View Full Version : Local Band Video

04-02-2010, 03:41 AM
hey, check it out.. this is a video by local hardcore band.. i don't personally like it that much, but there are some great guys playing in that band...


04-08-2010, 11:17 PM
hey, check it out.. this is a video by local hardcore band.. i don't personally like it that much, but there are some great guys playing in that band...


i like the fast parts, the ending not so much

04-09-2010, 12:51 AM
funny, I think you've actually adressed overall problem of this band (as I see it).. long songs, but not enough interesting material to fill them... three of these guys played in Better Way before - I liked that band much more - old school NYHC style... terrible english, but good music..
you can check them here - www.myspace.com/betterwayhc

and my overall local favorites - www.myspace.com/dezinfekcegang !!