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07-06-2010, 05:04 PM
Celsius ? Man, 40 is not healthy.. Do you have to work ?

yeah. and yeah, but I'm inside all day. they suggest most people stay inside all day.

07-06-2010, 05:15 PM
yeah. and yeah, but I'm inside all day. they suggest most people stay inside all day.

It has been close to that hot here for the last two days and it isn't supposed to cool down til thursday. I work in an unairconditioned open concept bus garage. It is not comfortable to say the least.

07-06-2010, 05:46 PM
how can you hate a man that so many middle and elderly women want to do?

i dont know, its just the jesus poses he does and his leathery face that just makes the rage bubble up inside. I spose he is just my arch nemesis, he is the anti smog

07-07-2010, 06:39 AM
we hit 104 today. hurray 40 degrees centigrade

Dude, we get 20-25 and I think that is god damn hot. I can only handle it for so long. I would die in your temps.

07-07-2010, 09:53 AM
Dude, we get 20-25 and I think that is god damn hot. I can only handle it for so long. I would die in your temps.

yeah, but that's why everywhere here is air conditioned. I couldn't live like this without it.

07-08-2010, 08:18 PM
Both cars are down....just when Hubby and I dug ourselves out of debt. Bright side: 3 job interviews for positions in a better school district. Not that I need a job, but the options are nice.

07-09-2010, 12:53 PM
i hate deviantart

07-09-2010, 05:22 PM
i hate it when my cat cnstantly meows RAWR

07-13-2010, 02:06 PM
i hate deviantart

why. because no one wants to buy your prints?

07-13-2010, 02:07 PM
i hate it when my cat cnstantly meows RAWR

one of our 3 cats does that. most of time I can just start talking to him and have him answer the question. Mostly it's about whether or not he hates my wife and wants to destroy her so he can have his side of the bed back. Or what he'd be doing this late at night with plastic explosives. good times.

07-14-2010, 11:17 AM
why. because no one wants to buy your prints?

i hate deviantart

I know I hate it because it;s full of people who ask me how they can knock off my stuff even in items the posts clearly mention are for sale.

I haven't posted there in a while because of that.

07-14-2010, 11:57 AM
why. because no one wants to buy your prints?

I know I hate it because it;s full of people who ask me how they can knock off my stuff even in items the posts clearly mention are for sale.

I haven't posted there in a while because of that.

nah, didnt know i had prints actually

stupid site wont let me upload anything

07-15-2010, 02:05 PM
I hate waiting. I get anxious.

07-15-2010, 02:14 PM
I hate waiting. I get anxious.

But when the waiting's over, you more enjoy the thing you were waiting for ( if it's a positive thing ) or not ?

07-15-2010, 02:17 PM
I hate waiting. I get anxious.

it's ok, the poop will come out eventually.

07-15-2010, 04:04 PM
But when the waiting's over, you more enjoy the thing you were waiting for ( if it's a positive thing ) or not ?
It's true. And, it's a postive thing.

it's ok, the poop will come out eventually.
Haha I hate you. :)
It has nothing to do with poop.

07-15-2010, 04:12 PM
Haha I hate you. :)
It has nothing to do with poop.
sooner or later, everything has to do with poop.

07-15-2010, 04:52 PM
sooner or later, everything has to do with poop.

Not tonight.

07-15-2010, 05:49 PM
sooner or later, everything has to do with poop.

I thought that's sex ?

07-15-2010, 08:13 PM
Not tonight.

you should probably take a laxative.

07-15-2010, 08:14 PM
I thought that's sex ?

sex first, then poop. unless you're german.

07-16-2010, 02:09 AM
you should probably take a laxative.
haha nooo.

sex first, then poop. unless you're german.
oh my god.

And, I hate goodbyes. ew.

07-16-2010, 05:00 AM
Not tonight.

And, I hate goodbyes. ew.

The waiting and goodbyes are connected ?

07-16-2010, 08:18 AM
The waiting and goodbyes are connected ?

she was waiting for her vegan pizza and then hated saying goodbye when she shit it out.

circle of life.

07-16-2010, 12:03 PM
she was waiting for her vegan pizza and then hated saying goodbye when she shit it out.

circle of life.

Now I am waiting for her response to yours.

07-16-2010, 08:35 PM
The waiting and goodbyes are connected ?
Yeah. I was waiting for the dude i'm seeing to come over, and he went home last night too instead of staying, he had to do stuff early today. I was bummed, I only see him once a week.

she was waiting for her vegan pizza and then hated saying goodbye when she shit it out.

circle of life.

This could also be true. :)

07-18-2010, 06:29 PM
i hate drawing drumkits and shards of glass, for real

07-24-2010, 08:07 AM
I'm seriously starting to hate summer. seriously, do we really need multiple 100 degree days?

07-26-2010, 02:06 PM
my mother came to my place to "help" me organize my bedroom (i admit, it's a mess), but all she is doing is causing a panic attack and making me stressed out. I hate this situation.

07-26-2010, 04:01 PM
I hate having a job that is so unimportant that my own boss would probably not even notice if I didn't show up.

07-26-2010, 04:03 PM
I hate having a job that is so unimportant that my own boss would probably not even notice if I didn't show up.

time for a new job dude.

07-26-2010, 05:58 PM
I hate that I just spent 50 minutes in 108 degrees trying to get a stripped screw off my bike so I could replace the tire.

07-26-2010, 09:55 PM
time for a new job dude.

It is just a summer student gig, so it is understood when I start that I am bottom of the totem pole. But lately my boss has made it seem like I am just a bother when I go ask him what he wants me to do, so I aimlessly wander trying to keep myself busy. I only have a month left before I am done and head off to school again, but it just kills the motivation to wake up in the morning knowing that you are waking up for a pointless 8 hour existence and it pretty much kills your morale knowing how unimportant you are for 5days of the week.

07-26-2010, 09:56 PM
I hate that I just spent 50 minutes in 108 degrees trying to get a stripped screw off my bike so I could replace the tire.

With the workout that ended up being, you probably didn't even need to go on the bike ride!

07-27-2010, 10:22 AM
With the workout that ended up being, you probably didn't even need to go on the bike ride!

Ha-ha. Right? Actually, I had a short workout already that morning and then derby practice last night. I was exhausted.

Today I hate not being able to get a derby girl name registered. Everything I come up with has a similiar one and the board is being very picky. However, I think the happiness of my 8th wedding anniversary today will overpower my hatred of twoevils.org/rollergirls Maybe.

07-27-2010, 12:02 PM
Ha-ha. Right? Actually, I had a short workout already that morning and then derby practice last night. I was exhausted.

Today I hate not being able to get a derby girl name registered. Everything I come up with has a similiar one and the board is being very picky. However, I think the happiness of my 8th wedding anniversary today will overpower my hatred of twoevils.org/rollergirls Maybe.


07-27-2010, 01:06 PM
Ha-ha. Right? Actually, I had a short workout already that morning and then derby practice last night. I was exhausted.

Today I hate not being able to get a derby girl name registered. Everything I come up with has a similiar one and the board is being very picky. However, I think the happiness of my 8th wedding anniversary today will overpower my hatred of twoevils.org/rollergirls Maybe.

Congrats on your anniversary!

The name trouble reminded me of this...

07-27-2010, 03:28 PM
It is just a summer student gig, so it is understood when I start that I am bottom of the totem pole. But lately my boss has made it seem like I am just a bother when I go ask him what he wants me to do, so I aimlessly wander trying to keep myself busy. I only have a month left before I am done and head off to school again, but it just kills the motivation to wake up in the morning knowing that you are waking up for a pointless 8 hour existence and it pretty much kills your morale knowing how unimportant you are for 5days of the week.

even so, that's just no good and almost not worth doing.

07-28-2010, 10:29 AM
Congrats on your anniversary!

The name trouble reminded me of this...

Thanks! Haha! I love that skit.

07-28-2010, 02:05 PM
People who use drugs as a way to escape life's problems

The Smell of cigarettes

The welfare state(seriously get a job)

emo kids

dave matthews


07-29-2010, 12:56 PM
The welfare state(seriously get a job)

I agree with most of these, but this one seems kind of unfair, given the current state of things and that for the most part america isn't a welfare state at all, especially not compared to places in europe.

08-11-2010, 10:33 PM
I hate goodbyes. Today emotionally drained me. Yikes.

08-12-2010, 09:23 PM
I hate that literally hundreds of people take me seriously as an artist/crafts person, but only a handful as a business.I'm tired of putting everything I have into this stuff, and having so many people follow me just to riff off my work, and have none of them buy or support the work they take so much from.

I'd feel honored to be a muse if I could make a living off my work as well. I'm tired of parasites.

08-13-2010, 02:38 AM
I agree with most of these, but this one seems kind of unfair, given the current state of things and that for the most part america isn't a welfare state at all, especially not compared to places in europe.

Clearly, you're right!
Everytime we see our income go to the gvt to pay for those who do not work (a lot of whom either lie about not having a job or just prefer doing nothing, because they're paid more than if they had a job...) we think "gosh, sometimes I wish I was in the US!" because if you work hard, you're rewarded, in the US (well, way more often than in France/Europe, at least).

08-13-2010, 09:00 AM
Clearly, you're right!
Everytime we see our income go to the gvt to pay for those who do not work (a lot of whom either lie about not having a job or just prefer doing nothing, because they're paid more than if they had a job...) we think "gosh, sometimes I wish I was in the US!" because if you work hard, you're rewarded, in the US (well, way more often than in France/Europe, at least).

Too bad there are other downsides when you live in the US.

08-13-2010, 10:00 AM
Too bad there are other downsides when you live in the US.

no way. USA! USA!

08-13-2010, 12:41 PM
no way. USA! USA!

Seriously, you need to visit Europe again bro !

08-13-2010, 01:29 PM
Seriously, you need to visit Europe again bro !

eh. I come over pretty regularly. It's all dark and cold and rainy. except for spain and italy, and greece. but they're all bankrupt so it's kinda a push.

08-13-2010, 07:29 PM
Do you only visit the UK ?

08-13-2010, 08:14 PM
Do you only visit the UK ?

last year we went to france and I've been to denmark for work.

08-14-2010, 05:54 AM
Next trip you need to come to Belgium !

08-14-2010, 08:17 AM
Next trip you need to come to Belgium !

we want to. but at this point it'll probably be at least 18 months before we'll be able to go back to the uk let alone anywhere else.

08-14-2010, 06:06 PM
I hate ships filled with illegal migrants that think it is okay to ignore immigration laws and policy. I hate it even more that it will probably work out for most of them with little to no legal repercussions.

