostolom was shot dead at the entrance of his house. This name is not well-known among general public, but he was a colossal figure among Russian antifascists and left activists. First of all he is known as one of informal leaders of youth antifascist movement, and one of founders of R.A.S.H. (Red and Anarchist skinheads) – community of skinheads-antifascists adhering to the left political views. It’s obvious for the most of his friends that the murder has been committed by Russian neo-nazi.

Ivan Hutorskoy was born in Moscow on 17 February 1983. By the age of eleven, he was driven by punk-rock, and this subculture of rebels had engulfed him and set the direction which he followed all life long.

It was late 1999, when antifascist ideas entered his head. It was time when Vanya had his first fist fights with Nazis at the concerts of Distemper, Schlus and Spitfire. Many nazist dregs came then to every rock concert, ska punk especially. They shouted their slogans, raised hands in nazi salutation, insulted and beat those who came to enjoy music. It used to be normal then, but Vanya decided to put an end to all this, and accompanied by his friends he kicked the nazi s***** out. Largely, it his merit that nowadays, ten years later, it has become possible to visit rock concerts without fear that drunken Nazis would come and spoil everything.

Vanya was very strong, physically and morally. He graduated a department of law with excellent marks. He mastered his skills and achieved good results in armwrestling and sambo (self-defense without weapons). He made friends easily being a center of attraction for many people. Vanya has never skulked behind others and personally proved that Nazis could be and should be defeated. His strength and formidability have won him a nickname Kostolom or Butcher. This awesome nickname reflected the fear of Nazis. None of them would ever wanted to cross his path. Nevetheless, his friends shall confirm his sincere benevolence. With all his indisputable authority among antifascists, Ivan has never put himself above others – this is another strong feature of his character. Anybody could approach him. He treated all people without prejudice, irrespective of their nationality, race or tastes. Vanya was openhearted with everybody.

In the beginning of 2004 Vanya became a skinhead. He understood that it was time to move ahead and bring struggle against fascism beyond concert platforms because nazism in Russia will not disappear by itself. The skinhead subculture seemed to him more serious for further combat and self-expression, and its left wing R.A.S.H. looked most appropriate for realisation of his belief. Approximately at the same time Vanya becomes Straight edge supporter: he completely refuses alcohol. Psychotropic substances have always been unacceptable to him.

He was ruthless to enemies, but he never used weapons believing that victory must be fair.

Nazis were afraid of him. They hated him and tried to kill him more than once. They attacked from behind and cut his back with a knife. But nobody has ever attempted to approach him in the street and put things straight openly. There is no such a Nazi in Moscow who would dare.

Recently Vanya ensured safety of various actions. Him was often invited to protect concerts, meetings, sport competitions, etc. When Vanja got down to business, all had a confidence that all will be as it should be. He was supporter of the family. His father died last year and Vanja had to provide his family financially. He worked in Juvenile State Abandonment, Crime, Drugs Use and AIDS Prevention Center named ‘Street children’. His colleagues recommend him as a disciplined intellectual.

He feared nobody. When his photos and home address appeared on many fascist sites, there was not a trace of change in his behaviour, he treated it as all skinheads do: nothing unusual. His credo was to be himself up to the end. Unfortunately, friends could not convince him to move to a safe place... Murderers have apparently taken him unaware, for they did not hope to win in a hand-to-hand fight and had chosen “the ultimate guarantee” - a pistol.

Rest in peace!

11-29-2009, 04:02 AM
yeah, another sad story from Russia... RIP

11-29-2009, 07:37 AM
is this getting any press or attention in russia?

11-30-2009, 12:36 AM
i think it did when they tried to burn the reporter in his own house about 2-3 years ago.. now - not enough (according to czech antifascists)...

