View Full Version : Ten random things about you.
02-17-2010, 01:04 PM
This is cheesy, and stolen from Vivien's Tea House forums, but hey, I'm bored.
Everyone list 10 random facts or things about yourself. They can be anything, silly or serious. I'll start:
1. I adore flowers and plants. I am constantly buying house plants or flowers for myself. One day I hope to get back into floral design, it will always be one of my favorite things to do.
2. My favorite place to explore and hang out in are cemeteries. I love looking at old tombstones, checking out "haunted" places within them, and just taking photos. I feel at ease there, I love it.
3. I am not vegetarian, but I loooove fake meat. I'd rather eat a Black Bean Burger from Chili's than a real burger from anywhere.
4. I love owls. I decorate with owl themed things in my home.
5. I am scared of E.T. due to a recurring nightmare.
6. I love to read. I probably read at least a book a week.
7. Only within the past few years I have become comfortable with who I am, and how I look. Now I know I'm awesome.
8. I'm a Hanson fan.
9. I do not want to have kids, and thus I have never really found out what exactly happens during birth. I vomited when I found out you give birth to the placenta. I always thought the umbilical cord rolled back up inside the woman like a slap bracelet.
10. I collect post mortem photos.
02-17-2010, 01:22 PM
sounds like fun!
okay, i'll try
1.- i've always wanted to front a band, but i have a lame voice so i try to hide behind an instrument.
2.- i never learned how to spit properly
3.- everytime i do the dishes i end up soaking wet.
4.- i'm way too shy when talking to small groups of people, i'm still shy when talking to just one person, but i do really good when talking to big groups of people.
5.- everytime i hear jesse michaels sing i get a chill.
6.- i'm affraid that an alien is chasing me at nights when i'm out of my room. specially if the alien is hiding behind an open door.
7.- i'd love to be more thin and look good on a suit.
8.- i never learned how to ollie while riding my skate, that's why i started doing longboard.
9.- i make faces and poses in front of the mirror and to cameras.
10.- i once made out with a mormon.
02-17-2010, 03:29 PM
1. I have a real fear of heights but only when it involves standing out over things without railings.
2. apparently the reason I got such a great deal on the house I own is that the previous owner died in it. I didn't find this out until somewhat recently and have lived there for 10 years
3. I keep a list of people who's graves I will piss on and/or dance on.
4. I can pick up anything technology related very very quickly and as a result get thrown at problems without any prior knowledge or skills with amazing frequency.
5. I have a hard time reading actual books so tend to only read things on the internet or comic books
6. I get an overwhelming sense of dread with I think about my own death
7. When I was 3 I hit a kid in the head with a brick for tying up my sister cementing my awesomeness for ever.
8. I really like shooting skeet and wish I lived somewhere I could do it more often and get a golden retriever to train as a hunting dog
9. I'd like to move somewhere other than the DC area but can't because the job I have is really specialized.
10. I completely lack any ability for anything creative. Can't write fiction, can't draw, can't paint, can't sculpt.
02-17-2010, 03:41 PM
2.- i never learned how to spit properly
I can't either. It ends up on my shirt or the side of my face.
2. apparently the reason I got such a great deal on the house I own is that the previous owner died in it. I didn't find this out until somewhat recently and have lived there for 10 years
Do you know how excited this makes me? I need to know where and why asap. I'm bringing my ouija board over.
02-17-2010, 03:52 PM
1. I worked in a fine china department in an upscale department store, and bought an Old Country Roses teacup as a joke... I now have an expansive chintzy teacup collection.
2. I did a brief stint as a life model for a local art center when I was in college
3. I can pin point to the decade almost any fashion that hit England from 17th century up (and can date a movie setting accordingly)
5: I can speak/read/write a little Japanese, though the skill is fading
6. I can look at a photo of an object and come up with a way to make said object without any tutorials etc.
7. I'm a formally trained fine artist and studied in one of England's oldest art schools.
8. I mostly dress in any decades style but none I was alive for
9. I love scones but can't bake them
10. I'm like the only person who's google searches never pull up Porn, but do find weird things like medical oddities, and collections 18th century dirty language on accident instead
02-17-2010, 04:09 PM
Do you know how excited this makes me? I need to know where and why asap. I'm bringing my ouija board over.
