View Full Version : point of life
05-12-2010, 12:55 PM
like what normally happens when you do drugs
the whole illusion of feeling great no matter how bad you are feeling
my whole abstinance from drugs is not because of my health
If I was soo concerned about my body then I wouldnt have such a lame diet nor would i be planning on having scarification and tattoos
I avoid them becuase I do not want things in my body that will effect my perceptions and control
I want to stay in control of my body and as many of its functions as possible
I dont want a drug deciding what i want to do
If anything I am nothing more than a control freak
as I've been on an opioid after surgery I can tell you that what you just described isn't what I felt at all. Blocking pain receptors isn't the same thing as feeling great no matter how bad you are feeling. There's a marked difference between what someone feels when they're in massive amounts of pain and use a narcotic for pain management and when someone uses it for fun. This is also completely a pointless conversation since I'm guessing you've never been in a position to refuse drugs after having something that would require the use of them.
I do have to ask though, if you don't care about your health or your body, what's the point of your life?
05-13-2010, 04:37 AM
as I've been on an opioid after surgery I can tell you that what you just described isn't what I felt at all. Blocking pain receptors isn't the same thing as feeling great no matter how bad you are feeling. There's a marked difference between what someone feels when they're in massive amounts of pain and use a narcotic for pain management and when someone uses it for fun. This is also completely a pointless conversation since I'm guessing you've never been in a position to refuse drugs after having something that would require the use of them.
I do have to ask though, if you don't care about your health or your body, what's the point of your life?
no I refused Prozac a few years back when i was suffering depression
but thats about it
Im rather luckey in my bodys durability I,ve never broken anything or required any surgury dispite being run over, falling out of a tree all sorts of stuff really the usual accidents kids tend to have but my body has been very resiliant over the years
even now I had a bad fall yesterday while out skating and walked away with nothing more than a bruse
and there is no point to life nothing at all there are no reasons, no points, nothing
life is nothing more than a waste of time
there is no reason to exsist and there are no purposes
thats all just some human delusion to give people who tend to think life is pointless something to do with thier lifes instead of going mental and most likely the same reason we invented religion (but i aint going into that i dont want to offend anyone)
about the only thing that keeps us here is enjoyment that is it
if you dont enjoy your life then you end up taking it
05-13-2010, 08:40 AM
no I refused Prozac a few years back when i was suffering depression
but thats about it
Im rather luckey in my bodys durability I,ve never broken anything or required any surgury dispite being run over, falling out of a tree all sorts of stuff really the usual accidents kids tend to have but my body has been very resiliant over the years
even now I had a bad fall yesterday while out skating and walked away with nothing more than a bruse
and there is no point to life nothing at all there are no reasons, no points, nothing
life is nothing more than a waste of time
there is no reason to exsist and there are no purposes
thats all just some human delusion to give people who tend to think life is pointless something to do with thier lifes instead of going mental and most likely the same reason we invented religion (but i aint going into that i dont want to offend anyone)
about the only thing that keeps us here is enjoyment that is it
if you dont enjoy your life then you end up taking it
given your statements here it looks to me like you're still suffering from depression. This outlook on life simply isn't helpful or healthy and is typically a major symptom of depression.
05-13-2010, 11:00 AM
given your statements here it looks to me like you're still suffering from depression. This outlook on life simply isn't helpful or healthy and is typically a major symptom of depression.
nah im fine i got over my depression years ago
Just looking at life the only purpose we really have is to pass on our dna to the next generation
there is nothing else really thats all were supposed to do
were born we grow up we procreate and we die its the same for everyone minus a few who leave the procreate part out
I dont find it depressing to think this way I find it quite logical to think this way
what other reason are we here for?
I've spend alot of time thinking on this kinda thing and there is nothing else so i welcome other peoples opinions on that
05-13-2010, 12:56 PM
nah im fine i got over my depression years ago
Just looking at life the only purpose we really have is to pass on our dna to the next generation
there is nothing else really thats all were supposed to do
were born we grow up we procreate and we die its the same for everyone minus a few who leave the procreate part out
I dont find it depressing to think this way I find it quite logical to think this way
what other reason are we here for?
