View Full Version : raceist

04-24-2009, 04:59 PM
Hey what do you guys think about the raceist/skinheads in the straight edge movement?

04-24-2009, 06:38 PM
I'm against racism whether it's within the straight edge subculture or otherwise.

04-25-2009, 02:55 AM
everybody in their sane mind is against racism. racists involved in sxe is just a paradox in itself, looking back on the history of it all.

04-25-2009, 11:28 AM
everybody in their sane mind is against racism. racists involved in sxe is just a paradox in itself, looking back on the history of it all.

couldnt say it any better than that

04-27-2009, 11:21 AM
im glad to here that :D

Wicked Brown
04-29-2009, 08:47 AM
I remember when I was millitant we would beat up those raceist fucks!!!! But now we just laugh at them.

04-29-2009, 05:36 PM
I remember when I was millitant we would beat up those raceist fucks!!!! But now we just laugh at them.

yeah there not worth anything more than laughing at them, i wouldnt waste my energy :D

Wicked Brown
04-30-2009, 08:56 AM
yeah there not worth anything more than laughing at them, i wouldnt waste my energy :D


05-25-2009, 03:22 AM
i don't think that laughing is the best answer.. sXe is another culture that neonazis will try to steal.. they've stolen skinhead style and they have ruined it, they've stolen the Black Block, they've stolen hardcore and now they're trying to steal sXe... FUCK NS-SXE! better than laughing is to break some skulls..

05-25-2009, 03:37 AM
it's not if you're skinhead that you're raceist.

05-25-2009, 03:51 AM
no, it's certainly not.. that was my point, thought..

05-25-2009, 04:27 AM
i'm not filled with hatred, i'm not gonna break their skulls..

05-25-2009, 04:41 AM
so you rather sit and wait till they'll break yours?

05-25-2009, 09:27 AM
I don't accept racists as members of the SxE subculture. They don't belong with us.

05-25-2009, 09:45 AM
Racist ppl that are in edge or jus regular racist ppl are losers I can't understand how u can hate someone for there skin tone it makes no damn sense

05-25-2009, 02:19 PM
so you rather sit and wait till they'll break yours?

I for one will not break skulls, its quite beneath me. And i shant be having my skull broken either or ever condone racism, for this i don't need to be a thug.

05-25-2009, 03:11 PM
i walk away ?

05-26-2009, 12:57 AM
walk away? i'm not sure how is it in Belgium, but here you just can't walk away.. still I'm glad for the oportunity to RUN as fast as I can... it comes handy :-)

05-26-2009, 09:58 AM
walk away? i'm not sure how is it in Belgium, but here you just can't walk away.. still I'm glad for the oportunity to RUN as fast as I can... it comes handy :-)

I thought you wanted to break their skulls?

05-26-2009, 10:46 AM
walk away? i'm not sure how is it in Belgium, but here you just can't walk away.. still I'm glad for the oportunity to RUN as fast as I can... it comes handy :-)

we don't bust heads open in belgium, it could happen but never heard of it.
ok if it's the only way, i wouldn't take a beating and try to defend myself. but even in that situation it wouldn't be my goal to break their skulls, only defend myself. i'm not going to be like them.

05-27-2009, 05:04 AM
i'm not into violence or any macho tough guy bullshit, but the things that are happening in Russia mainly and are starting to appear in my country are too much... that statement about breaking skulls was written in anger.. anger of how EVERYONE who in the past 10 years said that there's neonazi movement growing inside our borders was labeled "communist" or "left extremist"... now, when they started their own political party and started to gain massive support from white people who are living in suburbs with gipsies, mainstream TV took this and gave them TV time which they were longing for so much... our government started a "Fight against extremism"... not against neonazi movement, but extremism in general.. extremism in sense that everyone here could easily fit in.. everyone who has different thoughts about this system. everyone who is not just a consumer.
did anything change with neonazis? hell no, these fucks are marching in the streets, they have built "Protective Brigade", they tried a pogrom on gipsies in the suburbs..
fuck, no wonder i'm angry.. i'm seriously thinking about leaving this country..
so, i would not attack a person with any other means than words i think, but times has changed and in defense.. fuck, i would do anything to protect my family from this... if i'm attacked alone, i run...

