View Full Version : so many questions
06-01-2010, 10:07 PM
After careful and long pondering I have decided living an edge life is whats good for me at this point in my journey and plan to make it a life commitment. I was introduced to sxe like way back when I was 15 I am now 22, anyways.. I guess I feel like a total n00b about it all even though I know what the basics are.
I just am having a hard time trying to think about how none of my friends are edge, and how being friends with them might change and that sort of stuff. Also, I see a lot of people always broadcasting their lifestyle on facebook and all these social networking sites.. when someones claims, is that really necessary? I mean if its for yourself, do you need to broadcast it? Also, how do you deal with people scoughing at you, like I am 22 and I am just deciding now I want to take this path after drinking and experimenting with drugs up until this point.. this seems more like a freakin' blog then a question.
Sorry, just new to this all.
Advice is appreciated.
06-01-2010, 10:28 PM
After careful and long pondering I have decided living an edge life is whats good for me at this point in my journey and plan to make it a life commitment. I was introduced to sxe like way back when I was 15 I am now 22, anyways.. I guess I feel like a total n00b about it all even though I know what the basics are.
I just am having a hard time trying to think about how none of my friends are edge, and how being friends with them might change and that sort of stuff. Also, I see a lot of people always broadcasting their lifestyle on facebook and all these social networking sites.. when someones claims, is that really necessary? I mean if its for yourself, do you need to broadcast it? Also, how do you deal with people scoughing at you, like I am 22 and I am just deciding now I want to take this path after drinking and experimenting with drugs up until this point.. this seems more like a freakin' blog then a question.
Sorry, just new to this all.
Advice is appreciated.
good to see you decide this, congratulations.
but lets see...
none of your friends are edge... you know, i dont have many straight edge friends, the ones i hang out with arent edge, but it's okay, cause i am lucky enough to have good friends that respect and understan the way i am. so i'd say, if your friends are assholes who're going to give you shit about it, they shouldnt be your friends in the first place cause they clearly dont really care about you that much. it would be the same if you told them you're something else that they are not.
nothing is really necessary, you dont really need to go claiming anything anywhere, but even though this is not facebook and i wouldnt know if its a network, this message board is clearly a social place where most of us just talk about how we see things, you did now too! and its great!
and for the later part about scoughing and stuff, i got no clue what that means, language barrier i guess.
hope this works for ya!
06-01-2010, 10:41 PM
Thanks I appreciate your opinion/advice..
oh and scoughing, I meant like people kind of looking down upon it or thinking its a joke or that I won't last type deal.
s'all good, thanks again man!
06-01-2010, 10:51 PM
Thanks I appreciate your opinion/advice..
oh and scoughing, I meant like people kind of looking down upon it or thinking its a joke or that I won't last type deal.
s'all good, thanks again man!
well, fuck them! what do they know.
i just dont pay attention to that, and you shouldnt either.
06-02-2010, 12:38 AM
haha, thanks again man.
Thanks I appreciate your opinion/advice..
oh and scoughing, I meant like people kind of looking down upon it or thinking its a joke or that I won't last type deal.
s'all good, thanks again man!
welcome to the boards.
you have to remember, that being straight edge is a positive thing, a lot of people want to promote it, which is cool. I only promote it by X-ing up at shows, it's not anything to be ashamed of to be ashamed of either.
I'm sure a lot of people will try and bring you down, telling you how you're going to end up drinking in a couple of weeks/months, don't pay attention to them, only time will prove them wrong.
06-02-2010, 08:26 AM
Being sXe is a positive choice for yourself, so as long as you know that you'll be fine. I have literally no Edge friends but it isn't a problem, to be honest my closest friends are not really drinkers or that kind of people anyway, but usually people have a sensible and open view about it, anyone that doesn't generally isn't worth giving the time of day to!
Oh, and welcome to the boards!
06-02-2010, 08:42 AM
Thanks for the support guys. I haven't really told anyone except I guess whoever reads my tumblr(blog) and I am already running into issues. Friends wedding this saturday and I have friends saying "I hope you're deciding to take this leap AFTER the wedding" I guess I just figured I might as well try to see how I can hold up against everyone else who is drinking etc.. I would like to try to live clean for a few months before I make any official claims to the outside world, inside I know what I want to do. But I figure if I can do it clean for a while and then come out with it all.
Thanks for the support guys. I haven't really told anyone except I guess whoever reads my tumblr(blog) and I am already running into issues. Friends wedding this saturday and I have friends saying "I hope you're deciding to take this leap AFTER the wedding" I guess I just figured I might as well try to see how I can hold up against everyone else who is drinking etc.. I would like to try to live clean for a few months before I make any official claims to the outside world, inside I know what I want to do. But I figure if I can do it clean for a while and then come out with it all.
for me there was a LOT of peer pressure, I didn't have any edge friends when I decided to live like this, and nobody believed me, and I was offered drinks constantly, and mocked because of not drinking. you just have to remember why you wanted to make the choice of living clean. For me it wasn't really a problem because I never liked drinking and the effects of being drunk, if you enjoyed drinking, it might be harder. I'll say you'll have fun, maybe more fun than people who drink at the wedding, and about claiming edge - don't stress about it
Where in Canada are you?
06-02-2010, 09:02 AM
I USED to enjoy drinking when I was younger ..and I am sure most people will be surprised me of all people is deciding to take this path, because I was always considered the life of the party and all that jazz, but thats just it.. I don't want that label at all. And my body physically can't handle it.. like at all. A simple night out just does me in, and I would like to utilize my weekends not spend them recovering. I don't want to go to this wedding anyways lol.. so not drinking will allow me to leave earlier anyways.
