View Full Version : Racist UK straight edge meet
03-01-2009, 05:57 PM
03-01-2009, 06:15 PM
This only applys to people in the UK.
I think it would be a good idea to form a meet based on straight edge. I can educate a group about it. And give lot's of information etc. So if you are 16 - 19 i can set something up and i hope to distribute leaflets also.
This will only be worth your time if you live in the UK and in the london area. However if somebody can suggest an alternative meeting location go ahead.
I plan on educating people about straight edge. It is an education day not a pointless social gathering. If you have any interest in this idea please pass on the word or reply here.
you might have better luck if you start off with an introduction and give a little bit of a background about yourself.
03-02-2009, 07:56 AM
This only applys to people in the UK.
I think it would be a good idea to form a meet based on straight edge. I can educate a group about it. And give lot's of information etc. So if you are 16 - 19 i can set something up and i hope to distribute leaflets also.
This will only be worth your time if you live in the UK and in the london area. However if somebody can suggest an alternative meeting location go ahead.
I plan on educating people about straight edge. It is an education day not a pointless social gathering. If you have any interest in this idea please pass on the word or reply here.
What kind of things will you cover?
03-04-2009, 03:46 PM
03-04-2009, 04:02 PM
Purity in all forms. In the meeting NSBM fans will also be present.
I hope to unite NSBM fans and straight edge people.
you're probably in for a world of pain, since straight edge has a very long history of direct and vocal opposition of racism. your concept of purity isn't really welcome here.
03-05-2009, 11:50 AM
03-05-2009, 12:45 PM
NSBM is quite realistic if you look into various ideologies.
Some of it relates well with purity.
And i have to say the straight edge is a white culture.
Everyone knows that.
your concept and idea of what purity is flawed and never existed.
straight edge is definitely not a white culture, and all you'd have to do is look at the membership of this board to realize that. I don't think you really have any idea of what straight edge is, or it's history if you believe that it hasn't existed in direct opposition to the bullshit you represent.
03-05-2009, 01:03 PM
NSBM is quite realistic if you look into various ideologies.
Some of it relates well with purity.
And i have to say the straight edge is a white culture.
Everyone knows that.
hardcore and straight edge has always been very vocal against racial discrimination, so you're wrong.
and also, get the fuck out of here you racist piece of shit.
03-05-2009, 01:51 PM
Sorry guys you are very informed. Straight edge has been going for a very long time. Just becuase somebody has come up with the name Straight edge doesnt mean it's ideology has not existed in the past. Straight edge nothing to do with music.. i know bands sing about it but it has been going on very long time. You guys seem to fail to understand individualism, purity and most of all the spirit. None of you are spiritual.
Straight edge has ALWAYS BEEN centered around hardcore music. You are totally misinformed, and don't know too much about it. Sxe evolved and started from the hardcore scene, that's a fact. Sure, tehre were drug free people, living a clean lifestyle way before it. Why do you want to label yourself sxe then? Why not say: pure hater or something stupid like that?
And how do you know none of us are spiritual?! You don't know anybody on this board.
There has been many great individuals to look into and research purity.
Purity is not a set of rules it comes in individuality.
Purity relates to the mind, body and spirit.
Now looking at you two. If that is your head edited onto that fake picture, number 1 you are going bald, thats not healthy and you look overweight. You are not pure or healthy.
And to the second guy with some disgusting picture. Your obviously some sex obsessed sicko. Relating to our hardline ideology i find that degrading and it shows you are not pure.
This is just total childish behaviour, you have no points, go on and bash people because of their avatars they are using on the internet...
If you believe straight edge is hardcore music. Good luck with that. Good luck race mixing and being un-hgyienic. Please id like to see your replies to this post. Before you probably ban me. Becuase your clearly against free speech. It's you who are clearly the elitist nazis.
I think we should compile you a list of straightedge bands that had non-white members.
Also, you should konw that in the 90-s the hardcore scene fought against neo-nazi pieces of shit like you, and got the scene rid of those seprents.
you have no place here. get the fuck out!
there was a nazi gang in Norcal that OBHC Crew had been warring with for a few years. They showed up to a Floorpunch/All Bets Off show at the Cocodrie in Frisco. Franco The Bouncer told them that he couldn't keep them out, but he suggested they not go in. They went in. They stood in the center of the dancefloor, oblivious to the fact that they were being surrounded by hardcore kids. Mikey Hood broke down a drum kit and some mic stands and was walking behind the ring of hardcore kids, handing pieces out. Pat Torment finally moved out onto the dancefloor and started dancing to FP. Sure enough, a nazi slugged him and the ring of kids just converged on them. FP dudes were totally downand lent a hand (or a fist, hahaha). One nazi got pinned against the stage and an FP guy dropped a monitor on his melon. I laughed. Fight lasted a while and then bouncers separated the nazis from the hardcore kids. Cops came. Kids fled. Nazis got fucking housed. It was the last great anti-nazi battle in Norcal, after a decade or so of grand violence. We don't have a nazi problem anymore.