I've spend alot of time thinking on this kinda thing and there is nothing else so i welcome other peoples opinions on that
I'm not quite sure why you think you've gotten over it, when you don't think there's a point to life, and describe yourself with negative terms and as a misanthrope. If all you're doing is running in place and consuming resources, then why stay on the planet? If you're not contributing positively to the world, then why be here?
05-14-2010, 07:00 AM
I'm not quite sure why you think you've gotten over it, when you don't think there's a point to life, and describe yourself with negative terms and as a misanthrope. If all you're doing is running in place and consuming resources, then why stay on the planet? If you're not contributing positively to the world, then why be here?
because i was put here
It wasnt my choice to exsist it was forced on me
and i do my part, I have a job and i dont go about making people misrable like alot of people do these days
just out of interest though what is your point in life? what do you think your purpose is here?
I personally dont think anyone has a purpose but people like to think they do
I dont think its a bad thing either way
and you cant choose to be a Misanthrope its just something that you are
and I really dont want to be here
If i had the option i'd be more than happy to leave this planet and go off into space alone
but thats just a dream
05-14-2010, 08:34 AM
because i was put here
It wasnt my choice to exsist it was forced on me
and i do my part, I have a job and i dont go about making people misrable like alot of people do these days
just out of interest though what is your point in life? what do you think your purpose is here?
I personally dont think anyone has a purpose but people like to think they do
I dont think its a bad thing either way
and you cant choose to be a Misanthrope its just something that you are
and I really dont want to be here
If i had the option i'd be more than happy to leave this planet and go off into space alone
but thats just a dream
no, but it is your choice what you do with your time while you're here. It's your choice to keep existing.
My purpose here is to make as much of a positive impact as I can for as long as I'm here. I love my life. I love being alive and I plan on making the most of my time on this planet. If you don't think there's a purpose, why get out of bed in the morning? Why work? If you really don't think there's any point of it, why do you keep living?
and dude. you can chose to be pretty much anything. how you view and interact with the world are completely up to you, saying that can't is just a copout.
05-14-2010, 01:39 PM
no, but it is your choice what you do with your time while you're here. It's your choice to keep existing.
My purpose here is to make as much of a positive impact as I can for as long as I'm here. I love my life. I love being alive and I plan on making the most of my time on this planet. If you don't think there's a purpose, why get out of bed in the morning? Why work? If you really don't think there's any point of it, why do you keep living?
and dude. you can chose to be pretty much anything. how you view and interact with the world are completely up to you, saying that can't is just a copout.
It is
and i dont hate my life I never said i did
I enjoy what i do with my time
I work because i dont want to be one of them jobless bums living off benifits
I work because i enjoy it
and i work because i need to in order to pay for my home and bills
its not a copout man
can you really force yourself to care about people you dont like or hate?
I know I cant
05-14-2010, 05:06 PM
It is
and i dont hate my life I never said i did
I enjoy what i do with my time
I work because i dont want to be one of them jobless bums living off benifits
I work because i enjoy it
and i work because i need to in order to pay for my home and bills
its not a copout man
can you really force yourself to care about people you dont like or hate?
I know I cant
You called it a waste of time, so that would leave me to believe that you're not exactly enjoying your life. If you really believe that life is just a waste of time and pointless, then why do you go on?
And yeah, it is. It's a convenient excuse rather than making your life better. I mean shit, if you really hated people and were a misanthrope, you wouldn't have voted. You wouldn't be on here, and you wouldn't be having this conversation. If you really hated human interaction, you simply wouldn't do it and you certainly wouldn't make a point of telling everyone about it repeatedly.
Like I said, it sounds to me like you're still suffering from depression and I'm not really sure why you think you're not. I'd suggest googling dsm iv major depression and see how many of the symptoms actually describe you. Because even if it doesn't, I'd bet there's something wrong that should be treated that's keeping you from actually enjoying your time on this planet.