08-14-2010, 06:08 PM
I hate ships filled with illegal migrants that think it is okay to ignore immigration laws and policy. I hate it even more that it will probably work out for most of them with little to no legal repercussions.

bummer, i love illegal immigrants

08-14-2010, 06:16 PM
bummer, i love illegal immigrants

I just hate the fact there are thousands of people who are going about it the right way through the correct legal procedures that are stuck on 100 day waiting lists, while this ship of 490 people just decided "ah what the hell, lets just go to Canada".

08-14-2010, 06:36 PM
I just hate the fact there are thousands of people who are going about it the right way through the correct legal procedures that are stuck on 100 day waiting lists, while this ship of 490 people just decided "ah what the hell, lets just go to Canada".

it's never that simple. without knowing the back story and why they chose to do what they did. Illegal immigration tends to be a desperate act of people who don't have the luxury of being able to go through legal means. I'd be more upset at the smugglers who are profiting on human suffering.

08-14-2010, 06:55 PM
I just hate the fact there are thousands of people who are going about it the right way through the correct legal procedures that are stuck on 100 day waiting lists, while this ship of 490 people just decided "ah what the hell, lets just go to Canada".

it's never that simple. without knowing the back story and why they chose to do what they did. Illegal immigration tends to be a desperate act of people who don't have the luxury of being able to go through legal means.

exactly what dusty said.

we get lots of illegal immigrants, from Perú and Bolivia, they have actually fucked up economies where the wealth distribution is really fucking unfair, 54% of people live in actual poverty, a lot of people have no studies, dont own a house, if they're lucky and have job it doesnt really pay that well... and they come down here illegally to do jobs and send money to their families. do you think a person like that can actually get a visa to go to work to canada or the united states? shit, dude, they cant even get a visa to work down here.

i can understand that you're upset and all, but at least try to look it from the other side.

08-15-2010, 01:00 AM
I hate ships filled with illegal migrants that think it is okay to ignore immigration laws and policy. I hate it even more that it will probably work out for most of them with little to no legal repercussions.
Well, you have certainly bought into corporate-crock-of-shit news (or xenophobia). There is no good reason at all to direct ill feelings towards those that immigrate to create better lives for themselves in decidedly impoverished situations.

08-16-2010, 01:58 PM
I hate habing to wait on the cold floor outside a friend's apartment while waiting for him to get here

08-16-2010, 10:17 PM
Well, you have certainly bought into corporate-crock-of-shit news (or xenophobia). There is no good reason at all to direct ill feelings towards those that immigrate to create better lives for themselves in decidedly impoverished situations.

as much as i agree with you, i would suggest you to chose better words next time or at least wait for a response from the dude before making assumptions of what he bought into.

I really dislike the tone you used, cause to me it reads as if you're somehow above him or anybody who didnt think his deal through, and even though i dont know you, i'm pretty sure we've all been into similar situations before.

08-18-2010, 08:57 AM
I hate being woken up after 4 hours of sleep to be informed that my water will be off for most of the day because of roadwork. At least I got my shower in I guess?

09-03-2010, 05:26 PM
I hate not being able to find a job. Seems no one wants to hire a felon, much less a felon with a Masters degree in computer engineering.

09-03-2010, 05:30 PM
I hate not being able to find a job. Seems no one wants to hire a felon, much less a felon with a Masters degree in computer engineering.

it's definitely a lot harder now with folks doing background checks standard. that definitely sucks though.

09-04-2010, 07:33 AM
Well, you have certainly bought into corporate-crock-of-shit news (or xenophobia). There is no good reason at all to direct ill feelings towards those that immigrate to create better lives for themselves in decidedly impoverished situations.

Is it possible for you to have a political discussion with somebody without coming across as a pretentious asshole? I never let political beliefs affect how I feel about somebody as a person, but apparently you are under the impression that anybody with different views than yourself is a bad person, which is a crock of shit. I am not xenophobic nor do I base my political beliefs on "corporate crock of shit news". Beleive it or not, people with different political ideas than yourself are able to think for themselves and are not simply slaves to the corporate world or the media. We obviously exist on two different sides of the political spectrum, but there is no need to be rude simply because of a gap between political ideas.

09-04-2010, 07:40 AM
it's never that simple. without knowing the back story and why they chose to do what they did. Illegal immigration tends to be a desperate act of people who don't have the luxury of being able to go through legal means. I'd be more upset at the smugglers who are profiting on human suffering.

Sorry for the insanely delayed response on this. I am definately more upset with the people who are trying to profit from situations like this. But part of my anger comes from the fact that there was recently a study done that says that a huge percentage of the Tamil population in Toronto who come to Canada illegally based on claiming refugee status actually go and visit home multiple times a year, especially during holidays. So my point would be that if you are escaping your country because of fear of your life and persecution, and that is your justification for not doing it legally, then how is it possible for you to go home for vacation or holidays?

exactly what dusty said.

we get lots of illegal immigrants, from Perú and Bolivia, they have actually fucked up economies where the wealth distribution is really fucking unfair, 54% of people live in actual poverty, a lot of people have no studies, dont own a house, if they're lucky and have job it doesnt really pay that well... and they come down here illegally to do jobs and send money to their families. do you think a person like that can actually get a visa to go to work to canada or the united states? shit, dude, they cant even get a visa to work down here.

i can understand that you're upset and all, but at least try to look it from the other side.

I completely understand where you are coming from, and I am not against immigration nor am I against legitimate refugees claiming refugee status and being allowed into the country. I love the fact I live in a country that people see as a haven, but there are just so many issues around this ship specifically that just throw up red flags in my mind. For instance, they have currently detained dozens of the refugees from that ship because they are suspected terrorists. Maybe once everything is cleared up I will be more understanding of the situation, but for now I remain cynical.

09-04-2010, 08:30 AM
Sorry for the insanely delayed response on this. I am definately more upset with the people who are trying to profit from situations like this. But part of my anger comes from the fact that there was recently a study done that says that a huge percentage of the Tamil population in Toronto who come to Canada illegally based on claiming refugee status actually go and visit home multiple times a year, especially during holidays. So my point would be that if you are escaping your country because of fear of your life and persecution, and that is your justification for not doing it legally, then how is it possible for you to go home for vacation or holidays?

because family ties and responsibility don't disappear just because you fled a country. I'd also have to ask who did the study and who funded it and for what reason?

09-04-2010, 08:43 AM
because family ties and responsibility don't disappear just because you fled a country. I'd also have to ask who did the study and who funded it and for what reason?

I understand that family ties don't just disappear because you leave a country, but it just seems fishy to me that you flee a country because you fear for your life and you use that to justify not following immigration procedures or laws, but you vacation there. I guess I am just really cynical I suppose.

I read it in the Toronto Sun a few weeks ago, I will try to find the article for you.

09-04-2010, 08:49 AM
I understand that family ties don't just disappear because you leave a country, but it just seems fishy to me that you flee a country because you fear for your life and you use that to justify not following immigration procedures or laws, but you vacation there. I guess I am just really cynical I suppose.

I read it in the Toronto Sun a few weeks ago, I will try to find the article for you.

I found it. it was a survey of 50 people and 31 returned. the actual study was done by the government and the contents weren't actually released. Basing your opinion of immigration on 50 people being surveyed seems kind of short sighted.


09-04-2010, 08:53 AM
I found it. it was a survey of 50 people and 31 returned. the actual study was done by the government and the contents weren't actually released. Basing your opinion of immigration on 50 people being surveyed seems kind of short sighted.


I didn't realise that the numbers of those polled were so small, the article I read simply said that 71% of sri lankans who recieve refugee status were said to have returned to the country once they recieved their papers. So I suppose it was short sighted to not dig deeper. In fact I am really not surprised that the Toronto Sun would create a front page story off of a survey of 50 people....

Like I said to Rodrigo, maybe once the whole situation is resolved and the 490 migrants are processed I will be more understanding, but for now I remain really cynical of the whole situation.

09-07-2010, 09:08 AM
I hate the first day of school, it makes my commute suck again now that everyone is back to school and work.

09-08-2010, 01:12 PM
that cherries and peaches are out of season and corn will be soon.

09-08-2010, 05:05 PM
that cherries and peaches are out of season and corn will be soon.

ya =[ this blows!

09-22-2010, 11:05 AM
I hate that I broke my skates (twice!) last night. The pivot pin just popped off the trucks while I was skating. Fortunately, I didnt' twist or break my ankle. Coach thinks he fixed them for me, but I'm a little wary now. My new skates can't come soon enough!

09-22-2010, 11:16 AM
I hate Kelly Gotto

09-22-2010, 05:26 PM
Well what is it, hate or love ?

09-23-2010, 08:52 AM
Well what is it, hate or love ?

One moment I love her, the other I hate her

09-23-2010, 09:04 AM
One moment I love her, the other I hate her

who is kelly gotto?

09-23-2010, 09:50 AM
who is kelly gotto?

She's an author of the book "Web redesign. Workflow that works." The book basically gives a basic but pretty solid overview of the whole process of the web-development - from gathering information from a client to launching the project and maintaining it - mainly from the perspective of the project manager.

By and large, she's put a ton of information into a small book but she's killing me with ... well, sort of logical inconsistency in describing the process. She builds a nicely logical chain of actions and then, when you least expect it, as if she had it as her goal, she makes a few remarks that totally contradict what she have just explained. And this pattern is taking place throughout the whole book. Which drives me nuts, really.

For instance, one time she says competitive research should be conducted before actually work on the project begins, the other time she mentions that you could start doing this while you're still designing project structure or working on visual style but the important thing is that she suggests a number of ideas that other components of the process and decisions depend early on. Like, what if competitive research establishes that a few competitors do it well only because they have a sophisticated internal search system and we didn't really know that and never thought of introducing this functionality to the project? We never actually thought of using a database at all and now we realize that we must in order to gain competitive edge. This directly changes the budget and resources and deadlines. WHOA.

So, I had to basically sit and write down all of her ideas, then sort them, group and restructure this mess to rebuild the possible courses of actions she's talking about in the book. After reading this book like 2-3 times probably.... it'd just made me return and recheck what she wrote in other places, try to consolidate contradicting ideas... eventually I had to plough through the book and sort it out.

Only then when I distilled all the information I achieved a sense of satisfaction that you get after fully understanding the book. I could see the clear and crisp structure with optional and mandatory steps.

But it almost drove me nuts. I love what I learned from this book and Kelly, but I hate the way it was written and thus Kelly by extension.

09-30-2010, 02:12 PM
getting kinda bored of rain now. 10cm or 4 inches of rain in one day is kinda enough.

09-30-2010, 02:27 PM
getting kinda bored of rain now. 10cm or 4 inches of rain in one day is kinda enough.

It's been raining all day over here today. I kinda enjoyed it, especially when I went out to do some chin-ups and there was a light drizzle that was cooling me down.

