View Full Version : Breaking Edge on 18th Birthday! Your opinion?

06-24-2009, 07:10 AM
So what do you guys think?
Lets take my case for example, In 2 years I will be 18 and I consider that I have been sXe for hmm... lets say 6 months (well since I chose to take on the commitment properly) and can proudly say I have never be drunk. When it comes to my 18th birthday what would you think if I drank alcohol? Would you think less of me because I broke the commitment? Would you think that it is ok that I experimented with it?
It's just a hypothetical though lol, I'd prefer to be at a gig honestly than hanging my head over the toilet lol. I just want to know your opinion about it.

06-24-2009, 07:34 AM
breaking edge on 18/21st birthday is one of the most stupid things i have ever heard of.. i'm not a militiant edge and i would continue a friendship with and edgebreaker.. i don't care as it's everyone's choice.. but - claiming edge when it's illegal to drink and break it when you're approaching legal age is ... not understanding the purpose/spirit of sxe in the first place..

just my 2 cents...

06-24-2009, 08:07 AM
why are you straight edge?

06-24-2009, 09:57 AM
So what do you guys think?
Lets take my case for example, In 2 years I will be 18 and I consider that I have been sXe for hmm... lets say 6 months (well since I chose to take on the commitment properly) and can proudly say I have never be drunk. When it comes to my 18th birthday what would you think if I drank alcohol? Would you think less of me because I broke the commitment? Would you think that it is ok that I experimented with it?
It's just a hypothetical though lol, I'd prefer to be at a gig honestly than hanging my head over the toilet lol. I just want to know your opinion about it.

Do what you want, its up to you and you should make the choice based on what you think not what others think. If you are against drinking though then why would you experiment? If you aren't against drinking then why are you alligning yourself with something that is?

06-24-2009, 11:39 AM
Do what you want, its up to you and you should make the choice based on what you think not what others think. If you are against drinking though then why would you experiment? If you aren't against drinking then why are you alligning yourself with something that is?

a better way of saying what i said haha!

06-24-2009, 12:11 PM
a better way of saying what i said haha!

Thanks, yours had the ecconomy of words in its favour though.

06-25-2009, 07:35 AM
Haha, no I said hypothetical for a reason. I actually have no intention of doing this because I get daily reminders at school about why it is so stupid and pointless, this question was actually inspired by a particularly idiotic person at school who for some reason said that "I reckon I could be sXe but I would still probably drink on my 18th." I have no idea why the hell they would say that but I just wanted to know your opinions about it, using myself in the hypothetical situation was just a way for me to explain the question really.

Oh and lo0m I actually have a friend a school today who started to draw X's on his hands because I had mentioned it and had explained how the whole symbolism of the X came about. Needless to say it quite angered me as well because he thought of it as a simple purposeless action by claiming edge because he didn't understand the "purpose/spirit" of it and that it can be quite meaningful to some people. Just thought I'd mention that because it is those type of people that don't understand it and that want to attach a group with themselves, that can degrade the meanings of the movement so I totally agree with your statement.

06-25-2009, 09:08 AM
Haha, no I said hypothetical for a reason. I actually have no intention of doing this because I get daily reminders at school about why it is so stupid and pointless, this question was actually inspired by a particularly idiotic person at school who for some reason said that "I reckon I could be sXe but I would still probably drink on my 18th." I have no idea why the hell they would say that but I just wanted to know your opinions about it, using myself in the hypothetical situation was just a way for me to explain the question really.

Then ask the questions of yourself hypothetically!!

06-25-2009, 09:32 PM
Then ask the questions of yourself hypothetically!!

hmm.. I wonder if that may be the reason why in the question I wrote that it was 'hypothetical'....?

Anyway who cares it's not like it is a big deal, I just thought I would explain it a bit better for those that misunderstood.

06-25-2009, 09:36 PM
hmm.. I wonder if that may be the reason why in the question I wrote that it was 'hypothetical'....?

Anyway who cares it's not like it is a big deal, I just thought I would explain it a bit better for those that misunderstood.

He read "hypothetical." He was emphasizing that you should ask YOURSELF how silly it sounds.

06-25-2009, 11:44 PM
hmm.. I wonder if that may be the reason why in the question I wrote that it was 'hypothetical'....?

Anyway who cares it's not like it is a big deal, I just thought I would explain it a bit better for those that misunderstood.

I think you misunderstood my post. I'm simply saying that for the hypothetical answer to your hypothetical question you should ask yourself...hypothetically, the questions that were given in response.

06-25-2009, 11:57 PM
ah.. Thankyou very much for clarifying straightXed. Sorry for the missunderstanding, but I guess it can be quite easy to get confused when the word hypothetical is thrown around so many times lol, sorry about that. XXX

06-26-2009, 03:21 AM
why are you straight edge?