05-14-2010, 05:51 PM
You called it a waste of time, so that would leave me to believe that you're not exactly enjoying your life. If you really believe that life is just a waste of time and pointless, then why do you go on?
Nah man all i ment by that was were all doomed from the day we are born
all we ever do is waste time doing things we enjoy and things we dont
everyone has that in common were all born and we all die its just life
And yeah, it is. It's a convenient excuse rather than making your life better. I mean shit, if you really hated people and were a misanthrope, you wouldn't have voted. You wouldn't be on here, and you wouldn't be having this conversation. If you really hated human interaction, you simply wouldn't do it and you certainly wouldn't make a point of telling everyone about it repeatedly.
There is a big difference in talking to people online though and meeting people
I make all my friends online these days as its easier to get to know people online and decide if they are the kind of people I'd want to know in person
The only reason I joined up here was because I wanted to know more people like myself
Like I said, it sounds to me like you're still suffering from depression and I'm not really sure why you think you're not. I'd suggest googling dsm iv major depression and see how many of the symptoms actually describe you. Because even if it doesn't, I'd bet there's something wrong that should be treated that's keeping you from actually enjoying your time on this planet.
nah man if i was depressed i'd be suicidal and im not so its fine
and I do enjoy my time here
i've got nothing against the planet, we have a beautiful planet my problem is with our species
were nothing but a cancer on this world and as long as the conciquences dont effect us personally then nobody cares how badly we damage the planet
05-14-2010, 07:25 PM
Nah man all i ment by that was were all doomed from the day we are born
all we ever do is waste time doing things we enjoy and things we dont
everyone has that in common were all born and we all die its just life
then if you honestly believe this, why are you still alive? I keep asking you, but you keep avoiding it.
There is a big difference in talking to people online though and meeting people
I make all my friends online these days as its easier to get to know people online and decide if they are the kind of people I'd want to know in person
The only reason I joined up here was because I wanted to know more people like myself
yeah, but misanthropes don't really care about friendships. like I said before, sounds to me more like depression and self esteem issues than anything else.
nah man if i was depressed i'd be suicidal and im not so its fine
and I do enjoy my time here
i've got nothing against the planet, we have a beautiful planet my problem is with our species
were nothing but a cancer on this world and as long as the conciquences dont effect us personally then nobody cares how badly we damage the planet
see, on the one hand you say you're not suicidal, but then you say things that a suicidal person would say.
05-15-2010, 08:26 AM
then if you honestly believe this, why are you still alive? I keep asking you, but you keep avoiding it.
Im alive because there are some things i enjoy doing
besides death is uncertain
say i was to remove my self from this world, What if there really is a afterlife..
wouldnt that completely erase the point of suicide?
Im not saying i belive in the whole god thing and afterlives but since i cant prove they dont exsist you have to at least respect the possibility
yeah, but misanthropes don't really care about friendships. like I said before, sounds to me more like depression and self esteem issues than anything else.
Self asteem issues most likely but depression not a chance
alot of my friends are also misanthropes
and besides misanthropes hate the species as a whole not every single individual person out there
This planet does provide home to some decent people
see, on the one hand you say you're not suicidal, but then you say things that a suicidal person would say.
Like what may i ask?
05-15-2010, 09:18 AM
Im alive because there are some things i enjoy doing
besides death is uncertain
say i was to remove my self from this world, What if there really is a afterlife..
wouldnt that completely erase the point of suicide?
Im not saying i belive in the whole god thing and afterlives but since i cant prove they dont exsist you have to at least respect the possibility
but you're a cancer on the planet and you're just wasting time in a pointless existence?
Also, how would the presence of an afterlife have any effect on your viewpoint? if you think life is pointless, how does that change anything?
Self asteem issues most likely but depression not a chance
alot of my friends are also misanthropes
and besides misanthropes hate the species as a whole not every single individual person out there
This planet does provide home to some decent people
whatever you want to tell yourself, but from the outside, you're not exactly a shining example of mental health.
if you hate people, you hate people. If you don't, you don't. You just use terms as an excuse from dealing with the world.