I will openly mock you the whole time.
02-17-2010, 04:29 PM
1. I really want to go to Japan
2. I hate my job and know i can do much better
3. I am thrifty and spend a lot of time bouncing money around, stoozing, using cashback websites and generally looking for that free lunch that people say their is no such thing as, i can take forever to buy things, people often hate shopping with me as at times i don't even buy things!
4. I have never had a truffle and really really want to try them
5. I am quiet, i suck at small talk, when i was at school i bearly spoke at all
6. I dropped out of Uni because i convinced myself an art degree wouldn't help me get a job i would like
7. I think donald trump is cool, especially his hair! But generally i am inspired by sucessful people with great determination.
8. I once nearly burnt down a large woodland area with a molotov cocktail, my cousin and i put it out using only branches from a fern tree. It took about 4 or 5 hours!
9. I'm like an elephant when it comes to peoples kindness, i never forget it.
10. I am well aware of how frustrating i am to others when i am exacting, pedantic, fastidious and pay attention to the detail of the things people say but i find it a million times more frustrating that people spend so little time thinking about what they say before saying it.
02-17-2010, 04:41 PM
1. I really want to go to Japan
2. I hate my job and know i can do much better
3. I am thrifty and spend a lot of time bouncing money around, stoozing, using cashback websites and generally looking for that free lunch that people say their is no such thing as, i can take forever to buy things, people often hate shopping with me as at times i don't even buy things!
4. I have never had a truffle and really really want to try them
5. I am quiet, i suck at small talk, when i was at school i bearly spoke at all
6. I dropped out of Uni because i convinced myself an art degree wouldn't help me get a job i would like
7. I think donald trump is cool, especially his hair! But generally i am inspired by sucessful people with great determination.
8. I once nearly burnt down a large woodland area with a molotov cocktail, my cousin and i put it out using only branches from a fern tree. It took about 4 or 5 hours!
9. I'm like an elephant when it comes to peoples kindness, i never forget it.
10. I am well aware of how frustrating i am to others when i am exacting, pedantic, fastidious and pay attention to the detail of the things people say but i find it a million times more frustrating that people spend so little time thinking about what they say before saying it.
11. i ran ten miles on saturday in 65 minutes and 55 seconds. I came in 62nd out of 1019 runners, this made me proud!
02-17-2010, 04:43 PM
3. I am thrifty and spend a lot of time bouncing money around, stoozing, using cashback websites and generally looking for that free lunch that people say their is no such thing as, i can take forever to buy things, people often hate shopping with me as at times i don't even buy things!
it gives me a headache to think about how long it takes you to choose where and why and how you're making a purchase. :)
02-17-2010, 05:00 PM
it gives me a headache to think about how long it takes you to choose where and why and how you're making a purchase. :)
i know, i am sorry for the headache. I can always shop for some paracetamol for you, i'm sure if i shop around i could get a great deal!!
02-17-2010, 05:00 PM
5. I am scared of E.T. due to a recurring nightmare.
i found some porn that you wouldnt like to watch a couple of weeks ago
5. I have a hard time reading actual books so tend to only read things on the internet or comic books
something similar happens to me, but i have to fight it.
4. I have never had a truffle and really really want to try them
i have, alone it was awful, in a mix with chocolate, good.
1. when someone i hate likes something i like most likely i will then hate the thing i used to like
2. i once stole the trunk of a car
3. i believe me and my friends were either visited or abucted by aliens on a camping trip
4. i have 2 stevie b. cds
5. i have no job but im not trying very hard to get one because i dont really want to be where i am right now
6. i play golf
7. i would rather eat my own shit than papaya or okra
8. im very right handed... my left arm is next to useless
9. i married my wife one month and 13 days after i first saw her
10. i used to be addicted to starcraft and ultima online
02-17-2010, 11:31 PM
1. I've dyed my hair almost every color. Here's a list: White, dark blonde, auburn, medium brown, dark brown, deep red, orange red, black, blue, purple, turquoise, green, red, pink, orange, yellow. My hair is naturally a light white blonde. I've also had my hair super long, kind of long, shoulder length, in a bob and now I have a mohawk. I'm not afraid of doing anything to my hair. I kind of want to shave it all off at some point.
