View Full Version : Why Hardcore

11-03-2009, 10:35 PM
Obviously there is a link, some would argue a mandatory link (I think), between sXe and hardcore.

I morally oppose the consumption of all drugs. Does this not define sXe? Where and why did the hardcore come in to play.

I understand that sXe was started through music, but feeling obliged to follow the hardcore scene makes sXe a cult. haha

Answers would be appreciated. Thanks!

11-03-2009, 11:01 PM
It is a mandatory link, as you phrased it, because straight edge is a part of hardcore, it's within the hardcore music subculture.

11-04-2009, 12:53 AM
Obviously there is a link, some would argue a mandatory link (I think), between sXe and hardcore.

I morally oppose the consumption of all drugs. Does this not define sXe?
no, it doesn't. it defines being drug free, that's all.

Where and why did the hardcore come in to play.

I understand that sXe was started through music, but feeling obliged to follow the hardcore scene makes sXe a cult. haha

Answers would be appreciated. Thanks!
sxe is being drug free, and participating in the hardcore scene. it all started from the hardcore scene, that's where it evolved, it wouldn't exist if there wasn't for this subculture and the network of people. it has everything to do with hardcore.

if you don't do drugs, it's great, you don't have to be straight edge to live a life free from substances.

11-04-2009, 11:30 AM
Obviously there is a link, some would argue a mandatory link (I think), between sXe and hardcore.

Why? Well because without hardcore straightedge would not exist, it is a movement that was born and is centered in the hardcore scene. People were against drugs before and seperate to hardcore but when being opposed to drugs arose within the hardcore scene it was very much a movement relevent to what was happening within hardcore. So straightedge defines more than just the abstinance of drugs, it describes the the abstinance of drugs within hardcore and thats where the term carries its true relevence.

I morally oppose the consumption of all drugs. Does this not define sXe? Where and why did the hardcore come in to play.

The hardcore came into play at day one, it never wasn't in play. Its a term that was originated in hardcore and its a movement that has all its relevence in hardcore. So as for where and why? Where? well the hardcore scene and why? well why not? i mean are you asking why hardcore kids wanted to create a drug free music scene for themselves? One that was representative of the opinions of the kids involved?

Its great that you morally oppose drugs, i do too, but thats simply half the picture. I mean you wouldn't say your stance against drugs defines you as a mormon would you? Of course not, there is more to it than just that and its the same with straightedge. So no, it doesn't define straightedge, it defines something with no relevence to hardcore which could be termed as drug free.

I understand that sXe was started through music, but feeling obliged to follow the hardcore scene makes sXe a cult. haha

I think of it more as a sub culture than a cult but if you venture to look at the actually definition of the word cult you could possibly make it apply to a large amount of things that really wouldn't be considered a cult in the way that we most commonly assciate the word. But you are free to be drug free with no interest in hardcore at all but the problem arises when you take the term straightedge to describe that, it then loses the complete definition of that word and begins to become a catch term to describe a lot more people than it should. It seems that its an appealing term as many to like to apply it to themselves even when its not fully representative of their actions. Or perhaps the term drug free is not a cool enough term for people to want to attach too? But the bottom line is straightedge is definitive of someone who participates in the hardcore scene and has an anti drugs stance, please don't feel obliged to follow hardcore if you have no desire to but please also don't feel obliged to use the term straightedge to define yourself if you aren't.

Answers would be appreciated. Thanks!

thanks, i hope the answers you got helped make it a bit clearer.

11-04-2009, 12:08 PM
ok i have a few reasons for y sxe is grouped with the hardcore scene

for one, while sxe started back in the 60s when alot of experimentation was being done my the nations youth, there were a select few youth wise who opposed it, as is now. a band known as minor threat, which is a hardcore band, accidentally gave it a name when they came out with a song called "i am the straightedge". its been known as that ever since.

and two, i think it is put under the straightege category because it is for one loud, fast, and at most heart striking to the youth of today. it stands out and gets the message through to its loyal fans.

some people like listening to hardcore, some like punk, some even rap about it. but its all a matter of wat that individual likes

11-04-2009, 12:42 PM
Well I guess that answers my question. Thanks all.

It also tells me that I am not straightedge. So thanks for clarifying that. Hardcore music is largely not melodic. I listen to music for it's melodies, not it's poetry, that's why I read.
The hardcore scene is also full of hate- I'm not into that.

