View Full Version : buddys that break edge :(
05-19-2009, 11:05 AM
yo my buddy broke edge recently and he is claiming drug free even tho he doesnt get that alcohol i a drug. i told him that alcohol is a drug but he refuses to say he isnt drug free> he says he regrets breaking edge and now despite what ive told him he thinks he is gonna....key word thinks, he is gonna claim edge again.
now i know that once you break edge you are out for the count there isnt i am gonna break it for a day then claim it again but he thinks he can. what should i do and or say to the kid to let him no he isnt drug free and that he isnt nor ever will be edge again.
05-19-2009, 02:09 PM
yo my buddy broke edge recently and he is claiming drug free even tho he doesnt get that alcohol i a drug. i told him that alcohol is a drug but he refuses to say he isnt drug free> he says he regrets breaking edge and now despite what ive told him he thinks he is gonna....key word thinks, he is gonna claim edge again.
now i know that once you break edge you are out for the count there isnt i am gonna break it for a day then claim it again but he thinks he can. what should i do and or say to the kid to let him no he isnt drug free and that he isnt nor ever will be edge again.
So why exactly can't someone who fucks up, who realises their mistake, learns from their mistake, then reclaim edge? I am genuinely interested as to why?
So why exactly can't someone who fucks up, who realises their mistake, learns from their mistake, then reclaim edge? I am genuinely interested as to why?
hopefully they ARE genuine.
05-20-2009, 08:33 AM
well to me Edge is something ment to be pure but that kid broke it therefore soiling its pure meaning. edge breakers to me are the reason that alot of people dont take edge seriouslly.
05-20-2009, 09:12 AM
well to me Edge is something ment to be pure but that kid broke it therefore soiling its pure meaning. edge breakers to me are the reason that alot of people dont take edge seriouslly.
That doesnt really explain why someone who made a mistake can't genuinely realise that they made a mistake and claim edge. I mean how is it no longer "pure" in its meaning? He fucked up but straightedge still means the same, it hasn't changed meaning because of his mistake.
You say edge breakers are the reason people don't take edge seriously but yet if some kid fucks up and realises that he really does want to take it seriously you are prepared to deny them that oppertunity?
Some of the most influentual people in hardcore broke edge but their influence remains strong and that influence helps a lot of people see it very seriously. Sure, people chopping and changing every five minutes would be ridiculous but i don't buy the idea that straightedge is a one time deal and if you for whatever reason fuck up you can't pick it up again. I guess i am still struggling to see as to why you think it should be that way?
05-20-2009, 07:43 PM
well to me Edge is something ment to be pure but that kid broke it therefore soiling its pure meaning. edge breakers to me are the reason that alot of people dont take edge seriouslly.
I think a lot of people don't take edge seriously because they see guys acting like they're in some elite gang, but that's just me.
I know a guy that claimed edge 10 years ago, later broke, and 6 years later is back to being edge, and I find nothing wrong with that.
05-21-2009, 08:04 AM
but thats the thing the kid isnt being genuin about shit. and i think anyone who ever broke edge wasnt genuine enough to begin with. the thing is whenever someone claims edge and gets edge tats ppeople who arent edge well most people take it as a joke....y? because of edge breakers.
to me straight edge is a comitment and when you break that you were nver comitted enough and i am not gonna lie i dont beleive in second chances. the kid broke it and i refuse to let that kid even think to claim it again.
the kid is in and outta trends, not to mention he contimplated drinking again if he didnt reclaim edge so therfore he isnt genuine and i guess i could learn to give people a second chance its just all the edge breakers i know arent and never were genuine >:(
05-21-2009, 09:59 AM
but thats the thing the kid isnt being genuin about shit. and i think anyone who ever broke edge wasnt genuine enough to begin with. the thing is whenever someone claims edge and gets edge tats ppeople who arent edge well most people take it as a joke....y? because of edge breakers.
see i think thats just bullshit, i think you can be completely genuine and be edge for years, be full of integrity the whole time but people are always subject to change and take different paths in life. It could be the right path or the wrong path but it doesn't stop them being genuine. I don't know about your friend but i think its pretty myopic to say someone who breaks edge can't be genuine about claiming it in the first place...thats just nonsense.
