View Full Version : Ed
07-25-2009, 08:33 PM
xdcx: ok, now im at the point i get to in the supermarket when i am choosing cereal
xdcx: i stand looking at all the choices and it takes me a good 5 minutes to reach a decision
the-cereal-lady: hahaha
the-cereal-lady: Ed is like that too, he loooves cereal
xdcx: i can tell you right now, I love cereal as much as Ed does haha
xdcx: pizza and cereal, without these life would be worthless
the-cereal-lady: hahaha, now you really sound like him
the-cereal-lady: you know i mentioned to him we had been chatting lately, and he said "oh I don't think he likes me much"
xdcx: oh, i hate that. I think Ed is awesome, I thoguht he hated me
the-cereal-lady: haha i know. I didn't tell him that, but I told him that I didn't think you hated him
the-cereal-lady: I really think you guys would get on quite well
Are you fucking crazy dude?
This is my official invitation for you to become my official mosh buddy for the following show (London) because I think you're cool as hell and simply cannot believe you though I didn't like you very much. Sounds like something I would say!! -
English and Scottish mosh combined will work well and you know we could stage dive with the best the country has to offer already. Lets plan this now!
Also, Dini, get your ass saving money and get to London. I'll even donate money to you to come across for this show and hang out with us. It will be like some sort of Euro love/mosh triangle, the venue might even implode with so much awesomeness during the Floorpunch set.
07-25-2009, 08:36 PM
wow I bet the cereal lady is a super awesome person.
07-25-2009, 08:41 PM
wow I bet the cereal lady is a super awesome person.
She makes sketchy deals with people. They usually involve the export of exotic cereals to the needy in foreign lands. Alot of people obviously find her awesome, but I dunno if the Feds will agree when they eventually bust her.
07-26-2009, 05:16 AM
Are you fucking crazy dude?
This is my official invitation for you to become my official mosh buddy for the following show (London) because I think you're cool as hell and simply cannot believe you though I didn't like you very much. Sounds like something I would say!! -
i accept the invite
Going to AC saturday night!
English and Scottish mosh combined will work well and you know we could stage dive with the best the country has to offer already. Lets plan this now!
Ok, planning commencing
Also, Dini, get your ass saving money and get to London. I'll even donate money to you to come across for this show and hang out with us. It will be like some sort of Euro love/mosh triangle, the venue might even implode with so much awesomeness during the Floorpunch set.
I might be able to free up some cash for a hungarian looking to touch down in london town.
07-26-2009, 05:17 AM
wow I bet the cereal lady is a super awesome person.
She sounds like trouble to me!
07-26-2009, 05:20 AM
She makes sketchy deals with people. They usually involve the export of exotic cereals to the needy in foreign lands. Alot of people obviously find her awesome, but I dunno if the Feds will agree when they eventually bust her.
I bet she isn't super prompt with her cereal export buisness, she's probably to busy going kicking back or going to the cinema to watch the latest films like star trek.
you're all cool cats. i'm undecided though. friends of mine are going to linctenstein and antwerpen ot see them. now, that would mean i can see FP two times. on teh other hand, i've never been to london, flying out there takes only 2 hours against the 15 hour drive, and if i went to London i could hang out with you guys and hungarian friends, and could sleep at their place, explore the city during the weekend and go to the show on sunday.
it only depends on wheter or not i'm gonna get laid off in october. If i get laid off, i go on tour with Gyalázat. (my bandmates are mad at me because i dissed the tour in favoure of floorpunch, and they are crossing fingers for me to lose my job...with friends like these who needs enemies right?)
07-26-2009, 08:01 AM
i accept the invite
Going to AC saturday night!
50 on red, I better be right! See all the girls looking so nice!
Ok, planning commencing
I'm gonna look into flying this time. The train takes 6 hours, I'm too cool for the train.
I might be able to free up some cash for a hungarian looking to touch down in london town.
One hundred punks run with London town
Down Wardour Street to the Soho Sound
Don't sleep all week only when they fall dooooowwwwwwn
I bet she isn't super prompt with her cereal export buisness, she's probably to busy going kicking back or going to the cinema to watch the latest films like star trek.
She better up her game when engaging in trades with a dude like me. If I am bumped off for things like Star Trek I won't be happy and the Thorntons toffee shipment to the USA might get "lost" on the way to her.....
07-26-2009, 08:06 AM
you're all cool cats. i'm undecided though. friends of mine are going to linctenstein and antwerpen ot see them. now, that would mean i can see FP two times. on teh other hand, i've never been to london, flying out there takes only 2 hours against the 15 hour drive, and if i went to London i could hang out with you guys and hungarian friends, and could sleep at their place, explore the city during the weekend and go to the show on sunday.
it only depends on wheter or not i'm gonna get laid off in october. If i get laid off, i go on tour with Gyalázat. (my bandmates are mad at me because i dissed the tour in favoure of floorpunch, and they are crossing fingers for me to lose my job...with friends like these who needs enemies right?)
