View Full Version : Whats your guys opinion on edge militant

03-20-2010, 06:29 PM
ive tried being vocal and physical with it
but its hard by yourself

03-20-2010, 06:32 PM
ive tried being vocal and physical with it
but its hard by yourself

my opinion is that they are all a bunch of fucktards

03-20-2010, 06:50 PM
why do you say that
i feel like there are people out there that take joy and convincing other people to make bad decisions
and they deserve to get wrecked

03-20-2010, 06:55 PM
why do you say that
i feel like there are people out there that take joy and convincing other people to make bad decisions
and they deserve to get wrecked

what do you think you ultimately accomplish though? Do you think you actually would change anyone's life or mind?

03-20-2010, 08:51 PM
why do you say that
i feel like there are people out there that take joy and convincing other people to make bad decisions
and they deserve to get wrecked

I see people who use violence to "educate" people according to their personal agenda as criminals.

03-20-2010, 09:19 PM
This reminds me of a softer version of the Boondock Saints.
I always wished the Boondock Saints were real to get rid of the really evil people in the world, but militant is alot different I do see how and why you can attack people who do/sell drugs.

It however is not in me to be violent, but look at it this way, if someone came up to you and started talking about Jesus Christ and you said "fuck off there is no jesus!" and he started beating the shit out of you, do you think that's right?

03-21-2010, 11:38 AM
I see people who use violence to "educate" people according to their personal agenda as criminals.

gimme your address, i wanna send you a cd! pm me!

03-21-2010, 04:14 PM
gimme your address, i wanna send you a cd! pm me!


03-21-2010, 05:29 PM
Roach, beating someone up for having a drink is not really the way to set a good example don't you think ?

03-21-2010, 05:45 PM
ive tried being vocal and physical with it
but its hard by yourself

People are entitled to make their own decisions in life, and just because they are different from yours doesn't give you the right to use violence. If somebody wants to make bad decisions they are entitled to do so. In my opinion, beating somebody up for doing drugs or drinking is no worse than somebody beating up a straight edger for not drinking or doing drugs.

03-28-2010, 03:05 PM
Roach, beating someone up for having a drink is not really the way to set a good example don't you think ?

im talking drug dealers here
not like 10 year olds that smoke because they think its cool

03-28-2010, 04:02 PM
im talking drug dealers here
not like 10 year olds that smoke because they think its cool

Bar tenders are drug dealers.

04-16-2010, 10:29 PM
Ok example first get the people around u to respect t the fact not to do it around u. But like me I dont go looking for fights. If I find out someone has it on them at the school I talk to them to see if they do. If they're selling I follow them and beat tthem up. If buying I convince them to get rid of it. If not I fight the. But like to night just got home from a lil party told my friend not to drink he did. I ruffed him up a bit. Not bad but then I dragged him to the shower made him stay there to sober up the left. Need anything message me and ill give u my number.

04-17-2010, 12:43 AM
Ever heard the saying "live and let live". Try it some time. It's awesome.

04-17-2010, 02:31 AM
what the hell??! who do you think you are.. captain america?? you can't just beat up people for different life decisions, can you?

04-17-2010, 02:55 AM
Ok example first get the people around u to respect t the fact not to do it around u. But like me I dont go looking for fights. If I find out someone has it on them at the school I talk to them to see if they do. If they're selling I follow them and beat tthem up. If buying I convince them to get rid of it. If not I fight the. But like to night just got home from a lil party told my friend not to drink he did. I ruffed him up a bit. Not bad but then I dragged him to the shower made him stay there to sober up the left. Need anything message me and ill give u my number.

i'M calling bullshit. If any of the above is true, you're just a sad person, obviously have no concept what sxe is about, and the fact you made a thread about asking people how straightedgers dress makes my statement even more valid.

i have lots of friends who drink around me, i have no problem with that. it doesn't effect me, they are only harming themselves and they know what exactly they are doing. this is what they want to do, i can not do anything about it other than educating them and supporting them if they need it.
i wouldn't want to be friends with somebody who hurst me physically to get their point across.

04-17-2010, 04:05 AM
Ok example first get the people around u to respect t the fact not to do it around u. But like me I dont go looking for fights. If I find out someone has it on them at the school I talk to them to see if they do. If they're selling I follow them and beat tthem up. If buying I convince them to get rid of it. If not I fight the. But like to night just got home from a lil party told my friend not to drink he did. I ruffed him up a bit. Not bad but then I dragged him to the shower made him stay there to sober up the left. Need anything message me and ill give u my number.

If this is true, I am going to come to your school and sell drugs just to spite you.

04-17-2010, 06:34 AM
Ok example first get the people around u to respect t the fact not to do it around u. But like me I dont go looking for fights. If I find out someone has it on them at the school I talk to them to see if they do. If they're selling I follow them and beat tthem up. If buying I convince them to get rid of it. If not I fight the. But like to night just got home from a lil party told my friend not to drink he did. I ruffed him up a bit. Not bad but then I dragged him to the shower made him stay there to sober up the left. Need anything message me and ill give u my number.

So basically you are a criminal acting outside of the law, just like they are. I think you should be up on charges for your actions and you should pay the legally defined punishment for your crime and blatent disregard for the law.

You should change your title here to criminal bully boy or something...you mentioned the word respect in your post but its a lost concept on you...you neither get or give respect.

However, like others here, your story does sound like a rather imaginative tale that has only ever existed inside your rather warped head.

04-17-2010, 08:51 AM
It's either a story to get hardcore points or youthful indiscretions.

04-23-2010, 05:32 PM
Ok dipshit how wud it make you feel if your friend said he was straight edge the u catch him drinking

04-23-2010, 06:08 PM
Ok dipshit how wud it make you feel if your friend said he was straight edge the u catch him drinking

Who is this addressed to?

Eh...it doesn't matter: I would be disappointed to find my friend drinking if he claimed edge. Anger would be appropriate if the person was sneaking the drink in hopes of not getting caught and continuing to claim sxe. However, it doesn't boil to the point of wanting to beat someone up.

