View Full Version : Positive and Focused - update April 09

Positive and Focused
04-05-2009, 02:37 AM

After the Golden X 7inch we announced a short break to concentrate on some other projects but the intended break turned out to be a VERY short one.... we came across an awesome new band so we decided to release their songs on a piece of wax. You can pre-order as from now; just send a message or visit our website:


Some more info:

Faro based hardcore quintet Pressure rose in the winter of 2008 from the ashes of Pointing Finger and half the line up of Broken Distance.

Started out as a project between singer Diogo Narciso and drummer Rafael Madeira, who wrote 4 songs before inviting guitar player João Boto and recording a demo.

Later on, Valter Ascensão from Take the Risk Records/Broken Distance and David Rosado from PF and Broken Distance fame, joined up to complete the line up.

The demo tape, limited to 48 copies, was sold out in 12 hours and is now released on 7" vinyl on a joint venture by Positive and Focused Records, Monument Records and Heartland Records. The tape version is also re-released (100 copies) by Silly Girl records.

An old school logo drawn by Javier Arregui and an already taken band name, gave this band a lot of projection and criticism, nothing that could shake the band's resolution of being a hardcore band, something that cannot be fabricated or target-marketed.

Members have been carrying the torch of hardcore for the last decade, by doing bands, labels, fanzines, booking shows. Pressure will capture your attention, the music will channel your rage, and the emotional release will be provided by their energetic live shows. In this day and age where substance takes the backseat to metal riffs and mosh parts, Pressure sets the difference by delivering songs that perfectly merge energetic music with an intense and sincere message.

Monument Records and Heartland Records helps us out with this release; each label will have their own version. So for you record-collectors; please contact them here:

Positive and Focused
04-06-2009, 12:31 PM

04-13-2009, 07:45 PM
I'm sure as hell diggin' that merch.