View Full Version : sxe and emo
sXe 4 lyf
09-08-2009, 05:35 AM
ok i was just talking to one of my friends and they are being a real douchebag about it, they seriously said to me "the whole str8 edge and the whole stupid im an emo kid and i want to be labled as a group" he called it gay by the way, it really made me angry and i was just wanting peoples thoughts on this and whether people ever say that to any of you? I mean i know the two shouldnt be but usually are linked to one another, I wonder why that is?
09-08-2009, 08:55 AM
ok i was just talking to one of my friends and they are being a real douchebag about it, they seriously said to me "the whole str8 edge and the whole stupid im an emo kid and i want to be labled as a group" he called it gay by the way, it really made me angry and i was just wanting peoples thoughts on this and whether people ever say that to any of you? I mean i know the two shouldnt be but usually are linked to one another, I wonder why that is?
I think you need a new friend.
09-08-2009, 12:21 PM
ok i was just talking to one of my friends and they are being a real douchebag about it, they seriously said to me "the whole str8 edge and the whole stupid im an emo kid and i want to be labled as a group" he called it gay by the way, it really made me angry and i was just wanting peoples thoughts on this and whether people ever say that to any of you? I mean i know the two shouldnt be but usually are linked to one another, I wonder why that is?
People that use gay as a derogatory term don't get much of my attention, i cease to put much value in what they have to say and ensure they are aware of how i feel.
What people refer to as emo now is pretty damn horrific but back when it first started and was quite a different thing there was some good music...nowadays its pretty much a joke in my eyes.
sXe 4 lyf
09-08-2009, 07:14 PM
I think you need a new friend.
yeah i kind of figured that after he said it and wouldnt let me explain what it is or anything.
sXe 4 lyf
09-08-2009, 07:17 PM
People that use gay as a derogatory term don't get much of my attention, i cease to put much value in what they have to say and ensure they are aware of how i feel.
What people refer to as emo now is pretty damn horrific but back when it first started and was quite a different thing there was some good music...nowadays its pretty much a joke in my eyes.
yeah I like HIM and stuff who my mates refer to as emo, but I just couldnt take my so called friend insulting not only my beliefs and my intelligence like that but also using words and stuff that has absolutely no idea about. That is the first person to ever say anything like that to me and i am actually rather surprised at how i reacted, just like right get lost then sort of thing. Does that sort of thing happen alot?
09-10-2009, 03:39 AM
yeah I like HIM and stuff who my mates refer to as emo,
Come again? HIM eq emo? Those guys either plain stupid or just trying to irritate you.
but I just couldnt take my so called friend insulting not only my beliefs and my intelligence like that but also using words and stuff that has absolutely no idea about. That is the first person to ever say anything like that to me and i am actually rather surprised at how i reacted, just like right get lost then sort of thing. Does that sort of thing happen alot?
Only when you hangout with stupid people like that. It does happen sometimes but hey who cares really? Just make a mental note of that the guy isn't really a best person to spend your time with and go on with your life.
It's not worth your time really.
sXe 4 lyf
09-10-2009, 04:44 AM
Come again? HIM eq emo? Those guys either plain stupid or just trying to irritate you.
Only when you hangout with stupid people like that. It does happen sometimes but hey who cares really? Just make a mental note of that the guy isn't really a best person to spend your time with and go on with your life.
It's not worth your time really.
my friends i like to refer to as clueless lol, they are a bit ditsy when it comes to this sort of stuff lol.
and I am not going near that particular person, I dont like being insulted and I am all for opinions but you dont need to have an opinion that alienates people and not consider what they are thinking so my basic idea is he can get stuffed.
09-13-2009, 02:02 PM
I do know people like this (although to be honest only my two best friends even know I'm sXe at the moment, and one of them is also sXe) but you tend to find these people are just completely clueless and will stay stuff like 'oh it's all gay emo shit' because they speak complete and utter rubbish and bring up unfounded accusations. These people generally aren't worth your time and it's best to just ignore them.
09-21-2009, 04:23 PM
In the end arnt we all trying to be 'labeled'. Everyone wears cloths after their interests, Sports, Religion, Metro, 'Emo'.
In the end, when someone try's to go against the system they inevitably create a new one; a system of going against the system. Emo, Jock, Nerd. There are names for EVERY click. If he was my made bagging my choices in life I simply wouldn't hang out with him / her.
While I was at it Id point out the stereotype that he follows, and that although I don't agree I accept the vast differences in people.
I agree with xAdamSx a lack of understanding creates assumptions. Even I find myself assuming things about people, even making Emo comments sometimes only to realise after how stupid it sounded. Simply because I dont understand it.
Now would be a good time to point out I'm not sXe. Rather I am seriously considering becoming. I am on this site to correct assumptions on the culture (Namely being told sXe people give others a bash for slipping, and going out to town to beat up drunk people) Along with other assumptions. Because if there is a large culture of people doing this screw it Ill just say I don't drink instead of aligning myself with a culture of violence.
09-21-2009, 04:26 PM
In the end arnt we all trying to be 'labeled'. Everyone wears cloths after their interests, Sports, Religion, Metro, 'Emo'.
Are we trying to be labelled or are labels just a logical yet inadvertant effect of things?
In the end, when someone trys to go against the system they inevitably create a new one; a system of going against the system. Emo, Jock, Nerd. There are names for EVERY click. If he was my made bagging my choices in life I simpally woudn't hang out with him / her.
While I was at it Id point out the steriotype that he follows, and that although I dont agree I accept the vast differances in people
Would you then shit in his soup shaggy?
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