Guess I'm done on these forums!

11-04-2009, 02:26 PM
Well I guess that answers my question. Thanks all.

It also tells me that I am not straightedge. So thanks for clarifying that. Hardcore music is largely not melodic. I listen to music for it's melodies, not it's poetry, that's why I read.
The hardcore scene is also full of hate- I'm not into that.

Guess I'm done on these forums!

thats not really true, as i said on that other thread, you should really check out the master list.
when one has to admit that there are bands that give a message, as you call it, "full of hate" there are some other bands that are hardcore and dont go that way, i'd suggest you to check out 7 seconds and Gorilla Biscuits. you have a one sided image of what hardcore is and nobody will be able to change that except yourself.

its really weird that anyone would thought that we're full of hate, i alwas thought that we were the good kids!

11-04-2009, 02:27 PM
ok i have a few reasons for y sxe is grouped with the hardcore scene

for one, while sxe started back in the 60s when alot of experimentation was being done my the nations youth, there were a select few youth wise who opposed it, as is now. a band known as minor threat, which is a hardcore band, accidentally gave it a name when they came out with a song called "i am the straightedge". its been known as that ever since.

and two, i think it is put under the straightege category because it is for one loud, fast, and at most heart striking to the youth of today. it stands out and gets the message through to its loyal fans.

some people like listening to hardcore, some like punk, some even rap about it. but its all a matter of wat that individual likes

yeah, you need to do some more research

11-04-2009, 02:54 PM
Well I guess that answers my question. Thanks all.

You are most welcome.

It also tells me that I am not straightedge. So thanks for clarifying that. Hardcore music is largely not melodic. I listen to music for it's melodies, not it's poetry, that's why I read.

There is a great deal of melody in hardcore strictly speaking, i think perhaps you may even be mis using that term or actually have just been exposed to poor examples of hardcore. Interestingly enough, poetry can be melodic in itself. But if you don't like the music then you don't like it.

The hardcore scene is also full of hate- I'm not into that.

Hardcore can have some of the most positive lyrics ever, i'm far from hateful myself. I get angry at certain things and i think anger can be expressed in hardcore a lot but that is very different from hate. For instance, 3 things that make me angry to see are racism, sexism and homophobia. Now whilst i am expressing anger those acts of racism etc. are a display of hate.

Guess I'm done on these forums!

ok, well if you are done then you are done.

11-04-2009, 06:27 PM
ok i have a few reasons for y sxe is grouped with the hardcore scene

for one, while sxe started back in the 60s when alot of experimentation was being done my the nations youth, there were a select few youth wise who opposed it, as is now. a band known as minor threat, which is a hardcore band, accidentally gave it a name when they came out with a song called "i am the straightedge". its been known as that ever since.

and two, i think it is put under the straightege category because it is for one loud, fast, and at most heart striking to the youth of today. it stands out and gets the message through to its loyal fans.

some people like listening to hardcore, some like punk, some even rap about it. but its all a matter of wat that individual likes

why do you think straight edge started in the 60s?

11-04-2009, 08:39 PM
i should of clarified that
the idea of straightedge came forth in the 60s
in the 80s when minor threat came out with the song "i am the straightedge", it was just giving it a name

11-05-2009, 12:42 AM
i should of clarified that
the idea of straightedge came forth in the 60s

i'd like to hear more on this...

11-05-2009, 10:30 AM

11-05-2009, 12:58 PM
alright drugs and alcohol started to b pushed around more during 60s and 70s
especially through the youth because it was the rebellious thing to do (hippies)
while there were those who fell under that trend, others started to form their own sect if u can consider it that, goin against those temptations

goin against the drug peddling youth, it also started appear in the hardcore/ punk scene that was slowly coming into play

11-05-2009, 03:22 PM
alright drugs and alcohol started to b pushed around more during 60s and 70s
especially through the youth because it was the rebellious thing to do (hippies)
while there were those who fell under that trend, others started to form their own sect if u can consider it that, goin against those temptations

goin against the drug peddling youth, it also started appear in the hardcore/ punk scene that was slowly coming into play

Do you have any sources you can site regarding this "sect"?

Hardcore was not around in the 60's so how could it be straightedge?