To be honest i have so rarely see people take peoples decision to be edge as a joke and you are basically doing the same, you are tarring everyone with the same brush, just like them.
to me straight edge is a comitment and when you break that you were nver comitted enough and i am not gonna lie i dont beleive in second chances. the kid broke it and i refuse to let that kid even think to claim it again.
Well its a good job its not up to you then really isn't it. Yeah it is a commitment but people make choices and grow and change. People make mistakes, and you can make mistakes too, would you like to never be given a second chance for anything you ever do or be written off because of a mistake you made? The point is that he may not of been fully committed before but its very possible for a mistake to inspire very high committment in someone. I suppose you have never broke a committment yourself? I suppose if you were married and weren't happy you would continue to honor your committment regardless? Or would divorce but never marry again if if you found your perfect partner? Are second chances really such a hardship for you? And i'm not talking with regards to the kid you mentioned but to someone in general who has made a mistake and now has serious dedication to straightedge. Sure third and forth chances are probably a bit much but giving someone no room for messing up and no second chance at all...i simply disagree with that and you aren't giving me any reason to agree with you other than you don't believe in second chances.
the kid is in and outta trends, not to mention he contimplated drinking again if he didnt reclaim edge so therfore he isnt genuine and i guess i could learn to give people a second chance its just all the edge breakers i know arent and never were genuine >:(
Yeah but i'm not really bothered about the kid you know, i am bothered by the sweeping statement you make to treat everyone based on the actions of this kid. It seems ignorant to me, which is why i am pointing out that someone could very easily have broken edge but end up more genuine than you or i. I just feel you shouldn't close of avenues like that, it seems counter productive in so many ways.
05-21-2009, 11:38 AM
but thats the thing the kid isnt being genuin about shit. and i think anyone who ever broke edge wasnt genuine enough to begin with. the thing is whenever someone claims edge and gets edge tats ppeople who arent edge well most people take it as a joke....y? because of edge breakers.
to me straight edge is a comitment and when you break that you were nver comitted enough and i am not gonna lie i dont beleive in second chances. the kid broke it and i refuse to let that kid even think to claim it again.
the kid is in and outta trends, not to mention he contimplated drinking again if he didnt reclaim edge so therfore he isnt genuine and i guess i could learn to give people a second chance its just all the edge breakers i know arent and never were genuine >:(
I believe that if straight edge is right for someone for a chunk of their life, then so be it. I don't look down on anyone that breaks edge, but I do understand being frustrated when someone claims edge without understanding.
The people I think are a joke are the ones that are so over the top serious and judgemental, but that's just me.
Wicked Brown
05-21-2009, 11:49 AM
yo my buddy broke edge recently and he is claiming drug free even tho he doesnt get that alcohol i a drug. i told him that alcohol is a drug but he refuses to say he isnt drug free> he says he regrets breaking edge and now despite what ive told him he thinks he is gonna....key word thinks, he is gonna claim edge again.
now i know that once you break edge you are out for the count there isnt i am gonna break it for a day then claim it again but he thinks he can. what should i do and or say to the kid to let him no he isnt drug free and that he isnt nor ever will be edge again.
it's fine. as long as he doesn't do it again.
05-21-2009, 08:07 PM
Ok I just claimed edge like a few weeks ago and I will be the first to say it aint so use to starting my day wit a cig and smoking a pack in a day and throwing my weekends away on drugs and booze...I no longer do that but honest to god at times I get tempted it dosent make me a lesser of a edge if I feel that way and if I were to fuck up and relapse I would at least like to kno that the friends I made here would try to help me become sober instead of jus saying oh ur not real so jus stay fucked up
Wicked Brown
05-22-2009, 08:37 AM
Ok I just claimed edge like a few weeks ago and I will be the first to say it aint so use to starting my day wit a cig and smoking a pack in a day and throwing my weekends away on drugs and booze...I no longer do that but honest to god at times I get tempted it dosent make me a lesser of a edge if I feel that way and if I were to fuck up and relapse I would at least like to kno that the friends I made here would try to help me become sober instead of jus saying oh ur not real so jus stay fucked up
Nah nobody here will say that. Everybody tries to help everybody even though we might not see eye to eye on everything
05-24-2009, 12:55 AM
I live by the saying "if you're not now, you never were". Just me personally, agree or disagree, but straight edge has changed my life in such positive ways, I don't take it lightly when people break edge, it just mocks what I'am in my eyes. Now I will respect somebody if they break edge, because I would rather someone not be edge, rather then be edge for the wrong reasons(ex: cause they don't want to disappoint their friends or they've been edge for so long). I believe that if you fuck up, pending on the person they could reclaim edge, but if some dumbass goes to a party and fucks up to impress some girl and then a month later says, "oh I fucked up, time to reclaim edge again", fuck that.
