View Full Version : Being Jewish
07-30-2009, 11:44 AM
You know what seems like loads of fun?
Being Jewish.
Most of my friends are Jewish and I really enjoy Jewish culture and the Hebrew Language, and the songs and the dancing and the services.
Sometimes I feel like I am Jewish and if people think I am, and if they ask me sometimes I say I am.
Sometimes I want to run around and say, "I love being Jewish"
But then I remember that I am not ethnically Jewish and technically I am not religiously Jewish.
So how can I reconcile these things. I am not Jewish, but as a Christian I adopt everything the Jews believe in plus a Messiah. Sometimes straight edge people are like I am drug free and God free and all those beliefs. I am not one of those people though.
I don't know does anyone relate to these things?
I don't really know anyone who is Jewish and Straight Edge, though I am sure that if I thought about it I probably could.
07-31-2009, 02:53 AM
I sure hope this is a troll.
07-31-2009, 03:02 AM
I sure hope this is a troll.
Alas not.
Why would you hope that?
Is it because what I wrote was inappropriate in terms of what is said to be acceptable in this forum?
Adam Edge hwc
07-31-2009, 07:37 AM
This jew is ready for the
07-31-2009, 01:29 PM
I know what you mean i am christian and i love the jewish culture and would love to lern more about it.
07-31-2009, 02:58 PM
You know what seems like loads of fun?
Being Jewish.
Most of my friends are Jewish and I really enjoy Jewish culture and the Hebrew Language, and the songs and the dancing and the services.
Sometimes I feel like I am Jewish and if people think I am, and if they ask me sometimes I say I am.
Sometimes I want to run around and say, "I love being Jewish"
But then I remember that I am not ethnically Jewish and technically I am not religiously Jewish.
So how can I reconcile these things. I am not Jewish, but as a Christian I adopt everything the Jews believe in plus a Messiah. Sometimes straight edge people are like I am drug free and God free and all those beliefs. I am not one of those people though.
I don't know does anyone relate to these things?
I don't really know anyone who is Jewish and Straight Edge, though I am sure that if I thought about it I probably could.
so you keep kosher and saturday is your sabbath? You celebrate passover and drink wine at the seder? You don't believe in hell?
Adam Edge hwc
07-31-2009, 04:29 PM
hahahaa i just noticed "loads of Fun"
I got to say its one of the most difficult religions to become part of.
08-01-2009, 02:40 AM
so you keep kosher and saturday is your sabbath? You celebrate passover and drink wine at the seder? You don't believe in hell?
I don't keep kosher, because these days who does? A lot of my friends are Reform Jews and they are all like, "it only says that in the Torah because it was before refrigeration, and modern if you mixed meat and milk it would spoil and Moses was trying to protect people." Sometimes it feels like they are Jewish in name only. though I have a few friends who are super frum and go all out every Shabbat with the whole not using electricity or lighting fires or writing.
I don't drink wine at the the Seder because wine is usually alcoholic, and I am straight edge.
But I guess in one way when I see something that is straight edge related I feel proud to be a part of it. I feel the same way about things that are related to Jewish people, I feel proud as if though I am a member of this ethnic and religious group, though I am neither.
It's just an interesting feeling,
08-01-2009, 12:39 PM
I think this is ridiculous. You lie about being Jewish when you're not, neither ethnically or religiously? I understand the admiration; most of my husband's friends are Jewish and we're included in many of the celebrations, but claiming something you're not can be offensive. Imagine if you knew someone who appreciates the straightedge culture, but was not by any means sxe, claimed to be so.
08-02-2009, 02:03 AM
I disagree, because like I feel like I am a part of this culture, as if though it is a part of me, I feel it. I have internalized it so much that to me this feels like a part of my identity.
Okay so I know straight edge and Christianity and religion is a thing people can talk about and have opinions about, however a true fact about me is that I am a Christian.
When you look at the Bible the whole Old Testament is used by Jews. The stories of Joseph and Moses and Esther that I learned about in Sunday School are the same as the ones my Jewish friends learned at their equivalent. And not just those examples, but everything. My Christian belief is includes all of the Jewish beliefs. Essentially I am a Jew only my Messiah already came and said a lot of things that I add on to it.
I feel like if I said I was Jewish it wouldn't be a lie, because of what I said, and because I am young and I am still figuring out who I am and my identity and what it means to truly be a part of a community.
08-03-2009, 01:39 AM
I disagree, because like I feel like I am a part of this culture, as if though it is a part of me, I feel it. I have internalized it so much that to me this feels like a part of my identity.
