View Full Version : happy new year, everybody! any resolutions?
12-31-2009, 09:11 AM
this message board is deader than refused
but i hope you all have a great night with families and people you love. may this new year be twice as awesome as 2009 could have been. i know dini is having a kickass time and probably have a really neat new year's eve.
so does anybody have a new year resolution?
12-31-2009, 10:25 AM
riding my bike more
no television for a year
reducing fried foods (falafel and fries are my weakness)
12-31-2009, 12:01 PM
Happy New Year! I will unfortunately be spending the night behind the front desk at the hotel I work at.
My new year's resolution is boring and typical. I have found myself to be eating A LOT of crappy foods and not being active at all, so I am going to start heading to the gym and eating better.
12-31-2009, 12:02 PM
riding my bike more
no television for a year
reducing fried foods (falafel and fries are my weakness)
no television for a year? whaaaaat!?
01-01-2010, 06:14 AM
Happy new year to all of you !
01-01-2010, 11:13 AM
no television for a year? whaaaaat!?
Just an experiment I'm trying to do for the year--I found myself watching too much of the boob tube and neglecting things around the house.
01-01-2010, 12:25 PM
My new years resolution is to get fat and be here more often.
01-01-2010, 01:03 PM
Just an experiment I'm trying to do for the year--I found myself watching too much of the boob tube and neglecting things around the house.
i love how slang varies across the ocean, watching the boob tube conjures up a different image to folk here!!!
01-01-2010, 01:16 PM
i love how slang varies across the ocean, watching the boob tube conjures up a different image to folk here!!!
half the channels on sky after 10. I was up at 4 a couple of days ago and it was literally nothing but teleshopping and girls pretending to be on the phone while topless.
01-01-2010, 02:18 PM
half the channels on sky after 10. I was up at 4 a couple of days ago and it was literally nothing but teleshopping and girls pretending to be on the phone while topless.
Yeah, its quite odd, not quite the boob tube i was on about!!! Are you still here?
01-01-2010, 02:49 PM
Yeah, its quite odd, not quite the boob tube i was on about!!! Are you still here?
yeah, we go back on Tuesday. stuff's been crazy, we haven't had any time to ourselves so we haven't been able to hangout with anyone.
01-01-2010, 03:05 PM
yeah, we go back on Tuesday. stuff's been crazy, we haven't had any time to ourselves so we haven't been able to hangout with anyone.
You had a good time though? albeit a busy time. I'm sure you are just glad you got to sample the delightful late night television!! Did you manage to get panto in?
01-01-2010, 04:06 PM
I have quite a few:
-Put myself first for once. I need my happiness back.
-Believe in myself and everything I do.
-Start actually working on my photography more and becoming the best I can be.
-Take a photo every day.
-Write more.
-Read more.
-Do well in school.
-Eat better and work out.
-Focus my attention only on the things I love and leave everything else behind.
I'll probably think of more soon. Ha.
01-01-2010, 04:08 PM
You had a good time though? albeit a busy time. I'm sure you are just glad you got to sample the delightful late night television!! Did you manage to get panto in?
no time for panto! which sucks ass. viv's dad was working a bunch while we were here including christmas day.
it's been a good time. saw doctor who at the right time so that wasn't too bad.
01-01-2010, 04:48 PM
no time for panto! which sucks ass. viv's dad was working a bunch while we were here including christmas day.
it's been a good time. saw doctor who at the right time so that wasn't too bad.
Glad its been a good time, Doctor who was really good this year. Working christmas day sucks though.
01-01-2010, 05:06 PM
I had an awesome New Years Eve. Dancing on a stage to Andrew WK with balloon swords while a drunk people watch rules. I like how people thought we were mega drunk yet my whole group I went out with are edge.
I don't have resolutions, but I am going to strive to see my friends more often and worry less. I'd say I started things off well.
01-02-2010, 06:51 AM
Ha ! That's great ! People always think I'm drunk when I'm having a great time.
01-02-2010, 10:00 AM
Exactly. My cousins thought I was being goofy at the pool hall because I had a few drinks beforehand, but nope! It was all me!
01-02-2010, 04:13 PM
It's funny how quick people throw in the alcohol as a reason.
01-02-2010, 06:39 PM
It's funny how quick people throw in the alcohol as a reason.