05-24-2009, 12:59 AM
Ok I just claimed edge like a few weeks ago and I will be the first to say it aint so use to starting my day wit a cig and smoking a pack in a day and throwing my weekends away on drugs and booze...I no longer do that but honest to god at times I get tempted it dosent make me a lesser of a edge if I feel that way and if I were to fuck up and relapse I would at least like to kno that the friends I made here would try to help me become sober instead of jus saying oh ur not real so jus stay fucked up
I would definitely try to get you to be a sober person again if you would want help. However, I would never run after one of my friends trying to persuade them to be anything different than they want to be, but if I see a friend that obviously has a problem, yeah I'm gonna help em' out.
My thing is though, if you are still at the point that you think its possible for you to "relapse" than (now this is just my personal opinion) I wouldn't have claimed edge, yet at least. I would I guess go under the terms "drug free", and see what happens from there, and then make a strong commitment like straight edge after I kNOW I'm not gonna break.
05-24-2009, 04:53 AM
I would definitely try to get you to be a sober person again if you would want help. However, I would never run after one of my friends trying to persuade them to be anything different than they want to be, but if I see a friend that obviously has a problem, yeah I'm gonna help em' out.
My thing is though, if you are still at the point that you think its possible for you to "relapse" than (now this is just my personal opinion) I wouldn't have claimed edge, yet at least. I would I guess go under the terms "drug free", and see what happens from there, and then make a strong commitment like straight edge after I kNOW I'm not gonna break.
if you're a recovering addict, you never know that you won't relapse. these kinds of statements are really easy to make when you're not an addict.
05-24-2009, 06:03 AM
I believe that if you fuck up, pending on the person they could reclaim edge, but if some dumbass goes to a party and fucks up to impress some girl and then a month later says, "oh I fucked up, time to reclaim edge again", fuck that.
You are making a reference to someone we all know about?
05-24-2009, 06:00 PM
I believe that if straight edge is right for someone for a chunk of their life, then so be it. I don't look down on anyone that breaks edge, but I do understand being frustrated when someone claims edge without understanding.
The people I think are a joke are the ones that are so over the top serious and judgemental, but that's just me.
This is my stance too.
If someone claimed edge then broke it every other week, no, obviously it doesn't mean anything to them and they should shut the fuck up.
But if someone made a mistake because they were young or confused or not really sure what it meant to them, realized they did something asinine, and were fully committed after that point, sure, reclaiming edge sounds reasonable.
05-26-2009, 03:19 AM
You are making a reference to someone we all know about?
No lol. Did someone on this board do that? lol
05-27-2009, 11:41 PM
I was edge for a couple weeks myself but broke. In a sense, i relate more to straightedge people than my friends that party. I mean, i drink, but only have one beer or mixed drink (on days i do drink which is like 3-4 times a month). I stopped doing illegal drugs a long while ago after a nasty 1.5 yr amphetamine addiction. I know that im not edge myself but i still feel i could contribute things to this community.
05-29-2009, 09:39 AM
well what ever i think edge is one time and i know many of you will disagree with me but just like you dont care about my opinion i dont care about yours on this situation any more... long story short a good freind of mine broke edge wanted to reclaim it but went and continued to drink and now is back to smoking pot, the muther fucker was nvr genuine and its sad to say. i will still be his freinds but things just wont be the same
05-29-2009, 11:25 AM
well what ever i think edge is one time and i know many of you will disagree with me but just like you dont care about my opinion i dont care about yours on this situation any more... long story short a good freind of mine broke edge wanted to reclaim it but went and continued to drink and now is back to smoking pot, the muther fucker was nvr genuine and its sad to say. i will still be his freinds but things just wont be the same
I do care about your opinion though, hence why i am discussing it. The point is your opinion over such a broad thing is based on the actions of one person in one incident and you are ignoring a lot of things which should make you think a little differently about that. I mean, you are just being way to general. But if you really don't care about other peoples opinions on the matter then there really is no point mentioning it at all. I mean i'm sure it might feel gratifying if everyone just agreed with you but i don't think this is the best place to find yourself that type of response.
