View Full Version : Migraines

04-29-2009, 12:29 AM
After much pestering from Hubby (and Rodrigo), I went to the doctor for the migraines I have been experiencing lately. Both my western and eastern doctors agree that the headaches and migraines are stress induced. I have been drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep. I take my vitamins. I eat a vegan diet with as much organic foods as possible. I have incorporated more journal time and meditation into my life as well as picking up yoga classes twice a week, in addition to my regular workout routine four days a week, which totals six days of working out. (sorry for the run-on sentence-bad English teacher) The eastern doctor says I'm doing everything I can at this point and just need to focus on not getting stressed out (breathing exercises, massages, etc.). I can't wait for summer.

The western doctor wants me to take Excederin and put me on a "maintenance medication," which sounds like bullshit to me. I can't take Excederin because it makes me jumpy and intensifies the pain-no caffeine for this sxe girl. Hubby has serious migraines (even had a stroke ten years ago) and was on a maintenance medication for a year. I don't think I'm at that point.

Anyway....have any of you experienced this? Did you find a natural way to help with it?

04-29-2009, 07:30 AM
Hi Carla. I hope you can get this problem sorted out, migraines are absolutely horrible.

I don't think the migraines I used to get will be on level with yours, but when I was in high school, I used to get them completely randomly and out of the blue. It could be at any time of the day, I would be sitting with friends or in class and I would feel fine, then within a matter of 20 minutes I would not be able to see my hand in front of my face as my vision was so distorted and blurred. This made me feel sick and very dizzy. After about 30 minutes of this, it would gradually disappear and I would be fine again for about 10-15 mins and then the extreme headache would begin and this would last for a good 4-5 hours.

The pain was extreme, like I really struggled to cope with it as well as feeling sick, some migraines are the worst things I could remember experiencing.

I never went to a doctor or anything. I have never had one for around 4 years. I can remember one from college years ago but never had one since then, so I have genuinely no idea as to why they stopped, so I am not much help to you there. I'm just glad I don't seem to get them anymore.

Good luck on getting this sorted, I feel really sorry for you having to deal with these.

04-29-2009, 08:01 AM
I don't suffer with this myself but a coleague at work suffers with them pretty bad, when she gets one she is usually off work for a couple of days. What i will do is ask her if she has found anything that has helped her with dealing with them and let you know.

04-29-2009, 05:42 PM
My old room mate used to get them pretty bad and she said the only thing that helps her is taking a nap. This isnt very helpful though if your out and about and cant go for a nap. I really hope this gets better for you soon x

04-29-2009, 06:40 PM
I have never had a migraine before, and I'm really happy that I haven't. I have a friend that gets them, but she has to sleep or lay with her eyes closed to eleviate the pain.

Honestly, I think being off for the summer is going to help you the most. I also think meditation and breathing exercizes sound like a good idea.

I hope you figure out something that works for you.