05-27-2009, 07:11 AM
i'm not into violence or any macho tough guy bullshit, but the things that are happening in Russia mainly and are starting to appear in my country are too much... that statement about breaking skulls was written in anger.. anger of how EVERYONE who in the past 10 years said that there's neonazi movement growing inside our borders was labeled "communist" or "left extremist"... now, when they started their own political party and started to gain massive support from white people who are living in suburbs with gipsies, mainstream TV took this and gave them TV time which they were longing for so much... our government started a "Fight against extremism"... not against neonazi movement, but extremism in general.. extremism in sense that everyone here could easily fit in.. everyone who has different thoughts about this system. everyone who is not just a consumer.
did anything change with neonazis? hell no, these fucks are marching in the streets, they have built "Protective Brigade", they tried a pogrom on gipsies in the suburbs..
fuck, no wonder i'm angry.. i'm seriously thinking about leaving this country..
so, i would not attack a person with any other means than words i think, but times has changed and in defense.. fuck, i would do anything to protect my family from this... if i'm attacked alone, i run...

I think you don't have to leave your country... I think there are many possibilities for anyone to fight against it. Without breaking skulls.
For example I'm a librarian. Sometimes I have to give "how to use library" lessons for children. After the lessons we always have a long chat with the guys. And I'm proud because I belive that I could give something for them and they became more smarter and they will be persons who have healthy thoughts. I don't have to breaking those skulls....

05-27-2009, 01:09 PM
I think you don't have to leave your country... I think there are many possibilities for anyone to fight against it. Without breaking skulls.
For example I'm a librarian. Sometimes I have to give "how to use library" lessons for children. After the lessons we always have a long chat with the guys. And I'm proud because I belive that I could give something for them and they became more smarter and they will be persons who have healthy thoughts. I don't have to breaking those skulls....

im not sitting in apathy.. my disguise is of course represented by my music, my everyday actions. i would leave just because if this neonazi thing will become huge and dangerous i want my family to be save...
anyway - thats a really great thing youre doing fot the kids.. at least i as kid would be glad

05-27-2009, 04:22 PM
Revleft.com, Antifa ! there should be a lot of ppl on that forum

i just can't understand that ppl support this. the cruels of WWII... it's sick !

05-27-2009, 05:09 PM
Revleft.com, Antifa ! there should be a lot of ppl on that forum

i just can't understand that ppl support this. the cruels of WWII... it's sick !

yes, it is sick.
You know what else is sick The cruels of those who's power the red star and hammer&sickle symbolize are sick as well.


05-28-2009, 12:31 AM
yes, it is.. fighting against authoritarianism with authoritarianism?.. hell, i "just" want freedom..

btw. hammer&sickle and redstar are not just symbols of communism, redstar is general social left field symbol and hammer & sickle is workers symbol.. but they should definitely use something else after decades we've been under red dictatorship.. it's like slap in the face for those who then suffered...

05-28-2009, 12:57 AM
Personally I have no problem with skinheads being sXe but I do not agree with racists being sXe. It would be pretty contradictory to have people going against what is meant to be a positive movement, unfortunately with every movement there are dickheads that just use it as a grounds to be militant and violent just for the sake of it. I mean thats exactly how skinheads got tainted, the neo-nazi white supremacists just ended up using it as a badge and a stomping ground for violence.

05-28-2009, 01:18 AM
yes, it is.. fighting against authoritarianism with authoritarianism?.. hell, i "just" want freedom..

btw. hammer&sickle and redstar are not just symbols of communism, redstar is general social left field symbol and hammer & sickle is workers symbol.. but they should definitely use something else after decades we've been under red dictatorship.. it's like slap in the face for those who then suffered...


05-28-2009, 04:40 AM
im not sitting in apathy.. my disguise is of course represented by my music, my everyday actions. i would leave just because if this neonazi thing will become huge and dangerous i want my family to be save...
anyway - thats a really great thing youre doing fot the kids.. at least i as kid would be glad

"my disguise is of course represented by my music"

Your music? What type of music?

