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12-16-2009, 06:11 PM
i remeber asking this a while ago. but i will set some things out first.
i have been straight edge for 5 years.
and i met another sxe kid and were talking
about morals and whatever.
and he told me that i have to be hardcore and
i have to listen to punk.
well for one
i dont excatly know how to be "HARDXCORE"
and punk is okay.
advice please.
i am not a mean person.
but i do stand up for what i think and know is right.
12-16-2009, 06:14 PM
i remeber asking this a while ago. but i will set some things out first.
i have been straight edge for 5 years.
and i met another sxe kid and were talking
about morals and whatever.
and he told me that i have to be hardcore and
i have to listen to punk.
well for one
i dont excatly know how to be "HARDXCORE"
and punk is okay.
advice please.
i am not a mean person.
but i do stand up for what i think and know is right.
i think Ed said this a while ago on some other thread, but the thing is to be sxe you have to know what it is you're getting into, and to do that you have to go to shows and listen to the music. you have to like hardcore, not just the music but the whole deal.
12-16-2009, 07:01 PM
i remeber asking this a while ago. but i will set some things out first.
i have been straight edge for 5 years.
and i met another sxe kid and were talking
about morals and whatever.
and he told me that i have to be hardcore and
i have to listen to punk.
well for one
i dont excatly know how to be "HARDXCORE"
and punk is okay.
advice please.
i am not a mean person.
but i do stand up for what i think and know is right.
Rodrigo is right, like saying you don't know how to be hardcore is not something someone who is straightedge would say. And i am not saying that to be mean because i too am not a mean person. But the thing is hardcore is a type of music and around it surrounds a certain type of environment and attitude. Its not punk, i personally don't like punk bands much at all. Hardcore bands and the surrounding scene have a different approach to where punk was coming from and punk really does have quite a different ethos to hardcore. It sounds like your friend was using the term hardcore as in being really heavily committed to something...and sure that is a valid perception to a certain extent especially when you look at the attitudes within the scene to many things including straightedge. But if you aren't really grasping the ins and outs of the music and the scene that make straightedge what it is then you are missing a large and very important part of what straightedge is. I hope this helps? If not i am happy to discuss it further to help with your question, but i'm not sure what the question is yet as you didn't directly ask one!
12-16-2009, 10:24 PM
I myself will not take any part in the hardcore scene in my city. They live a life that I want no part in. So for me being straight edge really has nothing to do with the hardcore scene.
12-16-2009, 10:30 PM
I myself will not take any part in the hardcore scene in my city. They live a life that I want no part in. So for me being straight edge really has nothing to do with the hardcore scene.
it has nothing to do with the hardcore scene? or has nothing to do with your local hardcore scene?
12-16-2009, 10:39 PM
I won't take part in my local hardcore scene. I have no idea what other scenes are like. I don't support fighting. I don't support a group of guys that are sexist. Only a few have jobs and maybe two of them are going to school. They're getting older but getting more and more immature. And I can only recall going to two shows within the past like four months. Paramore and Hit The Lights.
12-16-2009, 10:42 PM
I won't take part in my local hardcore scene. I have no idea what other scenes are like. I don't support fighting. I don't support a group of guys that are sexist. Only a few have jobs and maybe two of them are going to school. They're getting older but getting more and more immature. And I can only recall going to two shows within the past like four months. Paramore and Hit The Lights.
yeah, that's different from "the hardcore scene"
but i get what you mean
12-17-2009, 04:07 PM
I won't take part in my local hardcore scene. I have no idea what other scenes are like. I don't support fighting. I don't support a group of guys that are sexist. Only a few have jobs and maybe two of them are going to school. They're getting older but getting more and more immature. And I can only recall going to two shows within the past like four months. Paramore and Hit The Lights.
i wouldn't condone supporting fighting or sexism either in fact i would actively say don't support it. But i would also say try finding people in the scene that aren't all about fighting and sexism and even speak out on it yourself. I mean negative things taking hold of your scene is not a reason to turn your back on it, i am not sure if you have tried confronting the issue or not but i would hope people still care enough to want to make a difference. That said...aren't paramore that popular punk esque band?
