View Full Version : What is everyone's opinion of marijuana?

06-16-2009, 06:05 PM
I know I'm dead against it as well as people who use it for any sort of purpose. What about the rest of you edgers? Should it be legalized? Or what do you think of people who use it? Are you bothered by the fact that they are breaking the law?

06-17-2009, 06:06 AM
I know I'm dead against it as well as people who use it for any sort of purpose. What about the rest of you edgers? Should it be legalized? Or what do you think of people who use it? Are you bothered by the fact that they are breaking the law?

I don't think it should be legalized and here is why. Often the argument that is brought forth is that alcohol is legal therefore marijuana should be. My point would be that it is possible for some to drink alcohol because they enjoy the taste of it, not simply just to get drunk. Being drunk is a byproduct of drinking, not always the incentive to drink. With marijuana, there is one purpose (recreationally speaking); to get high. Nobody smokes a joint because they like the taste of it, they are smoking it for the sole purpose of feeling a high from it. This example can also be seen in cooking. People use wine in cooking because of the flavour that it adds, with marijuana, the only reason people add it to food (generally baked goods), is so that they can get high through eating it. That is why I see a difference between Marijuana and alcohol.

Plus people who smoke weed regularly shouldnt want it to be legal because if the government controlled access to marijuana, it would probably be taxed to shit and would probably cost more than it does to get it from a dealer.

06-17-2009, 08:18 AM
I don't think it should be legalized and here is why. Often the argument that is brought forth is that alcohol is legal therefore marijuana should be. My point would be that it is possible for some to drink alcohol because they enjoy the taste of it, not simply just to get drunk. Being drunk is a byproduct of drinking, not always the incentive to drink. With marijuana, there is one purpose (recreationally speaking); to get high. Nobody smokes a joint because they like the taste of it, they are smoking it for the sole purpose of feeling a high from it. This example can also be seen in cooking. People use wine in cooking because of the flavour that it adds, with marijuana, the only reason people add it to food (generally baked goods), is so that they can get high through eating it. That is why I see a difference between Marijuana and alcohol.

Plus people who smoke weed regularly shouldnt want it to be legal because if the government controlled access to marijuana, it would probably be taxed to shit and would probably cost more than it does to get it from a dealer.

so you don't think that there are people out there that limit the amount they smoke and limit the amount to limit the effect it has on them? That there aren't people that smoke because they like the taste?

06-17-2009, 08:43 AM
I know I'm dead against it as well as people who use it for any sort of purpose. What about the rest of you edgers? Should it be legalized? Or what do you think of people who use it? Are you bothered by the fact that they are breaking the law?

I think it should be legalized and taxed heavily. I think it's safer than alcohol. I don't view people who smoke any differently than I do people who drink. I think it's an unnecessary distraction from life. The legality of it doesn't influence how I think about a substance.

06-17-2009, 12:14 PM
I think it should be legalized and taxed heavily. I think it's safer than alcohol. I don't view people who smoke any differently than I do people who drink. I think it's an unnecessary distraction from life. The legality of it doesn't influence how I think about a substance.

I pretty much agree with this so long as where it is smoked it restricted really well.

06-17-2009, 12:39 PM
I think it should be legalized and taxed heavily. I think it's safer than alcohol. I don't view people who smoke any differently than I do people who drink. I think it's an unnecessary distraction from life. The legality of it doesn't influence how I think about a substance.

I pretty much agree with this so long as where it is smoked it restricted really well.

exactly my viewpoint

06-17-2009, 02:23 PM
so you don't think that there are people out there that limit the amount they smoke and limit the amount to limit the effect it has on them? That there aren't people that smoke because they like the taste?

If there are people who smoke marijuana for the taste, I have never met one. And even when you are trying to limit the effect it has, it is still being smoked because of the effect that it will have. It is possible to sit and have a beer because you enjoy the taste of it, not because it is going to have an effect on you.

06-17-2009, 02:38 PM
If there are people who smoke marijuana for the taste, I have never met one. And even when you are trying to limit the effect it has, it is still being smoked because of the effect that it will have. It is possible to sit and have a beer because you enjoy the taste of it, not because it is going to have an effect on you.

Whether you intend it to or not, a beer is going to effect you. Just like there's a difference between drinking a beer and drinking a six pack. There's no reason to think the same isn't true for weed.

06-18-2009, 01:39 AM
as a past heavy weed smoker for years (and also a mild drinker) i can say: the weed is worse than booze... booze is straightforward.. you get drunk, you're feeling sick and next day you swear you'll never drink again.. and next week you'll do the same... with weed it's more like: "hey, what about some little josh to enjoy this movie a little bit more?" .. and you'll end up smoking multiple joints everyday, not realizing your addiction a maybe gaining some serious depression and what i call "twisted reality"... on the other hand,alcohol is much more "violent" drug than weed..
but i agree that weed should be legalized if alcohol is legal... and taxed..

mouseman: i've met a lot of people who sometimes just smoke some new shit from Holland just for the taste of it...

06-18-2009, 02:45 AM
now how would this work if it was legal? what would you tax? the sales only? would it be legal to grow it at home? i think it would be fun to see how many people quit their jobs/school to start this new legal agricultural profession haha... do you think it would end person to person sales? wouldn't there still be value in selling it on the streets if it was too expensive in the stores or whatever... so there would still be drug dealers investing in it... so what is the value of legalizing it? i personally don't like the idea of legalizing it just because to me it legitimizes the lifestyle of the drug dealer, preying on the vices of the people. But I'm crazy like that... I disapprove of pornography and strippers and stuff like that too, it's such a cheap way to make money, preying on weakness.

06-18-2009, 05:30 AM
i understand your point of view... in that case, alcohol, porn and shooting ranges should be banned too...
anyway - take a look at netherlands for info how to tax it, etc..