09-30-2010, 02:28 PM
It's been raining all day over here today. I kinda enjoyed it, especially when I went out to do some chin-ups and there was a light drizzle that was cooling me down.

it's the flooding and strong storms that suck.

10-01-2010, 02:21 PM
school. I know months ago I said I was excited for it after taking a year off but now that I am back i hate it again. It isn't necessarily that I hate it, it is more the fact that the master's program I am in requires so much reading that I feel like I am drowning. It is a frustrating feeling. That and I am in a program with people who (in my opinion) are a lot smarter than me so I feel like I am taking something on that is out of my league. We will see how it goes by the end of the year.

Sean The Red
10-08-2010, 08:45 PM
I hate "cheese and veggie omelet" MREs.

10-08-2010, 09:18 PM
I hate money issues.

Sean The Red
10-09-2010, 07:06 AM
I hate money issues.


10-09-2010, 11:42 PM
I hate hate threads that are under 40 pages :D

Really though a start is ...

I hate people who free load off of others. I hate the worlds obsession with sex. I hate people who think that you have to do more then 15 over the speed limit or you are in their way. I hate people who use religion to ignore life and reality as humanity understands it. I hate the cultural customs I am used to. I hate the part of me that care too much what people think of me. I hate the part of me that care about the world too much. I hate the part of me that doesnt care about the world enough. I hate drugs as a means of escape (all use atm99.999%). I hate going to a baseball game an only having friends that are drinking/drunk. I hate living in Milwaukee. As many others I could go on for a long time.


10-10-2010, 04:24 AM
I hate friends that never show any interest in anything. That never ask you out. That always wait for you to talk to them. That always rely on me to drive if we go out, cause I'm the one with a license. And when I don't have my parent's car they don't care if we can't hang out together on the weekend. I hate friends who are not assertive and who think they know what life is cause they are now out of high school and work. I hate friends who are not social, and when others are around they say nothing cause they hate it.
I can go on and on, in the end I'm bitchin' about just one person actually.

10-10-2010, 04:52 AM
I hate friends that never show any interest in anything. That never ask you out. That always wait for you to talk to them. That always rely on me to drive if we go out, cause I'm the one with a license. And when I don't have my parent's car they don't care if we can't hang out together on the weekend. I hate friends who are not assertive and who think they know what life is cause they are now out of high school and work. I hate friends who are not social, and when others are around they say nothing cause they hate it.
I can go on and on, in the end I'm bitchin' about just one person actually.

Man that hardly sounds like a friendship to me too!

Maybe this is not the best piece of advice but I've been lately learning not try to change people around me but my attitude. If a friend isn't into playing basketball I call up one who is, if that person doesn't feel right about approaching girls in the street, I do that with another guy... or a girl. I guess I'm trying to say that no one person can cover all your interests or stand up to your expectations and requirements. So, get a lot of friends and do EVERYTHING you like... only with different people. It'll also bring a diversity into your life. And a lot of new people that most surely will be of help in one or another way.

You bitch about your friends not doing something important to you but it seems like all you do is just sit there and wait for them to do something important to you. That might just not happen :)

10-10-2010, 12:41 PM
Cause I'm always the one doing stuff, asking around if he doesn't want to go out in town. And I always have to drive. etc etc... It pisses me off and yes, now I'm gonna wait to see how long it takes for him to talk to me. We go way back but I feel kinda sucked out by him. Like he is used to people that always do things for him and not the other way around.

10-10-2010, 01:06 PM
Cause I'm always the one doing stuff, asking around if he doesn't want to go out in town. And I always have to drive. etc etc... It pisses me off and yes, now I'm gonna wait to see how long it takes for him to talk to me. We go way back but I feel kinda sucked out by him. Like he is used to people that always do things for him and not the other way around.

Yeah, but is there really much sense in doing so? Maybe you just need another friend who'll bug you about doing stuff together until you actually do that with him instead of expecting you to take the initiative.

10-12-2010, 06:34 AM
I hate it when people censor their webspace. Are you really that stupid? The anonymous nature of the Internet is NOT an excuse to coddle your ego and try to fit reality as you see fit duh!

10-12-2010, 08:26 AM
I hate it when people censor their webspace. Are you really that stupid? The anonymous nature of the Internet is NOT an excuse to coddle your ego and try to fit reality as you see fit duh!

if it's their webspace, then why don't they have a right to decide what's there and what isn't?

10-12-2010, 08:50 AM
if it's their webspace, then why don't they have a right to decide what's there and what isn't?

Because it's not entirely private or anonymous. I'm referring there to a very specific situation that has happened a few times with different people. Sometimes they just cut out the portions that make them feel insecure or that for some reason they don't like which is kinda stupid. If that what I or anyone else posted was actually SAID in RL interaction what would they do then? Nothing, right, because what was said was said and you can hardly do anything about it... of course there are people that try to LITERALLY run away from you (yeah, I've witnessed that kind of reaction...)

10-12-2010, 08:52 AM
Because it's not entirely private or anonymous. I'm referring there to a very specific situation that has happened a few times with different people. Sometimes they just cut out the portions that make them feel insecure or that for some reason they don't like which is kinda stupid. If that what I or anyone else posted was actually SAID in RL interaction what would they do then? Nothing, right, because what was said was said and you can hardly do anything about it... of course there are people that try to LITERALLY run away from you (yeah, I've witnessed it)

why does it matter if it's private or anonymous? If it's someone's space, why don't they have the right to edit it as they see fit?

10-12-2010, 08:55 AM
why does it matter if it's private or anonymous? If it's someone's space, why don't they have the right to edit it as they see fit?

I'm not saying they shouldn't have any rights to do that I'm saying what they do is stupid.

10-12-2010, 09:00 AM
I'm not saying they shouldn't have any rights to do that I'm saying what they do is stupid.

It's human nature. most people aren't going to let their resources be used to make themselves look bad.

10-12-2010, 09:08 AM
It's human nature. most people aren't going to let their resources be used to make themselves look bad.

I'm looking at this from the following perspective. What is being said is a valuable input given it's not a dumb critique with the sole purpose to flood and irritate you or what not. If something comes up in a conversation and someone thinks you're not cool, or stupid or whatever they have the right to deliver it, right? Now, you have the right to accept it, ignore it, pretend it didn't happen etc. But the point is by censoring their webspace they a) devote you from your right by -> b) making it look as if you never posted anything c) escape the reality. Which really pisses me off.

10-12-2010, 09:16 AM
I'm looking at this from the following perspective. What is being said is a valuable input given it's not a dumb critique with the sole purpose to flood and irritate you or what not. If something comes up in a conversation and someone thinks you're not cool, or stupid or whatever they have the right to deliver it, right? Now, you have the right to accept it, ignore it, pretend it didn't happen etc. But the point is by censoring their webspace they a) devote you from your right by -> b) making it look as if you never posted anything c) escape the reality. Which really pisses me off.

yeah but that's the point. it's not your space, you don't really have any rights to it. It's not a public space, it's a private one. The only real recourse you have in that situation, is to create your own webspace where you do have the right to say whatever you want. The concept of freedom of speech doesn't extend everywhere and it certainly doesn't extend to individually controlled webspaces.

10-12-2010, 09:40 AM
yeah but that's the point. it's not your space, you don't really have any rights to it. It's not a public space, it's a private one. The only real recourse you have in that situation, is to create your own webspace where you do have the right to say whatever you want. The concept of freedom of speech doesn't extend everywhere and it certainly doesn't extend to individually controlled webspaces.

Are you saying everyone lives in their own reality that must not be checked against other realities? A reality needs a check on reality. That's what we currently do in society with mental health institutions. With this kind of thinking you must support the idea that crazy people are in fact NOT crazy by any understanding at all.

I also don't get it... why if someone wants to make sure I know what I'm doing is bad or good, or anything doesn't inherently has a right to do that? I personally don't have a problem with that at all.

10-12-2010, 09:46 AM
Are you saying everyone lives in their own reality that must not be checked against other realities? A reality needs a check on reality. That's what we currently do in society with mental health institutions. With this kind of thinking you must support the idea that crazy people are in fact NOT crazy by any understanding at all.

Where did I say anything remotely like that?

I also don't get it... why if someone wants to make sure I know what I'm doing is bad or good, or anything doesn't inherently has a right to do that? I personally don't have a problem with that at all.
Why do you think you the right to say whatever you want, wherever you want without the threat of censorship?

10-12-2010, 10:00 AM
Where did I say anything remotely like that?

It seemed to me as if you were suggesting this in the previous post of yours.

Why do you think you the right to say whatever you want, wherever you want without the threat of censorship?

Why don't I?

10-12-2010, 11:10 AM
It seemed to me as if you were suggesting this in the previous post of yours.

in what part?

Why don't I?

because you're complaining about someone censoring you, so clearly you don't. So why do you think you do?

10-12-2010, 01:51 PM
in what part?

Where you say it's not a public space at all. Is there really a private webspace at all? If it's a text file on a server that isn't available neither via HTTP nor FTP/shell than it is... more or less private. A Facebook, forum blog module and such aren't really a private webspace. They have an element of privacy, yes, but ultimately all these communications mediums are geared towards someone out there - a visitor, viewer and they have support for comments for a reason.

because you're complaining about someone censoring you, so clearly you don't. So why do you think you do?

Someone censored me not as much because they have a right to do so but because they were able to do that.

When one imagines a similar situation in RL it becomes extremely ridiculous. Suppose I said to you right in the face you're a douchebag. It's done. No Remove/Delete button. You might be able to prevent the following communication but in most cases I can see this happening only through violation of my rights for free speech.

Anyway, what is the point in censoring unless it's hate speech or something of that kind of sort? All I see in reality is people just get insecure and paranoid and try to escape the reality by indulging in seemingly controllable nature of the Internet medium.

10-12-2010, 02:42 PM
Where you say it's not a public space at all. Is there really a private webspace at all? If it's a text file on a server that isn't available neither via HTTP nor FTP/shell than it is... more or less private. A Facebook, forum blog module and such aren't really a private webspace. They have an element of privacy, yes, but ultimately all these communications mediums are geared towards someone out there - a visitor, viewer and they have support for comments for a reason.

Yes they are in fact private. You may not think that they are, but they are in fact owned and controlled by someone, and that someone gets to decide what is and what isn't appropriate for that resource. If you don't like, it then don't use it and make something new, but it doesn't take away from the fact that the person/company/thing that owns that website has the right to control what content is put out on it's resources.

Someone censored me not as much because they have a right to do so but because they were able to do that.

Because they were able to, means they have a right to.

When one imagines a similar situation in RL it becomes extremely ridiculous. Suppose I said to you right in the face you're a douchebag. It's done. No Remove/Delete button. You might be able to prevent the following communication but in most cases I can see this happening only through violation of my rights for free speech.

