View Full Version : Punk?
01-08-2004, 10:50 PM
Ok so everyone here keeps saying that punk is dead. now what are bands like nofx and h2o and bouncing souls and all and pennywise, and so on considered?
01-09-2004, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
Ok so everyone here keeps saying that punk is dead. now what are bands like nofx and h2o and bouncing souls and all and pennywise, and so on considered?
i think it is just a sentiment meaning that punk is a hollow term. there are still 'punk' bands... but what is punk about being on a label owned by a multi-billion dollar conglomarate? and playing shows to kids who paid 25 bucks to see you, and selling 30 dollar t-shirts, and having a contract rider so you get exactly the catering you want backstage?
in my opinion it means punk sold it's identity for a shot at TRL.
the bouncing souls i'd call a borderline ska band... but it has been many years since i saw them last so i have no idea what they are doing now.
01-09-2004, 07:11 AM
As long as there's at least one band out there that speaks their mind, plays hard and fast, and doesn't let anyone tell them they can't do otherwise, punk will be alive. As long as we have people thinking for themselves, speaking out and fighting the bullshit in sociaty, punk will be alive. If someone says it's dead, they're wrong.
01-09-2004, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Optic
As long as there's at least one band out there that speaks their mind, plays hard and fast, and doesn't let anyone tell them they can't do otherwise, punk will be alive. As long as we have people thinking for themselves, speaking out and fighting the bullshit in sociaty, punk will be alive. If someone says it's dead, they're wrong.
yeah, but how is it relevant any more? How shocking and contraversial is punk now? How are bands doing anything other than writing songs and playing shows?
To think that punk is still alive and relevent is to think your senile old grandfather with incontinents is still 25 and can shit without the assistance of a bag.
01-09-2004, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
yeah, but how is it relevant any more? How shocking and contraversial is punk now? How are bands doing anything other than writing songs and playing shows?
To think that punk is still alive and relevent is to think your senile old grandfather with incontinents is still 25 and can shit without the assistance of a bag.
shitting yourself is kind of punk!
01-09-2004, 01:19 PM
punk is dead and thats whats good about it, it was one here and can never be spoiled
but i think there's punk and there's punk
a whole new genre has started which is called punk but nothing like what the previous genre meant
01-10-2004, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
yeah, but how is it relevant any more? How shocking and contraversial is punk now? How are bands doing anything other than writing songs and playing shows?
To think that punk is still alive and relevent is to think your senile old grandfather with incontinents is still 25 and can shit without the assistance of a bag.
We've discussed this before and you've said that punk in the US is very different than over here.
I think that if you take punk as purely the music then yeah it is no longer challenging and is just for entertainment. If you look at the wider subculture though there is plenty of instances of it still being a counterculture. There is still a political punk scene on both sides of the pond and in my narrow experience there are more punks that are politically active than hardcore kids. I don't think punk has to be shocking as long as it still maintains it's political aspects and it's alternative to mainstream culture.
I think there are very few music-based subcultures that are shocking or contraversial anymore.
drug free adult
01-10-2004, 09:43 AM
punks not dead!!!!!!!!! seriously it's not. nu metal is not even dead[it sucks though] as long as linkin park, and limp bizkit, and clones of those bands keep playing it won't be dead. i think boyband music is dead though. no more of them left really.
01-10-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by drug free adult
punks not dead!!!!!!!!! seriously it's not. nu metal is not even dead[it sucks though] as long as linkin park, and limp bizkit, and clones of those bands keep playing it won't be dead. i think boyband music is dead though. no more of them left really.
try the UK they still seem to be alive and kicking, but not as much as they used to be. But there again, the UK has alot more pop music than the US, like A LOT more.
01-10-2004, 11:39 PM
yeah but the boy bands always come back as much as i pray it doesnt, it always does.
01-11-2004, 06:08 AM
Why even worry about boy bands, I mean, what, do you listen to the pop radio stations and watch MTV that much? Lol.. People are always free to listen to what they like, is it really that hard to accept diversity? =\ How..Hitler-ish.
I can agree though, what Punk was before may be horribly reduced, but you can't say it's dead because everywhere I fucking go I run into people, crowds, that love it. The scene may be shadows of what it was but I couldn't possibly say it's dead.
