View Full Version : Thinking about sXe...
09-24-2009, 01:30 AM
So I have come from a back ground of Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, partying hard all that crap.
5 years down the track from that, I have quit drugs cold turkey, I don't drink beer now as I tend to drink a lot when I do and have seen it as a time off weakness for me (I am christian).
I still drink wine and spirits (Only whiskey mainly) but occasionally others, but still don't feel its enough.
There is strength in becoming associated with a 'group' support, strength and all that positive stuff, but there is also a negative, I hear of sXers giving their friends a bash, not hanging out with them for 'slipping' and forming gangs to go and beat up drunks.
I am now faced with the issue to be sXe or not, I am currently but have been thinking of it for the last 12 months as I have been phasing out certain alcohols
What I'm asking for is and opinions on although I rarely have too much to drink, once is to much. Has anyone especially christian got anything to add, how did sXe change you life. Has it improved many other aspects? Was anyone concerned about aligning themselves with a sceen that includes violence.
(On that topic I don't agree with some other Christians and I am still aligned and that hasn't worried me too much)
09-24-2009, 02:34 AM
I'm trying to change the face of SXE. Everybody that has met me says I'm the coolest SXE kid they've met. I never preach to people. I never hate on others for making their own decisions. I also still go to parties and hang out with friends while they do the things I choose not to do. I live a normal college student life without partaking in the drinking, drugs, etc. I'm nice to everybody and let them make their own life decisions. I believe the only time to butt into others lives is when it starts getting really bad or affecting my life. I choose not to be violent also. It's just not me. So pave your own path in the SXE culture. = D
09-24-2009, 05:31 PM
Natalie has it down by the look of it. I have no qualms with any of my friends drinking/smoking, don't villify them at all for it or refuse to hang out with them and I certainly don't act violently. I also have no problem aligning with a 'group' if you like that has a bit of a bad reputaton in some parts due to the militant aspect of sXe. Anybody that knows me knows I am not like that, and anyone ignorant to the fact would be told about straight edge, if of course they'd be willing to listen!
sXe I'd say has proven my outlook on life and the way I live my life. I'm not christian myself but come from a christian family and they all see me being straight edge as a very good thing.
09-24-2009, 07:15 PM
I choose not to be violent also. It's just not me. So pave your own path in the SXE culture. = D
Anybody that knows me knows I am not like that, and anyone ignorant to the fact would be told about straight edge, if of course they'd be willing to listen!
sXe I'd say has proven my outlook on life and the way I live my life. I'm not christian myself but come from a christian family and they all see me being straight edge as a very good thing.
And brilliant...
I suppose again, people seeing me as a crazy, homophobic, cross burning, red neck christian would be something I can apply already... being straight edge would/could be an extension to who I am and anyone who saw me to be apart of militant sXe would be equally deluded.
Although this is not exactly relevant, nataliefayeg; Although I dont go out to open air preach (I am considering it). I once had a interview, and the interviewer asked me "Do I feed kids religious bull s##t?" (I work in a youth community centre) Every day we see kids even at the age of 10 Drunk, smoking, getting high, stealing the list can go on being raped by their Brothers and Dads (My wife works in mental health and sexual abuse is a common story.)
All of this behavior is due to neglect from family and friends, and people "preaching to them' That drugs are awesome, if you want it take it, go to a whore house its mean. Drug dealers, pimps, prostitutes, the list goes on, all in a way encourage their clients because it 'improves their lives'.
I talk to people about Jesus because giving my life to him has changed it dramatically I just want to show people what i replaced the drugs with, what makes me happy. However I always 'try' to respect them, sometimes however helping people can offend and hurt them. What I guess I am trying to say is there are really two motives for (Christians) preaching to 'buy' their ticket to heaven, or because the genuinely care and what the best for people around them (I believe the latter is the only valid reason)
09-24-2009, 09:01 PM
And brilliant...
I suppose again, people seeing me as a crazy, homophobic, cross burning, red neck christian would be something I can apply already... being straight edge would/could be an extension to who I am and anyone who saw me to be apart of militant sXe would be equally deluded.
Although this is not exactly relevant, nataliefayeg; Although I dont go out to open air preach (I am considering it). I once had a interview, and the interviewer asked me "Do I feed kids religious bull s##t?" (I work in a youth community centre) Every day we see kids even at the age of 10 Drunk, smoking, getting high, stealing the list can go on being raped by their Brothers and Dads (My wife works in mental health and sexual abuse is a common story.)
All of this behavior is due to neglect from family and friends, and people "preaching to them' That drugs are awesome, if you want it take it, go to a whore house its mean. Drug dealers, pimps, prostitutes, the list goes on, all in a way encourage their clients because it 'improves their lives'.