05-28-2009, 04:50 AM
we have a project called Absolution! and we play what I call "hardcore-pop".. It has hardcore influences and definitely hardcore morals and views on society as we all love hc/punk for many years, but musically it's... i don't know.. melodic hardcore but we have also slower and calmer songs... you can listen here (myspace.com/absolutioncz) to get a better idea, but that record sounds like shit and was recorder without bass :-))

05-28-2009, 05:28 AM
we have a project called Absolution! and we play what I call "hardcore-pop".. It has hardcore influences and definitely hardcore morals and views on society as we all love hc/punk for many years, but musically it's... i don't know.. melodic hardcore but we have also slower and calmer songs... you can listen here (myspace.com/absolutioncz) to get a better idea, but that record sounds like shit and was recorder without bass :-))


change your band's name, and next time do some research before you decide to name your band...this is embarrassing. just sayin'!

(i can't listen to the songs, because i'm at work right now)

05-28-2009, 05:51 AM
so i HAVE to? :-) i know exactly what it means and why i chose this name.. I found out about NY Absolution some years later, so we've added the "!" to not be mistaken.. and that band played like different style and as there is Death Before Dishonor "namesharing" and MANY others names collisions in music industry i stopped caring about it...

05-28-2009, 06:14 AM
so i HAVE to? :-) i know exactly what it means and why i chose this name.. I found out about NY Absolution some years later, so we've added the "!" to not be mistaken.. and that band played like different style and as there is Death Before Dishonor "namesharing" and MANY others names collisions in music industry i stopped caring about it...

that's pretty lame

05-28-2009, 06:27 AM
what is lame about that? if i didn't already know about the other band i wouldn't even know what the hell you're talking about in the first place.. and now you reply with nothing.. no constructive information at all, just that you find my reply "lame".. well that's great but definitely not something to build upon.. i didn't steal anything nor i wanted to build our "fame" out of many years defunct band credit as i didn't even know it existed and i would think about changing the name as we still have time to change it. but with this attitude? ok, i'll think about it.. or maybe i will change the name to BadXBrains just to have the enlightening oportunity to read another of your heartful comments ...

05-28-2009, 06:49 AM
what is lame about that? if i didn't already know about the other band i wouldn't even know what the hell you're talking about in the first place.. and now you reply with nothing.. no constructive information at all, just that you find my reply "lame".. well that's great but definitely not something to build upon.. i didn't steal anything nor i wanted to build our "fame" out of many years defunct band credit as i didn't even know it existed and i would think about changing the name as we still have time to change it. but with this attitude? ok, i'll think about it.. or maybe i will change the name to BadXBrains just to have the enlightening oportunity to read another of your heartful comments ...

heh. It's bad enough that i have to make you realize what is lame about all of this.
I don't feel like i need to explain myself, it's kind of self explanatory really. You said it's ok, because death before dishonor did this before. and what's even more lame, that you don't care about this issue, because you put an exclamation mark after the word absolution.

And for the record: A lot of people would never give you the benefit of the doubt (or a listen) with you using this name, because you'd come off like a bunch of kids who don't have their shit right.

05-28-2009, 07:11 AM
hmm, i will put this clear so we won't waste our times again.. you could have stated your opinion in two ways, one of them would be:
"hey man, do you realize that there was another band with that name? and they've played hardcore, too. i would suggest you to change it, blah blah blah", which would be fine as i'm always opened to critics

the other way is: "what the fuck? change that name!"

you apparently choose the rude way. who the hell do you think you are to tell ANYONE to change his band's name? if i called my band Metallica, it's not your fucking business! i am not forcing you in any way to listen to the music and you surely have the right to express your feelings or views on this matter, but you could also learn how to behave..

as i stated, i didn't know about the band, nor any of my friends, nor anyone from local scene at that time. oh mighty, we are so ashamed!
I propably WILL change that name as I see it really IS a problem. What about you having some assertivity training in return?

