View Full Version : is god a he or a she? or a nothing?

sXe 4 lyf
09-07-2009, 08:52 PM
I was reading this book its called the colour purple, when i came across this bit of it that i felt was exactly what i thought, all it said was that god wasnt a he or a she, it was just something, it is everything that was, that will be, and that is, and that we we spend all this time trying to please God when if we look God is trying to please us right back by all the good things that happen.

This got me to thinking, while i feel about God along those sorts of lines, it got me thinking what if it is right, i mean we cant ever know, but to me that makes the most sense, anyones thoughts on this?

09-07-2009, 09:01 PM
I was reading this book its called the colour purple, when i came across this bit of it that i felt was exactly what i thought, all it said was that god wasnt a he or a she, it was just something, it is everything that was, that will be, and that is, and that we we spend all this time trying to please God when if we look God is trying to please us right back by all the good things that happen.

This got me to thinking, while i feel about God along those sorts of lines, it got me thinking what if it is right, i mean we cant ever know, but to me that makes the most sense, anyones thoughts on this?

i dont believe in god :)

sXe 4 lyf
09-07-2009, 09:14 PM
i dont believe in god :)

ha ha yeah i have never been sure, i am sort of skeptic when it comes to worshiping something you cant actually physically see, but to me the whole God is not a boy or a girl, but is everything thing works for me better then the alternative which is either going to church and reading the bible, or just totally having no faith in any sort of higher power, kind of wierd but still lol.

09-14-2009, 12:49 AM
I have come to a conclusion. Like all things there will be different perspectives. I am Christian however Ill speak from a scientific perspective as well.

A theory on the existence of God is Time, Space and Matter.
First you need something to build the universe (Matter), you also need a place to put it (Space) and a time (When was it put there). If God came before this then he is out side of Time, Space and matter. From this I have assumed that God is neither but neither male or female. I suppose I can assume he is just there maybe some form of energy maybe not.

The Bible refers to God as he quite possably because of the personalities he has and names there are ALOT of names for God I wont bother with that. It has been described that Man and woman are the personalities of God, and in marriage these personalities are bound and become one. (No sex before marriage that whole idea)

In the end, this is something I have thought about but it is nothing I worry about. I enjoy discussing the ideas around such topics but if someone managed to 'prove' God was in fact one or the other it would not shake my faith at all.

On a different note...Evolution is in fact a religion also. They CANNOT explain the Time, Space and matter problem. Science has faith that their theories (there are hundred of them) are true. For some reason I can feel people saying how do you know God is outside all of this that's crap. Well everyone is stuck there explain without God where everything came from. Theorise for me, create everything out of nothing?

A discussion like this can go on forever...lols

Hope these points provoke some ideas and thought sXe 4 lyf

sXe 4 lyf
09-15-2009, 07:01 PM
I have come to a conclusion. Like all things there will be different perspectives. I am Christian however Ill speak from a scientific perspective as well.

A theory on the existence of God is Time, Space and Matter.
First you need something to build the universe (Matter), you also need a place to put it (Space) and a time (When was it put there). If God came before this then he is out side of Time, Space and matter. From this I have assumed that God is neither but neither male or female. I suppose I can assume he is just there maybe some form of energy maybe not.

The Bible refers to God as he quite possably because of the personalities he has and names there are ALOT of names for God I wont bother with that. It has been described that Man and woman are the personalities of God, and in marriage these personalities are bound and become one. (No sex before marriage that whole idea)

In the end, this is something I have thought about but it is nothing I worry about. I enjoy discussing the ideas around such topics but if someone managed to 'prove' God was in fact one or the other it would not shake my faith at all.

On a different note...Evolution is in fact a religion also. They CANNOT explain the Time, Space and matter problem. Science has faith that their theories (there are hundred of them) are true. For some reason I can feel people saying how do you know God is outside all of this that's crap. Well everyone is stuck there explain without God where everything came from. Theorise for me, create everything out of nothing?

A discussion like this can go on forever...lols

Hope these points provoke some ideas and thought sXe 4 lyf

ha ha well I have a theory that god isnt a he or a she, it is everything that matters, everyhting that doesnt, but I also believe in the theory of evolution, but for me it is linked with a higher power because yes we have evolved, but where did we come from? who created us? that is were "God" comes in for me, I believe that it created everything to begin with but then left it to make its own way, the natural way of life, the strong survive while the weak die. I also think that "God" is there but isnt doing anything, just letting nature takes its course kind of thing, our decisions are the only thing that influence the course of our lives, not god.

If that makes sense, my faith is kind of on shaky ground at the moment :)

10-11-2009, 02:01 AM
He, she, or nothing... lets see. I think I know the answer. I don't know! The people that say it's a he don't know! Nor the the ones that say it's a she! Yep, the people that say that god doesn't exist are wrong to! Wanna know why? Because I refuse to believe that anyone actually knows the truth! I guess I am against religion because everyone, believers or not, has no idea what the heck they're talking about.

10-11-2009, 08:56 AM
Excellent book. I can't wait to teach it to my students.