Dude, you're coming to London. Don't lose your job.
You have to represent mainland Europe or I'm gonna have an official statement released out of Scotland calling you all pussies.
07-26-2009, 10:36 AM
She better up her game when engaging in trades with a dude like me. If I am bumped off for things like Star Trek I won't be happy and the Thorntons toffee shipment to the USA might get "lost" on the way to her.....
i'm sure it will work out just fine for you
07-26-2009, 10:55 AM
50 on red, I better be right! See all the girls looking so nice!
I'm gonna look into flying this time. The train takes 6 hours, I'm too cool for the train.
One hundred punks run with London town
Down Wardour Street to the Soho Sound
Don't sleep all week only when they fall dooooowwwwwwn
She better up her game when engaging in trades with a dude like me. If I am bumped off for things like Star Trek I won't be happy and the Thorntons toffee shipment to the USA might get "lost" on the way to her.....
shipping thorntons now would be a disaster.
07-26-2009, 01:17 PM
antwerp, i didn't know they'd come there. awesome.
Dude, you're coming to London. Don't lose your job.
You have to represent mainland Europe or I'm gonna have an official statement released out of Scotland calling you all pussies.
i will only be able to answer this on october the 2nd...
07-26-2009, 06:15 PM
She sounds like trouble to me!
I bet she isn't super prompt with her cereal export buisness, she's probably to busy going kicking back or going to the cinema to watch the latest films like star trek.
Shh. She is not trouble and she is having exportation issues because she has other stuff to send that might cost lots.
She better up her game when engaging in trades with a dude like me. If I am bumped off for things like Star Trek I won't be happy and the Thorntons toffee shipment to the USA might get "lost" on the way to her.....
Don't worry, I'm sure she will follow through!
07-26-2009, 07:20 PM
Shh. She is not trouble and she is having exportation issues because she has other stuff to send that might cost lots.
thats fine, can i get some cereal for the sequel too?
07-26-2009, 07:41 PM
thats fine, can i get some cereal for the sequel too?
haha yes, if they make it.
10-07-2009, 09:29 AM
this is an email i got from filip from powered records aprox. Three weeks before we were supposed to leave for europe.
Hey, i have bad news, i have to cancel the tour cuz i just can't commit myself to booking tours anymore, i'm super busy with work and i'm gonna be out of the country around that time too(cuz of work). Work pays my bills, hardcore doesn't. I had to make a choice. I'm really sorry to let you guys down, i take all the blame, i'm really sorry. It's def better to cancel the tour then do a half assed tour cuz i didn't had enough time to promote the tour etc... Sorry... F
were extremely sorry for anyone who is inconvenienced by this. We hope to get over there at a later date. We tried to put things together with avacado booking but the descrepancies were to great, too last minute. Airfair hadn't been purchased like we thought it had been and now its not financially feasable to do this.
Again we are very sorry, and we will be over in the near future.
Mark porter
10-07-2009, 01:02 PM
We need a plan b then!
10-07-2009, 01:05 PM
We need a plan b then!
christmas time panto explosion!
don't worry, it's postponed, they will come here in about two months with avocado booking in charge this time around. maybe i can get a chance to see them. Friends of mine lost money on this being cancelled though (plane tickets etc).
10-07-2009, 01:46 PM
don't worry, it's postponed, they will come here in about two months with avocado booking in charge this time around. maybe i can get a chance to see them. Friends of mine lost money on this being cancelled though (plane tickets etc).
Plane tickets are still good though right? so the moneys not exactly lost.
10-07-2009, 01:47 PM
christmas time panto explosion!
that sounds more like a plan a!
Plane tickets are still good though right? so the moneys not exactly lost.
yeah. but what's the point of going to London if there's no Floorpunch show?!
10-07-2009, 02:42 PM
yeah. but what's the point of going to London if there's no Floorpunch show?!
10-07-2009, 03:16 PM
yeah. but what's the point of going to London if there's no Floorpunch show?!
Its a big city, theres quite a lot to do even if its just, as dusty suggested, to find a cockney and indulge in some jellied eels! Point is they can still go and make the most of it so its up to them if they want to see it as wasted or an oppertunity to indulge in some scary cuisine!
10-07-2009, 04:13 PM
iand indulge in some jellied eels!
10-07-2009, 04:13 PM
I'm hoping they do come over like they are wanting to and it's in February time, that would be perfect actually.
and hopefully chavs!