01-11-2004, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Optic
Why even worry about boy bands, I mean, what, do you listen to the pop radio stations and watch MTV that much? Lol.. People are always free to listen to what they like, is it really that hard to accept diversity? =\ How..Hitler-ish.
I can agree though, what Punk was before may be horribly reduced, but you can't say it's dead because everywhere I fucking go I run into people, crowds, that love it. The scene may be shadows of what it was but I couldn't possibly say it's dead.
expect that what's around now is a copy. punk died in america for like 10 years.
01-11-2004, 08:16 AM
I guess if you really say so. Atleast bring some better statements then that to the table and make a point. It's not dead because someone high and mighty says so ya know? Say as you wish but any town I've ever been to has it's own little punk scene, and when you take every town in America and put together all the possible punk bands in there that are trying to keep it going, you have a lot of fucking bands. Punk will always be alive *to an extent* ( a part of my point you didn't seem to comprehend, or just refused to )
01-11-2004, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Optic
I guess if you really say so. Atleast bring some better statements then that to the table and make a point. It's not dead because someone high and mighty says so ya know? Say as you wish but any town I've ever been to has it's own little punk scene, and when you take every town in America and put together all the possible punk bands in there that are trying to keep it going, you have a lot of fucking bands. Punk will always be alive *to an extent* ( a part of my point you didn't seem to comprehend, or just refused to )
except that you are basing everything off of your own experiences and not on actual history. The point is that what you are calling punk is an immitation and not punk. What was punk doesn't exist anymore in america, at all and hasn't for most of late 80s and most of the 90s nothing "punk" existed. IF you disagree then give me examples.
01-11-2004, 08:46 AM
Pretty much what you're saying to me, is that your idea of, and standards of punk is dead correct? If so, then yeah, punk to you can R.I.P. So maybe the current punk scene isn't as flourishfull as it once was, maybe not even a little, I'm just saying that reguardless, there's still a scene out there. I know this because every Friday night I can go downtown, enter a building, and within that building will be a moshpit, and a band playing some music that I'm sure evn you could appreciate, with a powerfull message as well. So to me, that's not dead, even if it's hanging by a hairline.
01-11-2004, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Optic
Pretty much what you're saying to me, is that your idea of, and standards of punk is dead correct? If so, then yeah, punk to you can R.I.P. So maybe the current punk scene isn't as flourishfull as it once was, maybe not even a little, I'm just saying that reguardless, there's still a scene out there. I know this because every Friday night I can go downtown, enter a building, and within that building will be a moshpit, and a band playing some music that I'm sure evn you could appreciate, with a powerfull message as well. So to me, that's not dead, even if it's hanging by a hairline.
I'm saying that calling it punk is a misnomer. because that's not what it is. It's something different and it's coopting a term that doesn't describe itself accurately.
01-11-2004, 08:38 PM
Alright, if it's not punk then what the fuck should I be calling it? Just because it's not up to your ideals gives you no power to say what it is or isn't, because your opinion means dick to the world ( not saying mine means much either ) but for you to say what something is and isn't is far beyond you. If they play music that sounds just like old school punk, they write lyrics that are like those of what old school punk bands would write, and the fan base is people who grew up on, love, worship, and live all of what punk has represented, what the fuck do you call it? "Oh, it's not Punk, it's just some wanna be revival shit, it's nothing like what it should be".. get over yourself, seriously.
01-11-2004, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Optic
Alright, if it's not punk then what the fuck should I be calling it? Just because it's not up to your ideals gives you no power to say what it is or isn't, because your opinion means dick to the world ( not saying mine means much either ) but for you to say what something is and isn't is far beyond you. If they play music that sounds just like old school punk, they write lyrics that are like those of what old school punk bands would write, and the fan base is people who grew up on, love, worship, and live all of what punk has represented, what the fuck do you call it? "Oh, it's not Punk, it's just some wanna be revival shit, it's nothing like what it should be".. get over yourself, seriously.
I think the kids today call it wanna bes or posers.
The fan base is a bunch of kids who weren't even born yet when punk actually existed. IT is a rehash and a bad one at that. At least with the different waves of ska some things remained constant.
also, considering you've done nothing but speak in generalizations, don't know any edge bands, don't know any lyrics, and don't know who sings what, I don't see how you're at all qualified to have a discussion about much of anything.