06-09-2009, 11:15 AM
Now in my opinion, it's always been one thing to do drugs and then claim straight-edge... I've just recently come to terms with that. Now to claim straight-edge, break it, then try to claim it again just sounds unreasonable to me. I'm going to have to agree with him, it just makes it seem like their claim lacked any legitimacy to start with. I'm not being unreasonable, I would treat myself the same way. If I would happen to muck up, I wouldn't ever try to play on "the edge" again. I would continue my drug-free ways past that point, but to try and call myself edge after that seems to demean the purpose... like turning on and off a videogame you get tired of playing.
The only standpoint against him that I can really understand is the marriage analogy. Yes, I would want a divorce if I was unhappy. The thing you have to remember, though, is that no one has ever proposed with the line, "I seek to fulfill a marriage commitment with you as part of a movement, will you marry me?" Nah. Straight-Edge commitment is imo a large part of its meaning. It's a very easy thing to do, to be pure, if you've never been involved in drugs before. I suppose the only leeway in my stance is provided for those who came out of that lifestyle to be sXe. There's real temptation for them; it can be hard for them to be strong.
06-09-2009, 02:42 PM
Now in my opinion, it's always been one thing to do drugs and then claim straight-edge... I've just recently come to terms with that. Now to claim straight-edge, break it, then try to claim it again just sounds unreasonable to me.
Do you not think that people can make stupid mistakes, be led astray, be caught up in bad times and have circumstances effect their lives? When you step back does it not sound unreasonable to tarnish someone because of a mistake they made and are fully aware how much of a mistake it was?
I'm going to have to agree with him, it just makes it seem like their claim lacked any legitimacy to start with.
See, heres the problem, you are getting caught up in static images. Theres nothing to say that when they first thought about straightedge that it lacked legitimacy if 10 years later they are no longer edge. You can't hold people to the things they said 10 years previous and expect no change in that persons character, viewpoint, outlook etc. You can't say what they said wasn't legitimate and heart felt, at that time it probably was hugely important and they were more than likely the most enthusiastic that they will ever be about the notion of straightedge. 10 years later would mean they have seen a lot of things that they hadn't seen before, and it will change them, everyone is changing and some will change to the point of edge no longer being applicable some will just embrace it from a completely different angle to how they first did.
I'm not being unreasonable, I would treat myself the same way.
But you are being unreasonable if you are holding someone to who they were at a certain point in time...and why that point. Why not an earlier point, i mean perhaps you said you were going to be a doctor or something when you grow up when you were younger. If you don't become one should we say you weren't being honest when you said it and didn't really mean it? Of course a child says things that seem more outlandish but they are usually genuine in their wish and thats the point. At that moment in time it is a genuine and legitimate thought or claim but we grow and change and we continue to grow and change throughout life.
If I would happen to muck up, I wouldn't ever try to play on "the edge" again. I would continue my drug-free ways past that point, but to try and call myself edge after that seems to demean the purpose... like turning on and off a videogame you get tired of playing.
I find the video game analogy rather strained. How would making a mistake and realising it was a mistake demean the purpose? What exactly is the purpose that it demeans? Why would claiming straightedge again with much more certainty be an entirely bad thing?
The only standpoint against him that I can really understand is the marriage analogy. Yes, I would want a divorce if I was unhappy. The thing you have to remember, though, is that no one has ever proposed with the line, "I seek to fulfill a marriage commitment with you as part of a movement, will you marry me?"
But it is part of a movement that holds marriage up as a respected bond between people and a lot of people, particularly the church frown upon divorce so that could fill into that area of the analogy. But those people who frown upon it and would rather see a marriage between two unhappy people instead of a divorce are generally idiots and that part of the analogy works here too.
