View Full Version : annoyed to no end
04-22-2010, 10:44 PM
Why when I mention edge to people are the reactions this:
"Are you into beating|killing people?"
"Are you nazi natured?" Or
"Do you only like hard music?"
hi, welcome on board..
a) there have been some crews that took the edge from a violent side and made sxe a bad name.. but killing is too much even for them (at least I hope)
b) nazis are copying every subculture that could bring them more followers, including skinheads, hardcore(hatecore they call it) and straight edge...
c) straight edge is inseparable part of hardcore subculture, so this kinda makes sense...
04-25-2010, 03:13 AM
I agree. no matter how much people try to make the movement in to the positive spectrum, everyone will always concentrate on the violent aspects of SE. Its too convenient to watch dateline and see though corporate Americas eyes. it takes an open mind to sit down and talk to SE people and have an interesting conversation. but no one wants to take the time out of their busy day of watching MTV to learn what the new trend is in pop culture. (sub note) thats way i dont watch tv.
04-25-2010, 06:34 AM
In the Uk
The Violent side of straight edge isnt well known
when I tell people I am edge most of the time they dont know what it means
then when i exsplain i dont drink etc there are always two resposes
Wow thats brilliant i could never do that its really cool you can live like that
or the more common one
Hahaha you dont drink you dont know what your missing
you have no life you should come out and get pissed and wrecked on drugs
its a great laugh your wasting your life if you dont....
04-25-2010, 08:34 AM
In the Uk
The Violent side of straight edge isnt well known
when I tell people I am edge most of the time they dont know what it means
then when i exsplain i dont drink etc there are always two resposes
Wow thats brilliant i could never do that its really cool you can live like that
or the more common one
Hahaha you dont drink you dont know what your missing
you have no life you should come out and get pissed and wrecked on drugs
its a great laugh your wasting your life if you dont....
I myself have heard the first response a multitude of times but have never heard the second response
04-25-2010, 09:13 AM
I myself have heard the first response a multitude of times but have never heard the second response
your luckey
im tired of people looking down on me because i refuse to drink
it angers me alot that everyone thinks I have no life because i dont mess my head up with chemicals
04-25-2010, 09:39 AM
I live in a small overcrowded town and forty percent are drug,alcohol,tobacco and meaningless sex addicts. I can't tell you how many times I've told people I do not engage in this wretched s@it anymore and the same ones think they'll "bring me back" to it. Then you got that sixty something percent of working class who act like I'm acting like I think I must be a god. They're claim to fame is: "oh well,we've all got problems and we drink a bit and do a bit of coke. What,are cigarettes bad in YOUR mind?". They pretend that I'm the real issue with things. So trust me,I know how you feel.
04-25-2010, 11:28 AM
your luckey
im tired of people looking down on me because i refuse to drink
it angers me alot that everyone thinks I have no life because i dont mess my head up with chemicals
I don't think its luck, i think the type of people who would say things like that are just not people i would associate with.
I wouldn't worry too much about them looking down on you, its just because you are a giving them something that makes them see a reflection of how they are and you are showing that you are doing something that seems difficult or impossible for them to do. So rather than tell you how good it is they tell you how stupid it is so they don't feel as bad about the feeling that they can't do it. If they convince themselves its stupid then it doesn't matter if they can't do it, they have no reason to want to do it then. With that in mind you can just let their opinions of it fall by the wayside.
04-25-2010, 12:36 PM
In the Uk
The Violent side of straight edge isnt well known
when I tell people I am edge most of the time they dont know what it means
then when i exsplain i dont drink etc there are always two resposes
Wow thats brilliant i could never do that its really cool you can live like that
or the more common one
Hahaha you dont drink you dont know what your missing
you have no life you should come out and get pissed and wrecked on drugs
its a great laugh your wasting your life if you dont....
it's about the same in France, no one knows what it means if you say you're straight edge. And usually, they think you're weird for not drinking and doing drugs, and have a hard time believing that some people actually CHOOSE not to do this. Here, if you say you don't drink, people think it's because you're sick or something...