01-11-2004, 10:08 PM
I don't speak in just generalizations, I know a lot of bands, I just don't know what quotes to always use, so fuck me? You're just trying to make yourself look better, and to you and your friends I'm sure it's working. You completely avoid the basis of any point I ever make and gear the argument twords something else. I'm very happy you seem to know everything about me though, everything in my head and what not, good one. As you say I am full of generalizations, I'd say you're full of assumptions.
Don't get heated on me just because you're frustraited that things have evolved to something that's not of your liking. You sound fucking parents saying "back in my day this was blah blah blah" guess what, things changed, maybe what you remember was great, but who's to say that wat we have now isn't good to the new generations.. I'm sure when they'r eolder they're going to be like "Man that new shit is horrible, back in my day we had NOFX, AFI, Anti Flag, Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, and so on. Then when their kids are older I'm sure they'd say the same to the music they liked and the scene as to how it was they remember it. It's just the way the entertainment industry is, why can't you just accept it?
I feel like I'm just trying to walk through a brick wall of ignorance with you now, because you're so fucking stuck on your high horse of "what I like is the almighty" ..get over it. You go off subct so many times and your points are often just self opinionated. but it looks like that's what you are though, so I again won't bother with you any further. I'm sure you're going to make some smirky post after this, I can already tell you're one of those people who ALWAYS has to have the last word in things, so have fun.
Look, usa punk is complicated. First there was dead kennedys. Than Bad Religion came up with softer music, but still political lyrics then came nofx with even softer music, with a few political lyrics. from this point the other bands like blink and stuff softened the music, and the lyrics are all about love, and "don't leave me my little angel, i love you" this is not punk music at all.
I think europe is still better place for punk music, cos there are much more problems here, and there are more things to rebel against.
so punk is not dead, the multis just created a new product.
01-12-2004, 03:59 AM
we all know what the reasons the straightedge movement came to exist. it was reaction to the self destructive behavior that was commonplace in the punk rock scene... it's goal still to this day lies in the promotion of the straightedge lifestyle.
the punk scene itself was a reaction. it was a reaction to disco and the 1970's arena rock giants who stood on 20 foot stages and were treated like they were gods. punk succeeded in creating a new genre of music. however, when quote unquote punk bands are standing on those very same arena stages and making millions of dollars while selling their cd's, that were recorded over the course of two years at their home 64 track all digital studios, on multi billion dollar corporate labels...and going on tours sponsored by bud lite and mountain dew... what has it become? there is nothing to rebel against. they themselves are what punk claimed to despise.
that's why i think it is dead.
true their may be bands out there rewriting the hits, wearing spiked jackets and sporting mohawks. but it is still dead to me. i'm sure there are some bands out there playing revival disco, and wearing period clothing... but few would argue that disco is alive and kicking.
i'm gonna be away from my computer for a few days, so i won't be here to respond. see ya kiddos.
01-12-2004, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
i'm sure there are some bands out there playing revival disco, and wearing period clothing... but few would argue that disco is alive and kicking
Sure it is... It's called rave!
01-12-2004, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by Optic
I don't speak in just generalizations, I know a lot of bands, I just don't know what quotes to always use, so fuck me? You're just trying to make yourself look better, and to you and your friends I'm sure it's working. You completely avoid the basis of any point I ever make and gear the argument twords something else. I'm very happy you seem to know everything about me though, everything in my head and what not, good one. As you say I am full of generalizations, I'd say you're full of assumptions.
Don't get heated on me just because you're frustraited that things have evolved to something that's not of your liking. You sound fucking parents saying "back in my day this was blah blah blah" guess what, things changed, maybe what you remember was great, but who's to say that wat we have now isn't good to the new generations.. I'm sure when they'r eolder they're going to be like "Man that new shit is horrible, back in my day we had NOFX, AFI, Anti Flag, Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, and so on. Then when their kids are older I'm sure they'd say the same to the music they liked and the scene as to how it was they remember it. It's just the way the entertainment industry is, why can't you just accept it?
I feel like I'm just trying to walk through a brick wall of ignorance with you now, because you're so fucking stuck on your high horse of "what I like is the almighty" ..get over it. You go off subct so many times and your points are often just self opinionated. but it looks like that's what you are though, so I again won't bother with you any further. I'm sure you're going to make some smirky post after this, I can already tell you're one of those people who ALWAYS has to have the last word in things, so have fun.
