View Full Version : What do you think of coffee ?

07-06-2009, 07:43 AM
All is in the title :) is it a drug or not ? are we still SxE if we drink coffee ?

07-06-2009, 08:00 AM
Well it contains caffeine. Caffeine is a drug. Many sXers disapprove of the use of caffeine. Mouse Man will tell you all about it, he will.

07-06-2009, 08:22 AM
But a drug is something you need no ? coffee can be a drug if you need it but not if you want it , but about cafeine itself you find it in every energy drink for example, for me it's something who can help you to wake up

07-06-2009, 08:23 AM
But a drug is something you need no ? coffee can be a drug if you need it but not if you want it , but about cafeine itself you find it in every energy drink for example, for me it's something who can help you to wake up

it effects you regardless. It's really no different from drinking a beer. The only difference is that people view them differently.

07-06-2009, 08:31 AM
It effects your personality and/or decision-making.

07-06-2009, 08:40 AM
Yeah sure after we make our own decision ;)

About drinking a beer for me , I think that alcohol makes you in a second state and not coffee it just give you more energy and beer act directly on your brain , I don't realy know how can I explain that :s I'm sorry :s

07-06-2009, 08:45 AM
Yeah sure after we make our own decision ;)

About drinking a beer for me , I think that alcohol makes you in a second state and not coffee it just give you more energy and beer act directly on your brain , I don't realy know how can I explain that :s I'm sorry :s

Yeah but think about it. That energy is the effect of the drug on your nervous system. Why is using a drug for energy any different than using a drug to relax? Especially when you're talking about a drug that is addictive.

07-06-2009, 08:47 AM
I haven't see that like that but you're right yeah :s

07-06-2009, 09:13 AM
by the way dusty my wife has not been able to locate caffeine free Dr Pepper for me yet!!! seems the local giant doesnt have them!!... in other news ill be back in the 703 on wednesday for about a month and a half.... lunch sometime???

07-06-2009, 09:25 AM
by the way dusty my wife has not been able to locate caffeine free Dr Pepper for me yet!!! seems the local giant doesnt have them!!... in other news ill be back in the 703 on wednesday for about a month and a half.... lunch sometime???

yeah no doubt, I'll have a look around work where I saw it last time.

07-12-2009, 10:36 AM
I don't drink coffee any more. I used to, and I quit. I didn't like the way it made me feel, and I don't like the way so many people ignore the real reasons their bodies lack energy and rely on caffeine as a crutch in our society.

I do occasionally drink tea, especially decaff, because of the high antioxidant and flavanoid content. If this makes me non straight edge in other people's eyes, I'll have to live with that. I certainly don't use it for energy. I really don't need it for that.

I'd never dream about touching that energy drink nonsense..that shit's just legal crack in a can and the ultimate manifestation of a culture that no longer believes in sleep or taking care of one's body. Such short cuts can only logically lead to catastrophic heart failure, the more "potent" the corporations decide to make them.

07-12-2009, 12:02 PM
I don't drink coffee any more. I used to, and I quit. I didn't like the way it made me feel, and I don't like the way so many people ignore the real reasons their bodies lack energy and rely on caffeine as a crutch in our society.

I do occasionally drink tea, especially decaff, because of the high antioxidant and flavanoid content. If this makes me non straight edge in other people's eyes, I'll have to live with that. I certainly don't use it for energy. I really don't need it for that.

I'd never dream about touching that energy drink nonsense..that shit's just legal crack in a can and the ultimate manifestation of a culture that no longer believes in sleep or taking care of one's body. Such short cuts can only logically lead to catastrophic heart failure, the more "potent" the corporations decide to make them.

how is the drinking of caffeinated tea any different than drinking caffeinated coffee?

07-12-2009, 01:07 PM
would you guys disagree with drinking things like lucozade/powerade/gatorade? perhaps in a sport sense? as these are more isotonic or glucose not caffeine. any views?

07-12-2009, 04:21 PM
would you guys disagree with drinking things like lucozade/powerade/gatorade? perhaps in a sport sense? as these are more isotonic or glucose not caffeine. any views?

Careful there, A fair ammount of Lucoszade products contain caffeine and i know some powerade products do too.

Gatorade is still of the opinion that "there is no convincing scientific data that shows caffiene can consistantly and safely enhance the performance of athletes in a wide variety of athletic situations" Going on to say that there is concern by sports health professionals of over consumption of caffeine.

As for answering your question, i would not necessarily avoid a drink that was free of drugs and designed to hydrate or recover me but to be honest i still use water when i am down the gym. I do on occasion have a sports drink but its a lot of irregular sugar and for that i generally hit the fruit.