12-17-2009, 08:50 PM
Well you see, the guys in my scene have taken over it. There are very few people that take part in the scene that don't support those guys. They all have bands that play at almost every hardcore show and they even have a crew. The scumbag crew. They beat you up for having different beliefs or bailing on their little scene. You betray one person once and they all go mad crazy about it and ruin any chance you have at having fun in the hardcore scene. I have found very few guys that I hang out with that are part of the scene. And one has finally realized that being a part of it is not the best life choice. Yes, there are a few that aren't like these guys but there are so many of these guys that you can't really ever enjoy it. I can't even go to a show in New Mex or AZ without these guys ruining it. They seem to be EVERY where.
And Paramore is a pretty big band that a lot of people know. Hayley Williams is the singer.
12-18-2009, 07:03 AM
Well you see, the guys in my scene have taken over it. There are very few people that take part in the scene that don't support those guys. They all have bands that play at almost every hardcore show and they even have a crew. The scumbag crew. They beat you up for having different beliefs or bailing on their little scene. You betray one person once and they all go mad crazy about it and ruin any chance you have at having fun in the hardcore scene. I have found very few guys that I hang out with that are part of the scene. And one has finally realized that being a part of it is not the best life choice. Yes, there are a few that aren't like these guys but there are so many of these guys that you can't really ever enjoy it. I can't even go to a show in New Mex or AZ without these guys ruining it. They seem to be EVERY where.
And Paramore is a pretty big band that a lot of people know. Hayley Williams is the singer.
Sounds pretty bad...but still, you could start putting on your own shows with bands that are more geared towards a positive scene and not suppporters of sexism etc. I just feel sad that people would just turn their back and not challenge things that are making things less accessable to them. I mean people should all be able to go to shows without worrying about getting into a fight for believing something or fear they are the wrong gender. Scumbag crew doesn't sound very good, i would really hope there is enough people between New mexico, Arizona, Colorado and hey even Utah to put on some decent shows with a positive message.
As for paramore...just threw me a bit when they were thrown in with a post about hardcore.
12-18-2009, 10:06 AM
Sounds pretty bad...but still, you could start putting on your own shows with bands that are more geared towards a positive scene and not suppporters of sexism etc. I just feel sad that people would just turn their back and not challenge things that are making things less accessable to them. I mean people should all be able to go to shows without worrying about getting into a fight for believing something or fear they are the wrong gender. Scumbag crew doesn't sound very good, i would really hope there is enough people between New mexico, Arizona, Colorado and hey even Utah to put on some decent shows with a positive message.
As for paramore...just threw me a bit when they were thrown in with a post about hardcore.
I don't exactly care enough to worry about putting together my own shows. And there really aren't that many local bands that I care to go see. I have better stuff to worry about then going to shows. Yes I'll go to shows if my friends want me to go with or it's one of my favorite bands. Like Four Year Strong is coming. New Found Glory and Fireworks are also coming. Three of my favorite bands so I'm going to go of course. I also go to shows if bands want my to do photography for them. I've just found stuff that makes me happier then going to shows alll the time.
And I barely even listen to Hardcore so I was just showing that by saying what bands I've seen lately. And I was showing how you can be SXE and not huge into hardcore.
12-18-2009, 04:36 PM
I don't exactly care enough to worry about putting together my own shows. And there really aren't that many local bands that I care to go see. I have better stuff to worry about then going to shows. Yes I'll go to shows if my friends want me to go with or it's one of my favorite bands. Like Four Year Strong is coming. New Found Glory and Fireworks are also coming. Three of my favorite bands so I'm going to go of course. I also go to shows if bands want my to do photography for them. I've just found stuff that makes me happier then going to shows alll the time.
