View Full Version : True colors - get 'em demo 7" out now! Order online!

05-14-2010, 04:40 AM
Helping out friends by posting this. Get it while it's hot!

Well, as Murphy said, if anything can go wrong, it will. Believe it or not, the pressing plant fucked up the pressing, we must order mailers from Germany because of the ridiculous fact that here in Hungary were no shops or factories who wanted to make us mailers for a reasonable price, and lots of other stuff.
But after all of the bullshit, the True Colors - Get 'em demo 7" is finally up for order in the I Drink Milk Records webstore. There are 3 versions of the record available on a first come first serve basis.

Here is the correct and final pressing info:
10 test press with handnumbered test press cover
40 black vinyl with handnumbered reverse colored cover
104 blue vinyl with blank labels. One of them has a fucked up I Drink Milk Records stamp on the B-side label and special personal message on the A-side label. This one i gave a friend of ours.
394 black vinyl

A special package for 100 EUR is also available. This contains one test press, all the 3 versions of the vinyl, a random extra I Drink Milk Records release and free worldwide shipping! ONLY TWO PACKAGES WILL BE SOLD, SO PLEASE E-MAIL US IF YOU'RE INTERRESTED!

Please note, the whole I Drink Milk crew will be off from May 19th until 26th because we'll drive 1000 miles to be at the True Colors last show and hang out on that weekend with our friends from far away countries and then drive another 1000 miles back home. So we won't be able to ship out packages during those days.
But don't worry, this means we'll bring a few copies of the record to the show. They will be mostly from the regular black version. You can get it from the True Colors merch table with all of the other I Drink Milk releases. If you want to make sure you'll receive a limited copy, please order online.

IDM loves ya!

shop: idrinkmilk.bigcartel.com
space: myspace.com/idrinkmilkrecords
web: idrinkmilkrecords.hu
e-mail: idrinkmilkrecords@gmail.com