05-28-2009, 07:33 AM
hmm, i will put this clear so we won't waste our times again.. you could have stated your opinion in two ways, one of them would be:
"hey man, do you realize that there was another band with that name? and they've played hardcore, too. i would suggest you to change it, blah blah blah", which would be fine as i'm always opened to critics

the other way is: "what the fuck? change that name!"

you apparently choose the rude way. who the hell do you think you are to tell ANYONE to change his band's name? if i called my band Metallica, it's not your fucking business! i am not forcing you in any way to listen to the music and you surely have the right to express your feelings or views on this matter, but you could also learn how to behave..

as i stated, i didn't know about the band, nor any of my friends, nor anyone from local scene at that time. oh mighty, we are so ashamed!
I propably WILL change that name as I see it really IS a problem. What about you having some assertivity training in return?

Well said!

05-28-2009, 07:43 AM
hmm, i will put this clear so we won't waste our times again.. you could have stated your opinion in two ways, one of them would be:
"hey man, do you realize that there was another band with that name? and they've played hardcore, too. i would suggest you to change it, blah blah blah", which would be fine as i'm always opened to critics

the other way is: "what the fuck? change that name!"

you apparently choose the rude way. who the hell do you think you are to tell ANYONE to change his band's name? if i called my band Metallica, it's not your fucking business! i am not forcing you in any way to listen to the music and you surely have the right to express your feelings or views on this matter, but you could also learn how to behave..

as i stated, i didn't know about the band, nor any of my friends, nor anyone from local scene at that time. oh mighty, we are so ashamed!
I propably WILL change that name as I see it really IS a problem. What about you having some assertivity training in return?

I don't think my reply was rude. You can take it like that, if you want to, that's your problem, i don't give a shit what you think. I tell anybody anything i want to, who are you to tell me what not to say? Cry about it.

At least i made you understand the problem adressed.

05-28-2009, 08:01 AM
well, whether you think or not, it was rude. if you don't see it, than take it as lesson for life. :-)
i won't reply to the rest of your peaceful message as i'm already sick of your tough guy "i know everything the best" bullshit...

05-28-2009, 08:09 AM
well, whether you think or not, it was rude. if you don't see it, than take it as lesson for life. :-)
i won't reply to the rest of your peaceful message as i'm already sick of your tough guy "i know everything the best" bullshit...

yeah, next time don't call people out on not being contructive, they might think you're a hypocrit....

05-28-2009, 08:13 AM
fuck! i already gave you a contructive reply but for you, my friend, i'm willing to repeat myself: LEARN TO BEHAVE!

05-28-2009, 08:31 AM
fuck! i already gave you a contructive reply but for you, my friend, i'm willing to repeat myself: LEARN TO BEHAVE!
I was taught how to behave long before by my parents, thank you. I also learned to say whatever's on my mind.
Don't be so pissy because i pointed out your flaws. I know, it's uncomfortable, but still, you can just take it like a man, count your losses, and back off a bit.
Save your holier-than-thou drama for others, i'm not buying into it.

05-28-2009, 09:26 AM
I was taught how to behave long before by my parents, thank you. I also learned to say whatever's on my mind.
Don't be so pissy because i pointed out your flaws. I know, it's uncomfortable, but still, you can just take it like a man, count your losses, and back off a bit.
Save your holier-than-thou drama for others, i'm not buying into it.

huh, than your parents did pretty bad job.. its ok to say whats on your mind but if you would really try to understand my point in the first place, you would already know that WHAT youve said is not the problem. its HOW youve said that. wait! you know that already cause Ive TOLD you that i will change that fucking name. so please dont twist my statements again (i guess thats part of what you see as a good behavior) and say bullshit like "take it like a man" cause I took it like a man. Politely, without arrogance or playing tough guy on the internet. its YOU who acts like a child, face it..
im pretty sure that youll have some other demagogic reply but I wont reply to it (and propably wont read it either). so you can spare your keyboard and quit making yourself look like an idiot.


05-28-2009, 09:31 AM
huh, than your parents did pretty bad job.. its ok to say whats on your mind but if you would really try to understand my point in the first place, you would already know that WHAT youve said is not the problem. its HOW youve said that. wait! you know that already cause Ive TOLD you that i will change that fucking name. so please dont twist my statements again (i guess thats part of what you see as a good behavior) and say bullshit like "take it like a man" cause I took it like a man. Politely, without arrogance or playing tough guy on the internet. its YOU who acts like a child, face it..
im pretty sure that youll have some other demagogic reply but I wont reply to it (and propably wont read it either). so you can spare your keyboard and quit making yourself look like an idiot.


the only one who makes himself look like an idiot, is you dude. also, just read your own replies, and search for traces of arrogance.