Okay so I know straight edge and Christianity and religion is a thing people can talk about and have opinions about, however a true fact about me is that I am a Christian.
When you look at the Bible the whole Old Testament is used by Jews. The stories of Joseph and Moses and Esther that I learned about in Sunday School are the same as the ones my Jewish friends learned at their equivalent. And not just those examples, but everything. My Christian belief is includes all of the Jewish beliefs. Essentially I am a Jew only my Messiah already came and said a lot of things that I add on to it.
I feel like if I said I was Jewish it wouldn't be a lie, because of what I said, and because I am young and I am still figuring out who I am and my identity and what it means to truly be a part of a community.
It is one thing to understand that there is a connection between the Jewish culture and the Christian one; it's another to say you're something you're not. You are not ethnically Jewish, you are not religiously Jewish, and unless you start studying the Torah, have a bat mitzvah, and observing the high holidays, you're not culturally Jewish.
The Jewish people do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah for various reasons, including that they do not believe he was a descendent of King David due to the claim of a virgin birth, Christians do not follow the Torah and anyone that coming to change it is a false prophet (Duet. 13), and the concept of a trinity is rejected as idolatry.
I'm not trying to attack you by any means while you try to figure our identity out. In fact, you might want to look into Jews for Jesus in your search.
08-03-2009, 09:56 AM
I'm not trying to attack you by any means while you try to figure our identity out. In fact, you might want to look into Jews for Jesus in your search.
yeah but jews for jesus is just another evangelical christian sect, who aren't really jewish.
08-03-2009, 07:23 PM
yeah but jews for jesus is just another evangelical christian sect, who aren't really jewish.
True, but if that's the path she wants to go, so be it.
08-03-2009, 09:47 PM
It would be interesting to be a Christian who moved into Jews for Jesus as usually it is the other way. I have heard only bad things about them, thought I haven't researched the good. I am interested in the concept of Messianic Judaism however.
But that is all I foresee myself having to say, but I could be wrong.
Does anyone else want to talk more about Judaism?
08-03-2009, 10:03 PM
It would be interesting to be a Christian who moved into Jews for Jesus as usually it is the other way. I have heard only bad things about them, thought I haven't researched the good. I am interested in the concept of Messianic Judaism however.
But that is all I foresee myself having to say, but I could be wrong.
Does anyone else want to talk more about Judaism?
you can't really have messianc judaism. there are fundamental issues with believing in Judaism and claiming that jesus was the savior and there really isn't anyway to reconcile the 2. if you really want to become a jew, you'd need to start with dropping the idea that the 2 can somehow be combined.
08-05-2009, 07:59 AM
It's funny, I'm not fully religious, I know almost nothing about Judaism, but the topic post still looks absolutely absurd.
09-20-2009, 07:51 PM
what specifically is absurd about it?
Shana Tova
09-21-2009, 04:05 PM
But then I remember that I am not ethnically Jewish and technically I am not religiously Jewish.
So how can I reconcile these things. I am not Jewish, but as a Christian I adopt everything the Jews believe in plus a Messiah. Sometimes straight edge people are like I am drug free and God free and all those beliefs. I am not one of those people though.
I don't know does anyone relate to these things?
I don't really know anyone who is Jewish and Straight Edge, though I am sure that if I thought about it I probably could.
Though it does say in the bible we can faithfully follow the Sabbaths of the laws of Moses, you can be a follower of some of the Jewish ways but still believe in Jesus as you savior. Jews and Christians are very different in beliefs. Jewish do not accept Jesus as their savior and the forgiveness of sin is not through him, you would be abandoning a key part to christian faith to shift fully into Jewish traditions.
If its what does it for you research and think about it seriously, and research the full facts as I think some of you points of vie in here are false. That is in no way saying I know all the right answers.
you can't really have messianc judaism. there are fundamental issues with believing in Judaism and claiming that jesus was the savior and there really isn't anyway to reconcile the 2. if you really want to become a jew, you'd need to start with dropping the idea that the 2 can somehow be combined.
Although you are right to a degree...
Messianic Judaism I have just realised has been mentioned on the first page, which is exactly what I'm talking about. There is scripture around this topic as it was obviously in the time of Jesus a HUGE issue...the Jewish way of life was literally being replaced.
09-21-2009, 09:41 PM
Oh my
Well I don't find it to be an issue at all.
So I do it.
09-22-2009, 10:30 AM
Although you are right to a degree...
Messianic Judaism I have just realised has been mentioned on the first page, which is exactly what I'm talking about. There is scripture around this topic as it was obviously in the time of Jesus a HUGE issue...the Jewish way of life was literally being replaced.
so uh. how am I wrong?