11-30-2009, 04:04 PM
Several independent newspapers have online reporting on this. Some have simply written that a completely ordered murder without giving any details. Most information is disseminated through the anti-fascist sites, punk zines, blogs and myspace. Television is silent on this subject.


solitary echo
12-24-2009, 12:58 PM
wtf is up with the nazism in the that say they are SXE like in spain and al this shit there is the white supermasict vid and wtf it had nothing to do with the the straight edge movement of drugs or any of the things that are part of SXE here in america. any one who is a nazi needs to get the shit beat out of them seriously.. its just so stupid. but thats just my opinion

12-24-2009, 01:49 PM
wtf is up with the nazism in the that say they are SXE like in spain and al this shit there is the white supermasict vid and wtf it had nothing to do with the the straight edge movement of drugs or any of the things that are part of SXE here in america. any one who is a nazi needs to get the shit beat out of them seriously.. its just so stupid. but thats just my opinion

I would much prefer to educate them to see the error of their stance instead od beating the shit out of them, not really sure what you think that would accomplish other than to make you feel better?

solitary echo
12-24-2009, 05:50 PM
well u can educate them all you want, but it just pisses me off when i get called a SXE poser for not being a nazi. i mean seriously they should know its wrong and to me i think they just do it because it is "cool" to be it. its that it disgusts me that ppl can treat another like this. ik that beating the shit out of them wouldnt rlly do anything. but when some damn nazi attacks a friend of mine for his bliefs or his/her race i just want to beat the shit out of them, the world has changed and theyre just stuck in the past.

12-24-2009, 06:41 PM
well u can educate them all you want, but it just pisses me off
when i get called a SXE poser for not being a nazi.

Who's calling you a poser? How much of an issue is it to be called a poser? Is beating people up really a just reaction to being called a poser?

i mean seriously they should know its wrong and to me i think they just do it because it is "cool" to be it.

For them to fully understand why its wrong and not cool a degree of education is needed...that degree of education doesn't come from violence.

its that it disgusts me that ppl can treat another like this.

Nazism is something that disgusts me too, i speak out on it i explain to people i come across with negative nazi like world views exactly why i think they are wrong.

ik that beating the shit out of them wouldnt rlly do anything. but when some damn nazi attacks a friend of mine for his bliefs or his/her race i just want to beat the shit out of them, the world has changed and theyre just stuck in the past.

Yeah, but you are stuck in the past too if thats your reaction, and if you know it won't do anything then you are an idiot to do it...it doesn't help anyone, it doesn't cure the problem it just makes it worse...you know all this so where is the reasoning to do it? I understand being angry at these types of people but use your anger more positively, use it to speak up coherently about why you think it is wrong. And besides your original statement didn't even factor in anyone attacking your friends, you simply said anyone who is a nazi needs the shit beaten out of them...thats a pretty ignorant statement. I mean if the stance of straightedge people as a whole was to beat people who had differing views that we don't agree with then how would straightedge be any different? Come on, i am sure you are smarter than that.

12-25-2009, 01:12 PM
well u can educate them all you want, but it just pisses me off when i get called a SXE poser for not being a nazi. i mean seriously they should know its wrong and to me i think they just do it because it is "cool" to be it. its that it disgusts me that ppl can treat another like this. ik that beating the shit out of them wouldnt rlly do anything. but when some damn nazi attacks a friend of mine for his bliefs or his/her race i just want to beat the shit out of them, the world has changed and theyre just stuck in the past.

yeah man world war 2 is over we won get over it stupid nazi scum...I would love to meet a nazi that i could have a good old talk to about something meaningful. Like how to protect the environment and ways to save the world...the day that happens i would have a drink of beer and thats never going to happen.

solitary echo
01-05-2010, 07:41 PM
its not rlly me that they are calling a poser, its the american SXE, they i just this message on youtube, saying that america is full of pussies, and that SXE is for the strong not some n***** lover. and its like wtf i have no problem with race, racism is over. but when this illeterate morons go on and post vids. and make the SXE appear to a facist movement when its not. when to them SXE is hating jew's and etc. it just makes me upset. WWII is over, the nazis surrendered and its over. to me its just stupid so ppl need to stop with the racism and all that crap its pointless. i guess it just shows no matter who wins in any war there will always be some sort of hate and its saddening cuz id rather see more things like the UN and ppl working out their differences diplomaticaly but to me sometimes you just have to stoop down to there low level in order to protect your friends and the ppl you care about. (sorry if u cant follow im kind of all over the place)

El Moro
01-15-2010, 05:17 PM
As a Cuban who's had racial slurs said to him and who's parents experenced racism when thet came to this country I am very much against Racism of any kind.