Like what may i ask?
that there's no point in life. that humanity is a cancer. That all life is, is a waste of time.
05-15-2010, 04:02 PM
but you're a cancer on the planet and you're just wasting time in a pointless existence?
Also, how would the presence of an afterlife have any effect on your viewpoint? if you think life is pointless, how does that change anything?
It changes everything
an afterlife would be no different from this life
people like me dont want to live another life after death
we simply want to not exsist after death poof gone thats it bye bye throw us in a hole and forget about us
what is so wrong about that?
whatever you want to tell yourself, but from the outside, you're not exactly a shining example of mental health.
if you hate people, you hate people. If you don't, you don't. You just use terms as an excuse from dealing with the world.
Dealing with the world? I dont want to deal with the world I want it to leave me alone
I will only interact with the parts that I want to and the people I want to
that there's no point in life. that humanity is a cancer. That all life is, is a waste of time.
yes but thats not depression thats just the truth
most Human beings only care about themsefls and are more than happy to pollute and destroy this planet for thier own benifit we dont have any reason to exsist we just do
every other creature serves some purpose on this planet and helps to balance the ecosystem with the exception of us all we do is destroy everything
05-15-2010, 04:20 PM
It changes everything
an afterlife would be no different from this life
people like me dont want to live another life after death
we simply want to not exsist after death poof gone thats it bye bye throw us in a hole and forget about us
what is so wrong about that?
yeah dude, you hate your life. that's just not a healthy outlook.
Dealing with the world? I dont want to deal with the world I want it to leave me alone
I will only interact with the parts that I want to and the people I want to
except that's not really how things work.
yes but thats not depression thats just the truth
most Human beings only care about themsefls and are more than happy to pollute and destroy this planet for thier own benifit we dont have any reason to exsist we just do
every other creature serves some purpose on this planet and helps to balance the ecosystem with the exception of us all we do is destroy everything
no dude, that's mental illness talking. If it's the truth, then you'd shuffle off this mortal coil and stop your portion of the destruction, especially since you don't see any point to life. seriously, you're just using up resources that could be used by the rest of us who want to be here.
05-16-2010, 04:58 AM
yeah dude, you hate your life. that's just not a healthy outlook.
I dont hate mylife, there are things here i enjoy doing
I just dont see the logic in thinking we have a point or purpose thats all
except that's not really how things work.
It works for me lol
no dude, that's mental illness talking. If it's the truth, then you'd shuffle off this mortal coil and stop your portion of the destruction, especially since you don't see any point to life. seriously, you're just using up resources that could be used by the rest of us who want to be here.
I dont think so :)
I dont cause much destruction like other people I Avoid things like driving, smoking using fire etc
the only real thing i do use that causes any pollution is electricity and i never ever waste it
nothing is ever left on standby in my house and nothign is ever used unless it really needs to be in use
05-16-2010, 08:32 AM
I dont hate mylife, there are things here i enjoy doing
I just dont see the logic in thinking we have a point or purpose thats all
then you may want to change how you present how you feel about life since it doesn't come off that way at all.
It works for me lol
doesn't seem to me, since you live in a city and are surrounded by people you have to interact with, without choice.
I dont think so :)
I dont cause much destruction like other people I Avoid things like driving, smoking using fire etc
the only real thing i do use that causes any pollution is electricity and i never ever waste it
nothing is ever left on standby in my house and nothign is ever used unless it really needs to be in use
the food you eat and the clothes you wear do as well. The taxes you pay. It all contributes. It really does seem to me that your whole misanthrope shtick is an act that you use an excuse.
05-16-2010, 12:59 PM
then you may want to change how you present how you feel about life since it doesn't come off that way at all.
I dont think so, I do enjoy some things but that doesnt mean i belive life has any point
doesn't seem to me, since you live in a city and are surrounded by people you have to interact with, without choice.