2. I want to start my own magazine that would help teenagers survive their teenage years and learn about a lot of things. I also want to start a program that teaches kids about bullying and specifically cyber bullying. I want to start my own photography business too. But my dream job is National Geographic photographer.
3. If I could drop everything and move to Seattle I would in a second. I'd change my name and everything about me.
4. I used to have flings with guys all the time until I was raped and it completely changed my life and view on certain things. It didn't happen too long ago and I was deeply depressed until a couple weeks ago when I found a site called I'm a completely different person because of a website.
5. I have over 55 pairs of shoes. I have at least 22 pairs of Vans. The rest are heels, a few flats, slippers, a couple pairs of Converse and a pair of boots.
6. I absolutely love to work out. I used to work out everyday. I'd go to the gym and work out on the machines for a couple hours and then swim and sit in the hot tub. It was amazing. But now I have no money for the membership and it's killin my mood.
7. I want to travel the U.S. and visit a ton of haunted places with a few friends. I believe in ghosts and I watch ghost shows constantly. They fascinate me!
8. I'm only 18 but people always assume I'm a lot older and that I am older than my sister who is 22. I really wish I was actually older. I'd like to skip these young years.
9. I'm addicted to technology but half the time the people I meet on here are the only reason I make it through each day. I have a FaceBook, MySpace, Tumblr,, JPG Mag, Deviant Art, Flickr and forums. Tumblr has definitely been a life saver. Some of the people on there are nicer and better people than half of my friends. They're so understanding. I just wish they lived near me. Also, this forum has taught me so much.
10. I collect a lot of things. I collect shoes, shirts, SYG product, magazines, books, dvds, and Snapple caps. I also collect random items that I can make art out of. My room is completely stuffed. I even have a traffic cone in my room. Ha.
02-17-2010, 11:34 PM
7. I want to travel the U.S. and visit a ton of haunted places with a few friends. I believe in ghosts and I watch ghost shows constantly. They fascinate me!
I do this with my friends, it rules. and I watch ghost shows allll the time too!
02-17-2010, 11:45 PM
I do this with my friends, it rules. and I watch ghost shows allll the time too!
I'm jealous! I've never actually been to a haunted place. Most of my friends are pansies and there aren't any good haunted places in CO.
02-18-2010, 12:14 AM
I'm jealous! I've never actually been to a haunted place. Most of my friends are pansies and there aren't any good haunted places in CO.
Estes Park!
02-18-2010, 12:19 AM
Estes Park!
I've never been to the Stanley Hotel but I doubt it's haunted like the really old places in Europe.
02-18-2010, 12:27 AM
I've never been to the Stanley Hotel but I doubt it's haunted like the really old places in Europe.
older doesn't always mean more haunted. though I have been to some cool places in England.
02-18-2010, 01:54 AM
older doesn't always mean more haunted. though I have been to some cool places in England.
I am beyond jealous of you. Hopefully I'll be able to visit my uncle in England at some point.
1. I'm moving to Canada next year.
2. My last show with Gyalázat is going to be tomorrow night. I'm quitting the band after growing up being a part of it, touring Europe, making new friends because of it, having our songs released, all of these things i never imagined when we started out. It's a comforting feeling.
3. I have a good job with lots of responsibility and awesome benefits that I don't really have the skills for.
4. I don't post new threads on here too much anymore eversince I'm on facebook. I seem to post stuff on there instead.
5. I spit all the time.
6. Co-worker sitting next to me has the hots for me and it's really fucking annoying. She's fully aware of me being in a serious relationship.
7. I'm colourblind, and as a result of that I own a purple sweater I have mistaken for navy blue. Also a green beanie which is grey for everybody else, and who knows what else!