That's not comparing the same thing. The issue is where and how you're making the statement, not the statement itself. It's like saying that it's ok to write on someone house that they are a douche bag and you getting upset when they paint over it.

Anyway, what is the point in censoring unless it's hate speech or something of that kind of sort? All I see in reality is people just get insecure and paranoid and try to escape the reality by indulging in seemingly controllable nature of the Internet medium.

That's a different discussion. your right to free speech isn't the same as you thinking you have the right to say whatever you want wherever you want.

10-13-2010, 12:42 PM
"Because they were able to, means they have a right to. "

that seems kinda fucked up, perhaps i'm getting this out of context, but being able (as in having the ability to) to do something does not make it something you have a right to.

"That's not comparing the same thing. The issue is where and how you're making the statement, not the statement itself. It's like saying that it's ok to write on someone house that they are a douche bag and you getting upset when they paint over it. "

this is very funny, i don't know how well it relates but i laughed none the less. i think its just weird medium and i don't know where i stand on internet versus real life speech, it gets fucked up, despite my believing im an advocate for free speech. i'd certainly prefer that people didn't delete or remove comments in order to make something seems more acceptable, or look better on themselves. Do they have i right though? i guess you and crucial dude need to flesh it out more.

10-13-2010, 12:52 PM
"Because they were able to, means they have a right to. "

that seems kinda fucked up, perhaps i'm getting this out of context, but being able (as in having the ability to) to do something does not make it something you have a right to.

If it's my resource, that I own/pay for/etc. I get to decide what goes there. If someone is able to edit someone elses words, because it's on their resources, then they absolutely have a right to do so.

this is very funny, i don't know how well it relates but i laughed none the less. i think its just weird medium and i don't know where i stand on internet versus real life speech, it gets fucked up, despite my believing im an advocate for free speech. i'd certainly prefer that people didn't delete or remove comments in order to make something seems more acceptable, or look better on themselves. Do they have i right though? i guess you and crucial dude need to flesh it out more.

Even real life free speech has limits. You have freedom of speech in public places, not private ones. If you come into someones house and start calling them an asshole, the owner has the right to kick you out. Now, you do it on a public street, and there's nothing he can do. That's the fundamental difference we're talking about here. This isn't about a free speech, it's about a misconception that free speech is universal and applies to anything you say, anywhere you say it and that simply isn't the case.

10-14-2010, 01:08 PM
If it's my resource, that I own/pay for/etc. I get to decide what goes there. If someone is able to edit someone elses words, because it's on their resources, then they absolutely have a right to do so.

ok thats different than anything you have the ability to do is something you have a right to. i mean i still have disagreements about what you have a right to do even on "your" property or with said property but that's a different discussion. I can assume that even if you are comfortable with property rights pretty much as they are now, you still think their are some things one cannot do with one's property or on one's property right?

Even real life free speech has limits. You have freedom of speech in public places, not private ones. If you come into someones house and start calling them an asshole, the owner has the right to kick you out. Now, you do it on a public street, and there's nothing he can do. That's the fundamental difference we're talking about here. This isn't about a free speech, it's about a misconception that free speech is universal and applies to anything you say, anywhere you say it and that simply isn't the case.

but their is certianly a disagreement of how and wear is applies, and to what extents. We might both admit that free speech of teachers is limited, but i might want to grant them a much broader freedom of speech on school grounds than you or vice versa. So crucial dude can still thinks its bullshit that this person deletes the posts (or even think they have no right to) while still agreeing that we the "non-owners" of a piece of property still don't have full rights there.

10-14-2010, 01:20 PM
ok thats different than anything you have the ability to do is something you have a right to. i mean i still have disagreements about what you have a right to do even on "your" property or with said property but that's a different discussion. I can assume that even if you are comfortable with property rights pretty much as they are now, you still think their are some things one cannot do with one's property or on one's property right?

This is why the term "ability to do" in this instance is that same as "are within your legal rights to do". If it's someone's resource, and they're not breaking any kind of law, how are you in a position to tell that person what they can't and can't do with that resource?

but their is certianly a disagreement of how and wear is applies, and to what extents. We might both admit that free speech of teachers is limited, but i might want to grant them a much broader freedom of speech on school grounds than you or vice versa. So crucial dude can still thinks its bullshit that this person deletes the posts (or even think they have no right to) while still agreeing that we the "non-owners" of a piece of property still don't have full rights there.

You're mixing public and private and it doesn't necessarily make sense to. If you accept that you don't have a right to free speech in all locations, then you can't claim that your right to free speech has been violated.

10-14-2010, 05:31 PM
This is why the term "ability to do" in this instance is that same as "are within your legal rights to do". If it's someone's resource, and they're not breaking any kind of law, how are you in a position to tell that person what they can't and can't do with that resource?

so do you or do you not think you "have the right to do whatever you have the ability to do"

i'm a little confused by your last statement

You're mixing public and private and it doesn't necessarily make sense to. If you accept that you don't have a right to free speech in all locations, then you can't claim that your right to free speech has been violated.

What i was saying is that crucial dude can still thinks its bullshit that someone deletes his posts even if they have a right to do it. And more controversially he can disagree about whether they should even have that right.

we might disagree with him but i think the argument that whatever (human) person or corporation that owns a piece of land or electronic property can do whatever they want on said land or property is not a good argument. We could think of at least a few examples of where property rights do not trump other rights. And we can probably find a few example we disagree about too!

10-15-2010, 08:53 AM
so do you or do you not think you "have the right to do whatever you have the ability to do"

i'm a little confused by your last statement

I thought it was pretty clear. If someone is within their legal rights to do so, and have the ability to do it, then yes, they do. That being said,how are you in a position to tell that person what they can't and can't do with their own resources?

What i was saying is that crucial dude can still thinks its bullshit that someone deletes his posts even if they have a right to do it. And more controversially he can disagree about whether they should even have that right.

we might disagree with him but i think the argument that whatever (human) person or corporation that owns a piece of land or electronic property can do whatever they want on said land or property is not a good argument. We could think of at least a few examples of where property rights do not trump other rights. And we can probably find a few example we disagree about too!

How is it not a good argument? The concept of free speech isn't a universal one and only applies to public things, not private things. You don't have an expectation of free speech when making statements on private property. At any point in time, the land owner can ask you to leave if they don't like what you're saying and there's nothing you can do about it. You can get upset about it. You can think it's unfair but it doesn't take away from the rights of the owner to remove you. The flip side of this however is that you're pretty much free to do whatever you want on your own resources. That's the trade off. You want total freedom, then it has to come on your own back.

10-15-2010, 02:31 PM
I thought it was pretty clear. If someone is within their legal rights to do so, and have the ability to do it, then yes, they do. That being said,how are you in a position to tell that person what they can't and can't do with their own resources?

yea, but you just said, if you have the ability to do so, then you have a right to. That means if i can beat you up and take your money i have a right to. Or to rape you or whatever immoral or disgusting thing we can come up with. What you said is might makes right. What you meant was different. Now we know what you mean. Of course if you have a right to and an ability to then you have a right to. I just didn't know we were starting with the right to.

How is it not a good argument? The concept of free speech isn't a universal one and only applies to public things, not private things. You don't have an expectation of free speech when making statements on private property. At any point in time, the land owner can ask you to leave if they don't like what you're saying and there's nothing you can do about it. You can get upset about it. You can think it's unfair but it doesn't take away from the rights of the owner to remove you. The flip side of this however is that you're pretty much free to do whatever you want on your own resources. That's the trade off. You want total freedom, then it has to come on your own back.

I'm saying that we might not all agree that you have no free speech on property other than your own. I certainly don't. And for me it's what is correct and what one should have a right to (philosophically) no what one DOES have a right to legally. I think teachers have some measure of free speech. I think employees have some measure of free speech, even on their employers property. If you work from some neofascist asshole and he starts calling someone who just came into the place you work at a dirty little jew or something and you call him out as a fascist and he fires your ass. I think you should be able to get your job back. I think its your right to disagree with a racist (or sexist or homophobic or whatever) employer. They have a right to spout there shit, but they don't have one to not let you respond.

10-15-2010, 04:48 PM
yea, but you just said, if you have the ability to do so, then you have a right to. That means if i can beat you up and take your money i have a right to. Or to rape you or whatever immoral or disgusting thing we can come up with. What you said is might makes right. What you meant was different. Now we know what you mean. Of course if you have a right to and an ability to then you have a right to. I just didn't know we were starting with the right to.

not in the context of this conversation. In this specific instance, because someone had the ability to edit/delete comments, they had the right to do so. Anything else other than within this specific context is reading into my words and putting something into it that isn't there.

I'm saying that we might not all agree that you have no free speech on property other than your own. I certainly don't. And for me it's what is correct and what one should have a right to (philosophically) no what one DOES have a right to legally. I think teachers have some measure of free speech. I think employees have some measure of free speech, even on their employers property. If you work from some neofascist asshole and he starts calling someone who just came into the place you work at a dirty little jew or something and you call him out as a fascist and he fires your ass. I think you should be able to get your job back. I think its your right to disagree with a racist (or sexist or homophobic or whatever) employer. They have a right to spout there shit, but they don't have one to not let you respond.

Rights are defined legally, to speak about them in any other way doesn't make sense.

So you don't think that racists/sexists/homophobes have a right to say whatever they want? In your example, why would you challenge the asshole if everyone has a right to free speech?

I mean, what you're talking about does demonstrate that not all speech is protected, but it's also not really what's being discussed here. If someone wants to put up a bunch of signs on their property that are racist/sexist/homophobic, it's their right to. You may not agree with it, but it's not your right to stop their speech. What is your right is to do the opposite on your own property. We're not talking about labor practices or how things work in at will states or hostile work environments, which really are different discussions.

10-15-2010, 05:24 PM
not in the context of this conversation. In this specific instance, because someone had the ability to edit/delete comments, they had the right to do so. Anything else other than within this specific context is reading into my words and putting something into it that isn't there. [\quote]

thats exactly why i kept asking, i wanted to be clear on what you meant

Rights are defined legally, to speak about them in any other way doesn't make sense.

So you don't think that racists/sexists/homophobes have a right to say whatever they want? In your example, why would you challenge the asshole if everyone has a right to free speech?

I mean, what you're talking about does demonstrate that not all speech is protected, but it's also not really what's being discussed here. If someone wants to put up a bunch of signs on their property that are racist/sexist/homophobic, it's their right to. You may not agree with it, but it's not your right to stop their speech. What is your right is to do the opposite on your own property. We're not talking about labor practices or how things work in at will states or hostile work environments, which really are different discussions.

