View Full Version : Hey guys I'm new and have to ask,

04-29-2010, 01:07 PM
Can you claim edge after doing drugs and drinking? I mean if i have never claimed before (so therefore im not a sellout) and have drank and smoked, can i still calim. If i claim i am going to wait one year (already 8 months along) of soberness so then ill truely be able to be pure and whatnot.



04-29-2010, 01:44 PM
All that purity deal kinda bothers me, but to answer your question, if you have drank and smoked it shouldn't be a problem. Just be sure that you're making a concious choice.

04-29-2010, 02:11 PM
All that purity deal kinda bothers me, but to answer your question, if you have drank and smoked it shouldn't be a problem. Just be sure that you're making a concious choice.

i know that this is what i want. i just wanted to know what the whole deal about that is

04-29-2010, 06:03 PM
Hey,its alright. The basis thereof,is that u do not do those things. I used to be on drugs and liquor but I cleaned my a** up. Now I am edge. So yeah dude,if u r clean n wanna stay,u r edge. :] and big welcome!

04-29-2010, 07:24 PM
Hey,its alright. The basis thereof,is that u do not do those things. I used to be on drugs and liquor but I cleaned my a** up. Now I am edge. So yeah dude,if u r clean n wanna stay,u r edge. :] and big welcome!

Thank you :D congrats on quiting that shit! can i still talk on here even though im not claiming til september. Right now everyone views me as Above the influence.

04-30-2010, 01:31 AM
Can you claim edge after doing drugs and drinking? I mean if i have never claimed before (so therefore im not a sellout) and have drank and smoked, can i still calim. If i claim i am going to wait one year (already 8 months along) of soberness so then ill truely be able to be pure and whatnot.




when people will tell you "you don't know what you're missing", at least you can answer that yes, you know, but you're not missing anything you like haha.
I'm kinda in the same situation. I used to drink and smoke (I quitted smoking 7 years ago, though), and I wait nearly a year of being totally alcohol-free before claiming.

04-30-2010, 02:12 AM
Look,I did not mean to imply that I'm perfect. I thought I was giving u good or ok advice. In other words welcome.

05-02-2010, 01:45 PM
Thanks to all of you :D

05-08-2010, 10:11 AM
tbh buddy i think most edge people used to drink, smoke or do drugs

its not about your past its about your future :)

if being edge is what you want then thats all that matters ^^

I only claimed edge last year when i actually found out about Straight edge

but i have been drink smoke and drug free my entire life

05-22-2010, 10:30 PM
So I have asked myself this over and over because I have problems with drinking, i tend to drink too much then wake up the next morning not knowing what the hell happened the night before. i found out about straight edge 4 days ago. after hearing the concept of not drinking smoking or drugs, how do you party with out those things? when im drinking, im a whole different person, not an afraid one, so how am i supposed to party without it?

05-23-2010, 08:23 AM
So I have asked myself this over and over because I have problems with drinking, i tend to drink too much then wake up the next morning not knowing what the hell happened the night before. i found out about straight edge 4 days ago. after hearing the concept of not drinking smoking or drugs, how do you party with out those things? when im drinking, im a whole different person, not an afraid one, so how am i supposed to party without it?

by becoming the person you want to be sober rather than using alcohol as a means to relax. It's not like it's the alcohol that's turning you into a different person, it's just lowering your inhibitions.

05-28-2010, 08:49 AM
how am i supposed to party without it?

like these guys? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2unPV5MSh8)