I dont live in a City itself I coudlnt deal with that
the only people i really interact with are my friends, work people and online
I avoid anyone i dont know, If someone comes up and talks to me and I dont know them my usual response is Get lost or Dont talk to me
the food you eat and the clothes you wear do as well. The taxes you pay. It all contributes. It really does seem to me that your whole misanthrope shtick is an act that you use an excuse.
how can it be a exscuse?
05-16-2010, 01:04 PM
I dont live in a City itself I coudlnt deal with that
the only people i really interact with are my friends, work people and online
I avoid anyone i dont know, If someone comes up and talks to me and I dont know them my usual response is Get lost or Dont talk to me
Thats rude don't you think? Its like civility and community mean nothing to you.
05-16-2010, 01:48 PM
Hey man, after reading all this I think you're kinda crazy. I don't mean it offensive or anything, it's just all the things you say really sound like you need help. Do you say all these things also in real life, do you discuss 'em with the people around you ?
05-17-2010, 05:28 AM
Thats rude don't you think? Its like civility and community mean nothing to you.
Not really man
I just dont want to interact with strangers
I hate it when people come over and start talking to me
It makes me very uncomftable and uneasy
its not really thier fault though
they dont really understand that some people just dont want to talk to them
and there is no friendly or nice way to say go away lol
Hey man, after reading all this I think you're kinda crazy. I don't mean it offensive or anything, it's just all the things you say really sound like you need help. Do you say all these things also in real life, do you discuss 'em with the people around you ?
None taken :)
yea i have had conversations with my friends and stuff about the way I am
Not many though i prefer to keep things to myself when im around people
I usually only discuss these kinda topics with people i trust and people i will never meet
05-17-2010, 05:56 AM
Not really man
I just dont want to interact with strangers
I hate it when people come over and start talking to me
It makes me very uncomftable and uneasy
its not really thier fault though
they dont really understand that some people just dont want to talk to them
and there is no friendly or nice way to say go away lol
None taken :)
yea i have had conversations with my friends and stuff about the way I am
Not many though i prefer to keep things to myself when im around people
I usually only discuss these kinda topics with people i trust and people i will never meet
I just can't imagine you have any friends, or friends who support this behavior.
05-17-2010, 08:38 AM
I dont think so, I do enjoy some things but that doesnt mean i belive life has any point
I dont live in a City itself I coudlnt deal with that
the only people i really interact with are my friends, work people and online
I avoid anyone i dont know, If someone comes up and talks to me and I dont know them my usual response is Get lost or Dont talk to me
how can it be a exscuse?
It's an excuse from living your life. As a reason to withdraw from people and even then it's just selectively. It's all just a crutch from dealing with your issues.
05-17-2010, 10:43 AM
It's an excuse from living your life. As a reason to withdraw from people and even then it's just selectively. It's all just a crutch from dealing with your issues.
I do live my life
as secluded and withdrawn as it may seem I Live this way by choice
same reason I choose to be Straight edge and the same reason I choose to be Celibute
I like my life the way it is
And i have plenty of friends :)
im just very selective
05-17-2010, 10:48 AM
I do live my life
as secluded and withdrawn as it may seem I Live this way by choice
same reason I choose to be Straight edge and the same reason I choose to be Celibute
I like my life the way it is
And i have plenty of friends :)
im just very selective
you're not really living though. you're hiding and keeping things are arms length rather than coming to terms with mental illness and getting treatment. You say that you like your life the way it is, but then throughout this entire exchange you've used negative terms to describe it and the world.
05-18-2010, 03:59 AM
you're not really living though. you're hiding and keeping things are arms length rather than coming to terms with mental illness and getting treatment. You say that you like your life the way it is, but then throughout this entire exchange you've used negative terms to describe it and the world.
I've always been describing the world negativly since i was 10 years old
people suger coat everything and make things out to be so wonderful
its nowhere near that simple or nice
how can it be Mental Illness when the Truth is there are more bad things in this world than good things?
and i do like my life the way it is
I prefer my own company
05-18-2010, 06:00 AM
I've always been describing the world negativly since i was 10 years old
people suger coat everything and make things out to be so wonderful
its nowhere near that simple or nice
how can it be Mental Illness when the Truth is there are more bad things in this world than good things?
and i do like my life the way it is
I prefer my own company
But you just go on about the negative things. And the truth is also that there are good things in life that are awesome. It's like you forbid yourself recognizing the positive stuff in life. And what's up with you and your friends. I thought you didn't have friends, or only online ? I don't get it anymore but it kinda freaks me out and the whole package makes us think you have mental illness.