I don't thank so. I think their are things that we cannot do to one another, or that we have a right to not be done to us, whether or not the government we live under mandates it or not. Slavery is immoral to me because its a violation of a person's right not be used as a means to an end, even if that person is less intelligent, wrong gendered or the wrong skin color, etc. I don't think its okay to rape people where the law does not prohibit it, or where their is no law at all. So i think it makes ALOT of sense to talk about rights, and the more interesting/important talks about rights are irrelevant of constitutions and law codes.

I must have been unclear, i think the employer in my scenario can spout his shit, he has a legal, and a philosophical right to. i just don't think you should have to not respond how you feel is right just cause that asshole "owns" your labor power for that hour or whatever. We should have to engage each other in discussion, not just use our might to screw people over. I would challenge him because what he says is profoundly stupid. Its founded on arbitrary criteria that don't hold up to logic. He is wrong because he is being arbitrary in his hate by hating jews cause they are jews, or black cause they are blacks or women cause they are women etc. (he could hate a particular jew for some justifiable reasons but their is no reason to hate all jews that i can think of that would be justiable)

Like creationists have a right to say their shit (philo and legally) but we can still explain why their theories of a young earth are wrong

10-15-2010, 06:03 PM
thats exactly why i kept asking, i wanted to be clear on what you meant

the only confusion though is when you pulled that comment out of context.

I don't thank so. I think their are things that we cannot do to one another, or that we have a right to not be done to us, whether or not the government we live under mandates it or not. Slavery is immoral to me because its a violation of a person's right not be used as a means to an end, even if that person is less intelligent, wrong gendered or the wrong skin color, etc. I don't think its okay to rape people where the law does not prohibit it, or where their is no law at all. So i think it makes ALOT of sense to talk about rights, and the more interesting/important talks about rights are irrelevant of constitutions and law codes.

But what you're talking about here aren't rights. Rights are what are defined by constitutions and law codes. Everything else is just your opinion. Since you're vegan, you can say that I don't have the right to kill an animal for food, but I do have that right. You can talk about how you think something is wrong, but that doesn't mean someone does or doesn't have the right to do something.

I must have been unclear, i think the employer in my scenario can spout his shit, he has a legal, and a philosophical right to. i just don't think you should have to not respond how you feel is right just cause that asshole "owns" your labor power for that hour or whatever. We should have to engage each other in discussion, not just use our might to screw people over. I would challenge him because what he says is profoundly stupid. Its founded on arbitrary criteria that don't hold up to logic. He is wrong because he is being arbitrary in his hate by hating jews cause they are jews, or black cause they are blacks or women cause they are women etc. (he could hate a particular jew for some justifiable reasons but their is no reason to hate all jews that i can think of that would be justiable)

He doesn't have a legal right though. What you described would actually be a hostile work environment and a violation of EEOC policies. But we'll talk about it anyway. You think that you should be able to say whatever you want, without the repercussions, because you have what you believe to be moral superiority in the situation. That's not really how things work. You want to be able to stand up to someone, but you don't want that person to be able to react to you in kind. You can't defend the freedom of speech but only when you're the one talking. Or when it's only about things you agree on. I would however suggest you change your example and make it more akin to what's being talked about. If you're in someone's house and the same thing happened. Do you think the homeowner shouldn't be able to kick you out?

10-15-2010, 09:36 PM
the only confusion though is when you pulled that comment out of context. [\quote]

crucial dude Someone censored me not as much because they have a right to do so but because they were able to do that.

you: Because they were able to, means they have a right to.

that was what you were responding too, and it still seems like a bad argument to me. because it seems like if it was a forum that just happened to have the option you have a right to do it but in a forum that doesn't (only coincidentally) then you don't have a right to. Its still kinda seems like what you can do is something you have a right to do. You don't seem to be proving why you have a right to do it, aside from the fact that you have the ability to do it. Its kinda confusing and seems like you are just saying because you have the ability to do it you have the right to do it, which as we discussed, seems like a bad argument

[QUOTE=xsecx;112253] But what you're talking about here aren't rights. Rights are what are defined by constitutions and law codes. Everything else is just your opinion. Since you're vegan, you can say that I don't have the right to kill an animal for food, but I do have that right. You can talk about how you think something is wrong, but that doesn't mean someone does or doesn't have the right to do something.

i guess maybe i'm bringing philosophy in here to much. Or even political science. But we use rights different then just what the law says you can do, in fact, we even say that some things the law says you can do are not things you have a right to.

I have a right to bodily autonomy is a pretty common belief in philosophy departments (aside from the occasional skeptic or relativist, which despite all the time we in philo spend talking about them, are extremely rare). I have a right to not be raped or enslaved comes from my right to bodily autonomy. these are things that are moral or correct irregardless of what some old or less old documents say about them. animal rights are based on ethical theories (usually, and for me, i suppose their might be other theories for it but i don't really know). These theories argue that if we look at why we really think we can't just do what we want to the mentally ill, differently-abled or the aging and senile populations has more to do with their feelings of pain and pleasure, and some sort of subjective awareness then it has to do with their intelligence or skin color or some other arbitrary reason, one that we add is species. I hate alot singer's philosophy(especially his utilitarianism) for most things but he has a great argument for sentientism and for the arbitrariness of the species cut off.

the wrongness of rape and the wrongness of young earth creationism are different, one is ethical, one is scientific. so wrong doesn't mean the same thing in both cases.

He doesn't have a legal right though. What you described would actually be a hostile work environment and a violation of EEOC policies. But we'll talk about it anyway. You think that you should be able to say whatever you want, without the repercussions, because you have what you believe to be moral superiority in the situation. That's not really how things work. You want to be able to stand up to someone, but you don't want that person to be able to react to you in kind. You can't defend the freedom of speech but only when you're the one talking. Or when it's only about things you agree on. I would however suggest you change your example and make it more akin to what's being talked about. If you're in someone's house and the same thing happened. Do you think the homeowner shouldn't be able to kick you out?

It's not about EEOC though, its about what SHOULD be the case. the EEOC can be wrong. If we would have had it back in the 1830's it probably would have talked about how slave masters should use their bosses resources (the human slaves) in ways that wouldn't really seem ok, or even relevant to us worried about what is moral or right in the sense of "the right thing to do"

You agree that what the law says does not make what is right (like right thing to do) correct?

i totally think that a racist should not get fired cause his boss has a problem with it. You should attempt to make good arguments about why racism is wrong, or find someone who can. Not just kick them out, that seems like its not going to really solve anything to me. It might even get the racist thinking that, though you disagree about race issues, you agree that who ever has the power to do something can do what they want irrelevant of morality.

I guess i'm just more interested in what the homeowner should do, the homeowner should use argument not force to make their point. But i will concede that i think homes are different than other property, and you should be comfortable at your home, racist or not. So if i'm an anti-racist in a racist home, those people CAN kick me out, and i think that furthermore they Should be ABLE to, but i think the better course of action would be to have the debate or conversation or whatever. Which is what i'm saying the lesser thing crucial dude might be arguing is. Even if that person has the right to edit their webspaces they should not do it just to make themselves seem like better people or to hide crucial dudes points or whatever. And i think that webspace is significantly different than homespace because you don't really need your facebook account like you do a comfortable home.

10-15-2010, 10:01 PM
crucial dude Someone censored me not as much because they have a right to do so but because they were able to do that.

you: Because they were able to, means they have a right to.

that was what you were responding too, and it still seems like a bad argument to me. because it seems like if it was a forum that just happened to have the option you have a right to do it but in a forum that doesn't (only coincidentally) then you don't have a right to. Its still kinda seems like what you can do is something you have a right to do. You don't seem to be proving why you have a right to do it, aside from the fact that you have the ability to do it. Its kinda confusing and seems like you are just saying because you have the ability to do it you have the right to do it, which as we discussed, seems like a bad argument

And even that's not the full context of what was being discussed. The context was that the person who did the editing owned the resource and therefore was in a position to be able to edit it. They could, because they had a right to. So how is it a bad argument? how do they not have a right to?

i guess maybe i'm bringing philosophy in here to much. Or even political science. But we use rights different then just what the law says you can do, in fact, we even say that some things the law says you can do are not things you have a right to.

I have a right to bodily autonomy is a pretty common belief in philosophy departments (aside from the occasional skeptic or relativist, which despite all the time we in philo spend talking about them, are extremely rare). I have a right to not be raped or enslaved comes from my right to bodily autonomy. these are things that are moral or correct irregardless of what some old or less old documents say about them. animal rights are based on ethical theories (usually, and for me, i suppose their might be other theories for it but i don't really know). These theories argue that if we look at why we really think we can't just do what we want to the mentally ill, differently-abled or the aging and senile populations has more to do with their feelings of pain and pleasure, and some sort of subjective awareness then it has to do with their intelligence or skin color or some other arbitrary reason, one that we add is species. I hate alot singer's philosophy(especially his utilitarianism) for most things but he has a great argument for sentientism and for the arbitrariness of the species cut off.

the wrongness of rape and the wrongness of young earth creationism are different, one is ethical, one is scientific. so wrong doesn't mean the same thing in both cases.

The concept of moral absolutism doesn't really have a baring on what's being discussed here. You tend to use extreme examples rather than talking about what's actually being discussed, which in this case is essentially freedom of speech and how that "freedom" is at odds with how a person decides to use their own resources. In this case, the law really is the right that matters since it's not about what you or I subjectively thinks about right or wrong.

It's not about EEOC though, its about what SHOULD be the case. the EEOC can be wrong. If we would have had it back in the 1830's it probably would have talked about how slave masters should use their bosses resources (the human slaves) in ways that wouldn't really seem ok, or even relevant to us worried about what is moral or right in the sense of "the right thing to do"

You agree that what the law says does not make what is right (like right thing to do) correct?

In some cases, like rights within a society, yes, the law actually dictates that. You may believe that you have the right to take whatever you want. What you think is a right doesn't really have any baring to the rest of society, that's the reason we have laws, because not everyone's morality is the same and that morality changes through time.

i totally think that a racist should not get fired cause his boss has a problem with it. You should attempt to make good arguments about why racism is wrong, or find someone who can. Not just kick them out, that seems like its not going to really solve anything to me. It might even get the racist thinking that, though you disagree about race issues, you agree that who ever has the power to do something can do what they want irrelevant of morality.

So you think that someone should be able to discriminate and not have any repercussions beyond conversations?

I guess i'm just more interested in what the homeowner should do, the homeowner should use argument not force to make their point. But i will concede that i think homes are different than other property, and you should be comfortable at your home, racist or not. So if i'm an anti-racist in a racist home, those people CAN kick me out, and i think that furthermore they Should be ABLE to, but i think the better course of action would be to have the debate or conversation or whatever. Which is what i'm saying the lesser thing crucial dude might be arguing is. Even if that person has the right to edit their webspaces they should not do it just to make themselves seem like better people or to hide crucial dudes points or whatever. And i think that webspace is significantly different than homespace because you don't really need your facebook account like you do a comfortable home.