04-23-2010, 06:09 PM
Ok dipshit how wud it make you feel if your friend said he was straight edge the u catch him drinking

No need to call anyone dipshit. If my friend did that then I would be very disappointed in them. But I would never beat them up for it. That's just ridiculous, immature and extreme.

04-23-2010, 07:56 PM
Ok dipshit how wud it make you feel if your friend said he was straight edge the u catch him drinking

What he does has no impact on me. Especially not enough of an impact to warrant the use of violence.

04-24-2010, 03:18 AM
Ok dipshit how wud it make you feel if your friend said he was straight edge the u catch him drinking

so how do you feel about being a criminal whilst the drinker is perfectly law abiding and innocent? Would you beat your mother or someone elses mother or grandmother for drinking. For making their own choice in life? Are you going to beat on people for any life choice that doesn't reflect your own world view?

04-24-2010, 08:21 AM
Ok dipshit how wud it make you feel if your friend said he was straight edge the u catch him drinking

then they would not be my friend anymore. you need to surround yourself with loyal friends and if they cant keep their word, wether it be about breaking edge or cheating on their girlfriend, i dont know, anyways, they would no longer be my friend. does that mean i have to smash their head in, no, would i like to, yes, but you have to have the same self discipline that makes you straight edge and use it all the time. lack of discipline for breaking down and drinking all the time is the same lack of discipline you have when you cant control your anger.

El Moro
04-24-2010, 02:30 PM
People are entitled to make their own decisions in life, and just because they are different from yours doesn't give you the right to use violence. If somebody wants to make bad decisions they are entitled to do so. In my opinion, beating somebody up for doing drugs or drinking is no worse than somebody beating up a straight edger for not drinking or doing drugs.


04-26-2010, 07:12 AM
Well put Danny! I have taught you well young grass hopper!

04-26-2010, 07:13 AM
Allthough I do not think I would have the same self control to not beat up a fellow SE that sold out.

04-26-2010, 09:00 AM
Allthough I do not think I would have the same self control to not beat up a fellow SE that sold out.

yeah thats like saying what you would do in a car accident. you never know what you going to don until you are put in to that position. idk i might kick some ass i might not. hmmmm

04-26-2010, 10:03 AM
Allthough I do not think I would have the same self control to not beat up a fellow SE that sold out.

That's just ridiculous.

04-26-2010, 10:11 AM
yeah thats like saying what you would do in a car accident. you never know what you going to don until you are put in to that position. idk i might kick some ass i might not. hmmmm

Well if you kick someones ass for that you would be a dick.

04-26-2010, 10:24 AM
Well if you kick someones ass for that you would be a dick.

im not saying i go around doing this. all im saying is i dont know what i would do.

i do know one thing. you have to fight for what you believe in. now did you know ian mckay threw a hammer at some one for blowing pot smoke in his face. i thought of that when i answered. you cant say you will always fight, or you will never fight. it depends on the entire subject. so next time have an open mind.

04-26-2010, 10:26 AM
im not saying i go around doing this. all im saying is i dont know what i would do.

i do know one thing. you have to fight for what you believe in. now did you know ian mckay threw a hammer at some one for blowing pot smoke in his face. i thought of that when i answered. you cant say you will always fight, or you will never fight. it depends on the entire subject. so next time have an open mind.

except that those are two different things.

04-26-2010, 10:52 AM
except that those are two different things.

what do you mean?

and by this im not trying to pick a fight or be miss construed in what im saying. i just dont know what you mean.

04-26-2010, 11:07 AM
what do you mean?

and by this im not trying to pick a fight or be miss construed in what im saying. i just dont know what you mean.

well, you're putting on the same level some dude blowing smoke into your face, wich is clearly a defiant act where your personal space gets traspassed and also most likely in ian's case it was to defy him.

what was first said was about beating up somebody who was straight edge and then started drinking or smoking or anything. nobody's doing shit to you and nobody should act against that because its nobody's call or right or duty to.

in mckaye's case, its not even related to being or not being straight edge, but just reacting at somebody who's attacking you.

04-26-2010, 11:25 AM
well, you're putting on the same level some dude blowing smoke into your face, wich is clearly a defiant act where your personal space gets traspassed and also most likely in ian's case it was to defy him.

what was first said was about beating up somebody who was straight edge and then started drinking or smoking or anything. nobody's doing shit to you and nobody should act against that because its nobody's call or right or duty to.

in mckaye's case, its not even related to being or not being straight edge, but just reacting at somebody who's attacking you.

i see your point. all im saying is it hard to believe in something so much that you devote your entire life to it and someone else just throw it away. its hard to stand by and do nothing. now, doing something is not fighting, it can be anything to having a talk to doing what im doing now and writing about it, but do something.

now the reason that became SE in the first place is to be positive. so thinking about it that way, the positive way, how would that look if im doing this to be positive and then i go and fight someone, one of the most negative things you can do.

all i meant by my original statement, which has been blown out of proportion, im leaving room for the unknown. i cant say i will or will not do any thing in this matter.

by the way, i have never debated over the subject of straight edge with someone else who is straight edge as well. thanks. its an experience. everyone has there views and im learning a ton.

04-26-2010, 11:28 AM
i see your point. all im saying is it hard to believe in something so much that you devote your entire life to it and someone else just throw it away. its hard to stand by and do nothing. now, doing something is not fighting, it can be anything to having a talk to doing what im doing now and writing about it, but do something.

now the reason that became SE in the first place is to be positive. so thinking about it that way, the positive way, how would that look if im doing this to be positive and then i go and fight someone, one of the most negative things you can do.

all i meant by my original statement, which has been blown out of proportion, im leaving room for the unknown. i cant say i will or will not do any thing in this matter.

by the way, i have never debated over the subject of straight edge with someone else who is straight edge as well. thanks. its an experience. everyone has there views and im learning a ton.

doing something good is good, forcing your views is bad and counterproductive.