Nah. Straight-Edge commitment is imo a large part of its meaning. It's a very easy thing to do, to be pure, if you've never been involved in drugs before. I suppose the only leeway in my stance is provided for those who came out of that lifestyle to be sXe. There's real temptation for them; it can be hard for them to be strong.
But what about the circumstances that made those people end up on drugs in the first place, can you not accept that certain circumstances can arise at any time and can make anyone suseptable to wavering or making a foolish choice that they later regret?
06-12-2009, 01:42 AM
Ah. Well you see, that's where I suffer the atrocity of holding people to my own standard. You see, I've never really broken a commitment, because I believe adherence to your own values and other such integrity is the sweetest thing you can have in life. In my opinion, if you're mentally capable of something, then it would still seem reasonable to judge others by that standard of yourself - that's where I'm drawing that inference. All heartfelt commitments I've made 5 years ago are either still in effect or fulfilled. That's a heartfelt commitment mind you, not one I just muttered under my breath. Also, I hope it doesn't sound like I'm making myself out to be perfect, because I damn sure am not.
Well I can certainly see your point with a child's big-time wishes, but we do need to keep in mind that they're children. When I was a wee tyke, I told my mother I was going to make her rich - little did I realize that checks had to be paid back. As for the disapproval for divorce, almost all of that disapproval is for religious reasons with God. Now call me crazy, but I refuse to sail my ship any further into those rough waters.
06-12-2009, 07:49 AM
Ah. Well you see, that's where I suffer the atrocity of holding people to my own standard. You see, I've never really broken a commitment, because I believe adherence to your own values and other such integrity is the sweetest thing you can have in life. In my opinion, if you're mentally capable of something, then it would still seem reasonable to judge others by that standard of yourself - that's where I'm drawing that inference. All heartfelt commitments I've made 5 years ago are either still in effect or fulfilled. That's a heartfelt commitment mind you, not one I just muttered under my breath. Also, I hope it doesn't sound like I'm making myself out to be perfect, because I damn sure am not.
Well I can certainly see your point with a child's big-time wishes, but we do need to keep in mind that they're children. When I was a wee tyke, I told my mother I was going to make her rich - little did I realize that checks had to be paid back. As for the disapproval for divorce, almost all of that disapproval is for religious reasons with God. Now call me crazy, but I refuse to sail my ship any further into those rough waters.
so you still are in love with every person you ever thought you did?
06-12-2009, 09:22 AM
Ah. Well you see, that's where I suffer the atrocity of holding people to my own standard. You see, I've never really broken a commitment, because I believe adherence to your own values and other such integrity is the sweetest thing you can have in life.
you are ignoring that things change, values change, ideas change. Integrity and adherence to values can easily mean you stop doing something you once thought and felt differently about.
In my opinion, if you're mentally capable of something, then it would still seem reasonable to judge others by that standard of yourself - that's where I'm drawing that inference. All heartfelt commitments I've made 5 years ago are either still in effect or fulfilled. That's a heartfelt commitment mind you, not one I just muttered under my breath. Also, I hope it doesn't sound like I'm making myself out to be perfect, because I damn sure am not.
Well no, it doesn't sound like you are making yourself out to be perfect in the slightest, far from it in fact. It does however sound like you are being a little delusional and really not living in the real world with this.
Well I can certainly see your point with a child's big-time wishes, but we do need to keep in mind that they're children.
Its a trend that continues through life, change i mean, the example was just the first to hand.
When I was a wee tyke, I told my mother I was going to make her rich - little did I realize that checks had to be paid back.
Thats not really the point though, i mean i'm sure you would still like to make her rich. But there are other things through life which you change your feelings about as you grow and learn and as the world around you changes.
As for the disapproval for divorce, almost all of that disapproval is for religious reasons with God. Now call me crazy, but I refuse to sail my ship any further into those rough waters.
I think i already did call you crazy so that wish is granted. Where the diapproval comes from is not really relevent, the fact that there are people that believe it to be an institution to be saved and protected from divorce is relevent. Only to serve as a example of how marriage can be likened to straight edge as a movement which you essentially argued it couldn't.
06-15-2009, 09:29 AM
MrMcKeigue I am happy that you agree with me because it really does seem that you are the only one who truly relizes where i am coming from.