What point have I avoided? What point have you even made? What am I assuming? You've demonstrated that you don't know your history. You thought straight edge was a reaction to hardcore. It didn't. That's a historical fact. You seem to mistake my usage of historical facts as my opinion. My opinion, unlike yours, is based on actual history not the history I've made up to fit my own definitions.
Now you're entire second paragraph is pretty useless seeing as how, I was never punk. I never liked punk, and i never particularly cared about punk. The simple fact that talk about "that's how the entertainment industry is" pretty much shows me how much you understand about punk and what it was. Punk was a cultural phenomenon. it wasn't entertainment. What is around now is, but that's also a major reason why it isn't punk, but something trying to sell itself as. It isn't. You might want to actually do some reading on a subject before you start spouting off who is ignorant.
01-12-2004, 12:08 PM
To optic....
Backing things up isn't always about pulling the relevant quote out the relavent book like you were writing you dissertation. But it is about pulling hard facts out, ones that can be demonstrated.
You have kept giving your opinion, but often it isn't historicly accurate, thus your argument is disproved. Opinion is all well and good, but it has to be based on somthing, and when proved wrong by cold hard facts, perhaps then it is time to re-evaluate your opinion. No one here is going to re-evaluate their opinion unless there is damn good argument behind your opinion, and to do that you need to prove beyond doubt, by giving some history, facts or sure if you want quotes.
If you can do this then perhaps you might get further, if you can not do this then maybe you might want to think about why you can't back up your arguments.
Also I think it's safe to say that I was in no way shape or form apart of the punk movement back in the day, and if anything grew up on the "NOFX diet", but even I can see the difference between one, and the other, and i't not a "back in my day...." rant when I say one was punk, the other is no different from Guns and Roses.
01-13-2004, 03:27 PM
I never was around for the old school punk scene. I think that punk is semi-dead becase there are still those that who still fight aginst Politics & Goverment, and those who rockhard and just have fun with. But there's those who ridicule and mock every thing punk was. ex: Those who turn punk into a fashion statement and stores that help this (HOTTOPIC,POSERS) and the bands the only care about their image and not the music (Avil oh im sorroy April)
01-13-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by punkrocker
I never was around for the old school punk scene. I think that punk is semi-dead becase there are still those that who still fight aginst Politics & Goverment, and those who rockhard and just have fun with. But there's those who ridicule and mock every thing punk was. ex: Those who turn punk into a fashion statement and stores that help this (HOTTOPIC,POSERS) and the bands the only care about their image and not the music (Avil oh im sorroy April)
yeah, but what makes what's around today punk?
01-13-2004, 04:09 PM
Well in todays world punk is dead lifeless it's all trendy. The only punk that is around lies in the memory from those who withness SXE and HardCore And Punk form the start
wait a second, everybody's from the U.S.??!!
in Hungary punk is still an underground movement, with really talented and friendly kids. there aren't huge stages, somewhere there aren't stages at all...
here this is a really political and radical movement with careing about problems.
i haven't seen a punk concert, where were sponsors....
a lot of the hun bands doesn't even have the money for their demos, and the "big" punk bands doesn't have enough money to put their album out on cd.
of course there are these pop bands(thenx to blink) but they are controlled by multis. noone considers them as punks.
it's a lot different here. punks become from kids who have social problems, and not from the middle class slobs who have enough money to buy everything.
I'd like to see a punk concert in the U.S., It can't be too good...(refering to the audience)
Sean The Red
01-14-2004, 04:01 AM
Originally posted by SgtD
....I'd like to see a punk concert in the U.S., It can't be too good...(refering to the audience)
you would see more individuality and character watching someone throw up in a public toilet.
01-14-2004, 06:31 AM
Originally posted by Sean The Red
you would see more individuality and character watching someone throw up in a public toilet.
Thats funny and a good point
01-14-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by SgtD
wait a second, everybody's from the U.S.??!!
in Hungary punk is still an underground movement, with really talented and friendly kids. there aren't huge stages, somewhere there aren't stages at all...
here this is a really political and radical movement with careing about problems.
i haven't seen a punk concert, where were sponsors....
a lot of the hun bands doesn't even have the money for their demos, and the "big" punk bands doesn't have enough money to put their album out on cd.
of course there are these pop bands(thenx to blink) but they are controlled by multis. noone considers them as punks.
it's a lot different here. punks become from kids who have social problems, and not from the middle class slobs who have enough money to buy everything.