03-05-2009, 02:08 PM
Your jewish your heritage is. No wonder you hate anyone with abit of white pride. Your not white. Semitic impurity.
You are misformed about straight edge ideology. You know the name that's it.
and a name is a name. Maybe it should of been called WHITES ONLY.
even if i was jewish (which i UNFORTUNATELY AM NOT) facts are facts, and you have no point.
please break it down for us. prove how straight edge was not originated from the hardcore scene!
a name is a name, that"s right, get yourself another label to go by.
03-05-2009, 02:15 PM
i cant be asked with you. your a fucking jew and you deny it. look at your heritage you fucking jewish kike. pieces of shit jews and your nigger friends ruin this world
fuck you all jew and coon lover
you distort things
yeh you can ban me now i have no interest with socialing with kikes and bald peaodos like the admin there
hahahahaha i am having such a laugh.
My heritage is: my grandmother's parents were from Austria, my grandfather's parent's were from Austria, my grandparents from my father's side were from Hungary and Slovakia, and none of them were jewish. I state it again, it would be pretty cool to be jewish, i'd love to get a hot jewish girl. also, that way i could probably RULE THE WORLD! haha
i like it how you got all pissed off and throw around racists slurs, because you can't do anything else, because you are COMPLETELY WRONG and your point of view is so flawed anybody with a sane mind can see that.
Also, how does it feel that a foreigner spells better than you?
03-05-2009, 02:22 PM
Obvious troll is obvious. This one is starting to be obvious.
Obvious troll is obvious. This one is starting to be obvious.
don't underestimate human ignorance! Racism is a clue for it.
03-05-2009, 02:31 PM
i cant be asked with you. your a fucking jew and you deny it. look at your heritage you fucking jewish kike. pieces of shit jews and your nigger friends ruin this world
fuck you all jew and coon lover
you distort things
yeh you can ban me now i have no interest with socialing with kikes and bald peaodos like the admin there
I wonder how your friends at Capel Manor College feel about your lack of social skills and antisocial behavior.
03-05-2009, 02:38 PM
i'd love to get a hot jewish girl. also, that way i could probably RULE THE WORLD! haha
ahahahahahahahahhaha +1
ahahahahahahahahhaha +1
to be honest, i'd settle with CONTROLING THE MEDIA! haha
03-05-2009, 02:45 PM
)))))))))))))))) hahaha
03-05-2009, 02:52 PM
I can't even laugh at this thread because I can't believe there is pieces of shit like this who exist in this world.
i cant be asked with you. your a fucking jew and you deny it. look at your heritage you fucking jewish kike. pieces of shit jews and your nigger friends ruin this world
fuck you all jew and coon lover
you distort things
yeh you can ban me now i have no interest with socialing with kikes and bald peaodos like the admin there
I know we give that Flint dude a hard time for being a meathead. But this dude right here posting this shit, needs a fucking fist in the face. Words cannot describe how disgusting that post is.....
03-05-2009, 02:57 PM
Coming to think of it, this dude openly posting about this on the Internet, saying he is doing this in London UK might not be a good idea on his part.
03-05-2009, 03:19 PM
Coming to think of it, this dude openly posting about this on the Internet, saying he is doing this in London UK might not be a good idea on his part.
dude's down in middlesex.
03-05-2009, 03:19 PM
Purity in all forms. In the meeting NSBM fans will also be present.
I hope to unite NSBM fans and straight edge people.
Yeah, you can kiss my ass before i attend your meet!
03-06-2009, 04:53 AM
Just imagine... some NSBM fans will go this meeting and they will ask him where are the straight edge guys.... And he will say: Well, I registered at a sxe forum and there the guys said I'm a stupid f*ck and I'm an asshole so... the meeting is over. :)
03-06-2009, 08:44 AM
03-06-2009, 08:46 AM
Anti racism forever
03-06-2009, 08:47 AM
sign up now and make a differance
03-06-2009, 08:51 AM
well, that was retarded
03-06-2009, 08:51 AM
im a girl for a start. and the meeting was a joke.
i got told to come over here and annoy the admin here from our uk straight edge group. you really are easy to fool.
uh huh. what's really fun is if you google your email address. it's amazing that other racist shit comes up there too.
everyone can play along:
what uk straight edge group, exactly?
im a girl for a start. and the meeting was a joke.
i got told to come over here and annoy the admin here from our uk straight edge group. you really are easy to fool.
if this is true, I'd still side with you being an idiot.
If it is not true, and you just got scared because the school you attend was posted, and you just want to mislead everyone this all being a joke: haha, you are pathetic loser without guts to stand behind your racist views.