8. When I go for a run I always listen to teenage bottlerocket's they came from the shadows album. Last year I took up on a habit of only listening to the Shorebirds, and only got bored of them after half a year has passed.
9. I really want to get tattooed but I can't because I have to save up money - I'm getting my thighs finished though for free.
10. When I think about my life and where i'm going with it, i can't help but consider myself a lucky bastard.
02-18-2010, 08:16 AM
1. I'm moving to Canada next year.
Say whaaaaat?! Thats AWESOME!
02-18-2010, 08:28 AM
1) When I was born, my dad wanted to name me Burfurt Rupert Bartholemew but my mom wouldn't let him because she didn't want kids to call me "Burf"
2) I have a twin sister, who technically isn't my twin. We were conceived three weeks apart
3) I am scared of using the phone. I will say anything to somebody's face, but the thought of using the phone terrifies me
4) I have seen every episode of dawson's creek....
5) I have a university degree in political science
6) I am fascinated by the politics of Central and Eastern Europe, especially immediately following the collapse of Communism and the Soviet Union.
7) I am socially awkward because I lack the ability to make small talk.
8) I played the bass clarinet for 4 years in my high school band
9) I was on the debate team in high school
10) Except for a select few events, I don't like the olympics.
02-18-2010, 08:41 AM
1) When I was born, my dad wanted to name me Burfurt Rupert Bartholemew but my mom wouldn't let him because she didn't want kids to call me "Burf"
did your dad watch a lot of you can't do that on television? and possibly while on drugs?
Say whaaaaat?! Thats AWESOME!
3) I am scared of using the phone. I will say anything to somebody's face, but the thought of using the phone terrifies me
that's strange. I have lots of people around me who are quite the opposite.
02-18-2010, 09:40 AM
3) I am scared of using the phone. I will say anything to somebody's face, but the thought of using the phone terrifies me
Same! I'm trying to get over it because it gets in the way of things I need/want to do, but I hate the phone.
02-18-2010, 10:36 AM
did your dad watch a lot of you can't do that on television? and possibly while on drugs?
I wish I could say he was, at least then there would be a logical reason for him to come up with such a wierd name.
that's strange. I have lots of people around me who are quite the opposite.
Yeah I know, I am a really out going person and I have no problem saying anything to anybody, but if I can't see them in person for some reason I am nervous
Same! I'm trying to get over it because it gets in the way of things I need/want to do, but I hate the phone.
I hate it, you are right it does get in the way of things that I want to do or I need to do. But I recently got a job at a hotel where a part of the job is answering phones, so I am getting a little bit better because I have to, but i still don't like it.
02-18-2010, 11:29 AM
7. I'm colourblind, and as a result of that I own a purple sweater I have mistaken for navy blue. Also a green beanie which is grey for everybody else, and who knows what else!
This would make me crazy. There is a guy that works for me that's color blind and he has done accidental hilarious things before because of it.
3) I am scared of using the phone. I will say anything to somebody's face, but the thought of using the phone terrifies me
7) I am socially awkward because I lack the ability to make small talk.
My sister is like that too. She won't order a pizza because she she is scared. Due to text messaging, I hate being on the phone too, I'd rather text. That probably makes me a douche.
I used to be really socially awkward, but I'm a pro now. Come hang out with me and I will fix your problem!
02-18-2010, 10:47 PM
Estes Park!
Been there. It's awesome. :D
Okay, my turn:
1. My sister was born on my 7th birthday.
2. When I get angry or nervous, a muttled Irish accent comes out.
3. I don't make friends with females easily.
4. I used to write a 'zine called RANT! for nearly 8 years.
5. I have OCD, but not severe enough to be medicated. I just tap things and need to have items stacked a/o color-coded.
6. I was born without one of my ribs.
7. I have seen the entire series of "Gilmore Girls" three times.
8. Belly dancing and yoga are probably the only feminine activities I publicly admit to doing.
9. My fear of crossing bridges was rapidly eliminated during my summer cross-country roadtrip. Being paralized while crossing the Brooklyn Bridge is not an option!