So you concede that people have the right to remove someone from their property if they are upset by what the person is saying. How is a webspace different from a homespace? Why shouldn't the person be able to edit it, if they feel that it isn't true, isn't fair, etc?

10-16-2010, 07:49 AM
Woah, I'm way too late to join in with this conversation...

10-16-2010, 10:13 AM
But i have read the whole thing, and that statement jarred me as soon as i saw it. thats why i was clearing it up. I knew the context but the argument still seems to be cause she can she has a right to. i think we've cleared that up now though.

when i say right i am talking about philosophical rights unless otherwise stated. Thats the conversation i am interested in.

And even that's not the full context of what was being discussed. The context was that the person who did the editing owned the resource and therefore was in a position to be able to edit it. They could, because they had a right to. So how is it a bad argument? how do they not have a right to?

I don't think owning the resource necessarily gives them the right to edit it. The legally recognized ownership of something doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want with it. i think you need a better argument than that, perhaps more specific to why webspace ownership should give you the right to do whatever you want with it. I think they might not have a right to because it infringes on a more important right such as free speech. You may value your webspace more than freedom of speech, but i feel like the more important of the two rights (dominion of your webspace or freedom of speech) is the freedom of speech.

The concept of moral absolutism doesn't really have a baring on what's being discussed here. You tend to use extreme examples rather than talking about what's actually being discussed, which in this case is essentially freedom of speech and how that "freedom" is at odds with how a person decides to use their own resources. In this case, the law really is the right that matters since it's not about what you or I subjectively thinks about right or wrong.

see i think the important things are what we see as right or wrong in the philosophical context. the law is just a rough estimation of what the ruling classes value, whether that class be very small like in a monarchy or even quite large like in a republic.

In some cases, like rights within a society, yes, the law actually dictates that. You may believe that you have the right to take whatever you want. What you think is a right doesn't really have any baring to the rest of society, that's the reason we have laws, because not everyone's morality is the same and that morality changes through time.

So you think that someone should be able to discriminate and not have any repercussions beyond conversations?

Well i guess i don't buy this social contract idea, i certainly would not have given up many of my natural rights for this shit. But since i understand the argument, and see laws as a rule of thumb for whats okay, though in many cases extremely off base (slavery etc...). But so crucial dude doesn't have a right to an honest representation of his conversation, that doesn't mean he shouldn't, that seems like the more important point in my opinion anyway. We can figure out what the law might mean in most cases, but what should it say on a subject seems like the really important thing.

So you concede that people have the right to remove someone from their property if they are upset by what the person is saying. How is a webspace different from a homespace? Why shouldn't the person be able to edit it, if they feel that it isn't true, isn't fair, etc?

I believe that they should have a right to remove people from their homes (honestly who "owns" the property is really irrelevant to me). But that's because i think a comfortable and safe space is really important. We should have somewhere where we can drop all the baggage of society and the drama of our lives. This cooling off space will allow us to have intellectual debates about issues like racism or whatever without having to always turn to physical violence.

And obviously, if someone's actually threatening your physical well beings you can use force to get them to back off. But that you could do on their property too.

10-16-2010, 10:49 AM
I don't think owning the resource necessarily gives them the right to edit it. The legally recognized ownership of something doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want with it. i think you need a better argument than that, perhaps more specific to why webspace ownership should give you the right to do whatever you want with it. I think they might not have a right to because it infringes on a more important right such as free speech. You may value your webspace more than freedom of speech, but i feel like the more important of the two rights (dominion of your webspace or freedom of speech) is the freedom of speech.

It does and it does. That's the entire point of ownership. By owning it, you get to decide how it's used. The bigger question here is why do you think that freedom of speech trumps the right of the owner to use their stuff as they see fit? When using someone ELSE's resource you don't have the expectation of free speech.

see i think the important things are what we see as right or wrong in the philosophical context. the law is just a rough estimation of what the ruling classes value, whether that class be very small like in a monarchy or even quite large like in a republic.

And in this case, it decides what someone can and can't do. What you think is right or wrong isn't relevant.

Well i guess i don't buy this social contract idea, i certainly would not have given up many of my natural rights for this shit. But since i understand the argument, and see laws as a rule of thumb for whats okay, though in many cases extremely off base (slavery etc...). But so crucial dude doesn't have a right to an honest representation of his conversation, that doesn't mean he shouldn't, that seems like the more important point in my opinion anyway. We can figure out what the law might mean in most cases, but what should it say on a subject seems like the really important thing.

your concept of natural rights don't really mean anything outside of your legal rights. you can talk about how it's your right to do something, but if the state doesn't agree, you don't really have any recourse and that's why in this situation it's kind of pointless to bring it up. The dude doesn't have an expectation of free speech when using someone else's resource. I haven't seen anything from you that talks about why he should.

I believe that they should have a right to remove people from their homes (honestly who "owns" the property is really irrelevant to me). But that's because i think a comfortable and safe space is really important. We should have somewhere where we can drop all the baggage of society and the drama of our lives. This cooling off space will allow us to have intellectual debates about issues like racism or whatever without having to always turn to physical violence.

And obviously, if someone's actually threatening your physical well beings you can use force to get them to back off. But that you could do on their property too.

So why would this concept not apply to someone's webspace?

11-03-2010, 09:42 PM
I hate when the professor who convinces me to go to a certain school tells me he is too busy to supervise my thesis.

11-04-2010, 12:40 PM
I hate when the professor who convinces me to go to a certain school tells me he is too busy to supervise my thesis.


11-08-2010, 01:01 AM
When it is 1am and I am finishing up the final touches on a 2000 word paper that is due at 9:30, and then suddenly my paper disappears. I hate technology.

11-08-2010, 08:34 AM
When it is 1am and I am finishing up the final touches on a 2000 word paper that is due at 9:30, and then suddenly my paper disappears. I hate technology.

that's ass dude. I hope you got it worked out in time.

11-08-2010, 08:57 AM
When it is 1am and I am finishing up the final touches on a 2000 word paper that is due at 9:30, and then suddenly my paper disappears. I hate technology.

How did it work out ? If you have that problem again, maybe you can use recovery software ?

11-08-2010, 06:02 PM
that's ass dude. I hope you got it worked out in time.

Thanks man. I somehow managed to pump out another 2000 words between 1am and 9am. It isn't a good essay, but I am just happy I was able to get it finished. At this point I have been awake since 7am yesterday.

How did it work out ? If you have that problem again, maybe you can use recovery software ?

I was able to re-write it mostly by memory. I tried using recovery software but it was as if my essay was never there. Weird.

11-08-2010, 07:53 PM
Thanks man. I somehow managed to pump out another 2000 words between 1am and 9am. It isn't a good essay, but I am just happy I was able to get it finished. At this point I have been awake since 7am yesterday.

What ?! You're crazy man ! I'm so glad to hear that you wrote another one in just 8 hours !!

I was able to re-write it mostly by memory. I tried using recovery software but it was as if my essay was never there. Weird.

This is the best thing ever. For real !

11-11-2010, 03:14 PM
i'm hating this time change and going home in the dark. sunset at 5pm is bullshit.

11-11-2010, 04:00 PM
i'm hating this time change and going home in the dark. sunset at 5pm is bullshit.

that's rough, we usually have it around 6 or 7 in winter, i can imagine it sucking balls.

11-11-2010, 04:14 PM
that's rough, we usually have it around 6 or 7 in winter, i can imagine it sucking balls.

when we go over to england for christmas shit sets at 3:30. that's brutal.

11-11-2010, 05:06 PM
yea i hate this darkness crap. tractors got lights

11-13-2010, 06:51 AM
It keeps on raining here and we live right next to a river, I'm afraid it's gonna flood again.
*EDIT* : it already started.

11-13-2010, 06:18 PM
It keeps on raining here and we live right next to a river, I'm afraid it's gonna flood again.
*EDIT* : it already started.

how bad did it end up being?

11-13-2010, 07:04 PM
i hate Don Francisco

11-13-2010, 07:12 PM
i hate Don Francisco

but he makes saturday gigantic and international.

11-13-2010, 07:15 PM
but he makes saturday gigantic and international.


11-13-2010, 07:34 PM

how can you hate that?

11-13-2010, 07:40 PM
how can you hate that?

sabados should be not gigantic. and way less preachy

11-14-2010, 08:33 AM
I hate hearing country music when I skate.

11-14-2010, 01:45 PM
how bad did it end up being?

Bad. 4 inches of water in the house. And outside it comes above your knees. I hate it when this shit happens, third time in ten years.

I've got some pictures of the town next to us :

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5382/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zaterdagavond_fot o_Luc_Van_Steenberge.jpg?1289669539

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5387/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zaterdagavond_fot o_Luc_Van_Steenberge__1_.jpg?1289669556

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5652/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zondag_foto_Luc_V ander_Putten__1_.jpg?1289747698

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5657/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zondag_foto_Luc_V ander_Putten__2_.jpg?1289747713

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5662/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zondag_foto_Luc_V ander_Putten.jpg?1289747729

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5667/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zondag_foto_Luc_V ander_Putten__3_.jpg?1289747744


11-14-2010, 01:52 PM
Bad. 4 inches of water in the house. And outside it comes above your knees. I hate it when this shit happens, third time in ten years.

I've got some pictures of the town next to us :

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5382/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zaterdagavond_fot o_Luc_Van_Steenberge.jpg?1289669539

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5387/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zaterdagavond_fot o_Luc_Van_Steenberge__1_.jpg?1289669556

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5652/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zondag_foto_Luc_V ander_Putten__1_.jpg?1289747698

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5657/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zondag_foto_Luc_V ander_Putten__2_.jpg?1289747713

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5662/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zondag_foto_Luc_V ander_Putten.jpg?1289747729

http://www.editiepajot.com/big_pictures/0006/5667/Editiepajot_Geraardsbergen_water_zondag_foto_Luc_V ander_Putten__3_.jpg?1289747744


shit, that has to suck.
is there something you could do to avoid it happening at your place? like some crazy ass draining system?

11-14-2010, 04:24 PM
Not really. We live in one of the lowest parts of the town, in an old watermill. Water is coming in from everywhere. Since the last time it happened, we made our 'quay-wall' higher to avoid the flooding there. But now it's just creeping in from all these other places. We should make everything higher, but that's not realistic so we just have to deal with it.

