05-10-2010, 09:28 PM
Man, I am so disillusioned witht his whole fucking One poverty project. I am so tired of everything bono and coldplay care about. these little petty things that don't do anything. this idea that we need to personally lift up the so called undeveloped world because they can't do it. i am tired of every single initiative that is endorsed by any celebrity from the UK because I just think they are full of shit. You know I personally can only care so much about things, and you can to. it is not selfish, i am not Jesus, I can't do everything, i can hardly do anything. So i am just going to do my own thigns to brings social justice into the world and Bono and chris martin can go fuck off.
Also I hate how commercialized that the NHL is. Like seriously the Sudden Death overtime is brought to you by new york life ahra hara hrar ahr ahr. Commercial sports are just a big piece of the pro consumerist culture that fucks up so much shit. ike man, can't really good atheletes just play hockey without multinational corporations trying to hawk stuff at you. It is all commercial, it is all labeled and it is all branded. there is something very wrong with that. And hey I am part of it.
Also you know we all have dark sides. i have a darkside. i was so fucking pissed when i wanted to watch the Bruins today and everyone was trying to study. I mean there are infinite places in the world to fucking study, and there are finite amounts of televisions in the world. and this is the fucking semifinals. it is so g-damn disresoectful you know. nd i was flipping out all day because my fucking roommate left and stole my tv and coaxial cables no less, so now i have to un to find a tv. And you are in front of a fucking tv studying and you are too pretentious to get out of the area so i can watch tv. Man fuck that. And i guess the dark side of me is that i fucking looked at all those fucks and I thought about the thigns they were the most insecure about and i wanted to shout them at them.
And here we are thinking Gandhi and martin luther King jr aren't like that. I can bet you 20 dollars that when Gandhi wanted to watch tv and there were a bunch of wankers studying orgo in front of the tv in teh lounge with the tv off he would write about it passive aggressively in his samizdat zine
fuck them. gandhi hates chinese people, i hate people who want to go to med school just so that can prove what astounding whippersnappers they are. they don't even want to be doctors. they just want money. i'd be a doctor i just am really really dumb that is why i am going into forestry.
i am so tired i want to play risk i want my pizza to stop being cold and i also have to pee.
I guess what it all comes down to is that my fucking roommate stole my fucking tv, and tv cable, and now i can't watch hockey. but sports are stupid. aggressiveness is stupid, fighting is stupid. words are stupid. masculinity is stupid. Women's clothings are fucking ridiculous, nevertheless, i would wear them just to show men how fucking stupid it is to be masculine. Why are sports about masculinity. why is there gender. there shouldn't be if i don't want tehre to be. Am i transgender? from now on every single one of my spanish nouns will end with q and the article will be xq
xq librq es muy buenq. tu eres mi amigq
Fuck gender and don't think it came from G-d. it came from satan. We don't need it, but maybe I am just in the middle. gender fucked up my life, i don't want to be either of them, but i do really enjoy having a penis. but it is not a male penis, it is just my penis. What i am saying is that there are women there are men and there are people who say fuck it
by that same token fuck those people who make organisc chemsitry so hard. Fuck Bono and my hero thom yorke for being activists. And fuck all these prissy environmentalists who wear environmentalism as a badge like they are a 15 year old kid who is all mr edge, and then goes to college. When these faux enviornmentalists get out of college then they will be yuppies who go on vacation in eilat and eat tampons made of veal.
Also I hate how commercialized that the NHL is. Like seriously the Sudden Death overtime is brought to you by new york life ahra hara hrar ahr ahr. Commercial sports are just a big piece of the pro consumerist culture that fucks up so much shit. ike man, can't really good atheletes just play hockey without multinational corporations trying to hawk stuff at you. It is all commercial, it is all labeled and it is all branded. there is something very wrong with that. And hey I am part of it.
Also you know we all have dark sides. i have a darkside. i was so fucking pissed when i wanted to watch the Bruins today and everyone was trying to study. I mean there are infinite places in the world to fucking study, and there are finite amounts of televisions in the world. and this is the fucking semifinals. it is so g-damn disresoectful you know. nd i was flipping out all day because my fucking roommate left and stole my tv and coaxial cables no less, so now i have to un to find a tv. And you are in front of a fucking tv studying and you are too pretentious to get out of the area so i can watch tv. Man fuck that. And i guess the dark side of me is that i fucking looked at all those fucks and I thought about the thigns they were the most insecure about and i wanted to shout them at them.
And here we are thinking Gandhi and martin luther King jr aren't like that. I can bet you 20 dollars that when Gandhi wanted to watch tv and there were a bunch of wankers studying orgo in front of the tv in teh lounge with the tv off he would write about it passive aggressively in his samizdat zine
fuck them. gandhi hates chinese people, i hate people who want to go to med school just so that can prove what astounding whippersnappers they are. they don't even want to be doctors. they just want money. i'd be a doctor i just am really really dumb that is why i am going into forestry.
i am so tired i want to play risk i want my pizza to stop being cold and i also have to pee.
I guess what it all comes down to is that my fucking roommate stole my fucking tv, and tv cable, and now i can't watch hockey. but sports are stupid. aggressiveness is stupid, fighting is stupid. words are stupid. masculinity is stupid. Women's clothings are fucking ridiculous, nevertheless, i would wear them just to show men how fucking stupid it is to be masculine. Why are sports about masculinity. why is there gender. there shouldn't be if i don't want tehre to be. Am i transgender? from now on every single one of my spanish nouns will end with q and the article will be xq
xq librq es muy buenq. tu eres mi amigq
Fuck gender and don't think it came from G-d. it came from satan. We don't need it, but maybe I am just in the middle. gender fucked up my life, i don't want to be either of them, but i do really enjoy having a penis. but it is not a male penis, it is just my penis. What i am saying is that there are women there are men and there are people who say fuck it
by that same token fuck those people who make organisc chemsitry so hard. Fuck Bono and my hero thom yorke for being activists. And fuck all these prissy environmentalists who wear environmentalism as a badge like they are a 15 year old kid who is all mr edge, and then goes to college. When these faux enviornmentalists get out of college then they will be yuppies who go on vacation in eilat and eat tampons made of veal.