I'd like to see a punk concert in the U.S., It can't be too good...(refering to the audience)
see that's where punk is still relevant and why it makes sense for you guys. The kids here now, have no concept about what it actually means to rebel vs thinking you're rebelling but are actually accepted.
01-21-2004, 03:25 AM
So does everyone basically agree that punk spawned from a youth that wanted to see a change in society? If so then that's still happening today. Even with big bands such as pennywise putting out albums such as "land of the free?" I know they're a radio band in many states (not here in colorado thank god) but they still are trying to make a change in society. And whoever said (i don't remember who posted it) that punk doesn't do anything for society today is wrong. Look at propaghandi. Hell go to their website. Their website is full of political propaganda, and links to independent sources, and books by chompsky and the like. Pop (h2o, mest, gob, blink afi, boxcar racer... etc) is killing the scene, but I also feel that in my area it's creating a local resurgence of anti pop hard as fuck punk. The bands in my area aren't interested in making it big and signing a record deal. They're interested in impressing their views upon our lives and dealing with day to day issues instead of an ex girlfriend. Punk is not dead... it just got a face lift, and underneath all of the glamour there is still bands that are about their fans the scene and making a difference.
01-21-2004, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
So does everyone basically agree that punk spawned from a youth that wanted to see a change in society? If so then that's still happening today. Even with big bands such as pennywise putting out albums such as "land of the free?" I know they're a radio band in many states (not here in colorado thank god) but they still are trying to make a change in society. And whoever said (i don't remember who posted it) that punk doesn't do anything for society today is wrong. Look at propaghandi. Hell go to their website. Their website is full of political propaganda, and links to independent sources, and books by chompsky and the like. Pop (h2o, mest, gob, blink afi, boxcar racer... etc) is killing the scene, but I also feel that in my area it's creating a local resurgence of anti pop hard as fuck punk. The bands in my area aren't interested in making it big and signing a record deal. They're interested in impressing their views upon our lives and dealing with day to day issues instead of an ex girlfriend. Punk is not dead... it just got a face lift, and underneath all of the glamour there is still bands that are about their fans the scene and making a difference.
why are you so dead set on using terms that don't accurately describe things?
01-21-2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
why are you so dead set on using terms that don't accurately describe things?
why are you such a pessimist?
01-21-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
why are you such a pessimist?
how does anything I've said make me a pessimist? You have demonstrated that you really like using words to inaccurately describe things. What's going on now, not punk. Calling it punk doesn't make it punk.
01-21-2004, 01:10 PM
How did I just call it punk with no backing? I described that I thought punk was a rebellion to societies norms through music, and I feel that there are still bands that carry on that tradition. I don't care what monicer you wish to place the music that is reffered to today, the stuff under the table still has similar if not the same "character" and intent as the old stuff.
01-21-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
How did I just call it punk with no backing? I described that I thought punk was a rebellion to societies norms through music, and I feel that there are still bands that carry on that tradition. I don't care what monicer you wish to place the music that is reffered to today, the stuff under the table still has similar if not the same "character" and intent as the old stuff.
except the fact that because it's not in the same context, it longer fits the word.
the world changed and became more accepting. the rebellion succeeded and is now pointless.
01-21-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
except the fact that because it's not in the same context, it longer fits the word.
the world changed and became more accepting. the rebellion succeeded and is now pointless.
the rebellion succeeded and is pushing farther.. now gay rights are in question, along with peaceable nations. At first it was just personal rights... now it's a more worldly view.
01-21-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
the rebellion succeeded and is pushing farther.. now gay rights are in question, along with peaceable nations. At first it was just personal rights... now it's a more worldly view.
and guess what, it isn't punk. it's something else.
01-21-2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
and guess what, it isn't punk. it's something else.
so what is it?
01-21-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
so what is it?
something else that has co-opted a name of a dead subculture
01-21-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
something else that has co-opted a name of a dead subculture
so you don't think it has evolved? I believe it's evolved and retained the same name... a puppy is still a dog.. just older.
01-21-2004, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
so you don't think it has evolved? I believe it's evolved and retained the same name... a puppy is still a dog.. just older.
ummm you mean younger?