I'm feeling sorry for you, i didn't even curse, and you got so pissed about what i had to say. (we all know it's not how i said it, but the content is what made you mad). no worries, just like i said, nobody likes to be proved wrong or their actions pointed out as lame, but some people can take it, count their losses and start fresh.

thanks for reading!

05-28-2009, 10:10 AM
the only one who makes himself look like an idiot, is you dude. also, just read your own replies, and search for traces of arrogance.

I'm feeling sorry for you, i didn't even curse, and you got so pissed about what i had to say. (we all know it's not how i said it, but the content is what made you mad). no worries, just like i said, nobody likes to be proved wrong or their actions pointed out as lame, but some people can take it, count their losses and start fresh.

thanks for reading!

:-)))) im not doing this often, you must be special in some way, but i will break my howgh rule. at least everyone who reads this can laugh a little bit longer

first - youve started this whole conversation with a curse. i dont see anything bad about cursing but to start a conversation with "what the fuck" is too much for me..

second - im trying to explain from the beginning that what got me angry is your attitude, not your opinion. i know its pointless to write it again, as you must always mysteriously skip that part, but well..

third -

fuck !someone just killed my cat.. wont finish this as its pointless

05-28-2009, 10:54 AM
:-)))) im not doing this often, you must be special in some way, but i will break my howgh rule. at least everyone who reads this can laugh a little bit longer

first - youve started this whole conversation with a curse. i dont see anything bad about cursing but to start a conversation with "what the fuck" is too much for me..

second - im trying to explain from the beginning that what got me angry is your attitude, not your opinion. i know its pointless to write it again, as you must always mysteriously skip that part, but well..

third -

fuck !someone just killed my cat.. wont finish this as its pointless

Not being funny but calling him out on being rude by being "rude" back. I mean come on dude. And would you be as angry if his post started "WTF" instead of "what the fuck". I think you may have missed the inference, to me as i know the poster a little better, he was saying what the fuck as an exclamation of disbelief. But either way your replies seemed to help esculate this toward nonsense and now you aren't really talking about anything of substance anymore, i just wanted to interject as as i saw it starting to look like a futile excercise!

05-28-2009, 01:02 PM
:-)))) im not doing this often, you must be special in some way, but i will break my howgh rule. at least everyone who reads this can laugh a little bit longer

i'm sure they do.

05-28-2009, 01:34 PM
yes, it is sick.
You know what else is sick The cruels of those who's power the red star and hammer&sickle symbolize are sick as well.


true. too bad only in theory it 'worked' i guess.. but the guy wants to kick some neo-nazi ass no ? :p

hmm, i will put this clear so we won't waste our times again.. you could have stated your opinion in two ways, one of them would be:
"hey man, do you realize that there was another band with that name? and they've played hardcore, too. i would suggest you to change it, blah blah blah", which would be fine as i'm always opened to critics

the other way is: "what the fuck? change that name!"

you apparently choose the rude way. who the hell do you think you are to tell ANYONE to change his band's name?

that's the way we handle things around here, get used to it ;p

fuck! i already gave you a contructive reply but for you, my friend, i'm willing to repeat myself: LEARN TO BEHAVE!

don't yell dude, it isn't friendly...

i'm sure they do.

lmao atm

05-29-2009, 01:22 AM
that's the way we handle things around here, get used to it ;p

will not.. not getting used to a behaviour pattern that i see as foul is part of what i believe hardcore stands for. i did defend myself with weapons i was attacked and yes - that is my fault and i apologize even when i know that noone will apologize me...

don't agree? fine, tell me, but please be polite, if i has to ask for it...

05-29-2009, 01:51 AM
will not.. not getting used to a behaviour pattern that i see as foul is part of what i believe hardcore stands for. i did defend myself with weapons i was attacked and yes - that is my fault and i apologize even when i know that noone will apologize me...

don't agree? fine, tell me, but please be polite, if i has to ask for it...
I didn't attack you at all.