01-19-2010, 03:25 AM
is this getting any press or attention in russia?

minimal, if any at all

media acts as if nothing is happening. it looks like someone benefits having nazi gangs killing people and inspiring fear.

01-19-2010, 03:56 PM
I have nothing against it at all since im a "nationalist" and straight myself.
Altough i would love to see more nationalist going straight, it would simply attract more people. And I see no problem that i love my own ppl and country, that said it DON'T mean that i hate every one else. So dont come with some shit like that. Every1 has the right to exist. Nationalism is about love for one own's people not about hate for others. Dont belive anything else.

And since when do nationalism or any other political stance interfere with straight edge at all? As long as people live with the ideals it shouldn't matter what their polotical opinion is. Or did the leftist get exclusive rights on straight edge?

So nazi or commie, nationalist or not. I dont care aslong as people are true.


01-19-2010, 04:04 PM
I have nothing against it at all since im a "nationalist" and straight myself.
Altough i would love to see more nationalist going straight, it would simply attract more people. And I see no problem that i love my own ppl and country, that said it DON'T mean that i hate every one else. So dont come with some shit like that. Every1 has the right to exist. Nationalism is about love for one own's people not about hate for others. Dont belive anything else.

And since when do nationalism or any other political stance interfere with straight edge at all? As long as people live with the ideals it shouldn't matter what their polotical opinion is. Or did the leftist get exclusive rights on straight edge?

So nazi or commie, nationalist or not. I dont care aslong as people are true.


so what are your own people and country? Who are they?

and uh straight edge has a very long and vocal history of being against racism and nationalism, this isn't something new at all.

01-19-2010, 04:26 PM
so what are your own people and country? Who are they?

and uh straight edge has a very long and vocal history of being against racism and nationalism, this isn't something new at all.

Im from Sweden so swedes are my ppl and Sweden are my country.

Straight Edge in itself is NOT anti-racist or anti-nationalistic, so that dosn't really mather.
I know ppl that have been straight a loong time and they have always been nationalist to.
So just beacuse some ppl in the scene are anti it dons't make every1 anti.

01-19-2010, 04:54 PM
Straight Edge in itself is NOT anti-racist or anti-nationalistic

yes it is

01-19-2010, 05:02 PM
yes it is

Stop lying. It has never been and will never be.

01-19-2010, 05:04 PM
Stop lying. It has never been and will never be.

i'm not lying, it is!

01-19-2010, 05:19 PM
i'm not lying, it is!

Ohh, since when then?
Like i said before, straight edge is not either left or right based.
Or have lefties gotten exclusive rights to it now?

01-19-2010, 05:43 PM
Ohh, since when then?
Like i said before, straight edge is not either left or right based.
Or have lefties gotten exclusive rights to it now?

hardcore has had a history of being anti racist and anti nationalist, you're just taking the music and stripping it of the whole content it that history and hardcore kids through history gave it to form it.

its funny how you try to put this as easy as a left or right wing politics deal, though.

01-19-2010, 06:57 PM
Ohh, since when then?
Like i said before, straight edge is not either left or right based.
Or have lefties gotten exclusive rights to it now?

So you are denying the collective view of those involved speaking out against racism and nationalism...that hasn't happened according to you, right?

01-19-2010, 07:35 PM
Im from Sweden so swedes are my ppl and Sweden are my country.

Straight Edge in itself is NOT anti-racist or anti-nationalistic, so that dosn't really mather.
I know ppl that have been straight a loong time and they have always been nationalist to.
So just beacuse some ppl in the scene are anti it dons't make every1 anti.

How are the swedes a people? I mean. what makes you swedish beyond being born there? What makes you so proud of your country? What about people who moved to sweden, can't they be proud of being swedish too?

even within your country, do you seriously not know about the politics of refused and the other bands from Umea?

01-20-2010, 02:02 AM
So nazi or commie, nationalist or not. I dont care aslong as people are true.

that is fucked up. i'm not even going to waste time trying to explain things to you, you're clearly an idiot.

