View Full Version : i just remembered why im gonna kill myself before i get old
12-31-2003, 04:19 AM
i hate everyone thats old and is in the pit. if you dont have hair, you shouldnt be allowed into shows. oh yeah and agnostic front is possibly one of the shittiest bands that ever happened to music and there whole fanbase is gay.
if it werent for 1. With Honor being such a good band 2. Fat Jack spitting in some girls face 3. Countless amounts of fights 4. The city of Baltimore and 5. Me doing backflips into 35 year old skinheads Stillborn Fest would be gay.
12-31-2003, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by Chance301
i hate everyone thats old and is in the pit. if you dont have hair, you shouldnt be allowed into shows. oh yeah and agnostic front is possibly one of the shittiest bands that ever happened to music and there whole fanbase is gay.
if it werent for 1. With Honor being such a good band 2. Fat Jack spitting in some girls face 3. Countless amounts of fights 4. The city of Baltimore and 5. Me doing backflips into 35 year old skinheads Stillborn Fest would be gay.
how olds old? 18?
12-31-2003, 12:06 PM
nah like 30. when i get to the point that i cant jump really high anymore im going to retire
01-01-2004, 09:41 AM
i'm 21 and i'm a skinhead, so am i allowed in the bit
but i strongly disagree, some of the best moshers i've known have been the old ones at maiden and motorhead gigs
what i hate is 14 year old slipknot fans that can't handle themselves, cause a ruck and can't finish what they started. then just stand at the edges pushing people in.
01-01-2004, 11:47 AM
best moshers at maiden and motorhead? this is the 21st century baby get in the now. its all about tha spinkicks and crowd killers
01-01-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
i'm 21 and i'm a skinhead, so am i allowed in the bit
but i strongly disagree, some of the best moshers i've known have been the old ones at maiden and motorhead gigs
what i hate is 14 year old slipknot fans that can't handle themselves, cause a ruck and can't finish what they started. then just stand at the edges pushing people in.
I didn't know you were a skin head.
01-02-2004, 12:59 AM
man, i guess everything is sooo gay! i highly doubt an entire fanbase is *gay*. i for one think agnostic front is a smashing band. and hell yeah, if the old folks wanna mosh, more power to 'em. i know *exactly* what you mean, doug, about the little kids. theres this one i know especially is about 1/4 the size of everyone else and he'll start shit in the pit and then run out - its the most obnoxious shit ever. grrr....
01-02-2004, 11:53 AM
ta, i aint against kids in the pit, i just wish people will finish what they start
and yes i am a skinhead, i dress like a porper 80's neo nazi, but i'm not, i just like the look and the general idea of getting fit to fight for your cause, and getting your head kicked in at gigs.
but i love gay black and jewish people.
not in an fondling arse sense
01-02-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
ta, i aint against kids in the pit, i just wish people will finish what they start
and yes i am a skinhead, i dress like a porper 80's neo nazi, but i'm not, i just like the look and the general idea of getting fit to fight for your cause, and getting your head kicked in at gigs.
but i love gay black and jewish people.
not in an fondling arse sense
wait, so you dress like a skin because you like the style, but aren't actually?
01-02-2004, 11:59 AM
well i have a skin head, i wear turned up torn jeans, dr martins and wear brace and make them hang under my arse.
also it cos i'm an actor and i;ve just played a skinhead, and when i have playeda part i seem to take a bit of the character with me.
it sounds pretentious i know
01-02-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
well i have a skin head, i wear turned up torn jeans, dr martins and wear brace and make them hang under my arse.
also it cos i'm an actor and i;ve just played a skinhead, and when i have playeda part i seem to take a bit of the character with me.
it sounds pretentious i know
or a really really dangerous idea.
01-02-2004, 08:19 PM sorry, but thats what we call poser. thats weird, I was having a discussion about this today. people can go from being "normal" to completely punked out, being silly and buying studs and patches and the like because they think its cool, but its my opinion that you cant just go and be a skinhead. one can grow into punk and a punk style (as i have to an extent), but i think skinhead is really something you just have to grow up with - not to mention you have to be WORKING CLASS. isnt that the fuckin point?
01-03-2004, 01:48 AM
yeah to dress the part of the skinhead, in these times, i couldnt imagine, would go over well.
01-03-2004, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
well i have a skin head, i wear turned up torn jeans, dr martins and wear brace and make them hang under my arse.
also it cos i'm an actor and i;ve just played a skinhead, and when i have playeda part i seem to take a bit of the character with me.
it sounds pretentious i know
Shaving your head does not a skinhead make. You look the part which is good, you being an actor and all but you aren't a skin, you aren't down with skins are you?
01-04-2004, 05:32 PM
i'm not a neo nazi and i aint homophobic
maybe its a cross of slang here, skinhead does mean neo nazi over here but it is also just a hair cut
like mohicans, just cos you have one doesn't make you a red indian
01-04-2004, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
i'm not a neo nazi and i aint homophobic
maybe its a cross of slang here, skinhead does mean neo nazi over here but it is also just a hair cut
like mohicans, just cos you have one doesn't make you a red indian
skinhead means a lot more than a haircut dude. and it doesn't always mean neo nazi either. You might want to do more research on the skin subculture since it sounds like you're not aware of just how deep or current it is.