I pointed out, your actions were lame because:
1. you didn't know about a classic band used that name you picked for your band - i could give you a free pass on it, nobody can be in the know of every band ever.(even though it's the 21st century, google searches take an average of 0.20 seconds.
2. you justified using the name with excuses (oh, dbd has done the same - lame - thing, it's ok. oh, it's different musically, it's ok.)
3. you "stopped caring about it"

the combination of these three are pretty lame, face it. If you can't, you clearly can't see the issue in an objective way.

then, you started bitching about my tone (i still don't think there was a problem with it, please read Ed's reply, maybe that will shed some light on it, or just read the conversation again) and told me shit like "take a lesson for life" "learn how to behave" advised me to get assertivity training, called me a tough guy without a reason really.

I have a hunch, that maybe this thread made you learn about the nyhc band called absolution, I wouldn't be too surprised about it, and that this was the reason you got so pissed off.
Anyway, at least the debate made you realize the lameness factor, and thought about renaming your band, but don't play the martyr, you've yet to see me attacking people on this board...

05-29-2009, 02:13 AM
will not.. not getting used to a behaviour pattern that i see as foul is part of what i believe hardcore stands for. i did defend myself with weapons i was attacked and yes - that is my fault and i apologize even when i know that noone will apologize me...

don't agree? fine, tell me, but please be polite, if i has to ask for it...

it was ment as a joke you know... don't be so serious all the time.
and eeermmm, would you react different if there were smilies in SgtD's posts ? cause the things he said, were said on a friendly tone, but it seems like you take everything that has criticism in it as an attack. we're not here to scare ppl away

05-29-2009, 02:17 AM
don't want get into this again.. you certainely made some right points, i'm not arguing on it.. i hated the way you put this, you see no problem with it.. ok, we're different persons with different backgrounds I guess.. and that's it. world won't spin backwards if we didn't agree.. and i'm not playing a martyr, i just don't like your style of debate.. but if you see that as my problem, well - see it that way, maybe it is but that's just the way i am.. don't want to argue anymore as i rather build some positive values.. i undrestood what you wanted to say about that name and took it to the heart and will change that name as the gro of your posts is right.. im not angry at you personally and i don't want this to turn in some "oh, THAT asshole" thing.. i'm being honest
wishing you the best...

05-29-2009, 02:19 AM
it was ment as a joke you know... don't be so serious all the time.
and eeermmm, would you react different if there were smilies in SgtD's posts ? cause the things he said, were said on a friendly tone, but it seems like you take everything that has criticism in it as an attack. we're not here to scare ppl away

oh, sorry, i didn't get it.. haven't slept all night..

05-29-2009, 04:57 AM
don't want get into this again.. you certainely made some right points, i'm not arguing on it.. i hated the way you put this, you see no problem with it.. ok, we're different persons with different backgrounds I guess.. and that's it. world won't spin backwards if we didn't agree.. and i'm not playing a martyr, i just don't like your style of debate.. but if you see that as my problem, well - see it that way, maybe it is but that's just the way i am..
sometimes life can be that way.

don't want to argue anymore as i rather build some positive values.. i undrestood what you wanted to say about that name and took it to the heart and will change that name as the gro of your posts is right.. im not angry at you personally and i don't want this to turn in some "oh, THAT asshole" thing.. i'm being honest
wishing you the best...
no hard feelings over here.

05-29-2009, 05:10 AM
no hard feelings over here.

really glad we ended it this way ...

06-09-2009, 02:16 PM
perfect example.....
One Life Crew

06-10-2009, 09:27 AM
perfect example.....
One Life Crew

horrible "joke" band that really should have never existed.

06-10-2009, 12:11 PM
:-) more neanderthals than racists, but yes.. totally needless band...

07-04-2009, 05:09 PM
I haven't read the four pages :s but I don't know if this site was put here before but :


and that sucks a lot !

And as I have read (because I have looking on some pages) racist people must get lost of Hardcore and SxE scene ! they can't be own ! they only need to go into some movement and waste it !