10. Ten is my favorite number-it represents completion. It was my number 8 out of the 10 years I played softball.
02-18-2010, 11:32 PM
My sister is like that too. She won't order a pizza because she she is scared. Due to text messaging, I hate being on the phone too, I'd rather text. That probably makes me a douche.
I used to be really socially awkward, but I'm a pro now. Come hang out with me and I will fix your problem!
texting is ridiculous and takes too much time and effort for simple conversation. If people text me i go back and forth twice before ringing them and demand we converse the matter in real time.
That said I used to be scared of the phone but that has come close to disapeering all together. I am much more positive toward using phones and actually enjoy it to a degree.
02-19-2010, 03:36 AM
1. My parents originally wanted to call me Martin when I was born. But they changed there mind and called me Dean.
2. When I was 9, my dad tried to scare me by hiding behind a bed and jumping out. He was met by a wicked punch to the face and his 9 yeard old succesfully gave him the best black eye of his life.
3. I am a big Dragonball Z fan. So much that I wish that in real life there was actually Z warriors and that I was a Super Saiyan. Fuck yeah.
4. I think I have some mild form or selective OCD or something. I organise select things perfectly and dis organisation really aggravates me and makes me angry. If a wall power socket is left switched on but it is powering nothing, this annoys me to no end and I must put the switch to off. People at work laugh at me for this as I walk around the campus switching off sockets and they all think I am insane.
5. I used to have some sort of allergy to seeded fruits up until I was 15, but it has now disappeared.
6. I have not ate red meat for going on 2 years now. I have only eaten chicken and fish.
7. I have been in an earthquake, but I would also love to experience a hurricane and see some tornado's in Death Valley.
8. I am fascinated with everything zombie related. I am constantly assessing areas and buildings to see how suitable they would be in surviving a zombie outbreak. When I eventually get a place of my own, it will be ready and prepared for an outbreak.
9. I really want to visit Japan. I will visit it one day. The country fascinates me in so many ways.
10. My eyesight is terrible. I am meant to wear glasses all of the time except when I am sleeping. I do not do this. I only wear them when driving and when sitting at home or at the computer here at work. I hate wearing glasses.
1. I'm big Alanis Morissette fan. I just love her voice...
2. I'm afraid of water. Mainly deep water where I can't see the bottom. It is a result of an accident when I almost drowned.
3. I ain't pushing my vertical limits so I'm afraid of heights, too.
4. I'm a big Linux supporter and long-time user, yet I code for a 100% MS-oriented software company.
5. I don't respect authorities other than those I recognize as such.
6. I have abnormally high IQ, but I also have ADHD which makes the capacity unusable.
7. I grew up in classic soviet bloc projects
8. I once did few digital hardcore / breakcore tracks for fun and they ended up on vinyl and CDcomp in Asia. I was like 14.
9. I'm very shy and I dislike eating in public.
10. My English is bad, but my German is even worse. I've studied it for about 11 years and I can hardly show foreigner a way to bahnhof.
02-19-2010, 07:49 PM
1. My parents originally wanted to call me Martin when I was born. But they changed there mind and called me Dean.
10. My eyesight is terrible. I am meant to wear glasses all of the time except when I am sleeping. I do not do this. I only wear them when driving and when sitting at home or at the computer here at work. I hate wearing glasses.
From now on you will be known as Martin. :)
You should wear your glasses more, or contacts. Not wearing them will make your eyesight worse and then zombies will be able to sneak up on you.
9. I'm very shy and I dislike eating in public.
10. My English is bad, but my German is even worse. I've studied it for about 11 years and I can hardly show foreigner a way to bahnhof.
do you not want people to see you eat or what? you don't seem too shy!
I think your English is awesome.
3. I don't make friends with females easily.
I don't either. I wonder why? I'm more at ease with guys than most girls.
02-21-2010, 07:23 PM
I'm such a zombie killing pro that I'll be fine even if I do go blind! no worries ;)
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