01-26-2010, 05:11 PM
What a load of bullshit. Some band and ppl in the scene speak out against nationalism for some stupid reason sure. But that still dosn't make straight edge anti-racist. Now, leave that commie bullshit elsewhere.

01-26-2010, 05:27 PM
What a load of bullshit. Some band and ppl in the scene speak out against nationalism for some stupid reason sure. But that still dosn't make straight edge anti-racist. Now, leave that commie bullshit elsewhere.

not just some band and some people, its bands that formed hardcore since it started.
you're not coping with the history here.

01-26-2010, 05:50 PM
So? I havn't seen anywhere it says that straight edge is anti-nationalist.

Please point me to those facts.

01-26-2010, 06:09 PM
So? I havn't seen anywhere it says that straight edge is anti-nationalist.

Please point me to those facts.

hardcore is, and straight edge is inside of hardcore and not outside.

01-26-2010, 06:48 PM
So hardcore is pure anti-racist? what a load of bullshit.
No, straight edge isn't anti-racist, end of discussion.

01-26-2010, 07:08 PM
So hardcore is pure anti-racist? what a load of bullshit.
No, straight edge isn't anti-racist, end of discussion.

hardcore its anti racist. sorry if it bothers you but you're screwed. and its not new, you cant have a racist or intolerant movement if several pieces that started it, formed it and gave it shape are and were anti racist.

how can you cope with having a band like bad brains wich were all black dudes, dead kennedy's dh peligro too. you cant have a movement tolerant of stupid shit as racism if their own roots are laced to that?

or bands like 7 seconds wich were pretty clear that they were against that bullshit, or should i copy and paste the lyrics to colorblind? i prefer you do your own homework.
even later bands into different kinds of hardcore music reinforced the same thing, MDC, Gorilla Biscuits, DRI, Sick of it all, a a lot more.

do your homework and stop being a clueless asshat.

01-27-2010, 08:53 AM
What a load of bullshit. Some band and ppl in the scene speak out against nationalism for some stupid reason sure. But that still dosn't make straight edge anti-racist. Now, leave that commie bullshit elsewhere.

Right, how is anything being said "commie bullshit" how is speaking out against negative ignorant hatred ever going to be for a stupid reason...it can only be good to speak out against such negativity. Its quite clear that you are ignorant to what straightedge and hardcore are and were about and you are clearly ignorant withing your views. You are making idiotic statements and sounding about as clever as any racist ever has...basically you need to take a good hard look at what you are trying to say, do some real research and then come back.

01-27-2010, 08:54 AM
So hardcore is pure anti-racist? what a load of bullshit.
No, straight edge isn't anti-racist, end of discussion.

Thats your argument...you call it bullshit and then say it isn't so...thats pretty ignorant and doesn't really challenge anything that has been said thus far.

01-27-2010, 08:57 AM
So? I havn't seen anywhere it says that straight edge is anti-nationalist.

Please point me to those facts.

Well if you look throughout the history of hardcore and straightedge you will find people speaking out against those things and depicting them in the negative light as they should. So really the onus is on you to explain why that is not valid enough and perhaps counter it with examples of straightedge hardcore that are holding these things in a positive light.

El Moro
03-01-2010, 05:41 PM
So hardcore is pure anti-racist? what a load of bullshit.
No, straight edge isn't anti-racist, end of discussion.

Actually, yes it is.

I dare you to go to a Straight Edge concert and say to them what your saying to us now.

Straight Edge has no ethnicity, everyone involved is family regardless of skin color or nationality.

Lets take FSU for example, they formed for the purpose of keeping Neo-Nazi's out of their concert because they don't like their message of racism and hate.

If what your saying is true then they have no reason to do that right?

03-02-2010, 09:18 AM
Actually, yes it is.

I dare you to go to a Straight Edge concert and say to them what your saying to us now.

Straight Edge has no ethnicity, everyone involved is family regardless of skin color or nationality.

Lets take FSU for example, they formed for the purpose of keeping Neo-Nazi's out of their concert because they don't like their message of racism and hate.

If what your saying is true then they have no reason to do that right?

they formed for a lot of reasons, fighting nazi's was just one of them, and they weren't and aren't straight edge.