09-22-2009, 10:30 AM
Oh my
Well I don't find it to be an issue at all.
So I do it.
people can think whatever they want, but just keep in mind that most people, most jewish people are going to think you're wrong/crazy.
09-24-2009, 01:12 AM
you can't really have messianc judaism. there are fundamental issues with believing in Judaism and claiming that jesus was the savior and there really isn't anyway to reconcile the 2. if you really want to become a jew, you'd need to start with dropping the idea that the 2 can somehow be combined.
You are wrong because quote "you can't really have messianc judaism. there are fundamental issues with believing in Judaism and claiming that jesus was the savior and there really isn't anyway to reconcile the 2"
Messianic Judaism exists and they can work I said there is scripture around it.
Romans 14:5-8 shows that we all have different beliefs as to holy days, eating meat etc...and fully dedicating it to God both are right. On from 17 is a good place to continue.
23 But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.
So you are wrong xsecx...You can have Messianic Judaism combining aspects of each. HOWEVER there are core beliefs to being a christian as you can see above Faith, and belief in Jesus as the redeemer and forgiver of sins, Jewish do not believe Jesus is the savior...Messianic Judaism believe in a mixture so they can believe in Jesus as their savior, and follow Jewish custom and laws.
First of all reinforce your argument Ill happily discuss any topic and admit I'm wrong...but don't pretend you KNOW the answer without proper research and knowledge.
09-24-2009, 06:07 AM
You are wrong because quote "you can't really have messianc judaism. there are fundamental issues with believing in Judaism and claiming that jesus was the savior and there really isn't anyway to reconcile the 2"
Messianic Judaism exists and they can work I said there is scripture around it.
Romans 14:5-8 shows that we all have different beliefs as to holy days, eating meat etc...and fully dedicating it to God both are right. On from 17 is a good place to continue.
23 But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.
So you are wrong xsecx...You can have Messianic Judaism combining aspects of each. HOWEVER there are core beliefs to being a christian as you can see above Faith, and belief in Jesus as the redeemer and forgiver of sins, Jewish do not believe Jesus is the savior...Messianic Judaism believe in a mixture so they can believe in Jesus as their savior, and follow Jewish custom and laws.
First of all reinforce your argument Ill happily discuss any topic and admit I'm wrong...but don't pretend you KNOW the answer without proper research and knowledge.
using christian text kind of negates the whole judaism thing. The second you believe that the messiah came, and it was jesus is the second it stops being judaism. People can call themselves whatever they want but that doesn't make it real, because guess what? The people who actually authorities on judaism don't recognize it as judaism would be the first clue that I'm not the one who's wrong here. When israel doesn't think you're a jew, you're not a jew, it's pretty much as simple as that. The reality is that this isn't actually judiasm and is simply a case of christians co-opting a term and you somehow thinking that makes it jewish. I appreciate your attempt of talking down to me though, it makes the argument that much more fun when it's pointed out that you're wrong.
09-24-2009, 06:48 PM
Sigh...this will be my last post on this topic because, although I have explained it.
First of all the Israelite (Jews) became the 'light of the world'. They became Gods chosen people. Moses was given a bunch of laws called 'The Law of Moses' these are the Jewish laws that they were to keep to remain Gods chosen people.
Through a long history of coming to and turning away from God, having prophets and Judges sent, this did not work. Then Jesus came died on the cross and the law of Moses was essentially replaced his death.
Christians is post Jew, it was a replacement of those laws. HOWEVER some refused Christ as their savior and therefore believe Christianity to be wrong. (This is where you are coming from). Some converted to Jesus' teaching. some slaughtered Christians like Paul who was then confronted by God and he became one to be one of the most respected men in the New testament next to Jesus (by some).
Now we go on to where I'm coming from, some converted and followed Jesus accepting him as his savior but still found enjoyment, encouragement or otherwise positive effects getting them closer to God.
Lastly the person who posted this is a christian so to reflect on his situation we need to use a christian perspective (Of coarse looking at it from a Jewish stand point is important, but he is a christian following the bible, so we use that as a base of knowledge)
I see where your coming from 'extreem' Jews dont accept christianity in Acts 13"This man," they charged, "is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law."
However Christian accept Jewish tradition as long as it doesn't replace Christ as its head and are convinced 100% as I showed in my last post.