05-18-2010, 08:06 AM
But you just go on about the negative things. And the truth is also that there are good things in life that are awesome. It's like you forbid yourself recognizing the positive stuff in life. And what's up with you and your friends. I thought you didn't have friends, or only online ? I don't get it anymore but it kinda freaks me out and the whole package makes us think you have mental illness.
Nah I have friends in real life
most of them are online though and alot of people i know in real life i met online in the first place
Im just very selective of the people i want to know in person
I am a very negative person always have been
Its difficult to look at positive things when there is soo much bad stuff happening every day
although out of curiosity what good things are you refering too?
The only things I enjoy are games and movies and of course seeing my friends now and again and thats it
05-18-2010, 12:53 PM
Nah I have friends in real life
most of them are online though and alot of people i know in real life i met online in the first place
Im just very selective of the people i want to know in person
I am a very negative person always have been
Its difficult to look at positive things when there is soo much bad stuff happening every day
although out of curiosity what good things are you refering too?
The only things I enjoy are games and movies and of course seeing my friends now and again and thats it
for example, hardcore and music in general. what all edgers like i suppose, isn't it ?
05-18-2010, 12:56 PM
Not really man
I just dont want to interact with strangers
I hate it when people come over and start talking to me
It makes me very uncomftable and uneasy
So you say not what do civility and community mean to you?
I will say that your reaction to interaction does not only seem rude but also like there are some underlying reasons...i mean i think there are other things making simple interaction making you very uncomfortable and uneasy.
its not really thier fault though
they dont really understand that some people just dont want to talk to them
and there is no friendly or nice way to say go away lol
thats because its not really friendly or nice, but then again if you did have a concept of civility then you may find ways to interact that don't require huge interaction and enable you to be free of prolonged interaction without seeming like an asshole.
05-19-2010, 04:25 AM
So you say not what do civility and community mean to you?
I will say that your reaction to interaction does not only seem rude but also like there are some underlying reasons...i mean i think there are other things making simple interaction making you very uncomfortable and uneasy.
thats because its not really friendly or nice, but then again if you did have a concept of civility then you may find ways to interact that don't require huge interaction and enable you to be free of prolonged interaction without seeming like an asshole.
Hahaha Whats so wrong about not wanting to interact with complete strangers?
and im not refering to people who like ask for directions etc i have no problem helping someone if they ask me like that
im refering to when i do go out with my friends however rare the occasion
say im sitting in a pub or at a gig and people come over and talk to me.
Those are the people i will tell to go away
people from those enviroments are not the kind of people I want to know or bother with
for example, hardcore and music in general. what all edgers like i suppose, isn't it ?
I dunno I know 2 people who claim they are straight edge who dont like Hardcore music
Actually they prefer Trance and Rap which is kinda odd as both Music styles encourage Drug use :S
05-19-2010, 03:39 PM
Hahaha Whats so wrong about not wanting to interact with complete strangers?
Well nothing, whats wrong with civility?
and im not refering to people who like ask for directions etc i have no problem helping someone if they ask me like that
Well thats not what you said or put across, so you are ok with anyone asking for help in some way?
im refering to when i do go out with my friends however rare the occasion
say im sitting in a pub or at a gig and people come over and talk to me.
Those are the people i will tell to go away
people from those enviroments are not the kind of people I want to know or bother with
Well then don't be in those places then and when you put yourself in social environments have the civility and manners to realise its the done thing it those places and you should act like a turd just because you are clearly in a place you don't want to be by your own choice. Don't be so stuck up your own ass that you are unable to observe and respectfully appreciate the way things happen in social environments and that your alleged behaviour in those environments is making you sound like an ass.