Now to claim straight-edge, break it, then try to claim it again just sounds unreasonable to me. I'm going to have to agree with him, it just makes it seem like their claim lacked any legitimacy to start with. I'm not being unreasonable, I would treat myself the same way. If I would happen to muck up, I wouldn't ever try to play on "the edge" again. I would continue my drug-free ways past that point, but to try and call myself edge after that seems to demean the purpose... like turning on and off a videogame you get tired of playing.
dude thats where i am coming from.... now i understand that there are things in a persons life that can change them but to basically say that because something goes wrong in your life its ok to break edge then reclaim it is stupid, these lyrics tell me that i am right "I've got better things to do Than sit around and smoke dope 'Cause I know I can cope" and "Always gonna keep in touch Never want to use a crutch"
06-15-2009, 09:38 AM
MrMcKeigue I am happy that you agree with me because it really does seem that you are the only one who truly relizes where i am coming from. dude thats where i am coming from.... now i understand that there are things in a persons life that can change them but to basically say that because something goes wrong in your life its ok to break edge then reclaim it is stupid, these lyrics tell me that i am right "I've got better things to do Than sit around and smoke dope 'Cause I know I can cope" and "Always gonna keep in touch Never want to use a crutch"
that's because most people on here are older than you and have been through this so many times that it's a much smaller deal than you're making it. At the end of the day, what's more important someone reclaiming or someone living sober? I've been edge for well over half of my life at this point. I've seen a lot of people come and lot of people go and the one thing that struck me as the most important was that people were doing their best to live sober.
07-01-2009, 05:06 AM
There was a small group of about five to eight kids who were straight edge in my high school, starting in junior high. By senior year there were two of us, and finally just me. That was seven years ago. I guess I was always sort of the "alpha male" of that pack. The rest found other cultures and heroes to follow.
There's a lyric from a Bane song that pretty much wraps it up for me. "I support your decision, I believe in change and hope you find just what it is that you are looking for. But when you sit around and talk shit about everything that you once based your whole life on, well that is where you can count me out."
Basically I agree with that. To the extent they respect the fact I just won't change, I'm cool with it. But to hear someone who spent a good four years of their life denouncing the drinking culture to call me ignorant words like "faggot" for a decision we BOTH made at one point is, I don't care to socialize with that person at all. I'd rather be a homosexual than a hypocrite.
07-01-2009, 09:01 AM
There was a small group of about five to eight kids who were straight edge in my high school, starting in junior high. By senior year there were two of us, and finally just me. That was seven years ago. I guess I was always sort of the "alpha male" of that pack. The rest found other cultures and heroes to follow.
There's a lyric from a Bane song that pretty much wraps it up for me. "I support your decision, I believe in change and hope you find just what it is that you are looking for. But when you sit around and talk shit about everything that you once based your whole life on, well that is where you can count me out."
Basically I agree with that. To the extent they respect the fact I just won't change, I'm cool with it. But to hear someone who spent a good four years of their life denouncing the drinking culture to call me ignorant words like "faggot" for a decision we BOTH made at one point is, I don't care to socialize with that person at all. I'd rather be a homosexual than a hypocrite.
Wow, its all about bane today isn't it!
Wow, its all about bane today isn't it!
fuck bane.
07-01-2009, 03:03 PM
fuck bane.
yeah, you don't like bane.
yeah, you don't like bane.
maybe i put it too harsh. i really find it lame how they turned tehir backs on sxe and tried to lie about it. oh well...
07-08-2009, 04:23 AM
As far as I know, Aaron Bedard is still straight edge and vegetarian, and Dalbec is still Edge and vegan. They never lied about the entire band no longer being edge. They're quite honest about it in interviews. They were only a straight edge band through maybe the first EP.
So what? Big deal right? They preach just as positive a values and ideas as any other hardcore band out there.
As far as I know, Aaron Bedard is still straight edge and vegetarian, and Dalbec is still Edge and vegan. They never lied about the entire band no longer being edge. They're quite honest about it in interviews. They were only a straight edge band through maybe the first EP.
So what? Big deal right? They preach just as positive a values and ideas as any other hardcore band out there.
yes, they did lie about it. they said that they were never a sxe band, it was on their website, but got pulled down from there. it was kind of annoying and pathetic, hence the xxx on the ep...
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