11-06-2009, 10:48 AM
i didnt say hardcore was around in the 60s
i said the idea of straightedge was

and they actually have a documentary an nat geo about straightedge so go check it out

11-06-2009, 10:50 AM
i didnt say hardcore was around in the 60s
i said the idea of straightedge was

and they actually have a documentary an nat geo about straightedge so go check it out

there have been sober movements throughout history though. there wasn't really anything organized in the 60s that led directly or indirectly to straight edge.

11-06-2009, 11:59 AM
and they actually have a documentary an nat geo about straightedge so go check it out

if you're relying on that documentary, you probably have no idea what this is all about.

11-06-2009, 12:16 PM
i didnt say hardcore was around in the 60s
i said the idea of straightedge was

and they actually have a documentary an nat geo about straightedge so go check it out

I know you didn't say that...i did. The point is the idea of straightedge requires there to be hardcore. The term isn't just the idea of abstaining from drugs...its a term that is relative to hardcore. The idea of straightedge cannot preceed hardcore. The idea of being drug free can but that is an idea that preceeded the 60's also.

Ok so you have this documentry, can you draw from it and site the sources that make you think what you think? Because to be honest it seems like a highly sternuous and flawed link to straightedge. If you could pour more light on it then please do so as it really goes against the commonly agreed upon history of straightedge.

11-20-2009, 09:17 PM
um i think they have a link because the defintion
of hardcore
(according to google.)
is being loyal and sticking to something...

because honestly other than that.
i have no idea what the heck hard core means.


because i claim edge.
i just am not sure about the whole
"hard core" part "/

11-21-2009, 08:00 AM
um i think they have a link because the defintion
of hardcore
(according to google.)
is being loyal and sticking to something...

because honestly other than that.
i have no idea what the heck hard core means.


because i claim edge.
i just am not sure about the whole
"hard core" part "/

it's because straight edge came from a kind of music called hardcore.

This thread is a good place to start:


11-21-2009, 09:25 PM
I'm straight edge. I listen to hardcore music. But I am in no way included in the hardcore scene in CO. There's a lot about the hardcore scene that I don't like and don't approve of.

11-21-2009, 10:18 PM
I'm straight edge. I listen to hardcore music. But I am in no way included in the hardcore scene in CO. There's a lot about the hardcore scene that I don't like and don't approve of.

I felt like this a lot when I was younger, not to mention I have a vagina and that isn't allowed in hardcore according to some dudes, especially if it isn't attached to a "hot" girl.

It's hard because I felt like I couldn't be a part of or have a voice in something because of the negativity, but I desperately wanted to be heard. I just always stayed out of the shit and drama as best as I could.

11-22-2009, 12:35 AM
I felt like this a lot when I was younger, not to mention I have a vagina and that isn't allowed in hardcore according to some dudes, especially if it isn't attached to a "hot" girl.

It's hard because I felt like I couldn't be a part of or have a voice in something because of the negativity, but I desperately wanted to be heard. I just always stayed out of the shit and drama as best as I could.

That's exactly how I felt a lot a while ago but now I just gave up on it. It's pointless. They let either the very manly girls into their little group or the major sluts. But they call me a slut since I dated two guys from the hardcore scene even though it was two years apart from eachother. They all hate me because I stood up for myself and my beliefs. It's pathetic so I choose not to be a part of it.

11-22-2009, 08:55 AM
That's exactly how I felt a lot a while ago but now I just gave up on it. It's pointless. They let either the very manly girls into their little group or the major sluts. But they call me a slut since I dated two guys from the hardcore scene even though it was two years apart from eachother. They all hate me because I stood up for myself and my beliefs. It's pathetic so I choose not to be a part of it.

That was one of the things I found kind of funny (though not haha) about my time in Hardcore. Some dudes would talk about how the girls were just there to pick up the hardcore boys, but really when they saw a girl pulling was all they cared about with her. I remember getting into things I was single, and didn't even think about it, but I made friends easy and felt like part of things. I remember after being at college and coming back this time engaged, the people who spent so much time chatting with me didn't seem to want to be bothered any more. It made me sad that the acceptance I had got in that one pocket was in part due to having boobs and dependent on those boobs being possibly attainable.

That wasn't all of it though, I made some good friends and had some great times. I just danced and had fun. I miss being more active, but I think I miss my old home scene more than what's around me now.

Even without going to shows so much, I find the music has been helping me through the lemon this year has sfitly turned into though, so it's still something important to who I am.