04-26-2010, 11:37 AM
doing something good is good, forcing your views is bad and counterproductive.

dude. this is the understatement of the year. im am right outside of Baghdad right now and i know this all too well.

04-26-2010, 12:12 PM
Noone said anything about forcing views on anyone and yes we do no this all too well right now! However Ill be damned if I sit back and let people make a mokery out of SE.

04-26-2010, 12:20 PM
Noone said anything about forcing views on anyone and yes we do no this all too well right now! However Ill be damned if I sit back and let people make a mokery out of SE.

you just contradicted yourself.

04-26-2010, 12:25 PM
Contradicted how? There is a difference between forcing views and allowing people to smear or ruin a reputation or take this as a big old joke.

04-26-2010, 12:28 PM
Contradicted how? There is a difference between forcing views and allowing people to smear or ruin a reputation or take this as a big old joke.

if you're not forcing your views, what are you doing?

04-26-2010, 12:39 PM
Im not forcing anyone to be SE or take my point of view no,( I actually discourage it most of the time, to keep half asses and posers away) but when you take my point of view and make a mockery out of it then I am obligated to do something. This is loyalty I am true to SE.

04-26-2010, 12:42 PM
Im not forcing anyone to be SE or take my point of view no,( I actually discourage it most of the time, to keep half asses and posers away) but when you take my point of view and make a mockery out of it then I am obligated to do something. This is loyalty I am true to SE.

And you're forcing your viewpoint on someone else. You keep making contradictory statements. Either it's their business or it's yours. If it's yours, why is it yours? I personally think that attitudes like yours do way more damage to straight edge than second rounders and sellouts. It reinforces negative stereotypes and leads people to believe that straight edge is a violent/militant thing, and it really isn't. What do you actually gain in this scenario? What actually changes? Do you even think there are any negative repercussions for this?

04-26-2010, 12:49 PM
Where have I said any any post that I am forcing views on anyone? I have said I actually discourage it most of the time. I am not militant by any means. I do not beat up random Joe for smoking or not being SE. The only time I have a problem is when people jump on the SE band wagon or cause it is cool this school year or what have you. The only times I have been in fights for being SE is when it was started by others because I was SE and they did not like that.

04-26-2010, 12:52 PM
Im all for soberity and getting the pure message out there and trust me I do, ie online work, pettions, rally work stuff like that, even simple stuff as wearing SE clothes to brodcast the message and people ask me all the time about them and my tattoos and what it all means. But I am not violent by any means. I do not tarnish the SE message or reputation.

04-26-2010, 12:58 PM
Where have I said any any post that I am forcing views on anyone? I have said I actually discourage it most of the time. I am not militant by any means. I do not beat up random Joe for smoking or not being SE. The only time I have a problem is when people jump on the SE band wagon or cause it is cool this school year or what have you. The only times I have been in fights for being SE is when it was started by others because I was SE and they did not like that.

"allowing people to smear or ruin a reputation or take this as a big old joke."
The only way to stop people from doing that is by forcing your views on them. Why would you actively discourage someone from trying to live sober? I mean, can't you see that what you're talking about is a losing battle? I've know people over the years that were really deeply committed to straight edge. And then something happened in their life and it wasn't who/what they were about anymore. There's no way to know ahead of time who will or won't sellout. There's no way of knowing that you or I tomorrow won't have something change in our life that makes living sober not make sense. That doesn't mean that people shouldn't be encouraged to be straight edge and make the most of out their time with it. Some will stick with it for life, but most won't. That's just a fact of life.

04-26-2010, 01:04 PM
Im all for soberity and getting the pure message out there and trust me I do, ie online work, pettions, rally work stuff like that, even simple stuff as wearing SE clothes to brodcast the message and people ask me all the time about them and my tattoos and what it all means. But I am not violent by any means. I do not tarnish the SE message or reputation.

then I guess I'm kind confused why you said this "Allthough I do not think I would have the same self control to not beat up a fellow SE that sold out."

04-26-2010, 01:05 PM
Not letting people ruin a reputation is not just fighting and being violent, but debate or disscusion which I do alot. And I agree definatley that we should encourage soberity. I encourage soberity everyday just ask all my soldiers I give them all kinds of facts on the health risks ok smoking and the stats on drinking. They hate me most of the time. And I encourage those who are serious about being SE and being that way for life. And yes we never know what might happen tommorow. But I know in my heart of hearts I will be SE for life.

04-26-2010, 01:08 PM
then I guess I'm kind confused why you said this "Allthough I do not think I would have the same self control to not beat up a fellow SE that sold out."

What I was saying is that I am not sure how situations arise and depending on how it all went down a fight might ensue. But alot of the time it doesnt. I had a good friend of mine bring all of us (SE crew) together and sit us down and told us he drank and said he was sorry and he wasnt going to be SE anymore and we all respected him for that. But he knew it was his time to leave and he did. Like you said earlier you do not know what life throws at you and sometimes a fight ensues but alot of the time it doesnt.

04-26-2010, 01:26 PM
What I was saying is that I am not sure how situations arise and depending on how it all went down a fight might ensue. But alot of the time it doesnt. I had a good friend of mine bring all of us (SE crew) together and sit us down and told us he drank and said he was sorry and he wasnt going to be SE anymore and we all respected him for that. But he knew it was his time to leave and he did. Like you said earlier you do not know what life throws at you and sometimes a fight ensues but alot of the time it doesnt.

So what is actually wrong if in a few years he sits all of you down again and says that he was sorry, that he made a mistake and that straight edge is really who he is and how he wants to live is life. What is the actual harm in that? If dude is sincere, what is the problem with him being second round? What does it hurt and what does it diminish?

04-26-2010, 01:29 PM
Hes not welcome back. He can live a sober life and I will support him however he is not SE anymore. Many people live sober lives and are not SE. He will be one of those.