11-14-2010, 06:11 PM
Not really. We live in one of the lowest parts of the town, in an old watermill. Water is coming in from everywhere. Since the last time it happened, we made our 'quay-wall' higher to avoid the flooding there. But now it's just creeping in from all these other places. We should make everything higher, but that's not realistic so we just have to deal with it.

sucks, put some sacks of sand in there

11-15-2010, 09:20 AM
The water is out of our house, thank god. Now we have to clean shit up for 2 weeks.

11-15-2010, 10:17 AM
The water is out of our house, thank god. Now we have to clean shit up for 2 weeks.

stuff, not literal shit right?

11-15-2010, 10:59 AM
Stuff indeed.

11-15-2010, 11:09 AM
Stuff indeed.

that sucks, but if you had to clean up sewage too, that'd be even worse.

11-17-2010, 11:24 AM
Just came back from Math's place, he and his mom are so fucked.. They can't live in that house anymore, no water, no heating, no electricity..

12-02-2010, 08:50 AM
I hate essays. I wrote a 12 page paper on Tuesday, I have a 15 page paper due tomorrow, a 20 page paper due next wednesday and then another 15 pager due next Friday. Tis the season!

12-02-2010, 09:02 AM
I hate essays. I wrote a 12 page paper on Tuesday, I have a 15 page paper due tomorrow, a 20 page paper due next wednesday and then another 15 pager due next Friday. Tis the season!

damn! but you're the dude who write essays in just one night, you can do it!

12-02-2010, 11:12 AM
Idd, you're the king of essays man.

12-02-2010, 01:38 PM
I hate essays. I wrote a 12 page paper on Tuesday, I have a 15 page paper due tomorrow, a 20 page paper due next wednesday and then another 15 pager due next Friday. Tis the season!

remember - Ctrl+S after every paragraph.

12-02-2010, 09:30 PM
damn! but you're the dude who write essays in just one night, you can do it!

Idd, you're the king of essays man.

Haha thanks guys, reading this actually helped my stress level a little tonight. But I have 10/15 pages written so far, so I have all night to come up with another 5 pages. I should manage, hopefully! Who needs sleep anyways?

remember - Ctrl+S after every paragraph.

I have saved this essay a million times tonight, no way I am letting that shit happen again!

12-07-2010, 11:35 AM
I wish I could see things how you see them.

are you feeling better now?

12-07-2010, 11:42 AM
I hate girls putting on tones of make-up when going to the groceries that's across the street.

Sex Pistols and pseudo punk rock pissheads

Hate mediocrity.

Hate stinky people that don't shower for like a month and sit next to you in public transport.

Public transport.

a lot more...I'll have to come back here soon to complete the list.

BUT I\m trying not to get distracted by those things. I don't always succeed though =\

12-14-2010, 11:00 PM
Hate mediocrity.

"Cuz I already knew
that when I'm with you
Mediocrity rules, man.
Mediocrity rules. "
-Le Tigre


12-15-2010, 12:01 PM
Michel Foucault. He sucks.

12-16-2010, 01:37 PM
not a giant fan of snow.

12-16-2010, 02:25 PM
not a giant fan of snow.

neither am I. We only had a few snowflakes, though, today. and it was the very first snowy day, although most of France has had quite a lot of snow, lately.

12-16-2010, 04:21 PM
by the time I want to write something in this thread i realize it's not even worth posting about.

12-16-2010, 04:36 PM
not a giant fan of snow.

I like a small amount of pre-Christmas snow. 5-10cm is a good amount, which is what we have here. I am lucky though, about 2 hours west of where I live they have been dumped with over 160 cm of snow in the last 3 weeks. That would be unpleasant.

12-18-2010, 05:53 PM
hate having to go anywhere near shopping malls this time of year.

needed to go 15 miles. took 2 hours. 1 hour was spent going 3 miles.

12-18-2010, 06:38 PM
also having a problem at work.
knowing exactly what the problem is
knowing exactly what to do to fix it
but not having access to the system to fix it
and not being able to get a hold of the person who does.

12-19-2010, 10:16 AM
also having a problem at work.
knowing exactly what the problem is
knowing exactly what to do to fix it
but not having access to the system to fix it
and not being able to get a hold of the person who does.

You sound like my Hubby. SO frustrating...

12-20-2010, 12:02 PM
stupid hot weather, i cant do anything!

12-20-2010, 12:42 PM
stupid hot weather, i cant do anything!

Let's trade hemispheres! :) haha

I hate that I have to work while everyone's on vacation. It's kinda like when it's summer time. Everyone's saying "well, you're not on vacation now, but either you're just back from it or you're gonna be, soon." Nope, not me. Fucking French people who have between 5 and 12 weeks off per year.

12-20-2010, 08:07 PM
Let's trade hemispheres! :) haha

I hate that I have to work while everyone's on vacation. It's kinda like when it's summer time. Everyone's saying "well, you're not on vacation now, but either you're just back from it or you're gonna be, soon." Nope, not me. Fucking French people who have between 5 and 12 weeks off per year.

man i wanna be a fucking french people

12-21-2010, 07:34 AM
man i wanna be a fucking french people

Haha. Hopefully, I'm gonna be one of them as soon as I finish being a slave to my studies. :)

12-28-2010, 09:37 AM
"cuz i already knew
that when i'm with you
mediocrity rules, man.
Mediocrity rules. "
-le tigre



12-30-2010, 08:11 PM
trying to find a new pc sucks.

12-31-2010, 02:29 PM
I hate the fuss that is made when the year runs out of days on the calander silly old pope greg made. Theres no days left in the calander...lets celebrate!? It has to be the most pointless holiday ever.

12-31-2010, 03:25 PM
I hate the fuss that is made when the year runs out of days on the calander silly old pope greg made. Theres no days left in the calander...lets celebrate!? It has to be the most pointless holiday ever.

and it's awfully located, i could go for a new year near march.

12-31-2010, 03:28 PM
and it's awfully located, i could go for a new year near march.

Well i guess theres no reason for you not to celebrate running out of days in a month instead of a year. I mean surely we all feel elated when one month ends and a new one begins!

12-31-2010, 04:09 PM
it's a holiday. I'm supposed to be off work.
I'm at work.
I'm pissed.

12-31-2010, 04:44 PM
Well i guess theres no reason for you not to celebrate running out of days in a month instead of a year. I mean surely we all feel elated when one month ends and a new one begins!

specially if that month is december.

12-31-2010, 04:45 PM
it's a holiday. I'm supposed to be off work.
I'm at work.
I'm pissed.

damn! hope you're able to get out soon.

12-31-2010, 06:12 PM
fireworks going off when i am studying. Can i say bah humbug for new year?

01-12-2011, 09:52 AM
I hate being sick.

01-12-2011, 09:53 AM
I hate being sick.

viv's been sick for over a week now. I luckily didn't catch it from her yet.

01-12-2011, 08:55 PM
When she's better, send her to the post office!

Man, it's been 2 months now since the last flood here, and a new one is coming already! My parents are in Italy 'till tomorrow evening, my sis and I raised all the furniture on the ground floor so if the water gets in, it's safe. Let's hope that won't be the case.. I'm sick of this shit.

01-13-2011, 09:36 AM
When she's better, send her to the post office!

Man, it's been 2 months now since the last flood here, and a new one is coming already! My parents are in Italy 'till tomorrow evening, my sis and I raised all the furniture on the ground floor so if the water gets in, it's safe. Let's hope that won't be the case.. I'm sick of this shit.

it may be time to move.

01-13-2011, 05:10 PM
Having my Wisdom Teeth removed.

01-13-2011, 06:25 PM
Having my Wisdom Teeth removed.

had them out like 15 years ago. I still remember. fuck that sucked. good luck dude.

01-13-2011, 06:30 PM
I don't know much about wisdom teeth (why do you write those words with a capital letter mouseman?), why do they remove 'em, and does everyone need to get 'em removed?

01-13-2011, 06:42 PM
I don't know much about wisdom teeth (why do you write those words with a capital letter mouseman?), why do they remove 'em, and does everyone need to get 'em removed?

some people don't get them removed but it seems that more people have issues with them. I only had one removed, it was impacting the tooth in front. It was a nasty extraction that involved sawing into my jawbone. It knocked me for six.

01-13-2011, 06:44 PM
I don't know much about wisdom teeth (why do you write those words with a capital letter mouseman?), why do they remove 'em, and does everyone need to get 'em removed?

the story that i know says it's because you have an amount of teeth in your mouth and an amount of space for your teeth. if they come out normally they can be alright, but on most cases they just push the rest of the teeth to get some room or in bad cases they come "impacted", wich means they basically come in any direction the asshole wants. the upper left one i have is comming out pointing towards the inside of my mouth, for example. and that's no bueno

01-13-2011, 07:23 PM
the story that i know says it's because you have an amount of teeth in your mouth and an amount of space for your teeth. if they come out normally they can be alright, but on most cases they just push the rest of the teeth to get some room or in bad cases they come "impacted", wich means they basically come in any direction the asshole wants. the upper left one i have is comming out pointing towards the inside of my mouth, for example. and that's no bueno

Hmm ok, my 'asshole' wants 'shit' to go straight down. I wouldn't want to experience that Ed, one of my ex-girlfriends had the operation when we were together. Shit, she was pissed as fuck for a week.

01-13-2011, 07:34 PM
had them out like 15 years ago. I still remember. fuck that sucked. good luck dude.

Thanks man, so far so good, a little sore, but nothing major yet. We will see what it is like when the freezing wears completely off.

I don't know much about wisdom teeth (why do you write those words with a capital letter mouseman?), why do they remove 'em, and does everyone need to get 'em removed?

I don't really know why I put capital letters on those, haha. I had to get them removed because there was no room in my mouth for them. They were already in, but two of them were impacted, and the other two were crowding my teeth. They took out all 4. Most people have to get them out, but not everybody.

01-14-2011, 06:57 PM
Fuck cancer!

My student's mother just died, my other student's mother is dying, my aunt is dying, and my best friend's mom just got diagnosed. Did I mention I got all of this wonderful news today?

01-14-2011, 07:21 PM
What? That sucks Carla, don't let it get you down!

01-14-2011, 07:23 PM
Fuck cancer!

My student's mother just died, my other student's mother is dying, my aunt is dying, and my best friend's mom just got diagnosed. Did I mention I got all of this wonderful news today?

That is awful. I am sorry to hear that Carla.

01-15-2011, 12:09 PM
Fuck cancer!

My student's mother just died, my other student's mother is dying, my aunt is dying, and my best friend's mom just got diagnosed. Did I mention I got all of this wonderful news today?

that really sucks.

01-19-2011, 08:45 AM
Fuck cancer!

My student's mother just died, my other student's mother is dying, my aunt is dying, and my best friend's mom just got diagnosed. Did I mention I got all of this wonderful news today?