I think it's the latter though, because you did a U-turn AFTER your school was posted.
uh huh. what's really fun is if you google your email address. it's amazing that other racist shit comes up there too.
everyone can play along:
what uk straight edge group, exactly?
03-06-2009, 08:54 AM
if this is true, I'd still side with you being an idiot.
If it is not true, and you just got scared because the school you attend was posted, and you just want to mislead everyone this all being a joke: haha, you are pathetic loser without guts to stand behind your racist views.
I think it's the latter though, because you did a U-turn AFTER your school was posted.
yeah. I"m still going to be writing the school about this. I'm also planning on getting in touch with the UK authorities as well.
yeah. I"m still going to be writing the school about this. I'm also planning on getting in touch with the UK authorities as well.
03-06-2009, 09:09 AM
wow really i am not racist lol. jesus it was a joke.
and i got from a combat 18 website he is a skinhead
seriously i hate racists it was a joke.
i get enough abuse everyday for what i am. i support antifa.
bullshit. You need to confirm the registration on this site by clicking on the link it automatically sends you TO YOUR EMAIL ADRESS.
So if it wasn't your email adress, how can you be here?! You are just scared about the consequences of your actions you ignorant racist bitch. enjoy your ride.
03-06-2009, 09:12 AM
wow really i am not racist lol. jesus it was a joke.
and i got from a combat 18 website he is a skinhead
seriously i hate racists it was a joke.
i get enough abuse everyday for what i am. i support antifa.
see. here's the thing. you have to actually get email to that account for it to work. you can't just put in any email. You have to respond to the email that's sent. So yeah. I think you're full of shit.
The toefur kids are dumb, but they're not that dumb, nice try though.
03-06-2009, 09:20 AM
03-06-2009, 09:20 AM
It's awesome to see this piece of shit going back on what he stands so strongly for because people found him out.
I told you posting openly on the internet was a bad idea.......
03-06-2009, 09:21 AM
im actually telling the truth. im actually asian but if you want to associate the police and tell them im a nazi when im asian go ahead it will actually be a laugh ;)
then you might want to try proving your story. you have one chance.
03-06-2009, 09:24 AM
03-06-2009, 09:25 AM
ok well in real life im not white. i envy the whole skinhead and skinheadgirl thing. i used to know someone but i never could be white power becuase im not fully white. i spam forums with stuff sometimes. you dont have to believe it. i got banned on a skinhead site recently becuase somebody leaked a picture of me. but i try read up on national socialism when i can. even if i am rejected.
you do realize you just completely contradicted yourself. so what is the actual truth?
03-06-2009, 09:27 AM
03-06-2009, 09:30 AM
my last past was the truth yes greenyead is me. i pretend to be a skinhead on many forums. i have no intention of meeting anyone if i did id get done in.
so why exactly shouldn't I get in touch with your school and the law? I mean, you've just kept lying.
03-06-2009, 09:33 AM
ok well in real life im not white. i envy the whole skinhead and skinheadgirl thing. i used to know someone but i never could be white power becuase im not fully white. i spam forums with stuff sometimes. you dont have to believe it. i got banned on a skinhead site recently becuase somebody leaked a picture of me. but i try read up on national socialism when i can. even if i am rejected.
I feel sorry for you... Seriously....
03-06-2009, 09:34 AM
03-06-2009, 09:37 AM
i dont know becuase you have a heart and im just a kid/?
and also becuase you win and i lose.
and iv learnt from this im giving up permatley.
moving post
03-06-2009, 10:09 AM
Email the school. This guy isn't right.
03-06-2009, 10:11 AM
i dont know becuase you have a heart and im just a kid/?
and also becuase you win and i lose.
and iv learnt from this im giving up permatley.
what do we think folks? I mean. I've been insulted. other people here have been insulted. We've been lied to.
03-06-2009, 10:17 AM
03-06-2009, 10:17 AM
what do we think folks? I mean. I've been insulted. other people here have been insulted. We've been lied to.
Insults have been thrown around, even if the guy was kidding, it's fucked up to even write things like that. Even on the Internet.
He has lied, and then lied again after being caught lying.
To do this even as a joke or to get a rise from people on a forum is fucked up, and nobody who is stable or semi normal would do shit like that.
Message the school I say.
03-06-2009, 10:21 AM
03-06-2009, 10:21 AM
im not guy.
i can do something for you. i havnt insulted you , you look proper strong.
name what you want i do it my friend
a picture of you holding up a sign saying I'm sorry would be a good start.
03-06-2009, 10:25 AM
03-06-2009, 10:26 AM
do i email that to you
03-06-2009, 10:35 AM
this guy is full of shit, clearly a racist, and too ignorant to see what he's doing. Now, that he realizes what he has done, and that words have weight, in order not to get into trouble at his school, he comes up with shitty lies, get caught lying, and still presume that he can get out of it.