04-26-2010, 01:31 PM
then I guess I'm kind confused why you said this "Allthough I do not think I would have the same self control to not beat up a fellow SE that sold out."

i have one simple question sense you want to dissect everyone else's views on a simple subject. and its not to be looked in to more than it is. its a simple yes/no question.

once you claimed straight edge, have you ever smoked or drank or broken edge in anyway shape or form?

i think you are taking defense in this subject do to the fact that you your self have broken your word at one point. thats the only reason that you would sit here and try to tare apart someone else views. i just dont understand. i know that this is a subject that is close to every one sence every one here at one point or another made a pact with themselves about the sobriety of their life.

04-26-2010, 01:33 PM
Are you a second chancer, is this why this hits so close to home?

04-26-2010, 01:39 PM
i have one simple question sense you want to dissect everyone else's views on a simple subject. and its not to be looked in to more than it is. its a simple yes/no question.

once you claimed straight edge, have you ever smoked or drank or broken edge in anyway shape or form?

i think you are taking defense in this subject do to the fact that you your self have broken your word at one point. thats the only reason that you would sit here and try to tare apart someone else views. i just dont understand. i know that this is a subject that is close to every one sence every one here at one point or another made a pact with themselves about the sobriety of their life.

nope. I've been straight edge, without break since I was a kid.

04-26-2010, 01:40 PM
Hes not welcome back. He can live a sober life and I will support him however he is not SE anymore. Many people live sober lives and are not SE. He will be one of those.

ok, why? if he chooses to call himself straight edge again, what harm is actually done?

04-26-2010, 01:43 PM
No harm, but it shows thats its ok to sellout and go drink or do whatever then you can come back and everything is ok. Like I said before its not a church you cant come and go and do what you please and then ask for forgivness and all is well in the SE land. Its the point that selling out will not be tolerated.

04-26-2010, 01:45 PM
No harm, but it shows thats its ok to sellout and go drink or do whatever then you can come back and everything is ok. Like I said before its not a church you cant come and go and do what you please and then ask for forgivness and all is well in the SE land. Its the point that selling out will not be tolerated.

yeah, you've said that, but you haven't explained why. I'm not talking about some kid who drinks on the weekend and calls himself straight edge during the week. I'm talking about someone who was edge as a kid, sold out when they hit college and then realized that it wasn't for them and that straight edge was. Can you seriously explain to me, why that person isn't straight edge?

04-26-2010, 01:46 PM
nope. I've been straight edge, without break since I was a kid.

ok then you have devoted your life to living straight. you have absolutely no feelings when someone else makes a mockery of your chosen life style. its only natural to become offended by such things. you put your heart and sole in to a way of life and then someone else makes it into a joke.

what are your feelings toward people who treat your chosen life style as a joke?

04-26-2010, 01:48 PM
ok then you have devoted your life to living straight. you have absolutely no feelings when someone else makes a mockery of your chosen life style. its only natural to become offended by such things. you put your heart and sole in to a way of life and then someone else makes it into a joke.

what are your feelings toward people who treat your chosen life style as a joke?

I don't see how it's a mockery or a joke, any more than I see other people getting divorced a mockery or a joke of my marriage. I don't see how/why I should care about it the way you two do.

04-26-2010, 01:49 PM
He doesn't care. People come and go, SE one day then life happens and then they are not and when the realize they are fuck ups and want to be sober.....guess what? WELCOME BACK with a hug. No harm no foul.

04-26-2010, 01:50 PM
He doesn't care. People come and go, SE one day then life happens and then they are not and when the realize they are fuck ups and want to be sober.....guess what? WELCOME BACK with a hug. No harm no foul.

hitting the quote button is useful so we know who you're talking to.

04-26-2010, 01:53 PM
I don't see how it's a mockery or a joke, any more than I see other people getting divorced a mockery or a joke of my marriage. I don't see how/why I should care about it the way you two do.

Maybe you should be the sober guy not the SE guy, maybe an AA sponsor or something postive like that. We maintain the scene we keep it what it was and should always be. Straight Edge, True Till Death. Not Straight Edge, True till life happens, then Back to Straight Edge then True till life happens.....well you get the point.

04-26-2010, 01:54 PM
I don't see how it's a mockery or a joke, any more than I see other people getting divorced a mockery or a joke of my marriage. I don't see how/why I should care about it the way you two do.

im just trying to understand why you feel the way you do. so far it seems you dont care about anything, which i know is not true. so im trying to understand why you became straight edge in the first place? what do you do in your community to influence others? do you support your community? by the way, dont get mad. im just asking you questions.

04-26-2010, 01:55 PM
hitting the quote button is useful so we know who you're talking to.

I am talking about you.

04-26-2010, 01:56 PM
Maybe you should be the sober guy not the SE guy, maybe an AA sponsor or something postive like that. We maintain the scene we keep it what it was and should always be. Straight Edge, True Till Death. Not Straight Edge, True till life happens, then Back to Straight Edge then True till life happens.....well you get the point.

yeah, except that what you're saying isn't really reflected in the population.

04-26-2010, 01:56 PM
I am talking about you.

good, then you can explain to me what harm is actually caused then.

04-26-2010, 01:59 PM
im just trying to understand why you feel the way you do. so far it seems you dont care about anything, which i know is not true. so im trying to understand why you became straight edge in the first place? what do you do in your community to influence others? do you support your community? by the way, dont get mad. im just asking you questions.

Noone is mad, In SE there are all verying different levels of dedication, I just like to debate and see what other SEers are all about. We are all just on different sides of the SE spectrum of living. Some keep it simple with no drinking, no smoking, no drugs. Others go no caffiene, vegans, no RX meds no crazy sexcapades. So on so forth. We are all at different levels we are a little more involved and dedicated than he.