01-21-2004, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
so you don't think it has evolved? I believe it's evolved and retained the same name... a puppy is still a dog.. just older.
this logic doesn't hold. different stages of evolution/growth have different names. and they have different names for a reason. they aren't the same. each stage has a new name, because it's not the same. it's something different.
01-21-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
this logic doesn't hold. different stages of evolution/growth have different names. and they have different names for a reason. they aren't the same. each stage has a new name, because it's not the same. it's something different.
mmm... what about breed? It's a different breed of punk. Different appearance, but still punk. Just like a chihuahua and a golden retriever have not much appearance in common, but they are both dogs. And both are still punk.
01-21-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
mmm... what about breed? It's a different breed of punk. Different appearance, but still punk. Just like a chihuahua and a golden retriever have not much appearance in common, but they are both dogs. And both are still punk.
except that punk died. there is no direct link to what's going on now and what once was. trying to hold onto a term that doesn't accurately describe something is useless. Kids are too wrapped up in the idea of punk=cool therefore anything that is cool is punk.
01-21-2004, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
except that punk died. there is no direct link to what's going on now and what once was. trying to hold onto a term that doesn't accurately describe something is useless. Kids are too wrapped up in the idea of punk=cool therefore anything that is cool is punk.
cool = punk? punk = cool? did u fail algebra? jk! umm.. there isn't any correlation between pop and punk. Pop (gc sum41 blink) is not punk. Bands like thruster are punk.
01-21-2004, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
cool = punk? punk = cool? did u fail algebra? jk! umm.. there isn't any correlation between pop and punk. Pop (gc sum41 blink) is not punk. Bands like thruster are punk.
pop calls itself punk. the term punk is meaningless and dead. just like the horse you keep trying to beat.
01-21-2004, 11:02 PM
im really sorry i started this thread!!!
01-22-2004, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
except the fact that because it's not in the same context, it longer fits the word.
the world changed and became more accepting. the rebellion succeeded and is now pointless.
"The world has become more accepting" that kinda an under statement but i will admit the world has chaged from what it was in a bad way everything today is stereotypical or labels
01-22-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
so what is it?
What i've been saying all along DEAD why can't any-one comprehend that
01-22-2004, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by punkrocker
"everything today is stereotypical or labels
This is what I'm saying... there are still bands sticking to the old stuff.. it's fading, but it's still there. A lot of the stuff I listen to is still label-less (is that a word) and all about their point the fans and music
01-22-2004, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by xStraight4Lifex
This is what I'm saying... there are still bands sticking to the old stuff.. it's fading, but it's still there. A lot of the stuff I listen to is still label-less (is that a word) and all about their point the fans and music
if you actually read what they wrote, you'd see that they don't agree with you and said punk was dead.
01-23-2004, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
if you actually read what they wrote, you'd see that they don't agree with you and said punk was dead.
I applaud thee
the same movements with the same goals.
01-27-2004, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by SgtD
the same movements with the same goals.
not so much
01-28-2004, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by SgtD
they're all different though. that's why they have different names, different scenes.
i think they have the same goals, and the 3 are almost the same
01-28-2004, 05:36 AM
Originally posted by SgtD
i think they have the same goals, and the 3 are almost the same
its like saying, meat eaters=fish eaters=vegetarians, they are almost the same in that they share similarities such as gaining sustanence from food stuffs but they are far from equal to each other.
i don't want to argue with this, but they have more in common.
for example the lyrics have same interests, they tell us about the problems that should be solved. there are bands you can't decide if they are hardcore or punk.
01-28-2004, 05:50 AM
Originally posted by SgtD
i think they have the same goals, and the 3 are almost the same
maybe in hungary. but in the US they are about as different as things with similar roots as can be.
01-28-2004, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by SgtD
i don't want to argue with this, but they have more in common.
for example the lyrics have same interests, they tell us about the problems that should be solved. there are bands you can't decide if they are hardcore or punk.
personally i think they are quite distinctivly different, punk and hardcore are maybe more similar than punk and frank sinatra but i think punk and hardcore are quite quite different and certainly not equal to each other.
01-28-2004, 10:39 PM
i think hardcore is much faster and in your face. i kinda like punk better
me and my friends gonna make an anti-nazi festival. there will be skinhead, punk, hardcore and ska bands. I bet the nazis won't be there...those coward assholes. if they get there, they deserve a lots of bumps on they bold heads.
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