And I barely even listen to Hardcore so I was just showing that by saying what bands I've seen lately. And I was showing how you can be SXE and not huge into hardcore.
Ok, so you aren't into hardcore and don't really care about it. You don't care about the scene that is inherent to straightedge, the scene that has kept straightedge alive and unique for 30 years. I'm almost getting the impression you see no value in hardcore as if its got no real bearing on being straightedge or not. As if the music has no real relevance and that ensuring a there is a scene where kids can go to find out about hardcore and straightedge and seek out like minded people, its as if those things aren't important to you...well, all i am saying is i sure am glad that there were people in the past that found these things important in order for me to be able to find something that i connected with and believed in. Sure i rarely go to shows now myself but i am old. I also listen to a lot of different music nowadays, well i always have, but i still see the vital and crucial link between hardcore and straightedge. I mean your experiences make me sad, have you ever been to a decent positive show or just ones that paraded sexism and featured fighting? Have you ever been lucky enough to experience a straightedge hardcore show where you walk away feeling inspired, uplifted, on fire and totally amped up that other people out there feel how you do and experience things you experience etc? If you haven't then that too makes me ultimately sad, not just for you but for all the kids in your area.
12-18-2009, 10:32 PM
Ok, so you aren't into hardcore and don't really care about it. You don't care about the scene that is inherent to straightedge, the scene that has kept straightedge alive and unique for 30 years. I'm almost getting the impression you see no value in hardcore as if its got no real bearing on being straightedge or not. As if the music has no real relevance and that ensuring a there is a scene where kids can go to find out about hardcore and straightedge and seek out like minded people, its as if those things aren't important to you...well, all i am saying is i sure am glad that there were people in the past that found these things important in order for me to be able to find something that i connected with and believed in. Sure i rarely go to shows now myself but i am old. I also listen to a lot of different music nowadays, well i always have, but i still see the vital and crucial link between hardcore and straightedge. I mean your experiences make me sad, have you ever been to a decent positive show or just ones that paraded sexism and featured fighting? Have you ever been lucky enough to experience a straightedge hardcore show where you walk away feeling inspired, uplifted, on fire and totally amped up that other people out there feel how you do and experience things you experience etc? If you haven't then that too makes me ultimately sad, not just for you but for all the kids in your area.
I can't recall there ever being a SXE show since I've been going to shows. And I enjoy hardcore music. And I enjoy hardcore shows where there are many many many people there so I don't have to focus on those guys. Yes, I once enjoyed going to those shows and I enjoyed the hardcore scene when those guys were nice to me about three years ago and then I realized what they were all about and I argued with one of my best friends in the scene and he turned on me etc. I'd die happy the day I went to a SXE hardcore show but for some reason I feel that will not happen. And I'd looove to start my own SXE band but there are not enough positive or SXE people in my state that I know of. For the most part the SXE kids are assholes that I've met. And the people I meet at parties and so on completely agree. It's sad really. I miss enjoying going to local shows. But if this is what they're going to be like then no thank you. I'd rather be happy and SXE and alone.
12-19-2009, 12:29 PM
I can't recall there ever being a SXE show since I've been going to shows. And I enjoy hardcore music. And I enjoy hardcore shows where there are many many many people there so I don't have to focus on those guys. Yes, I once enjoyed going to those shows and I enjoyed the hardcore scene when those guys were nice to me about three years ago and then I realized what they were all about and I argued with one of my best friends in the scene and he turned on me etc. I'd die happy the day I went to a SXE hardcore show but for some reason I feel that will not happen. And I'd looove to start my own SXE band but there are not enough positive or SXE people in my state that I know of. For the most part the SXE kids are assholes that I've met. And the people I meet at parties and so on completely agree. It's sad really. I miss enjoying going to local shows. But if this is what they're going to be like then no thank you. I'd rather be happy and SXE and alone.
