View Full Version : interview for school project

02-02-2010, 03:25 AM
I'm working on a school project about Staight edge, and need some interviews. Is someone interested in getting interviewed?
If you are, please contact me by mail: rotor00a@hotmail.com
Thank you on before!

02-02-2010, 04:13 AM
I'm working on a school project about Staight edge, and need some interviews. Is someone interested in getting interviewed?
If you are, please contact me by mail: rotor00a@hotmail.com
Thank you on before!
i sent you an email, even though i'd much rather you posted your questions here for everybody to see/participate in it.

02-03-2010, 07:52 PM
I'm working on a school project about Staight edge, and need some interviews. Is someone interested in getting interviewed?
If you are, please contact me by mail: rotor00a@hotmail.com
Thank you on before!

That's great, but why not just post the questions out here?

02-04-2010, 03:42 AM
I didn't think that far, but it sounds like a great idea.
You don’t have to answer all questions if you don’t want to, but you’ll make me happy if you do :P
Here's my questions (I might post follow-up questions later):

How would you describe Straight edge?

I’ve read that hardcore is a big part of Straight edge, but how many members of Straight edge listens to it?

Do the hardcore have an important role in Straight edge, or is it just something you listen to for fun?

When did you become a member of Straight edge?

Why did you become a member?

Are you active in any political questions, and are they linked to straight edge?

I’ve read that the most important thing in Straight edge is to avoid drugs, alcohol and stuff like that, but does Straight edge help you do so?

If I would like to join Straight edge, how do I do (I live in Sweden if that matters)?

Are there any rumors about Straight edge, and what do you think about them?

Is there anything else you would like to add?

02-04-2010, 09:48 AM
How would you describe Straight edge?
straight edge is a movement within the hardcore scene, abstaining from all recreational drug usage.

I’ve read that hardcore is a big part of Straight edge, but how many members of Straight edge listens to it?
Straight edge was born from the hardcore scene, it's really closely tied to the music, given it's history. people who don't listen to hardcore and live a drug free lifestyle are simply not sxe.

Do the hardcore have an important role in Straight edge, or is it just something you listen to for fun?
i answered this in the previous question.

When did you become a member of Straight edge?
i became sxe 6 years ago.

Why did you become a member?
i realized i can have fun without alcohol, and i never liked being buzzed/drunk at all, plus i never liked the taste.

Are you active in any political questions, and are they linked to straight edge?
i'm have strong anti-communist and anti-fascist/anti-racist views. sxe is an anti-racist movement, just like the hardcore scene itself.

I’ve read that the most important thing in Straight edge is to avoid drugs, alcohol and stuff like that, but does Straight edge help you do so?
at first it really helped because the music spoke to me, i realized that people felt the same way as i did, not wanting to drink and just had the similar beliefs vocalized in the songs.
by now, being sxe is so part of my being, that it's totally natural, i never had any temptation.

If I would like to join Straight edge, how do I do (I live in Sweden if that matters)?
you just become straight edge by becoming drug free, and supporting the hardcore scene.

Are there any rumors about Straight edge, and what do you think about them?
the worst rumour is that it's a violent movement. also there are some small neo-nazi groups who call themselves straight edge but they are completely idiotic, seeing how anti-racist sxe was from the very beginning. they might shed a bad light on sxe though.

02-09-2010, 03:22 AM
Thank you a lot for the replies!
I forgot to ask you what your real name is, and I need it for the school project.
If you don't want to say your real name, I'll use your signature instead, but it would be better to use your real name.

02-09-2010, 05:15 AM
How would you describe Straight edge?
A group of people that believe in a positive drug free life.

I’ve read that hardcore is a big part of Straight edge, but how many members of Straight edge listens to it?
I listen to hardcore but not very often. I prefer pop punk.

Do the hardcore have an important role in Straight edge, or is it just something you listen to for fun?
I just listen to it for fun mostly. Sometimes it helps with emotions and such but I rarely ever even go to shows. And I only really go to pop punk shows like New Found Glory.

When did you become a member of Straight edge?
The day I turned 18 when I got my straight edge tattoo. June 11th, 2009.

Why did you become a member?
Because I felt like this was one of the very few positive things I could do for my life. I had always lived drug free but didn't feel like I was accepted by anyone and then I researched more about straight edge and realized it was my path. I've met a lot of great people and it's what keeps me going.

Are you active in any political questions, and are they linked to straight edge?
I don't think pot should be legal because I think we have enough pot heads in the world. But I mostly focus on gay rights like marriage because I think we should all be treated equally.

I’ve read that the most important thing in Straight edge is to avoid drugs, alcohol and stuff like that, but does Straight edge help you do so?
I've never touched touched anything in my life cause I've never had the urge so it's more like an extra boost. But it helps when I get frustrated about friends drinking habits or stupid people at parties.

If I would like to join Straight edge, how do I do (I live in Sweden if that matters)?
Become drug free, research, make sure it's what you really want for life, find others around where you live, become part of the hardcore scene and just see what it's like. Experience is the only way you'll know if it's the right thing for you.

Are there any rumors about Straight edge, and what do you think about them?
I've heard a lot of rumors when I go to parties such as; We're all violent and beat up people that aren't straight edge. We preach to everyone all the time. We try to convert everyone we meet. We're closed minded. There are a lot of negative rumors about straight edge and none of them are true for me or most of the straight edge people I know.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Straight edge isn't a fad or something to make you look cool. Straight edge is a life commitment.