04-26-2010, 02:00 PM
im just trying to understand why you feel the way you do. so far it seems you dont care about anything, which i know is not true. so im trying to understand why you became straight edge in the first place? what do you do in your community to influence others? do you support your community? by the way, dont get mad. im just asking you questions.

because through the 20 or so years I've been straight edge, I've known an awful lot of people who claimed when they were too young to have any clue about who they were, what they believed or what they were about just to sell out when they get older. I've also known a good percentage of those same people get older and realize that being straight edge is important to them and something they want to be. I don't really understand how you think that me not agreeing with you somehow equates to me not caring. I think that your viewpoint is contradictory, unrealistic and doesn't really reflect the reality in the scene. And dude, you do realize this is my website right?

04-26-2010, 02:02 PM
good, then you can explain to me what harm is actually caused then.

It hurts the scene, it hurts the crews, it hurts the message, it hurts me. It sends the wrong message that its ok to break edge and come back, and its not. This is a life long commitment.

04-26-2010, 02:05 PM
It hurts the scene, it hurts the crews, it hurts the message, it hurts me. It sends the wrong message that its ok to break edge and come back, and its not. This is a life long commitment.

again with the rhetoric. HOW does it hurt you? How does it hurt the message?

If you get divorced, are you never going to marry again?

04-26-2010, 02:10 PM
Well I am not going to get divorced so that is not in any equation. I told my wife I will love her till death do us part. And by God thats what the hell I meant. And I know what you will say next.... well you never know what life will bring. I do, a long happy life with my wife and kids. And it hurts the scene because it sends the message that SE is a joke. Not a serious group of people dedicated to living there lives way outside the norm of the everyday dude. It hurts me because it mocks what I have dedicated my life too.

04-26-2010, 02:13 PM
because through the 20 or so years I've been straight edge, I've known an awful lot of people who claimed when they were too young to have any clue about who they were, what they believed or what they were about just to sell out when they get older. I've also known a good percentage of those same people get older and realize that being straight edge is important to them and something they want to be. I don't really understand how you think that me not agreeing with you somehow equates to me not caring. I think that your viewpoint is contradictory, unrealistic and doesn't really reflect the reality in the scene. And dude, you do realize this is my website right?

ok calm down mr. this is my website, we all have jobs. now im just asking questions about you and your views. thats all.

and if im too loyal and being straight edge is what i hold dear to my heart is wrong and thats not what the sene is about, then i dont want to be apart of your sene. because i know its what its about else where.

now on to you mr. dusty, i dont think you even know what the sene is anymore. i think you are too afraid that you are not in an active roll in the sene anymore. other than running a website out of your basement at the age of 30 something.

04-26-2010, 02:17 PM
Well I am not going to get divorced so that is not in any equation. I told my wife I will love her till death do us part. And by God thats what the hell I meant. And I know what you will say next.... well you never know what life will bring. I do, a long happy life with my wife and kids. And it hurts the scene because it sends the message that SE is a joke. Not a serious group of people dedicated to living there lives way outside the norm of the everyday dude. It hurts me because it mocks what I have dedicated my life too.

You didn't answer the question.

How does people who are involved in it, at any given point in time, that are completely and totally sincere about their life, make a joke of it? How does that mock anything? I guess I don't see why you care so much about how other people are living their lives, especially people who made the decision to live sober.

04-26-2010, 02:19 PM
Your right I dont care how others live there life! But SE is my life and they wont ruin it!

04-26-2010, 02:20 PM
ok calm down mr. this is my website, we all have jobs. now im just asking questions about you and your views. thats all.

and if im too loyal and being straight edge is what i hold dear to my heart is wrong and thats not what the sene is about, then i dont want to be apart of your sene. because i know its what its about else where.

now on to you mr. dusty, i dont think you even know what the sene is anymore. i think you are too afraid that you are not in an active roll in the sene anymore. other than running a website out of your basement at the age of 30 something.

the first real way to tell if someone is upset is usually really bad typos. The second way is when they take what was a civil conversation and start lobbing insults.

04-26-2010, 02:23 PM
Well man I tell you what this site is a joke, your a joke, your views as to what SE are is a joke. And please as this is "your" site delete my profile I do not want to be a part of this bullshit website that you shamefully call "straight edge". Take a good long look at what SE is and what it means to you, becasue you arent SE you are some dude who loves everyone and just happens to be sober. Life just happened.

04-26-2010, 02:28 PM
Well man I tell you what this site is a joke, your a joke, your views as to what SE are is a joke. And please as this is "your" site delete my profile I do not want to be a part of this bullshit website that you shamefully call "straight edge". Take a good long look at what SE is and what it means to you, becasue you arent SE you are some dude who loves everyone and just happens to be sober. Life just happened.

awesome, good luck!

04-26-2010, 02:32 PM
i agree. i thought this was an awesome site where you could discuss different views of SE but that was until the owner, mr. dusty came in to the picture. i think this web site is bull shit and the admin has nothing else to do other than critic other peoples views and gets up set when you ask about his. and this is not the first time. the entire time i was on this web site i saw him harass over and over again. and i know you are reading this, i think that you dont even understand what it means to be SE. i think that you are confused and you shut down if someone asks you about this. NOW, i will not be apart of this mockery any longer. i would like to have my account removed and not contacted again any further.

04-26-2010, 02:33 PM
i agree. i thought this was an awesome site where you could discuss different views of SE but that was until the owner, mr. dusty came in to the picture. i think this web site is bull shit and the admin has nothing else to do other than critic other peoples views and gets up set when you ask about his. and this is not the first time. the entire time i was on this web site i saw him harass over and over again. and i know you are reading this, i think that you dont even understand what it means to be SE. i think that you are confused and you shut down if someone asks you about this. NOW, i will not be apart of this mockery any longer. i would like to have my account removed and not contacted again any further.

awesome, good luck to you too!

04-26-2010, 02:35 PM
i agree. i thought this was an awesome site where you could discuss different views of SE

i think this web site is bull shit and the admin has nothing else to do other than critic other peoples views and gets up set when you ask about his.


04-26-2010, 03:10 PM

Aye to that.

04-26-2010, 03:18 PM
I love this site. I come here whenever I need clarity about an issue or need support for something. I believe we're the positive straight edge people. This site is one of the reasons I finally decided to claim edge. Thank you Dusty!!!