I was out this evening and a lot of people were drinking and kept asking if i was "alright" and if i was "bored" because i don't drink. I usually let it fly as its such a typical comment but this one girl was quite persistant so i confronted the issue with a simple approximation of the situation. I asked if the reason she was asking me if i was bored or if i was alright because if she weren't drinking then she would be bored and/or not alright? Logically you'd think that based on her previous questioning the answer would be yes...but for some reason she became immediately defensive saying no whilst scrambling for a million and one ways to justify drinking...which i told her she didn't need to do. I rephrased the question slightly for her, i asked her if she thought the company of the people she was with and the surroundings she was in was simply not entertaining enough to make an evening enjoyable and i think things would have clicked a little more if she wasn't feeling so much on the back foot at this stage. I kind of let it lie there but i pondered afterwards about how people question me so much about not drinking and how i respond to that and comparing that to how super defensive people become when you even slightly question their actions. I'm sure you have all experienced similar but the double standard still bugs the crap out of me when i think about it.
01-03-2010, 08:35 AM
You can't imagine how much I hate some people.
I was out this evening and a lot of people were drinking and kept asking if i was "alright" and if i was "bored" because i don't drink. I usually let it fly as its such a typical comment but this one girl was quite persistant so i confronted the issue with a simple approximation of the situation. I asked if the reason she was asking me if i was bored or if i was alright because if she weren't drinking then she would be bored and/or not alright? Logically you'd think that based on her previous questioning the answer would be yes...but for some reason she became immediately defensive saying no whilst scrambling for a million and one ways to justify drinking...which i told her she didn't need to do. I rephrased the question slightly for her, i asked her if she thought the company of the people she was with and the surroundings she was in was simply not entertaining enough to make an evening enjoyable and i think things would have clicked a little more if she wasn't feeling so much on the back foot at this stage. I kind of let it lie there but i pondered afterwards about how people question me so much about not drinking and how i respond to that and comparing that to how super defensive people become when you even slightly question their actions. I'm sure you have all experienced similar but the double standard still bugs the crap out of me when i think about it.
were you bored?
01-03-2010, 02:24 PM
were you bored?
01-03-2010, 05:56 PM
But dude, if you had been drinking you would not have been bored! Obviously!
01-03-2010, 07:19 PM
Drinking is for the cool people, you'll never get bored !!
01-04-2010, 01:49 AM
my new years resolutions is to never be bored and to drink more
I always don't want to drink anything because i hate peeing. I think it is obnoxious. but i am going to put that aside and drink a lot because it is good for you.
Also i came up with a lot of silly ones and good ones on new years eve. The mains ones though are to be a vegetarian, pretend I am roommates with this kid i didn't know, and be out.
it was a nice new years there were
01-04-2010, 09:20 AM
But dude, if you had been drinking you would not have been bored! Obviously!
Nah i was having an interesting chat about a local circus, i wasn't bored at all.
01-09-2010, 03:12 AM
no television for a year? whaaaaat!?
I haven't watched TV for more than 5 years now and it feels just good ;)
01-09-2010, 03:15 AM
Ha ! That's great ! People always think I'm drunk when I'm having a great time.
Exactly. My cousins thought I was being goofy at the pool hall because I had a few drinks beforehand, but nope! It was all me!
It's funny how quick people throw in the alcohol as a reason.
True and true for me. I had kids eliciting information on where to get drugs from me believing I was high on some ultra super cool shit while I was obviously not. I was just having fun. This kind of situation - whether it happens to me or someone else - always makes me smile in a positive way and makes me feel joyful and positive in general. It's kinda funny to think about the situation :))
01-09-2010, 03:23 AM
Oh and on the topic, I had a really, really GREAT New Year's Eve celebration. Nothing fancy or uber cool but something I really enjoyed - an open fire in the night, cooking shish kebab, family, girlfriend and friendly, open and stimulating conversation. But I think I enjoyed more preparing and organizing the event than actually going through it. Having it all worked out was great too but I simply love organizing events and generally speaking making things happen so it was a great experience on various levels for me personally. In fact, dad enjoyed it very much as well as my girlfriend did. I'm not really sure about mom since I didn't really ask and she didn't actually tell me directly anything but I guess she enjoyed it too.
PS: I noticed I forgot what was the theme of this topic and wrote an off-topic post, actually... Oops!
Okay, so resolutions... Actually, I didn't make any but I have a list of goals and tasks I plan to achieve and complete, some within this year. Thinks like getting certificates of proficiency in English (I'm thinking CPE or TOEFL, a friend of mine told me about IELTS in the message I received this morning but I haven't done any research on this test yet so I don't know if it's what I need) and computer networking skills (Cisco's CCNA exam), learn more about economics and finance, management, business operation and generally speaking how money are made, more discipline (I'm quite disciplined but not enough I think), travel more, push CHPA to higher level and lots more.
01-09-2010, 05:44 AM
I've thought of another resolution for 2010:
Move to Seattle.