I dunno I know 2 people who claim they are straight edge who dont like Hardcore music
Actually they prefer Trance and Rap which is kinda odd as both Music styles encourage Drug use :S
They are not straightedge then.
05-20-2010, 05:16 AM
Well nothing, whats wrong with civility?
Nothing i suppose
Well thats not what you said or put across, so you are ok with anyone asking for help in some way?
i prefer they didnt, as long as people dont exspect me to want to know them or i dont have to talk to them for long then its fine
Well then don't be in those places then and when you put yourself in social environments have the civility and manners to realise its the done thing it those places and you should act like a turd just because you are clearly in a place you don't want to be by your own choice. Don't be so stuck up your own ass that you are unable to observe and respectfully appreciate the way things happen in social environments and that your alleged behaviour in those environments is making you sound like an ass.
Im dont like i said in previous convos I dont go out anymore
I dont enjoy it and i dont see the point in being in these places
they're always full of drunks and drug addicts anyway and i dont want to be around people like that
They are not straightedge then.
if you say so
seems discriminative to me just because you dont like the music you cant be straight edge
as far as i know its a sub culture not a necessity
05-20-2010, 04:18 PM
Nothing i suppose
You are damn right there.
i prefer they didnt, as long as people dont exspect me to want to know them or i dont have to talk to them for long then its fine
i'm just glad i don't have your issues with life, humanity, social interaction and acceptance of others. Your life is going to continue to suck until you make some changes.
Im dont like i said in previous convos I dont go out anymore
I dont enjoy it and i dont see the point in being in these places
they're always full of drunks and drug addicts anyway and i dont want to be around people like that
Depends what places you and your friends go to but its good you keep yourself away from society, you have so much negativity that you bring nothing positive to the table, no one really wants to be talking to people like you if you are just rude and full of ignorance and hateful half baked opinions.
if you say so
seems discriminative to me just because you dont like the music you cant be straight edge
as far as i know its a sub culture not a necessity
well seemingly what you know abvout subcultures and inparticular this one is limited and flawed knowledge...hardly supprising, most of what you come out with is like that.
Its not discriminative in any way what so ever, no one is stopping you being drug free just the term straightedge is relative to hardcore, a movement based in the hardcore scene and relating to hardcore in so many ways. If you seperate it from that it loses a large part of its definition and becomes something being drug free. I mean would you call it discriminative to tell a long haired hippy guy that he can't refer to himself as a skinhead? Or would you just call it an accurate use of terminology?
05-21-2010, 04:03 AM
Its not discriminative in any way what so ever, no one is stopping you being drug free just the term straightedge is relative to hardcore, a movement based in the hardcore scene and relating to hardcore in so many ways. If you seperate it from that it loses a large part of its definition and becomes something being drug free. I mean would you call it discriminative to tell a long haired hippy guy that he can't refer to himself as a skinhead? Or would you just call it an accurate use of terminology?
I see
well thanks for clearing that up then
since im not involved in hardcore then i guess i can only call myself drug free and not straight edge
that said i shall simply leave and not post on here again
have happy lifes everyone
05-21-2010, 06:18 AM
I see
well thanks for clearing that up then
since im not involved in hardcore then i guess i can only call myself drug free and not straight edge
that said i shall simply leave and not post on here again
have happy lifes everyone
It's actually what I kinda meant on the previous page, but it's a good thing you are drug free, something positive.. I guess this is goodbye then.
05-22-2010, 12:26 PM
I see
well thanks for clearing that up then
since im not involved in hardcore then i guess i can only call myself drug free and not straight edge
that said i shall simply leave and not post on here again
have happy lifes everyone
Well if you feel that is the required action to take...others that aren't straightedge have stuck around, i mean nothing i said suggested leaving it just suggested researching terms and using them more accurately. Which has seemed to be a running theme in all the posts we have interacted on, you seem to speak a lot about a lot of stuff without actually finding out whats what.
I hope you find a way to deal with your apparent issues and learn to find more joy and positivity within life. I am having a very happy life but thank you anyway.
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