I 2nd this.

I can't even begin to comprehend my reaction to this original post haha.

06-30-2009, 08:10 AM
I would find it passing strange for someone to choose to break Edge at 18 in my country (the USA) since the legal age of drinking is 21. (I personally feel the legal age should be 18 or less, just to break the taboo surrounding underage drinking and to remove the "cool/rebellious" image which may help save lives but that's a different topic.)

In any even I'm 25 now. My 18th birthday, and my 21st came and went and were just other days that I was straight edge. I'm straight edge today, and next year, and for the remainder of my natural life because I'm very comfortable this way and feel it's a good asset in my life. So that's about all I feel about this subject, except that if a person is looking for a specific age/date or excuse to break edge they don't really...they're probably not really edge for the right reasons any way.

06-30-2009, 08:26 AM
ah.. Thankyou very much for clarifying straightXed. Sorry for the missunderstanding, but I guess it can be quite easy to get confused when the word hypothetical is thrown around so many times lol, sorry about that. XXX

no worries

06-30-2009, 08:29 AM
I would find it passing strange for someone to choose to break Edge at 18 in my country (the USA) since the legal age of drinking is 21. (I personally feel the legal age should be 18 or less, just to break the taboo surrounding underage drinking and to remove the "cool/rebellious" image which may help save lives but that's a different topic.)

it won't work, we have a drinking age of 18 and just get underage drinking from a younger age...12, 13, 14 is pretty standard age to start drinking here and it happens to be binge drinking also. i think 21 is a much better age.

06-30-2009, 08:30 AM
if you do that, i think it proofs that edge was just a phase in your life

07-01-2009, 04:57 AM
it won't work, we have a drinking age of 18 and just get underage drinking from a younger age...12, 13, 14 is pretty standard age to start drinking here and it happens to be binge drinking also. i think 21 is a much better age.

Don't you think it's a little backwards that you can go to Iraq and kill people with guns as an 18 year old but you can't drink one beer legally? Don't get me wrong. I think the alcohol culture is horribly destructive to our society but that's just a strange fact of American culture.

07-01-2009, 08:59 AM
Don't you think it's a little backwards that you can go to Iraq and kill people with guns as an 18 year old but you can't drink one beer legally? Don't get me wrong. I think the alcohol culture is horribly destructive to our society but that's just a strange fact of American culture.

Not really. One is a job/career choice the other is an intoxicating substance, Besides you can sign up at 16 here so you'll find its not only in american culture. I do think its backwards that when extremely dangerous drug is condoned and other less dangerous drugs aren't. I aslo do think there should be stronger enforcement of laws that pertain to underage drinking as that creates a real problem in society that concern behaviour and attitude. I think things are very slack in terms of control and lowering age limits with the things run the way they are now would only serve to encourage underage drinking from a younger age. Alcohol is problematic worldwide, but from my experience and understanding the overall attitude towards alcohol there is more positive.

07-01-2009, 04:24 PM
So what do you guys think?
Lets take my case for example, In 2 years I will be 18 and I consider that I have been sXe for hmm... lets say 6 months (well since I chose to take on the commitment properly) and can proudly say I have never be drunk. When it comes to my 18th birthday what would you think if I drank alcohol? Would you think less of me because I broke the commitment? Would you think that it is ok that I experimented with it?
It's just a hypothetical though lol, I'd prefer to be at a gig honestly than hanging my head over the toilet lol. I just want to know your opinion about it.

if you plan on drinking cause you turn 18, then your not edge.

07-04-2009, 05:01 PM
I just want to say that I think people who break edge don't know what they want and are SxE for fun if you understand what I want to say :s

Be SxE is a way of life , not a choice , you are SxE because you have always think like that ! for example I'm SxE since I'm 12 ( because before I couldn't understand by myself because I (and we) was to young ) but I have discovered the word and the SxE communauty at the age of 15 and now I'm 19 and still SxE and I won't change for nothing ! if you don't believe in what you say when you talk about SxE is because you're not created for it , we don't make choice ! our life can influence our way of think of course ! we can decide to say stop to alchol or drugs sure ! and being SxE after but I think if we are SxE after that is another way to see SxE life , I don't know if you understand me XD

btw and for finish : excuse my english :s I try to do my best :)

07-05-2009, 05:04 AM
it won't work, we have a drinking age of 18 and just get underage drinking from a younger age...12, 13, 14 is pretty standard age to start drinking here and it happens to be binge drinking also. i think 21 is a much better age.

Yes a lot of people I know at school have been getting smashed since they were 13. Its pretty pointless really, at school unfortunately there is a positive attitude by a lot of people where drugs are concerned because it is seen as the normal thing to do.