04-26-2010, 04:24 PM
awesome, good luck!

Dusty, quit loving people so much, that is anti-edge!

04-27-2010, 01:54 AM
what the hell ? :-)) Dusty, you've hurt some egos again... I love this site, I love this site, I LOVE this site.. eat it, gentlemen...

04-27-2010, 10:28 AM
thank you guys for the kind words.

04-27-2010, 04:38 PM
awww damn, i missed it all!

04-27-2010, 08:59 PM
awww damn, i missed it all!

Me too. Wowee...

04-27-2010, 09:16 PM
I'm just bummed that I never got a straight answer as to what harm was actually done before they both threw temper tantrums.

04-28-2010, 02:52 AM
I'm just bummed that I never got a straight answer as to what harm was actually done before they both threw temper tantrums.

Kids these days.. they get nothin' done !

04-28-2010, 01:00 PM
i agree. i thought this was an awesome site where you could discuss different views of SE but that was until the owner, mr. dusty came in to the picture. i think this web site is bull shit and the admin has nothing else to do other than critic other peoples views and gets up set when you ask about his. and this is not the first time. the entire time i was on this web site i saw him harass over and over again. and i know you are reading this, i think that you dont even understand what it means to be SE. i think that you are confused and you shut down if someone asks you about this. NOW, i will not be apart of this mockery any longer. i would like to have my account removed and not contacted again any further.

I enjoy the fact he accuses dusty of not understanding what it is to be straight edge, meanwhile he has lyrics to a throwdown song as his signature.

04-28-2010, 03:41 PM
I'm just bummed that I never got a straight answer as to what harm was actually done before they both threw temper tantrums.

A straight answer would have been amazing!

05-03-2010, 12:20 AM
so how do you feel about being a criminal whilst the drinker is perfectly law abiding and innocent? Would you beat your mother or someone elses mother or grandmother for drinking. For making their own choice in life? Are you going to beat on people for any life choice that doesn't reflect your own world view? what if I said I felt great beating the shit out of a 16yr old kid that I thought was my friend who is a sxe sellout and was a sell out more than once? All u people r being lil cry babies about people selling out. And proud to be straight edge. Straight edge is dying out kuz people like you are not going to make a Stand for something you belive In. If u felt so strong about edge u wud make a damn statement and not a a pasafist. Or how ever its spelled. Look even lincon had to make a statment about his ideas thinking slavary is not right which leads to the civil war! Ya a fucking war. What do u think straight edge is fighting about we r all here kuz were r drug free ok! I'm going to Stand up for what I belive in. And if u don't like it really nothing u can do to stop me.

05-03-2010, 01:15 AM
if you felt great beating up anyone, you propably should attend a psychologist, cause then you are dangerous to society with these issues. there are many ways to stand up for what you believe in and violence is simply lack of fantasy or inovation in this matter. Lincoln maybe started a war - but to PROTECT people (and nothern economics). who are you protecting by beating up someone who sell out? what's the problem with your ego that you take someone elses actions so personally that you can't stand it and fail to maintain insight. you are the weak.. you evidently can't control your emotions to the point when you're dangerous to other people and you're making straight edge bad name.. this is not a gang, this is not something to make you look tough..

05-03-2010, 01:27 AM
what if I said I felt great beating the shit out of a 16yr old kid that I thought was my friend who is a sxe sellout and was a sell out more than once? All u people r being lil cry babies about people selling out. And proud to be straight edge. Straight edge is dying out kuz people like you are not going to make a Stand for something you belive In. If u felt so strong about edge u wud make a damn statement and not a a pasafist. Or how ever its spelled. Look even lincon had to make a statment about his ideas thinking slavary is not right which leads to the civil war! Ya a fucking war. What do u think straight edge is fighting about we r all here kuz were r drug free ok! I'm going to Stand up for what I belive in. And if u don't like it really nothing u can do to stop me.

All I see is a lack of education.

05-03-2010, 03:29 AM
Straight edge is dying out kuz people like you are not going to make a Stand for something you belive In.

Just to hop on the crazy-train with you, do you have statistics showing that ?

05-03-2010, 07:44 AM
Straight edge is dying out kuz people like you are not going to make a Stand for something you belive In

You know the biggest reason people I have encountered were down on sXe in my years being edge were because of the mindless thug reputation the scene got from people who think like you.

If a person sells out, beating them up doesn't fix that, and it doesn't bring them back, it also doesn't encourage more people to get involved (I know I wouldn't want to be a part of that kind of thing)

Perhaps beinbg the kind of person a guy can come to if he's thinking about breaking edge, someone who this person would trust to listen, and is smart enough that the words spoken wou;d be sound and true would make it so less friends would sell out?

Maybe edge could only grow stronger from support and making damn sure there's something worth sticking around for makes edge stronger and not fists and threats?

I believe in edge, and would make a stand for what I believe in. Because I believe in the straight edge cause and I believe as many "true till 21" jokes might come from the sellouts, the "sxe is just a bunch of violent kids looking for an excuse to a fight" opinion that comes from attitudes like yours is far more negative to the scene.

Plus seriously beating a kid up for selling out, what is that supposed to achieve? A load of kids who don't believe in straight edge any more still claiming so they don't get beat up? Is a scene full of people afraid to be true to themselves associating with Straight edge even though they don't believe in it really better to you and more positive than a few sell outs? I'd rather have a scene of people true to what they believe in with a few falling along the way, than a scene filled with thugs and terrified poseurs.

05-03-2010, 12:49 PM
All I see is a lack of education.

Well, I wasn't going to say this earlier because I know some kids are very mature...but he's 14-years-old. Sounds like the typical extremes and misuse of information a kid goes through.

05-03-2010, 02:46 PM
what if I said I felt great beating the shit out of a 16yr old kid that I thought was my friend who is a sxe sellout and was a sell out more than once?