Last time I told someone I didn't drink, he actually asked me "but then, how do you party?" because people think you can't have fun without alcohol
04-25-2010, 01:01 PM
I get that a lot as well, people love to associate alcohol with fun. when i describe my life style to some one who is generally wondering and not just making fun of me, the first question is always, well how do you have fun?
they get the two mixed up. fun is not naturally associated with alcohol. and if you think im wrong, go to a play ground and watch the kids and see how much fun they are having. and im willing to bet that they are not drunk.
i guess it takes an open minded person to truly understand that there is more to life then what your friends tell you or what you see on tv. people were enjoying life way before alcohol came in.
04-25-2010, 01:16 PM
When I turn my tv on I cannot escape some d*mn alcohol commercial. Its always there. Its like,I'm happily watching cartoons the other day when,they go to commercial and captain parrot guy advertising rum like its a huge f*cking joke. Or the one with the party scene and girls hanging on the bat logo liquor guy. Its sick how they discount all the drunk driving accidents,DUIs,violent behaviors,and diseases that these "drinks" are causing. My brother and I live in an apartment where all you have is party crazed people. They act like "eeyu,avoid the two clean quiet ones." A guy who was here but got himself thrown out for calling the owner at two in the morning and slamming for not allowing more drug|alcoholics in. He used to sit out all night totally trashed,music loud and calling out for drunk buddies. He lived right next to us and was always harassing us coming in|going out. Once he physically accosted me,giving me a black eye. Do they show that on tv? No,of course not. They banned tobacco commercials and should alcohol. The pukes want it that bad,they can find it.
04-25-2010, 01:38 PM
When I turn my tv on I cannot escape some d*mn alcohol commercial. Its always there. Its like,I'm happily watching cartoons the other day when,they go to commercial and captain parrot guy advertising rum like its a huge f*cking joke. Or the one with the party scene and girls hanging on the bat logo liquor guy. Its sick how they discount all the drunk driving accidents,DUIs,violent behaviors,and diseases that these "drinks" are causing. My brother and I live in an apartment where all you have is party crazed people. They act like "eeyu,avoid the two clean quiet ones." A guy who was here but got himself thrown out for calling the owner at two in the morning and slamming for not allowing more drug|alcoholics in. He used to sit out all night totally trashed,music loud and calling out for drunk buddies. He lived right next to us and was always harassing us coming in|going out. Once he physically accosted me,giving me a black eye. Do they show that on tv? No,of course not. They banned tobacco commercials and should alcohol. The pukes want it that bad,they can find it.
The world's sick. Too bad you and your bro live in such a place, I sympathize.
04-27-2010, 09:44 AM
The World is sick?
I've been saying that since i was 14
to me its more like its dying
Human beings really are a cruel and uncaring species
very few people really care about others
and even fewer actually help others
tbh i blame drugs for the world being the way it is
you litterally cannot go out without being around drugs and that includes drink and smoke
I dont want to change anyone
we all have our rights and freedom
but i really wish i didnt have to put up with peoples drug habbits
people wonder why i never go out
and in all honesty its because i want nothing to do with people when they are drinking or using any other form of drug
04-27-2010, 09:12 PM
Try working in a newsroom that has a "Journalists Who Drink" group, which is the only place that the editors really hash out the details of the office--that's a lot of pressure to participate, especially when I was first starting out. I also had a teacher colleague that was constantly teasing me about my sobriety, saying that I was denying my Irish heritage. *confused* However, she was not the first and won't be the last.
04-28-2010, 05:47 AM
I myself have heard the first response a multitude of times but have never heard the second response
I used to get the 2nd one a lot, people were mostly cool, but every once in a while I'd get the 2nd, mostly from people I knew with drinking/drug problems though.