06-18-2009, 07:20 AM
Hey y'all.

watch this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LayaGk0TMDc)

06-18-2009, 08:48 AM
Hey y'all.

watch this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LayaGk0TMDc)

so unless you're law enforcement, how does that have anything to do with your opinion on the subject?

06-18-2009, 08:51 AM
now how would this work if it was legal? what would you tax? the sales only? would it be legal to grow it at home? i think it would be fun to see how many people quit their jobs/school to start this new legal agricultural profession haha... do you think it would end person to person sales? wouldn't there still be value in selling it on the streets if it was too expensive in the stores or whatever... so there would still be drug dealers investing in it... so what is the value of legalizing it? i personally don't like the idea of legalizing it just because to me it legitimizes the lifestyle of the drug dealer, preying on the vices of the people. But I'm crazy like that... I disapprove of pornography and strippers and stuff like that too, it's such a cheap way to make money, preying on weakness.

tax it the same way they tax alcohol and cigarettes today. The ATF, in america at least, exists specifically to control the illegal trafficking of alcohol and tobacco. Just because they're legal doesn't mean just anyone can sell them. The demand for weed at street dealers would decrease because it would be illegal to buy from them, so why would most users purchase illegal and run the risk when they can just as easily buy it from a store?

06-18-2009, 11:48 AM
tax it the same way they tax alcohol and cigarettes today. The ATF, in america at least, exists specifically to control the illegal trafficking of alcohol and tobacco. Just because they're legal doesn't mean just anyone can sell them. The demand for weed at street dealers would decrease because it would be illegal to buy from them, so why would most users purchase illegal and run the risk when they can just as easily buy it from a store?

this is a good point, i think it would be interesting to see how it would all come together... like would there be stores JUST for it regulated like the virginia ABC stores or would it be just anywhere like behind the counter at 7-11 hahaha... im enjoying picturing this because it would be such a huge change. i still personally don't want it legalized, id prefer a biochemist to find a way to make a virus that spreads through the air and makes marijuana and other drugs fatal hahaha

06-19-2009, 01:22 AM
i understand your point of view... in that case, alcohol, porn and shooting ranges should be banned too...
anyway - take a look at netherlands for info how to tax it, etc..

actually i just wish they didnt exist! not sure if banning them would do any good.

06-19-2009, 03:57 AM
you're obviously right

06-30-2009, 02:21 PM
it smells like ass and (nearly) everyone i know that smokes it is addicted to it. Usually smoking it is all they care about and it turns them into selfish assholes.

yeah, easy's right. i wish it never existed.

that or alcohol but i digress...

07-01-2009, 04:59 AM
I used to be strongly anti legalization until I came across a group called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, a group of current and former cops and FBI agents who explain quite elegantly why prohibition has never worked and will never work.

So now I'm pro legalization, but still anti use. My point of view is that nobody forces anybody to use that shit. Alcohol and tobacco are perfectly legal and I have no desire to use them. Personal choice is a huge thing in this world that people pretend doesn't exist.

solitary echo
07-02-2009, 01:57 PM
im against it.. a lot of family of mine are in the u.s military, and i dont think they should risk their lives for a nation full of pot heads...

07-02-2009, 01:59 PM
im against it.. a lot of family of mine are in the u.s military, and i dont think they should risk their lives for a nation full of pot heads...

why's that?

07-02-2009, 02:03 PM
there's a place called houston, minnesota? that's awesome!

07-02-2009, 02:59 PM
37% of all deaths in the United States are alcohol related.

I'd like to see an alternative available to those who consume.

Because I don't like the idea of losing my family to a drunk driver.

07-02-2009, 07:40 PM
37% of all deaths in the United States are alcohol related.

I'd like to see an alternative available to those who consume.

Because I don't like the idea of losing my family to a drunk driver.

but if marijuana was legal and if a driver was high, is there anyway to quickly confirm like how high they were? Like how the breathalyzer test is used to find out someone's blood alcohol content, or would driving while under the influence of marijuana stay completely illegal?

i tried looking on wikipedia for driving while under the influence of marijuana, but i couldn't find anything? can someone enlighten me on how counties that have legalized marijuana deal with this?

08-01-2009, 03:17 AM
I have read that driving under the influence of marijuana is supposedly not as dangerous as driving while having drunk alcohol, and with certain prescription drugs. Though I would seriously prefer if everyone didn't.

this is a thing about driving under the influence of drugs from a pro marijuana lobbying group, or at least it seems to be I didn't feel like reading that much of it

I personally don't mind marijuana, I am around people who have smoke a lot and they are nice people who work hard and they do something they enjoy, I don't know why laws should be like messing with their life if they are doing something that is rather safe and natural.
I think it should be legal, but I hope that when it does there aren't all these big marijuana companies with billboards and stuff. I would hope when it becomes legal there is a no advertisements clause and there are efforts made to keep it from becoming a big marijuana monopoly.

08-05-2009, 07:44 AM
I know people who are so different now that they're serious potheads. When someone has no self control, a seemingly harmless thing can become catastrophic. I know if I ever became a pothead, I'd become a man nothing like what I am now. No self-control you see.

Adam Edge hwc
08-05-2009, 06:53 PM
I think either way there are negatives.Drug dealers would loose money and goverment would gain making money on it.

08-06-2009, 01:54 AM
I know people who are so different now that they're serious potheads. When someone has no self control.

I just find this to be interesting in my life
But the people who started smoking pot from middle school into high school ended up in not so good shape and didn't go anywhere in life really.

But the people who started smoking pot from high school into college are pretty much okay.

Maybe in the long term it is bad.

Also Marijuana Addiction totally exists and I hear it is terrible.