Wow, I hope you are all holding up, that's a lot weight all at once.

01-19-2011, 08:46 AM
Today I hate the Atlantic ocean. It's my grandmothers funeral today and I can't be there because I live on the other side of it.

01-19-2011, 06:39 PM
Today I hate the Atlantic ocean. It's my grandmothers funeral today and I can't be there because I live on the other side of it.

shit! that sucks! same thing happened with my wife's grandmother! its just too expensive to stop everything and go back

01-20-2011, 08:03 AM
shit! that sucks! same thing happened with my wife's grandmother! its just too expensive to stop everything and go back

That's really harsh, I hope she's doing ok.

01-20-2011, 05:04 PM
That's really harsh, I hope she's doing ok.

its been awhile i think shes ok now... the real question is how YOU are doing?

01-22-2011, 08:56 AM
Job hunting.

------So sorry to hear about your loss Viv.

01-22-2011, 09:36 PM
Not doing too bad, just hoping the trip will be a good one

01-26-2011, 02:58 PM
Job hunting.

------So sorry to hear about your loss Viv.

how's the hunt going?

01-26-2011, 04:57 PM
how's the hunt going?

It's very time consuming. I just spent four hours yesterday applying to five different districts. There aren't many postings for teaching positions right now, but I need to get a jump on it for my own piece of mind.

01-26-2011, 06:28 PM
Are you job hunting when you still have the other job, or are you jobless at the moment?

*EDIT*: rodrigo should put here, 'I hate actionscript'.

01-26-2011, 06:40 PM
i hate actionscript

01-26-2011, 08:07 PM
Are you job hunting when you still have the other job, or are you jobless at the moment?

I am currently teaching, but need to leave the district for various reasons. Mainly, I'm not going to be assaulted by one of my students and stick around for more.

01-26-2011, 08:27 PM
I am currently teaching, but need to leave the district for various reasons. Mainly, I'm not going to be assaulted by one of my students and stick around for more.

man, that really sucks. kids that need the most help, are also the ones that will potentially kill you.

01-27-2011, 01:33 AM
I am currently teaching, but need to leave the district for various reasons. Mainly, I'm not going to be assaulted by one of my students and stick around for more.

Wow, is it that bad over there? Is it just a part of town or are there a lot more of these schools..? You better get a nice salary for teaching in such dangerous places.

01-27-2011, 06:49 AM
Ha-ha, I wish I got more money! The area I'm teaching in isn't the best, but it's not the worst. As I said, there are a lot of reasons I'm leaving, that just tops my list. This is the year for change!

01-27-2011, 09:30 AM
I hate really heavy wet snow.

01-27-2011, 01:25 PM
I hate really heavy wet snow.

i hate that when the weather sucks too much to work... i make $0 for the day

01-27-2011, 01:49 PM
i hate that when the weather sucks too much to work... i make $0 for the day

at least you get to play with the kids and make snow men.

01-27-2011, 08:33 PM
i also for some reason really hate the idea of youth of today playing shows in 2011

01-27-2011, 09:11 PM
i also for some reason really hate the idea of youth of today playing shows in 2011

because they are not the actual youth of today?

01-28-2011, 07:20 PM
thats a good part of it

02-04-2011, 10:22 AM
Canadian Constitutional politics. It's about as exciting as it sounds....

02-13-2011, 11:14 PM
you know what i'm starting to dislike?

02-15-2011, 02:46 PM
I hate that I decided to organize my fabric stash properly and have been plunged into an eternal chaos of fabric and laces. Seriously probably put in a full week on this and the studio is still unusable!!!

02-20-2011, 01:03 PM
i ate at Taco Bell and now my middle name is Regret.

02-20-2011, 05:44 PM
i ate at Taco Bell and now my middle name is Regret.

Taco bell always smells like dogfood

02-20-2011, 07:24 PM
i ate at Taco Bell and now my middle name is Regret.

Mmmm 36% beef!

02-21-2011, 07:06 PM
I hate that peer-pressure for drinking is even worse than I had thought, in an American college. I hate that everybody thinks they need alcohol to have fun at parties.

02-22-2011, 05:05 PM
I hate that peer-pressure for drinking is even worse than I had thought, in an American college. I hate that everybody thinks they need alcohol to have fun at parties.

Is the ammount of peer pressure vastly greater than you have found in france?

02-23-2011, 07:24 AM
Is the ammount of peer pressure vastly greater than you have found in france?

Yes, way greater!
Being nearly 22 and having a very strong personality/opinion and everything, I never (or nearly ever) feel peer pressured at all, in France... but here, it's incredible. If I feel this way, I can barely imagine how 18 year old freshmen must feel like. Alcohol plays a huge role in student's weekends in France, but it seems that, in the US, drinking on the weekend is a mandatory activity for all students. This is really too bad, especially considering that, not only do students drink often... they also drink a lot. People would never get that wasted in France.

02-23-2011, 05:50 PM
Yes, way greater!
Being nearly 22 and having a very strong personality/opinion and everything, I never (or nearly ever) feel peer pressured at all, in France... but here, it's incredible. If I feel this way, I can barely imagine how 18 year old freshmen must feel like. Alcohol plays a huge role in student's weekends in France, but it seems that, in the US, drinking on the weekend is a mandatory activity for all students. This is really too bad, especially considering that, not only do students drink often... they also drink a lot. People would never get that wasted in France.

Its interesting to hear the contrast between the two, i am getting a very different impression of France. I have to say England seems more similar to the ammount and regularity of consumption found in America.

02-24-2011, 05:22 AM
I have a friend who lived for more than 5 years in Edinburgh during his high school period, he says kids over there are really crazy about alcoholic drinks. Every weekend binge drinking, compared to here it's really out of control. I don't know if it's like that in England Ed, but I can imagine.

02-24-2011, 03:44 PM
I have a friend who lived for more than 5 years in Edinburgh during his high school period, he says kids over there are really crazy about alcoholic drinks. Every weekend binge drinking, compared to here it's really out of control. I don't know if it's like that in England Ed, but I can imagine.

Its like that here too and its not just college, thats the norm for many people from 18-30

02-24-2011, 06:57 PM
Its like that here too and its not just college, thats the norm for many people from 18-30

i would say it's sort of the same thing here

02-28-2011, 11:24 PM
My sister is 23, and is just now learning how to function without having to binge drink all the time. It's crazy.

I hate that every time it gets a little nice outside, we get snow the next day.

03-01-2011, 10:40 AM
I hate getting kicked in the balls at shows

I also hate living in an apartment building where the superintendent believes it is okay to shut my water off without warning pretty much every week.

03-01-2011, 04:19 PM
I hate getting kicked in the balls at shows

You might be attending the wrong shows...if it says hardcore on the flyer but has a picture of a guy in a gimp mask its a whole different kind of hardcore!

I also hate living in an apartment building where the superintendent believes it is okay to shut my water off without warning pretty much every week.

Why's he doing that?

03-01-2011, 10:05 PM
You might be attending the wrong shows...if it says hardcore on the flyer but has a picture of a guy in a gimp mask its a whole different kind of hardcore!

Haha, that is a lesson I learned the hard way last week! I'll know to pay more attention from now on!

Haha, it wasn't intentional, the guy was dancing and I happened to be standing there, it was just an unfortunate accident. He apologized afterwards.

Why's he doing that?

I don't know, maintenance I think? I just can't understand why they need to do maintenance that involves shutting off the water in a 20 story apartment building for 8 hours, every 1 or 2 weeks.

03-02-2011, 03:21 PM
I don't know, maintenance I think? I just can't understand why they need to do maintenance that involves shutting off the water in a 20 story apartment building for 8 hours, every 1 or 2 weeks.

Yeah that seems like some messed up maintenence, perhaps theres a problem and he's too cheap to fix it properly!

03-15-2011, 10:16 AM
I hate money issues. hateeee.

03-21-2011, 06:18 PM
Husband lost his job. But there is a plus side

severance pay
advance notice
forcing us to get out of this house
possible move to Texas or New York

03-21-2011, 08:05 PM
Husband lost his job. But there is a plus side

severance pay
advance notice
forcing us to get out of this house
possible move to Texas or New York

suck that he lost the job.
you should go to new york, i need people there.

03-22-2011, 01:30 PM
Goodluck with that.

new york is my 2 cents

03-22-2011, 01:34 PM
Husband lost his job. But there is a plus side

severance pay
advance notice
forcing us to get out of this house
possible move to Texas or New York

depends on where in texas. if it's austin, you'd be insane to choose ny over it.

03-23-2011, 04:20 PM
Husband lost his job. But there is a plus side

severance pay
advance notice
forcing us to get out of this house
possible move to Texas or New York

Sometimes something negative happening can cause amazing things. Sounds like that's what's going to happen for you! Good luck on your choice!

04-06-2011, 03:37 PM
i hate when ppl come to my work @ 3 am asking for weed -.- i volunteer at a campground.

04-06-2011, 06:11 PM
i hate when ppl come to my work @ 3 am asking for weed -.- i volunteer at a campground.

well, do you have weed or not?

04-06-2011, 06:12 PM
well, do you have weed or not?

Are you strung out again?

04-06-2011, 06:16 PM
Are you strung out again?

it's been rough lately

04-06-2011, 07:22 PM
it's been rough lately

Must be if you are hitting up a campground...hardtimes!!

04-07-2011, 05:38 PM
well, do you have weed or not?


04-12-2011, 09:41 AM
The extreme tiredness that comes with working till after midnight then getting up to tackle a still huge mountain of work.

04-13-2011, 03:32 PM
I hate being sick when it's so nice outside!

04-23-2011, 10:49 PM
today a friend told me he's not straight edge anymore. now i'm the last edge kid from my friends in this side of the world

04-24-2011, 08:34 PM
damn dude. That's shitty! i felt alone cause i was two hours from my straightedge friends haha. Hope you meet some new ones or something

04-24-2011, 11:11 PM
today a friend told me he's not straight edge anymore. now i'm the last edge kid from my friends in this side of the world

Sorry. :( It always sucks when you get news like that. I just reclaimed the straightedge t-shirt I gave Hubby when we were dating.

04-28-2011, 04:51 PM
i hate real shoes for when you have to dress fancy, i just destroyed my heels and it hurts.
they should make em more close to sneakers

04-28-2011, 04:55 PM
i hate real shoes for when you have to dress fancy, i just destroyed my heels and it hurts.
they should make em more close to sneakers

some are. I really like the ones i have from clarks that look fancy but the heel is padded.

04-28-2011, 05:45 PM
some are. I really like the ones i have from clarks that look fancy but the heel is padded.

gonna have to look for some, cause i like lookin' sharp and fancy but they make walk such a pain in the ass