04-28-2010, 12:34 PM
I hear the second one alot more than the first
it does effect my life to
being straight edge makes it harder for me to make friends and find a partner
most people want drinking buddys
they want friends they can get trashed with
and girls like to have fun
people find me really boring because im straight edge
I still wouldnt sellout though
I'd rather be alone than betray what i belive in
04-28-2010, 12:50 PM
I myself have heard the first response a multitude of times but have never heard the second response
Same, but there are a few that give the second response. I don't really care about those people, but one of 'em is a really good friend. He's annoying me pretty hard lately, and now that I think about it most of the time I knew him. It's not that he does it on purpose or with the goal to annoy me, it's the way he is and that's the sad thing about it. He's an awesome guy and I love him, but just the way he is and how he can contradict himself.. That's probably just one thing that bothers me.
05-03-2010, 12:38 AM
We live in an apartment and the people that used to live under us were crack and drinking all day long. They moved,but I sometimes still see her at the store she works and she's always threatening that she's going to sneak in my window and stuff crack in my mouth or alcohol,joking she tells me. She told me its pathetic to be "clean" and "edge" and the only reason I don't is because I'm just a f*cking pussy who doesn't "want to trip into an alternate dimension." No,I don't want to f*uck myself out of knowing what IS real or see people on TV doing it either because I did stupid stuff growing up and came sooo close to ending my life IN one of those "alternate" places. Other people are like "well we ALLLL have problems and we commiserate and party to make life 'easier' you know." So I'm going to another store and still can't believe how this world is at times. One more thing,she one time gave me a website for a petition to ban alc. Commercials before I really knew her that was a site pro-meth and gives out "recipes" for the s*it. So it can be said that we all know what its like to be judged by those addicted people. Lucky and blessed that we can live in places whether apartments,neighborhoods or just plain ole mother earth and be united in bravery,courage,strength and friendship to say NO and stand proud,tall and straight edge for life. Thank you all for being here and giving a solid wall to continue being clean and knowing were not alone. Wow that's long,LOL! :D
05-03-2010, 08:55 AM
We live in an apartment and the people that used to live under us were crack and drinking all day long. They moved,but I sometimes still see her at the store she works and she's always threatening that she's going to sneak in my window and stuff crack in my mouth or alcohol,joking she tells me. She told me its pathetic to be "clean" and "edge" and the only reason I don't is because I'm just a f*cking pussy who doesn't "want to trip into an alternate dimension." No,I don't want to f*uck myself out of knowing what IS real or see people on TV doing it either because I did stupid stuff growing up and came sooo close to ending my life IN one of those "alternate" places. Other people are like "well we ALLLL have problems and we commiserate and party to make life 'easier' you know." So I'm going to another store and still can't believe how this world is at times. One more thing,she one time gave me a website for a petition to ban alc. Commercials before I really knew her that was a site pro-meth and gives out "recipes" for the s*it. So it can be said that we all know what its like to be judged by those addicted people. Lucky and blessed that we can live in places whether apartments,neighborhoods or just plain ole mother earth and be united in bravery,courage,strength and friendship to say NO and stand proud,tall and straight edge for life. Thank you all for being here and giving a solid wall to continue being clean and knowing were not alone. Wow that's long,LOL! :D
all I know is that pretty much all of life's problems can be solved by smoking crack.
05-03-2010, 09:28 AM
all I know is that pretty much all of life's problems can be solved by smoking crack.
haha i hear that every day XD
05-06-2010, 09:02 AM
That's right. I hear people say drugs help and they end up with more problems after doing drugs. I don't get it. And then they use more and more money to get the same feeling each time. Or they come after you for money. Yike!