11-30-2009, 02:56 AM
why do you think straight edge started in the 60s?
60s ? who sead that ? :-P

I'm straight edge. I listen to hardcore music. But I am in no way included in the hardcore scene in CO. There's a lot about the hardcore scene that I don't like and don't approve of.
in every corporation, in every music, in everything there is something that it's not LIKEABLE for everyone ... but that's everybody choice, they chose what they like ;-)

I felt like this a lot when I was younger, not to mention I have a vagina and that isn't allowed in hardcore according to some dudes, especially if it isn't attached to a "hot" girl.

It's hard because I felt like I couldn't be a part of or have a voice in something because of the negativity, but I desperately wanted to be heard. I just always stayed out of the shit and drama as best as I could.

I have a big respect to a girl who listened, and LOVE, and support harcore for real !!! but there are more cases when girls fall love into some hardcore boy and be "active" for a year, then brake up and start being RNB fan or something else ... A lots of "hardcore" girls ended like that, so most people see that generall ... like "all girls are like that" ...

( sorry for my bad English ) ... :-(

11-30-2009, 02:21 PM
I have a big respect to a girl who listened, and LOVE, and support harcore for real !!! but there are more cases when girls fall love into some hardcore boy and be "active" for a year, then brake up and start being RNB fan or something else ... A lots of "hardcore" girls ended like that, so most people see that generall ... like "all girls are like that" ...

( sorry for my bad English ) ... :-(

There are plenty of guys that do exactly the same thing as you describe here.

12-01-2009, 11:26 AM
There are plenty of guys that do exactly the same thing as you describe here.

yes ... but the guys are always right, remeber ? ... eaheahehaehahaehaehhae
just kiding, I know that, but there are more guys dedicated to hardcore then girls, so they are in minority.
Like I sead, I have nothing against girls in hardcore... :-)

12-01-2009, 11:41 AM
yes ... but the guys are always right, remeber ? ... eaheahehaehahaehaehhae
just kiding, I know that, but there are more guys dedicated to hardcore then girls, so they are in minority.
Like I sead, I have nothing against girls in hardcore... :-)

Ummm, jokes aren't your strong point!

Not really sure how more guys being dedicated makes a difference, just means more guys end up not being as interested and behaving similar to what you have described. I mean the truth of the matter is i have come across more guys doing what you describe but of course thats down to more guys being involved. I think its a dangerous or naive thought that a higher ration of females do this.

12-01-2009, 09:02 PM
I have a big respect to a girl who listened, and LOVE, and support harcore for real !!! but there are more cases when girls fall love into some hardcore boy and be "active" for a year, then brake up and start being RNB fan or something else ... A lots of "hardcore" girls ended like that, so most people see that generall ... like "all girls are like that" ...

There's dudes that do the exact same thing, so why aren't they viewed that way as well?

For whatever reason it seems like girls have to prove themselves time and time again to be accepted, which is ridiculous. I haven't been to a show in quite awhile, does that mean that I'm not "active" and can't be included in the hardcore scene? Why do I have to prove myself? I know what I like to listen to, and I share that interest in common with my friends. Who cares if I haven't been to a show in 3 weeks or 3 years?

12-04-2009, 07:34 AM
sorry people, but you missed my point, I don't want to get in trouble, I'm just saying that the "thing" with girls and guys in hardcore scene HERE is like I described ...
here there is a small group of hardcore fans ... and only 10% od that are girls ... so ...
like somebody up said, it seems like girls have to prove themselves time and time again to be accepted ... and guys are like : "i'm hardcore" , and that's all ... you get what I mean ?? ... I think that's ridiculous, I don't have anything against girls in hardcore ...
woooh ... ;-)

12-04-2009, 12:53 PM
sorry people, but you missed my point, I don't want to get in trouble, I'm just saying that the "thing" with girls and guys in hardcore scene HERE is like I described ...
here there is a small group of hardcore fans ... and only 10% od that are girls ... so ...
like somebody up said, it seems like girls have to prove themselves time and time again to be accepted ... and guys are like : "i'm hardcore" , and that's all ... you get what I mean ?? ... I think that's ridiculous, I don't have anything against girls in hardcore ...
woooh ... ;-)

So you retract the statement that more cases of girls end up not really being interested in hardcore than guys?

12-05-2009, 03:04 AM
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... :-P