View Full Version : Please Keep an Open Mind

08-09-2009, 08:02 PM

I'm not straight edge, but I'm all for the cause of healthy living. Most of all not giving in to mindless peer pressure, in order to fry your brain. I'm just very interested in this sub-culture, hopefully you guys can help me understand by not bashing my post.

My main question is why does straight edge have to be so divided from the "normal" youth culture? I don't believe in 'getting F***ed up,' and I think the whole party scene and getting drunk to the point of passing out is disgusting, but why does it have to be all or nothing? Why cant there be a middle ground between the two, such as responsible use? does any straight edger agree with someone else having a responsible drink, or smoking pot in moderation? even if it isn't your self?

Don't get me wrong, I am all of the cause. I just wish the straight edge culture wasn't so isolated, because I truly believe that every aspect our generation can teach something, whether they are stoned out of their mind, or completely sober. Please don't shoot me down, I'm just trying to understand.

08-09-2009, 08:10 PM
too big of a gray zone if you ask me. So how much beer can I drink before breaking edge? how much pot can I smoke before breaking edge. Should I weigh it before hand? I weigh a buck 50 but I have a 275 pound friend. Can he consume more booze than me before breaking edge. Give someone an inch they will generally take a mile. It's like people who claim they are mormon but don't abide by any of the "rules" of mormonism. Are they really mormon or just grasping onto a label?

08-09-2009, 08:23 PM

I'm not straight edge, but I'm all for the cause of healthy living. Most of all not giving in to mindless peer pressure, in order to fry your brain. I'm just very interested in this sub-culture, hopefully you guys can help me understand by not bashing my post.

My main question is why does straight edge have to be so divided from the "normal" youth culture? I don't believe in 'getting F***ed up,' and I think the whole party scene and getting drunk to the point of passing out is disgusting, but why does it have to be all or nothing? Why cant there be a middle ground between the two, such as responsible use? does any straight edger agree with someone else having a responsible drink, or smoking pot in moderation? even if it isn't your self?

Don't get me wrong, I am all of the cause. I just wish the straight edge culture wasn't so isolated, because I truly believe that every aspect our generation can teach something, whether they are stoned out of their mind, or completely sober. Please don't shoot me down, I'm just trying to understand.

the separation is what makes it unique though. How can you really compare and contrast the whole party scene without complete and total abstinence?

08-10-2009, 12:39 PM
too big of a gray zone if you ask me. So how much beer can I drink before breaking edge? how much pot can I smoke before breaking edge. Should I weigh it before hand? I weigh a buck 50 but I have a 275 pound friend. Can he consume more booze than me before breaking edge. Give someone an inch they will generally take a mile. It's like people who claim they are mormon but don't abide by any of the "rules" of mormonism. Are they really mormon or just grasping onto a label?

I'm not talking about staight edge people breaking the edge, I'm talking about people who don't follow straight edge but use drugs and alcohol. Is it wrong for them to do what they do? does it make them bad people in the eyes of straight edge culture? or is it all irrelevant?

08-10-2009, 02:28 PM
I'm not talking about staight edge people breaking the edge, I'm talking about people who don't follow straight edge but use drugs and alcohol. Is it wrong for them to do what they do? does it make them bad people in the eyes of straight edge culture? or is it all irrelevant?

Is it wrong for them to do what they do?
yes, in my eyes, it's wrong. if i didn't think it was wrong, i would be doing the same thing!

does it make them bad people in the eyes of straight edge culture?
No, it doesn't. Most of my friends drink, do drugs, or smoke, but they are still my friends, it doesn't change anything about that.

08-13-2009, 05:08 PM
Straight edge is isolated, and integrated at the same time. There is a whole culture that makes Edge what it is, and it's great knowing that there is this small island which exists totally outside of the "party' mentality etc.

At the same time it's not completely outside. If I go to an Edge show, I know I'll be surrounded by like minded people, but outside of that situation, I'll be a sober person in the greater world and as a result our influence is still felt in society as a whole.

people who feel strongly enough about the issue to be involved with edge, and make that kind of commitment are going to feel that drugs etc are wrong the same way a vegan feels that abstaining from meat isn't enough, and that milk is also wrong.

I think the world would be a better place without recreational drug use including alcohol. I think people can get the release they need in more productive ways than even a small drink before dancing. I also think there are a lot of tasty beverages we can all enjoy without supporting an industry that in many cases leads to all kinds of fucked upness in society at large.

I also think it's important to,like xsecx said, have a stark contrast to the idea that the "party scene" is the natural way to go.

I think that if edge were to embrace moderate drinking etc all that would be lost.

Adam Edge hwc
08-13-2009, 08:01 PM
xsecx put it perfect i say.

08-17-2009, 02:06 AM
I appreciate you asking this question that is really cool thing to do.
The initial reason I joined these fora was to ask a similar question that I never got around to doing, and from a straight edge perspective.

These are all salient points you raise
and also an interesting question.
I don't think it has to be all or nothing. For many people it is the middle. It just isn't straight edge. Responsibly doing drugs and alcohol is something I am okay with and I recommend it, and if I knew you I would welcome you personally to be my friend and you would drink and I would not and we would share very similar values about drugs and alcohol. the only thing is that I would not drink because it is not something I really care to do at all, and my commitment to retain this feeling is what makes me straight edge.

Here is what I don't know. Some reacted strongly to people doing drugs by not doing drugs. They identified heavily with straight edge and then committed themselves to it. But why did that happen ?why did they not just react by drinking responsibly and not being obnoxious about it? I guess though it was something they felt in themselves and would have been responsibly, it is the community aspect of it where it reinforces itself that people like, which is why it becomes isolated. It really becomes a separate community.

What you would do would not be considered straight edge by straight edge people, that is just how this society is, and the reason is for the rules they made. I don't know how to change it or if changing it would be something I value because I like this community. But if my issue is that I like big communities, and I don't like drinking and drug use. So I wouldn't mind being a part of a community of people who are all responsible and thoughtful about drug use responsible people and straight edge people can all bond in a drug low atmosphere of humanhood.

Is it wrong for them to do what they do?
yes, in my eyes, it's wrong. if i didn't think it was wrong, i would be doing the same thing!

I don't so much think it is wrong, as it is not right for me.

08-17-2009, 02:09 AM
the separation is what makes it unique though. How can you really compare and contrast the whole party scene without complete and total abstinence?

I think that is a good point
I think it would sufficient to just be sober and compare and contrast the party scene, no?

08-17-2009, 09:34 AM
I think that is a good point
I think it would sufficient to just be sober and compare and contrast the party scene, no?

not really. Sobriety isn't a moral stance, just a moment in time.