05-08-2010, 10:07 AM
Not to mention the ammount of money that gets sent out to other countries due to the drugs trade
in a way people say its our choice it doesnt concern you
then again the country that i live in is loosing money every year because of soo many issues not just drugs
but on the drugs site of it technically drug users habbits are causing my country to suffer which in the end only makes my life more dificult due to maybe tax raise for exsample
tbh there is a cause and effect for everything in this world
everything we do as individuals will have some impact on another
it maybe good or bad but its not something we can avoid
05-13-2010, 12:55 PM
In the Uk
The Violent side of straight edge isnt well known
when I tell people I am edge most of the time they dont know what it means
then when i exsplain i dont drink etc there are always two resposes
Wow thats brilliant i could never do that its really cool you can live like that
or the more common one
Hahaha you dont drink you dont know what your missing
you have no life you should come out and get pissed and wrecked on drugs
its a great laugh your wasting your life if you dont....
This is too true. I don't get the second response often fortunately, but I do try to associate with sensible, intellient people which might be why. :P Some people are just so engrossed in this 'hey, its friday...time to go get pissed for no reason' mentality that they don't get that you can do other things, and have fun doing them.
05-16-2010, 12:51 PM
This is too true. I don't get the second response often fortunately, but I do try to associate with sensible, intellient people which might be why. :P Some people are just so engrossed in this 'hey, its friday...time to go get pissed for no reason' mentality that they don't get that you can do other things, and have fun doing them.
Yea i know
Thats one of the points I used to try and bring accross years back when i used to go out
but all people ever used to do was offer me drink and drugs so i stopped going out
05-22-2010, 11:07 AM
I hear the second one alot more than the first
it does effect my life to
being straight edge makes it harder for me to make friends and find a partner
most people want drinking buddys
they want friends they can get trashed with
and girls like to have fun
people find me really boring because im straight edge
I still wouldnt sellout though
I'd rather be alone than betray what i belive in
I too have the same problem. Everyone always wonders just what the hell am I doing on friday nights if I dont go out and get wasted with others. Well for excample I draw, spend time with my family, exercise and do something creative. I actually accomplish much more than the people who spend their free time drinking with others and ruining their lifes with decisions they do when they're drunk. The downside of being edge is that it's hard to find new friends. But even though I have never drinked, used drugs or smoked I still think that If I started to do all those,in a way or another my life wouldnt get any better. I have a friend or two who I see now and then, but actually no one, who would listen to me and actually like me that much.
05-22-2010, 01:50 PM
The downside of being edge is that it's hard to find new friends. But even though I have never drinked, used drugs or smoked I still think that If I started to do all those,in a way or another my life wouldnt get any better. I have a friend or two who I see now and then, but actually no one, who would listen to me and actually like me that much.
good friends come in different shapes and they dont always have to be edge or drug free.
05-24-2010, 02:59 AM
good friends come in different shapes and they dont always have to be edge or drug free.
yeah but it's not fun to have friends who only talk about being wasted and stuff. My opinions are way different than theirs. They have their own circles and everyone thinks that im just boring for not drinking. thats why they don't hang out with me that much.even this morning the first thing I heard when I came to class was " My life has been normalized. I went to three different bars last saturday!" There's really nothing I could talk about with them because their life enfolds around alcohol and drugs.
05-24-2010, 07:51 AM
yeah but it's not fun to have friends who only talk about being wasted and stuff. My opinions are way different than theirs. They have their own circles and everyone thinks that im just boring for not drinking. thats why they don't hang out with me that much.even this morning the first thing I heard when I came to class was " My life has been normalized. I went to three different bars last saturday!" There's really nothing I could talk about with them because their life enfolds around alcohol and drugs.
oh, then screw 'em!
if theydont like to hang out with you then they suck.
but if you find new friends, just look for the important stuff... edgeness is always a really cool thing to add to everybody, but not always a necessity
05-24-2010, 08:28 PM
This is my personal perspective, sometimes no matter how much you appreciate your friends, you'll still end up feeling like you're betraying yourself by associating yourself with them. I don't have any other edge friends and most of my other friends respect my choices but I find it increasingly hard to respect theirs. They mostly drink excessively/smoke/do other shit so I'm definitely alone in the crowd when we all meet up. I kinda feel, in this aspect at least, that I should be able to be on a level with the people I call my friends and not question why I'm around them.
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