I talk to people about Jesus because giving my life to him has changed it dramatically I just want to show people what i replaced the drugs with, what makes me happy. However I always 'try' to respect them, sometimes however helping people can offend and hurt them. What I guess I am trying to say is there are really two motives for (Christians) preaching to 'buy' their ticket to heaven, or because the genuinely care and what the best for people around them (I believe the latter is the only valid reason)
How long have you been involved in hardcore?
do you talk to children about your religion at the community center?
There are fundamental issues issues with being straight edge and christian, but that's another subject altogether.
09-25-2009, 12:16 AM
Involved in hardcore? Well I don't know maybe 5-6 years I have listened to and been to local shows; but I don't see how that is relevant. Yes sXe came out of Hardcore culture, but does me being more or less hard core make me better or worse at something?
Yes I talk to some kids about Jesus, by kids most are from about 15-20. I'm 24 myself and have been Christian for about again 5-6 years maybe.
In saying that I talk to people who come to the centre I'm open about my beliefs and the majority of the people that come here know its run by christian people. The majority of people I talk to about 'religion' initiate the conversation. We need our numbers to be high and we have separated into two divisions. One christian and one although run by Christians it is not focused on it.
The goal of the 'secular' division is to provide a safe, and entertaining place where we run a skate park, have a indoor sports court, Xboxes, Playstations, rock climbing and they are all free. We also have a free health clinic on site providing health check ups and stuff although the clinic is run by a separate body and we provide space in our building for them.
I would love to hear these 'issues' please carry on.
Dusty, read through that thread you linked quickly.
"The issue here is christians believing that drinking alcohol is wrong, not straight edge."
OK so this is a common misconception. Christians do not believe drinking is wrong well actually some do, the same as tatoo's and all that stuff. The bible speaks of 'drunkards', it is not good to be drunk as it causes a whole lot of issues. Having one glass of wine for example is not getting drunk. Many drink wine for digestive and nutritional value, as a form of preserving maybe; I haven't researched it. If you want I can provide scripture that enforces this. I see becoming sXe as strengthening as although I have cut out some forms of alcohol the remaining I still get carried away sometimes. Bringing me to sXe and what its about, I have mates who are and they have aroused interest in me. Although they have never told me to become edge
09-25-2009, 09:10 AM
Involved in hardcore? Well I don't know maybe 5-6 years I have listened to and been to local shows; but I don't see how that is relevant. Yes sXe came out of Hardcore culture, but does me being more or less hard core make me better or worse at something?
you can't really separate the two, you can't be one without the other, so that's why it's relevant. Straight Edge isn't some kind of stand alone thing.
Yes I talk to some kids about Jesus, by kids most are from about 15-20. I'm 24 myself and have been Christian for about again 5-6 years maybe.
In saying that I talk to people who come to the centre I'm open about my beliefs and the majority of the people that come here know its run by christian people. The majority of people I talk to about 'religion' initiate the conversation. We need our numbers to be high and we have separated into two divisions. One christian and one although run by Christians it is not focused on it.
The goal of the 'secular' division is to provide a safe, and entertaining place where we run a skate park, have a indoor sports court, Xboxes, Playstations, rock climbing and they are all free. We also have a free health clinic on site providing health check ups and stuff although the clinic is run by a separate body and we provide space in our building for them.
So your youth center is essentially a christian funded organization with a christian agenda?
I would love to hear these 'issues' please carry on.
Dusty, read through that thread you linked quickly.
"The issue here is christians believing that drinking alcohol is wrong, not straight edge."
OK so this is a common misconception. Christians do not believe drinking is wrong well actually some do, the same as tatoo's and all that stuff. The bible speaks of 'drunkards', it is not good to be drunk as it causes a whole lot of issues. Having one glass of wine for example is not getting drunk. Many drink wine for digestive and nutritional value, as a form of preserving maybe; I haven't researched it. If you want I can provide scripture that enforces this. I see becoming sXe as strengthening as although I have cut out some forms of alcohol the remaining I still get carried away sometimes. Bringing me to sXe and what its about, I have mates who are and they have aroused interest in me. Although they have never told me to become edge
I think you misunderstand the actual point. Christian's can't believe drinking is wrong. If they do, they're finding fault in god. Straight Edge kids do believe drinking is wrong. If you want to continue this part of the conversation, I'd suggest doing so in the thread that's already been established.
09-25-2009, 02:37 PM
I am now faced with the issue to be sXe or not, I am currently but have been thinking of it for the last 12 months as I have been phasing out certain alcohols
Has anyone especially christian got anything to add
i didn't have to think that long to become edge..
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