Kind of odd but I'd kill to leave this place and live in Seattle.
01-09-2010, 07:55 AM
I've thought of another resolution for 2010:
Move to Seattle.
Kind of odd but I'd kill to leave this place and live in Seattle.
you like the rain that much?
01-09-2010, 10:00 AM
I've thought of another resolution for 2010:
Move to Seattle.
Kind of odd but I'd kill to leave this place and live in Seattle.
Why seattle? grunge is dead.
01-09-2010, 02:09 PM
I wrote a poem on this one. Short, yet effective.
Fuck New Year's Resolutions
I'm a free man
I resolve when I please
Not according to plan
01-09-2010, 02:58 PM
I wrote a poem on this one. Short, yet effective.
Fuck New Year's Resolutions
I'm a free man
I resolve when I please
Not according to plan
jeez... didnt know people took resolutions so seriously
01-09-2010, 04:08 PM
you like the rain that much?
Why seattle? grunge is dead.
I can handle the rain. And I wasn't exactly thinking about grunge. Not exactly my style.
Seattle is just beyond beautiful and I fell in love with it the last time I visited there. It's one of the many places I'd like to live and this year seems like a good year to do so.
01-09-2010, 06:03 PM
I can handle the rain. And I wasn't exactly thinking about grunge. Not exactly my style.
Seattle is just beyond beautiful and I fell in love with it the last time I visited there. It's one of the many places I'd like to live and this year seems like a good year to do so.
don't get me wrong, it's a great place, but like the uk, unless you've been there for extended amounts of time in the rainy season it's hard to grasp just how much it rains and just how long it can be between sunny days.
01-09-2010, 07:17 PM
don't get me wrong, it's a great place, but like the uk, unless you've been there for extended amounts of time in the rainy season it's hard to grasp just how much it rains and just how long it can be between sunny days.
I think I just need to experience a different state. I've lived in Colorado since I was four and I've experienced a lot of shit here so every where I go there are bad memories. It's like I can try my hardest to move on and be happy but no matter what I will always have these memories. So I just want a fresh start. But I will always have a home in CO since my whole family lives here so I will always be able to come back.
01-09-2010, 07:54 PM
I think I just need to experience a different state. I've lived in Colorado since I was four and I've experienced a lot of shit here so every where I go there are bad memories. It's like I can try my hardest to move on and be happy but no matter what I will always have these memories. So I just want a fresh start. But I will always have a home in CO since my whole family lives here so I will always be able to come back.
New places are great and give a really great chance to start fresh. I'm just saying if you're used to a high plains desert, moving to a rain forest can be really hard especially if you're effected by a lack of sunlight. I'd definitely suggest going in the next couple of months for a while if you can to see if it's something you could do before committing to a move.
01-09-2010, 09:08 PM
I live in Colorado. It's a lotta snow and rain here too. But we also get quite a bit of sunshine too. I'll probably be visiting this summer. It's either Seattle or San Francisco. And I think Seattle is a better pick right now in this economy and this point in my life.
01-10-2010, 12:20 AM
New places are great and give a really great chance to start fresh. I'm just saying if you're used to a high plains desert, moving to a rain forest can be really hard especially if you're effected by a lack of sunlight. I'd definitely suggest going in the next couple of months for a while if you can to see if it's something you could do before committing to a move.
I personally feel bad and down when there's no sunlight for extended periods of time. Is there a reason why someone could react like this? Your warnings and suggestions got me thinking about doing this -researching if a particular area is mainly sunny or not - before I make an actual move. So, I guess thanks for sharing the idea ;)
01-10-2010, 07:35 AM
I personally feel bad and down when there's no sunlight for extended periods of time. Is there a reason why someone could react like this? Your warnings and suggestions got me thinking about doing this -researching if a particular area is mainly sunny or not - before I make an actual move. So, I guess thanks for sharing the idea ;)
yeah, it's called season affected disorder and is fairly common.
01-11-2010, 11:36 PM
yeah, it's called season affected disorder and is fairly common.
Cool. Well, actually it is not cool but when you think about how complex humans are it's just cool.
yeah, it's called season affected disorder and is fairly common.
i think im having this from all this cold and not wanting to be outside =[
01-12-2010, 10:25 AM
i think im having this from all this cold and not wanting to be outside =[
the tropics have made you weak.
the tropics have made you weak.
ya i havent been this pale in awhile!
04-20-2010, 09:59 PM
I was looking at the calendar to sort out my summer plans and it dawned on me that the year is nearly one-third over. How is everyone doing on their new year's resolutions?
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