The Judeo-Chrisitan Bible was written by approximately 40 men over 1400 to 1800 years. From their point of view God was male, but I think that's because thier own perspective of power was skewed to only focus on the male gender. However, I have always liked the idea that if there is a God, it does not have a physical body or gender. It really doesn't make that much of a difference for believers if God is male or female, does it?

11-01-2009, 08:11 AM
because thier own perspective of power was skewed to only focus on the male gender.


Personally, I am an atheist. This all goes back to the analogy of the box on another planet. You can never know what's in it, and anyone claiming to know, is guessing in the dark. A lot of religion is based on the constellations, and the way they line up. It's not a coincidence that many messiahs have died and then have been revived 3 days later. Or that most of them have been born of a virgin.

Anyway, I'm not really here to assert my view, I am wondering if there is a trend between sXe and religion. Would you guys say that most are religious, agnostic, atheist?

11-01-2009, 05:43 PM

Personally, I am an atheist. This all goes back to the analogy of the box on another planet. You can never know what's in it, and anyone claiming to know, is guessing in the dark. A lot of religion is based on the constellations, and the way they line up. It's not a coincidence that many messiahs have died and then have been revived 3 days later. Or that most of them have been born of a virgin.

Anyway, I'm not really here to assert my view, I am wondering if there is a trend between sXe and religion. Would you guys say that most are religious, agnostic, atheist?

most of the people who are edge and i know are atheists. Being edge and a christian is an oxymoron anyway...

11-01-2009, 07:00 PM
most of the people who are edge and i know are atheists. Being edge and a christian is an oxymoron anyway...

Let's not start this again....

11-01-2009, 07:42 PM
Let's not start this again....

it never actually stops.

11-02-2009, 06:34 PM
Can someone enlighten me as to why sXe and christianity are (generally speaking) incompatible?
Preferably without starting an argument ;)

11-02-2009, 06:45 PM
Can someone enlighten me as to why sXe and christianity are (generally speaking) incompatible?
Preferably without starting an argument ;)

straight edge is an stance against the consumption of drugs.
alcohol is a drug.
jesus drank wine and gave people wine to party.
jesus supports wine drinking (not getting drunk)
straight edge does not support wine drinking.
christianity tells us that jesus is god, god is perfect.
if you're straight edge, then you'd have to think jesus-god is wrong.

11-02-2009, 06:56 PM
Oh, that's what I figured. I wasn't sure if that's where you guys were going. Thanks

11-02-2009, 07:07 PM
Oh, that's what I figured. I wasn't sure if that's where you guys were going. Thanks

there's also a long history of anti religious sentiments in punk/hardcore.

11-02-2009, 11:52 PM
it never actually stops.

I suppose I can't say too much anyways. It was this debate that started my posting here. I argued like an idiot at the time...but that is neither here nor there.

11-03-2009, 11:33 PM
I don't even know how to address this tbph, but religious sources always use "he." Your only real choice is to accept that or evidence-free assumption of something else. I just think it's weird to assume a single omnipotent entity to have a penis.

11-04-2009, 12:33 AM
I don't even know how to address this tbph, but religious sources always use "he." Your only real choice is to accept that or evidence-free assumption of something else. I just think it's weird to assume a single omnipotent entity to have a penis.

not "always". Abrahamic religions do but not the others. Like pagan worshipping of The Goddess. anyway, the most sense would be that if there's one omnipotent being that created All, it is surely not limited by human limitations like sex.. just my 2 cents..

11-04-2009, 11:31 AM
I don't even know how to address this tbph, but religious sources always use "he." Your only real choice is to accept that or evidence-free assumption of something else. I just think it's weird to assume a single omnipotent entity to have a penis.

forget the penis, i think its weird to assume a single omnipotent entity!

11-04-2009, 11:52 AM
forget the penis, i think its weird to assume a single omnipotent entity!

Ha, I knew SOMEONE was gonna go there.

11-04-2009, 11:57 AM
i believe that God is an infinite being who created all that is
but it also saids that man was created in Gods own image
while it saids that we can never b to sure

11-04-2009, 06:21 PM
i believe that God is an infinite being who created all that is
but it also saids that man was created in Gods own image
while it saids that we can never b to sure

man wrote the words that said that man was created in gods image.

11-04-2009, 08:42 PM
but who told them to write that?

no offense

11-04-2009, 09:00 PM
but who told them to write that?

no offense

It's said that God delivered the message to man to write this.

But I can also say God told me to draw a ketchup smiley-face on my burger.

11-04-2009, 09:36 PM
due i would so high five u right now
nice comeback hahaha

11-05-2009, 01:18 AM
It's said that God delivered the message to man to write this.

But I can also say God told me to draw a ketchup smiley-face on my burger.

then we should worship it :-)

11-05-2009, 05:19 AM
but who told them to write that?

no offense

if that's the case, then why is your version right and everyone elses, whose god told them, wrong?

11-05-2009, 07:52 AM
but who told them to write that?

no offense

I think its more logical and more believable that man created god in his own image.