01-05-2004, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
i'm not a neo nazi and i aint homophobic
maybe its a cross of slang here, skinhead does mean neo nazi over here but it is also just a hair cut
like mohicans, just cos you have one doesn't make you a red indian
well even if it were just a haircut you have adopted other significant elements of the skinhead look. I have a shaved head but i wouldn't refer to myself as a skinhead.
01-05-2004, 03:04 PM
bloody hell you lot are all about pigeon holing aren't you?
like i'm not straight edge cos of my musical tastes and that i drink alcohol free beer. some say.
but i can't name my haircut what i like unless i research into gang culture of the 1980's and work out if i fit in with them lot. i know skinheads who are skinheads because their head is shaved and therefore their head is made of skin, and that makes them a skinhead.
david beckham has had both a skinhead and a mohican, and he aint beat up any jews or joined a native american tribe.
i'm sick of this fitting into groups, it leads to nothing but trouble.
has anyone everseen quadrophenia?
01-05-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
bloody hell you lot are all about pigeon holing aren't you?
like i'm not straight edge cos of my musical tastes and that i drink alcohol free beer. some say.
but i can't name my haircut what i like unless i research into gang culture of the 1980's and work out if i fit in with them lot. i know skinheads who are skinheads because their head is shaved and therefore their head is made of skin, and that makes them a skinhead.
david beckham has had both a skinhead and a mohican, and he aint beat up any jews or joined a native american tribe.
i'm sick of this fitting into groups, it leads to nothing but trouble.
has anyone everseen quadrophenia?
the thing is, it's not a gang of the 80's. skins still exist. They're not a past tense thing. Now, if you were calling yourself a baldhead, which is just as accurate, this conversation wouldn't be happening. But like it or not words mean things outside of how you'd like to use them. You'd like skinhead to mean one thing, but in reality it means something all together different to the rest of the world.
01-05-2004, 05:26 PM
i'm not saying skinhead should mean one thing at all, what i am saying is that what a word means should be up to interpretation.
well assuming you aint seen quadropenia, its about the mod's vs the rockers, and the teenage pursuit of following one the groups.
they all get into a fight and nothings sorted, showing it was all bloody silly. I think it may help a lot of people on this board.
01-05-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
i'm not saying skinhead should mean one thing at all, what i am saying is that what a word means should be up to interpretation.
well assuming you aint seen quadropenia, its about the mod's vs the rockers, and the teenage pursuit of following one the groups.
they all get into a fight and nothings sorted, showing it was all bloody silly. I think it may help a lot of people on this board.
yeah but what you're failing to understand and accept is that you are largely ignorant on things. A skinhead is a defined thing. It means something. You using it to mean something else doesn't change that fact. Definitions exist for a reason, for the most part to avoid confusion, what you're asking for is to introduce the confusion that the defition was designed to deal with. When you say someone is a skinhead, it means something beyond them not having hair. Someone without hair is bald. Someone that is a skinhead is something all together different.
Now it's fair enough that you don't know about subcultures you've never been exposed to, but trying to change definitions to suit your use of language isn't going to stop you from getting jumped by actual skinheads.
01-05-2004, 06:55 PM
its sad but very true. even if you were to say that you like skinhead music and dress like one, that would be totaly different than saying im a skinhead.
01-07-2004, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
bloody hell you lot are all about pigeon holing aren't you?
like i'm not straight edge cos of my musical tastes and that i drink alcohol free beer. some say.
but i can't name my haircut what i like unless i research into gang culture of the 1980's and work out if i fit in with them lot. i know skinheads who are skinheads because their head is shaved and therefore their head is made of skin, and that makes them a skinhead.
david beckham has had both a skinhead and a mohican, and he aint beat up any jews or joined a native american tribe.
i'm sick of this fitting into groups, it leads to nothing but trouble.
has anyone everseen quadrophenia?
basicly skinhead is a subculture, one that is still alive and active today, and especialy in the UK.
Secondly if you said that you HAD a skinhead, like David Beckham HAS a skinhead then it would be a totaly different deal.
It's like I have green hair, I am not "a green hair".
Also you said earlier that skinhead meant Neo nazi, this is way off the mark, it is a subculture, one based ariund a kind of working class pride, and an imagined working class utopia. In fact to begin with it had absoloutly nothing to do with fascism and racism, and it it was closly linked with the the young immigrants from like Jamaica, as the skins saw themselvs as a part of a simmilar struggle, and skin culture was tied heavily to ska amonst other things. The racism aspect came much later after the country invited alot of immigrants from india and other countries to help fill a massive job surplus, and what happened when the job surplus dried up and became a shortage. Then and today there are skins with no ties to any racist or facist ideals and activities.
01-11-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by xDOUGxDIGGLERx
like i'm not straight edge cos of my musical tastes and that i drink alcohol free beer. some say.
I'm sure someone has told you this before, but non-alcoholic beer has a small amount of alcohol in it.
And on the subject of what this post was originally about : I think you should be able to mosh no matter what age you are, as long as you know what you're doing. Why would you have such a problem about thirty or fourty year olds moshing? You should have respect for them. Just because they are older doesn't mean they aren't just as much into the music as you are.
drug free adult
01-12-2004, 05:01 PM
i still have a head of hair. i think some of agnostic front does too, but some of them don't. they're all a lot older than i am anyway i think vinnie is even around 45.
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