13When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you[c] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. 15And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.[d]
[B]16Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
Paul is saying accepting Jesus is the new circumcision replacing the Jewish circumcision done by man this shows a replacement of culture. Onward to say in 16 Jesus has replaced the old law 'do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a new moon celebration or a sabbath day (These are the sabbath days of the mosaic law it is argued if it is the Lords day (Saturday or Sunday). These were a shadow of things to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
So there you go mate. Proof in the bible that there are extremes of each Jewish and Christian but there it is See my last post If we are fully convinced in our own mind to worship God on a Jewish Sabbath, by eating or not eating meat, or by a new moon festival IT IS NOT A SIN AND IS CHRISTIAN!!!
In no way am I trying to offend you but it seems to me through some of your only posts you just like arguing with people and again come up with no real evidence or reasoning for you view.
Man this is a long post!
I have never said Christians were wanting to be Jews. What I have said and been trying to explain is;
Some Christians find obeying The Law of Moses faith building, although they no longer HAVE to they CHOOSE to dedicating it as a form of worship to God!
Again you are right Jews will say it is incorrect and shouldn't be done (Some may not or a majority may not). But the fact that you are saying I'm wrong with the scripture I have shown is dogmatic. By all means disagree, furthermore show me scripture that goes against what I have said and I will HAPPILY agree.
SO here we go I will reply if I think it is worth it, and again CHRISTIAN POINT OF VIEW!!! I accepted the Jewish one of not agreeing...but again the original post is a Christians stand point so to be relevant to him I am speaking from his situation (It does help me being a christian and reading through scripture)
09-24-2009, 08:52 PM
Sigh...this will be my last post on this topic because, although I have explained it.
First of all the Israelite (Jews) became the 'light of the world'. They became Gods chosen people. Moses was given a bunch of laws called 'The Law of Moses' these are the Jewish laws that they were to keep to remain Gods chosen people.
Through a long history of coming to and turning away from God, having prophets and Judges sent, this did not work. Then Jesus came died on the cross and the law of Moses was essentially replaced his death.
Christians is post Jew, it was a replacement of those laws. HOWEVER some refused Christ as their savior and therefore believe Christianity to be wrong. (This is where you are coming from). Some converted to Jesus' teaching. some slaughtered Christians like Paul who was then confronted by God and he became one to be one of the most respected men in the New testament next to Jesus (by some).
Now we go on to where I'm coming from, some converted and followed Jesus accepting him as his savior but still found enjoyment, encouragement or otherwise positive effects getting them closer to God.
Lastly the person who posted this is a christian so to reflect on his situation we need to use a christian perspective (Of coarse looking at it from a Jewish stand point is important, but he is a christian following the bible, so we use that as a base of knowledge)
I see where your coming from 'extreem' Jews dont accept christianity in Acts 13"This man," they charged, "is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law."
However Christian accept Jewish tradition as long as it doesn't replace Christ as its head and are convinced 100% as I showed in my last post.
13When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you[c] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. 15And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.[d]
[B]16Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
Paul is saying accepting Jesus is the new circumcision replacing the Jewish circumcision done by man this shows a replacement of culture. Onward to say in 16 Jesus has replaced the old law 'do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a new moon celebration or a sabbath day (These are the sabbath days of the mosaic law it is argued if it is the Lords day (Saturday or Sunday). These were a shadow of things to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
So there you go mate. Proof in the bible that there are extremes of each Jewish and Christian but there it is See my last post If we are fully convinced in our own mind to worship God on a Jewish Sabbath, by eating or not eating meat, or by a new moon festival IT IS NOT A SIN AND IS CHRISTIAN!!!
In no way am I trying to offend you but it seems to me through some of your only posts you just like arguing with people and again come up with no real evidence or reasoning for you view.
Man this is a long post!
I have never said Christians were wanting to be Jews. What I have said and been trying to explain is;
Some Christians find obeying The Law of Moses faith building, although they no longer HAVE to they CHOOSE to dedicating it as a form of worship to God!
Again you are right Jews will say it is incorrect and shouldn't be done (Some may not or a majority may not). But the fact that you are saying I'm wrong with the scripture I have shown is dogmatic. By all means disagree, furthermore show me scripture that goes against what I have said and I will HAPPILY agree.
SO here we go I will reply if I think it is worth it, and again CHRISTIAN POINT OF VIEW!!! I accepted the Jewish one of not agreeing...but again the original post is a Christians stand point so to be relevant to him I am speaking from his situation (It does help me being a christian and reading through scripture)
your entire thought process is wrong. Jews do not believe the messiah has come. The thought of using christian scripture to explain messianic judiasm makes no sense. Pretending to follow judiasm while believing that jesus was the messiah is just that, pretending. Following jewish law, doesn't actually make someone jewish. That's actually what the thread is about, and it doesn't make any more sense now, then when the first post was made.
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