Then i am very sorry it is that way for you.
12-19-2009, 03:02 PM
Then i am very sorry it is that way for you.
Don't be. I love my life. I love my new friends. I love focusing on work and my photography. I spend more time with my family and the right people. I've advanced so far in life since I stopped being part of it. Best choice for my life.
12-19-2009, 03:23 PM
Don't be. I love my life. I love my new friends. I love focusing on work and my photography. I spend more time with my family and the right people. I've advanced so far in life since I stopped being part of it. Best choice for my life.
No, you misunderstand, i mean i am sorry for you that you never got to experience an awesome straightedge hardcore show. As great as things for you may be now it really doesn't change the fact that i wish everyone who comes to learn about straightedge gets to experience how awesome it is when they are part of a really cool show with positive straightedge kids/bands etc. So i continue to feel that.
12-19-2009, 06:23 PM
No, you misunderstand, i mean i am sorry for you that you never got to experience an awesome straightedge hardcore show. As great as things for you may be now it really doesn't change the fact that i wish everyone who comes to learn about straightedge gets to experience how awesome it is when they are part of a really cool show with positive straightedge kids/bands etc. So i continue to feel that.
Ohh. Gotcha. Wish I could. But I can't. Maybe at some point I'll have enough money to go visit a different state just to see a show. Or maybe Kingdom will decide to come to CO. I wish...
12-19-2009, 07:29 PM
I can't even go to a show in New Mex or AZ without these guys ruining it. They seem to be EVERY where.
I've never heard of these guys. Are you speaking about Northern AZ? That area tends to have problems within the scene with fighting (according to my friends who live up there).
12-20-2009, 03:41 AM
I've never heard of these guys. Are you speaking about Northern AZ? That area tends to have problems within the scene with fighting (according to my friends who live up there).
I just know that guys from my hardcore scene go on tours to New Mex and AZ often or they just know a ton of dudes from other Hardcore scenes and they aren't the best dudes ever. Scumbag crew is a huge part of my scene. And a few bands are Crooked Ways, Bank Robber, Seven Kings and Before We're Done.
12-21-2009, 02:28 PM
I can't recall there ever being a SXE show since I've been going to shows. And I enjoy hardcore music. And I enjoy hardcore shows where there are many many many people there so I don't have to focus on those guys. Yes, I once enjoyed going to those shows and I enjoyed the hardcore scene when those guys were nice to me about three years ago and then I realized what they were all about and I argued with one of my best friends in the scene and he turned on me etc. I'd die happy the day I went to a SXE hardcore show but for some reason I feel that will not happen. And I'd looove to start my own SXE band but there are not enough positive or SXE people in my state that I know of. For the most part the SXE kids are assholes that I've met. And the people I meet at parties and so on completely agree. It's sad really. I miss enjoying going to local shows. But if this is what they're going to be like then no thank you. I'd rather be happy and SXE and alone.
But surely if you give up going to shows etc... your giving in to them?
You need to stay strong and persist, dont let people make you sad. I used to go to shows
quite a bit on my own, your always get the odd idiots that wanna spoil it, it happens everywhere in everything.
But if your happy right now, thats all that matters. Did you say your from or near Arizonia, because i maybe coming out that way next year?
12-22-2009, 03:12 AM
But surely if you give up going to shows etc... your giving in to them?
You need to stay strong and persist, dont let people make you sad. I used to go to shows
quite a bit on my own, your always get the odd idiots that wanna spoil it, it happens everywhere in everything.
But if your happy right now, thats all that matters. Did you say your from or near Arizonia, because i maybe coming out that way next year?
They don't really make me sad, it's more like they beat me up. They start all this drama at the shows and then decide to start stage diving into me or spin kicking me, etc. So it's not that it's just awkward, it's more like I'm trying to save myself from getting my ass kicked by a buncha dudes.
I'm from Colorado.
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