Inform his school, what a racist idiots attend their facility.
delete thread aswell>? and ban me after u have seen it
haha, you are scared of your school! **please destroy evidence**
You see, if you were just kidding, you wouldn't care, but clearly you do, because you're full of shit.
Also, Dusty, i think he could easily find chinese girl and make her show the sign you wanted. it's clear he is a racist in a closet, and probably he is afraid of his surroundings to find it all out.
I think we need something more evidence than that.
03-06-2009, 10:41 AM
im not racist
03-06-2009, 10:42 AM
haha, you are scared of your school! **please destroy evidence**
You see, if you were just kidding, you wouldn't care, but clearly you do, because you're full of shit.
Also, Dusty, i think he could easily find chinese girl and make her show the sign you wanted. it's clear he is a racist in a closet, and probably he is afraid of his surroundings to find it all out.
I think we need something more evidence than that.
if that's the case then how fucked up would it be for a white supremacist to have to ask for help from a non white?
if that's the case then how fucked up would it be for a white supremacist to have to ask for help from a non white?
look, he clearly would do it. he is fucked up that's for sure. he already went back on his word and degraded himself instead of leaving. no backbone, no morals, no values. and he was talking about being pure! hahaha
03-06-2009, 10:46 AM
look, he clearly would do it. he is fucked up that's for sure. he already went back on his word and degraded himself instead of leaving. no backbone, no morals, no values. and he was talking about being pure! hahaha
everyone makes mistakes. I'm reserving judgment until I get a picture. at least then it shows some willingness to tell the truth.
03-06-2009, 03:09 PM
no picture yet, if one doesn't come this weekend I'm sending emails.
03-07-2009, 12:16 AM
Dusty, I don't think he/she is a hardliner white power kid! He used the same e-mail adress for the registration and for the other nazi shits... Amateur! Think about it!
But e-mail the school Dusty, the school will judge him/her.
03-07-2009, 12:57 AM
If you are just an asian kid who "envy the whole (nazi) skinhead and skinheadgirl thing" please tell me why? Take a look in the mirror! Why do you hate what you see? You talk about purity? Pfff. You are a liar, a coward. Think about it.
Oh, and next time if you want to post in a forum, first read some posts and you can see what kind of people post there....
I hope lesson learned....
03-07-2009, 09:31 PM
a few days with no internet and nazis arrive? explain?
03-08-2009, 03:48 PM
im not racist
yeah, trying to edit out your posts won't really work since what you wrote was captured in peoples replies to you.
03-08-2009, 03:48 PM
school's been emailed.
03-08-2009, 04:13 PM
school's been emailed.
i was hoping for a pic
03-08-2009, 04:23 PM
i was hoping for a pic
me too, but what can you do?
03-08-2009, 05:10 PM
school's been emailed.
If you don't have a first or last name, how does emailing the school make a difference? Just out of curiousity.
03-08-2009, 05:13 PM
If you don't have a first or last name, how does emailing the school make a difference? Just out of curiousity.
most schools have proxies in place to know who did what and when and honestly chances are this probably isn't the first time something like this has happened with this person.
03-08-2009, 05:24 PM
most schools have proxies in place to know who did what and when and honestly chances are this probably isn't the first time something like this has happened with this person.
Fair enough, that makes sense. I was just curious.
03-10-2009, 09:03 PM
03-10-2009, 09:05 PM
how is it not self explanatory?
03-12-2009, 02:20 AM
Read what? most of his posts are missing, and the replys are incomplete
Read what? most of his posts are missing, and the replys are incomplete
he can't edit other people's posts, and the quotes show his original posts....
03-12-2009, 09:34 AM
Read what? most of his posts are missing, and the replys are incomplete
they're not incomplete at all.
03-13-2009, 02:53 AM
they're not incomplete at all.
no i mean i couldnt work out the whole convo from looking at replies
no i mean i couldnt work out the whole convo from looking at replies
let me help you with that. first, read the quote. then the reply. hope this was helpful!
03-13-2009, 09:12 AM
let me help you with that. first, read the quote. then the reply. hope this was helpful!
Hahaha... Yeah it works... :)
03-13-2009, 11:59 AM
no i mean i couldnt work out the whole convo from looking at replies
03-14-2009, 09:07 PM
sorry doesnt work like that amigo.
maybe you could just explain in one one simple sentence or paragraph.
03-15-2009, 07:57 AM
sorry doesnt work like that amigo.
maybe you could just explain in one one simple sentence or paragraph.
seems to me it does.
03-15-2009, 10:13 AM
so, no photo of dude holding up the sign, eh?
03-15-2009, 11:52 PM
let me help you with that. first, read the quote. then the reply. hope this was helpful!
sorry i kind of assumed that not every post made by him would be quoted as that is how it usually is in most topics.
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