Then you would be a criminal who shows no remorse for what are clearly anti social actions, how do you feel about part of the trash that society doesn't need or want? I mean seriously, how does it make you feel to to be a violent criminal? Is that cool to you?

All u people r being lil cry babies about people selling out.

Where, and please direct me, are people crying about people selling out? I would love to see what you are actually basing this on...my guess is you just pulled that out of your ass but please, prove me wrong.

And proud to be straight edge. Straight edge is dying out kuz people like you are not going to make a Stand for something you belive In. If u felt so strong about edge u wud make a damn statement and not a a pasafist. Or how ever its spelled.

Ok, straightedge is not dying out (again feel free to provide evidence to the contrary), and people are making a stand. People are doing it with out violence. How does violence actually make straightedge more approachable...it simply turns it into a retarded gang, beating on people with different views and just being a completely negative movement. The only statement you make by beating on people is that you are grossly intollerent of different beliefs and sickeningly violent. Oh, and its pacifist if you actually wanted to know?

Look even lincon had to make a statment about his ideas thinking slavary is not right which leads to the civil war! Ya a fucking war.

And believe it or not lincoln wasn't a criminal for doing so but thats neither here nor there, the analogy of lincoln is wasted here as its completely redundant as its an utterly different thing altogether.

What do u think straight edge is fighting about we r all here kuz were r drug free ok! I'm going to Stand up for what I belive in. And if u don't like it really nothing u can do to stop me.

Ummm, how is someone else decining not to be edge actualy preventing you from avoiding drugs? You stand up for what you believe in by simply being abstinant and violence is not required at all and has no place and no value toward making straightedge a stronger message. As you can probably tell by the responses you have recieved for your post you are coming off as a complete moron, i sincerely hope you can recognise this and accept that maybe violence is pointless and has no value, i hope you have the ability to actually recohgnise that you are wrong about this and simply learn from it and actually become a much better, stronger more positive person that doesn't rely upon violence to make a point or a stand. I have a terrible feeling though that you will be one of those kids that is completely blinkered to logic and will just ignore every sensible thing said to you...and again, please feel free to prove me wrong here.

05-03-2010, 07:50 PM
what if I said I felt great beating the shit out of a 16yr old kid that I thought was my friend who is a sxe sellout and was a sell out more than once? All u people r being lil cry babies about people selling out. And proud to be straight edge. Straight edge is dying out kuz people like you are not going to make a Stand for something you belive In. If u felt so strong about edge u wud make a damn statement and not a a pasafist. Or how ever its spelled. Look even lincon had to make a statment about his ideas thinking slavary is not right which leads to the civil war! Ya a fucking war. What do u think straight edge is fighting about we r all here kuz were r drug free ok! I'm going to Stand up for what I belive in. And if u don't like it really nothing u can do to stop me.

I used to be straight edge. I'm not anymore. I'll give you my address if you would like to discuss this issue in person, but I am going to assume you are a coward who just likes to talk tough on the internet. I am willing to bet money that you've never even been in a fight let alone beat somebody up.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with people having different opinions and views on lifestyles. I still greatly respect the straight edge lifestyle and I have many straight edge friends, but I decided that it is not something that adhered to the way I lived my life. Does that make me a sellout? potentially, but does that warrant some little punk threatening to beat me up because I choose to live my life differently than he does? Not at all. Grow the fuck up kid.

05-08-2010, 08:29 PM
What a fun read!

As for me, my Edge-bro and I have a pact. Sell out/get stomped. The likelyhood of that actually happening is slim. Very slim.

When I was younger I always thought of a militant group of Edge minded people plotting and planning terrorist like raids against the booze industry. Raids on productions areas including farms where they grow the raw ingredients. Next would be distribution centers - then finally retailers.

Another group could hunt druggies and dealers, mostly for the money and that money would go towards the friendly happy face of the movement.

I always thought it'd be badass to have an Edgeman or Edgewoman in congress - or if some of them could work their way to the top of the business or enterntainment sectors.

Then slowly it'd be OK not to booze it up/smoke etc. Then more time would pass and it'd be cool to be Straight Edge and not just to other Straight Edge kids. (I call all Edge people kids, mostly because we know how to have fun - real fun - just like kids)

-so then I grew up a little bit and realized that beating people up and stealing their money to fund political special interests wasn't really workable. Terrorism doesen't work unless you can unleash it on a massive scale and keep it going. I'm betting most of our militants would be killed or arrested within a few months.

I figured out that being a militant Edge kid isn't a good way to spread the gooie goodness. Being good, honest, noble, and true work way better. People who share the same positive attributes will come - or as in my case... maybe not.

So yeah. Thats all.

05-08-2010, 08:40 PM
-so then I grew up a little bit and realized that beating people up and stealing their money to fund political special interests wasn't really workable. Terrorism doesen't work unless you can unleash it on a massive scale and keep it going. I'm betting most of our militants would be killed or arrested within a few months.

so, if we had the means and the people to make it on a massive scale and keep it going strong... would that be okay then?

05-08-2010, 11:16 PM
so, if we had the means and the people to make it on a massive scale and keep it going strong... would that be okay then?

As far as I can tell terrorism is never ok broski. I mean... it can bring results but is it ok? No sir.

05-08-2010, 11:35 PM
As far as I can tell terrorism is never ok broski. I mean... it can bring results but is it ok? No sir.

well, by your post it seems that you desisted on that dream of raids and militant kids beating people up because it wouldnt work. not because you think terrorism is bad.

05-09-2010, 03:51 AM
well, by your post it seems that you desisted on that dream of raids and militant kids beating people up because it wouldnt work. not because you think terrorism is bad.

When you're a kid you have a long way to go.

05-09-2010, 08:13 AM
well, by your post it seems that you desisted on that dream of raids and militant kids beating people up because it wouldnt work. not because you think terrorism is bad.

Back in the day I didn't really think of things in terms of good or bad. Just effective or ineffective. In my youth I was driven by a simple logic engine based around my own complete selfishness.

I don't think the same way as I used too.