Its a big city, theres quite a lot to do even if its just, as dusty suggested, to find a cockney and indulge in some jellied eels! Point is they can still go and make the most of it so its up to them if they want to see it as wasted or an oppertunity to indulge in some scary cuisine!
yeah, i was just joking obviously. i would go if it was me.
I'm hoping they do come over like they are wanting to and it's in February time, that would be perfect actually.
hang in there, fanboy!
10-07-2009, 05:52 PM
yeah, i was just joking obviously. i would go if it was me.
I couldn't tell obviously!
10-07-2009, 05:52 PM
You want some?
10-07-2009, 06:51 PM
you want some?
10-08-2009, 07:09 AM
I'll get you some.
10-08-2009, 07:27 PM
I'll get you some.
Count Chocula and his friends might get lost then.
10-08-2009, 07:45 PM
Count Chocula and his friends might get lost then.
we have all three too so they could easily make the trip across the atlantic.
besides, where's your sense of adventure? They come from the thames, the cleanest river in all the land!
10-09-2009, 04:47 AM
Count Chocula and his friends might get lost then.
Jeez, try to get you a gift and you repay me with such gratitude!
10-09-2009, 03:47 PM
we have all three too so they could easily make the trip across the atlantic.
besides, where's your sense of adventure? They come from the thames, the cleanest river in all the land!
You think any Count Chocula could escape me!? best cereal EVER!
10-09-2009, 07:02 PM
we have all three too so they could easily make the trip across the atlantic.
besides, where's your sense of adventure? They come from the thames, the cleanest river in all the land!
Way to take away my power.
Jeez, try to get you a gift and you repay me with such gratitude!
Of everything I love in England, you should be able to find a better gift.
You think any Count Chocula could escape me!? best cereal EVER!
How much do you love America for it's cereal? It's ridiculous how much of the good stuff doesn't make it to the UK.
10-10-2009, 07:19 AM
Of everything I love in England, you should be able to find a better gift.
How much do you love America for it's cereal? It's ridiculous how much of the good stuff doesn't make it to the UK.
Yeah i probably could find a boring normal gift but that just wouldnt be the same. I mean theres something awesome about telling your friends that you recieved a wonderful gift of jellied get to see their reactions to such a delightful treat which will be unique in itself. i could get you a fancy purse of course and then fill it with jellied eels...its good to compromise! Just send me the cereal and we will discuss how to approach the jellied eel issue after!
10-10-2009, 06:43 PM
If Ed gets awesome American cereal and I don't.........
Cereal is life!
10-10-2009, 11:36 PM
If Ed gets awesome American cereal and I don't.........
Cereal is life!
If Ed gets cereal he doesn't mind sharing, grab a bowl, milk and spoon and enjoy.
10-11-2009, 08:51 AM
If Ed gets cereal he doesn't mind sharing, grab a bowl, milk and spoon and enjoy.
Cereal sharing should only occur between people with equal amounts of love for everything that is cereal. We can be cereal bro's.
10-11-2009, 10:11 AM
get a room you two!
A room full of cereal are you nuts? Bowls are a much better vessel to eat from.
10-11-2009, 10:31 AM
get a room you two!
Jealous of the cereal love relationship huh?
A room full of cereal are you nuts? Bowls are a much better vessel to eat from.
I often find the bowls I have cannot contain enough cereal for my liking, which often means a re-fill of the bowl. A room full of cereal would eliminate this problem, but then there would be a problem with milk.
10-11-2009, 11:33 AM
I'm so fascinated about this cereal conversation, you guys are awesome !
10-11-2009, 03:53 PM
Jealous of the cereal love relationship huh?
I often find the bowls I have cannot contain enough cereal for my liking, which often means a re-fill of the bowl. A room full of cereal would eliminate this problem, but then there would be a problem with milk.
I have good bowls but shredded wheat are always an issue.
The problem with the room aside from the milk would be the door. But some rooms are better than others, like bathrooms...a bathtub could make a good bowl and shredded wheat would not be an issue either!
10-11-2009, 08:32 PM
I have good bowls but shredded wheat are always an issue.
The problem with the room aside from the milk would be the door. But some rooms are better than others, like bathrooms...a bathtub could make a good bowl and shredded wheat would not be an issue either!
Yeah man a bath tub would be pretty ideal. Could also be good for Weetabix if you eat them whole. But if you like to mush up your Weetabix then maybe not the best as you might use too much energy in the morning mushing up all your Weetabix in such a large container.
I usually got for bitesize Shredded Wheat, honey nut is my slight favourite from this line although regular Shredded Wheat with a sprinkling of sugar is a close second.
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