05-09-2010, 08:29 AM
Back in the day I didn't really think of things in terms of good or bad. Just effective or ineffective. In my youth I was driven by a simple logic engine based around my own complete selfishness.

I don't think the same way as I used too.


and not based on effectiveness either as those actions would really not constitute effective in anything but setting people against you and making you seem rather misguided. So do you still have your pact or not?

05-09-2010, 09:47 AM
and not based on effectiveness either as those actions would really not constitute effective in anything but setting people against you and making you seem rather misguided. So do you still have your pact or not?

Soooo... I'm done "talking" about this.

Pact = forever.


05-09-2010, 09:56 AM
Soooo... I'm done "talking" about this.

Pact = forever.


Ok, you've done. Your pact is really kinda dumb and makes as much sense as the way you were thinking when you were younger which you have now rejected. The threat of violence is not something that should be in a pact of friendship. You have already proven how your way of thinking has changed and having a promise of beating on your friend if they choose a different path in life at anypoint in the future to the one you agreed upon years in advance with no idea of what type of person you would become is plain stupid. And as you have no more to say on it we can leave it there.

05-09-2010, 12:17 PM
The pact is set to be a lifetime deal but I have a strong feeling that if anyone broke edge any violence inflicted upon them would be mostly symbolic; not the brass kunckle-boot stomp of days l o n g past..

Symbolic of what? being ignorant to the fact that someone elses life choices differ from your own? Its still ridiculous to hold someone to things they said and probably meant when they said them years ago. You have made it clear you are aware of how peoples thinking changes and this just remains to be one thing that is not accepting of the fact people change and grow in different ways. But i don't exactly nderstand what a symbolic stomping would be, care to explain? I know you had finished discussing this so i understand if you don't.

05-09-2010, 03:43 PM
Symbolic of what? being ignorant to the fact that someone elses life choices differ from your own? Its still ridiculous to hold someone to things they said and probably meant when they said them years ago. You have made it clear you are aware of how peoples thinking changes and this just remains to be one thing that is not accepting of the fact people change and grow in different ways. But i don't exactly nderstand what a symbolic stomping would be, care to explain? I know you had finished discussing this so i understand if you don't.

I'm started to get fustrated.

Symbolic as in not meant to actually inflict serious damage but to satisify the pact. I gave my word and I intend on keeping it. Its a pride issue. If any of those guys broke Edge they'd be expecting something and if I broke Edge I would be expecting it too. I mean its not like we wouldn't be friends after the act was done. Think of it more like being "jumped out".

05-09-2010, 07:33 PM
I'm started to get fustrated.

Symbolic as in not meant to actually inflict serious damage but to satisify the pact. I gave my word and I intend on keeping it. Its a pride issue. If any of those guys broke Edge they'd be expecting something and if I broke Edge I would be expecting it too. I mean its not like we wouldn't be friends after the act was done. Think of it more like being "jumped out".

how old are you?

05-10-2010, 04:04 AM
Where did all his posts go ??

05-10-2010, 04:21 AM
Where did all his posts go ??

he threw a fit and deleted them. but there's no reason to since everything was quoted already so I'll be restoring them.

05-10-2010, 02:14 PM
I'm started to get fustrated.

Symbolic as in not meant to actually inflict serious damage but to satisify the pact. I gave my word and I intend on keeping it. Its a pride issue. If any of those guys broke Edge they'd be expecting something and if I broke Edge I would be expecting it too. I mean its not like we wouldn't be friends after the act was done. Think of it more like being "jumped out".

I'm thinking of it more like you are idiotic, the pact is ridiculous in the first place, to still entertain the idea now is even more so.

05-15-2010, 03:33 PM
I swear this website has done nothing for me. This website is full of pussies who r afraid to get there hands dirty for something they belive in. I don't know what your talking about straight edge ain't goin no were. I'm from Colorado and no one knew what straight edge was. We need kids. Teenagers in straight edge not worn out old farts like u guys. Dusty just earase me. This shit has done nothin for me but piss me off.

05-15-2010, 04:24 PM
I swear this website has done nothing for me. This website is full of pussies who r afraid to get there hands dirty for something they belive in. I don't know what your talking about straight edge ain't goin no were. I'm from Colorado and no one knew what straight edge was. We need kids. Teenagers in straight edge not worn out old farts like u guys. Dusty just earase me. This shit has done nothin for me but piss me off.

a couple of thoughts.

1) you've been straight edge for less than 6 months.
2) you're 14.

you don't know shit yet. You've got a lot of anger and want to use straight edge as an outlet. It's bullshit. You beating up kids isn't changing a fucking thing. You calling us pussies doesn't change a fucking thing.

05-15-2010, 06:46 PM
I swear this website has done nothing for me. This website is full of pussies who r afraid to get there hands dirty for something they belive in. I don't know what your talking about straight edge ain't goin no were. I'm from Colorado and no one knew what straight edge was. We need kids. Teenagers in straight edge not worn out old farts like u guys. Dusty just earase me. This shit has done nothin for me but piss me off.

I'm from Colorado and I know a lot of straight edge kids. But they're all a lot older than 14...

05-15-2010, 09:14 PM
One day people like this kid will look back and see how they've acted like total idiots. That day is not today.

05-25-2010, 06:35 PM
Go ahead nag on me like every1 else ur not ganna change me.

05-25-2010, 06:37 PM
I'm from Colorado and I know a lot of straight edge kids. But they're all a lot older than 14...
I've met one other person and all I said was that's a cool jacket were did u get it. And he was a complete asshole

05-25-2010, 08:21 PM
Go ahead nag on me like every1 else ur not ganna change me.

no one's gonna nag you and we're not going to change you, you'll do that all on your own.

05-25-2010, 11:18 PM
I've met one other person and all I said was that's a cool jacket were did u get it. And he was a complete asshole

Well I've met LOTS of them. Go to a real hardcore/pop punk show. And yes, a lot of them are assholes. I believe you would be one of those assholes too if you keep beating people up.