I live in Ontario, Kitchener right now.. moving to Toronto in exactly a month!
06-02-2010, 10:49 AM
I USED to enjoy drinking when I was younger ..and I am sure most people will be surprised me of all people is deciding to take this path, because I was always considered the life of the party and all that jazz, but thats just it.. I don't want that label at all. And my body physically can't handle it.. like at all. A simple night out just does me in, and I would like to utilize my weekends not spend them recovering. I don't want to go to this wedding anyways lol.. so not drinking will allow me to leave earlier anyways.
I live in Ontario, Kitchener right now.. moving to Toronto in exactly a month!
I never really understood why people can't just be happy that someone is living sober. It always tends to be way more about their guilt about their own behavior than it is about you. Somehow by not drinking you're judging them for drinking, which usually isn't the case.
I USED to enjoy drinking when I was younger ..and I am sure most people will be surprised me of all people is deciding to take this path, because I was always considered the life of the party and all that jazz, but thats just it.. I don't want that label at all. And my body physically can't handle it.. like at all. A simple night out just does me in, and I would like to utilize my weekends not spend them recovering. I don't want to go to this wedding anyways lol.. so not drinking will allow me to leave earlier anyways.
I live in Ontario, Kitchener right now.. moving to Toronto in exactly a month!
and that's just it, right? you are changing your lifestyle to benefit you. nobody else's opinion matters, because your decision only affects you.
On the other hand, I can't see the connection between leaving early and not drinking.
Oh cool, there are a few canadians on here. I'm a future canadian myself, I'm getting married in Toronto in august and will move there next year. I can't wait.
06-02-2010, 12:11 PM
Like the others said. It's a positive decision, if someone talks shit, don't care. You are living your life, a positive one and healthy. Be proud of it.
Oh yeah, welcome !
06-02-2010, 07:58 PM
Welcome to the board!
I know exactly what you mean! We live in such a voyeuristic society, that oversharing is the norm now. People tend to look at someone oddly if they're a bit reserved. I don't want to greet someone with a list of my personal beliefs. It should come up naturally.
When it does come up, there will be plenty of questions and snide remarks. I would suggest calmly explaining your reasons for your decisions and leave it at that. Remind people that they don't need to make special accommodations for you; you'll be able to survive. The punch or soda at the wedding will suffice. ;)
06-02-2010, 09:00 PM
haha so true, and thanks to everyone for such welcoming and honest remarks. I am pretty good at blocking out shitty people anyways (if they don't understand). My parents were so excited when I was talking to them about it.. that makes me sound like I was some alcoholic druggie, which rest assured I was not. I think they just were really proud of this decision to better my life.
And yes, Canada is pretty rad..very laid back. Congrats on the marriage and moving here, I will be in the same proximity as you.. I am moving to Mississauga in exactly 1 month, which if you arent aware it right beside Toronto!
Thanks again!
haha so true, and thanks to everyone for such welcoming and honest remarks. I am pretty good at blocking out shitty people anyways (if they don't understand). My parents were so excited when I was talking to them about it.. that makes me sound like I was some alcoholic druggie, which rest assured I was not. I think they just were really proud of this decision to better my life.
And yes, Canada is pretty rad..very laid back. Congrats on the marriage and moving here, I will be in the same proximity as you.. I am moving to Mississauga in exactly 1 month, which if you arent aware it right beside Toronto!
Thanks again!
My parent's were supportive as well, but my dad was a bit offended I guess, because we have a huge wineyard...
haha, wow what a small world. Only the wedding is going to be in Toronto, I'm moving to Mississauga, my fiancé lives there. Why are you moving there?
06-03-2010, 11:09 AM
haha thats some what funny.. but good they were supportive!
weeeeiiirddd lol, uhm I am moving there because I am in love with the city (more so toronto) and I am looking to just get away from my current location. My roomate is going back to school in the area and needed a roomate and as did I, soooo here we are. July 3rd cant wait!
haha thats some what funny.. but good they were supportive!
weeeeiiirddd lol, uhm I am moving there because I am in love with the city (more so toronto) and I am looking to just get away from my current location. My roomate is going back to school in the area and needed a roomate and as did I, soooo here we are. July 3rd cant wait!
i see. I bet we'll see each other at random shows in the area. I really hope I'll have the opportunity to go to a show in the three weeks I'm spending there this summer.
There are some cool record stores in TO too, if you're into vinyl.
06-07-2010, 12:58 PM
Thanks I appreciate your opinion/advice..
oh and scoughing, I meant like people kind of looking down upon it or thinking its a joke or that I won't last type deal.
s'all good, thanks again man!
Are you out of your mind? I'm personally SO PROUD of people consciously giving up on drugs and any bad habits in general. All the more pride if they've been through some twists in their lives but made the right (subjectively, of course!) decision. I mean look at yourself.... straight edge scene definitely needs more HOT girls like yourself ***that like comics AND __star wars__ AAAAND take interest in nerding***.
06-07-2010, 06:32 PM
haha thanks! I am excited for this. :)
06-09-2010, 04:01 PM
I live in Ontario, Kitchener right now.. moving to Toronto in exactly a month!
That is awesome! I live in Pickering right now, but I am moving to Waterloo in September for school.
Oh cool, there are a few canadians on here. I'm a future canadian myself, I'm getting married in Toronto in august and will move there next year. I can't wait.
Um.....I expect a hangout while you are in town. And congrats!
Um.....I expect a hangout while you are in town. And congrats!
thanks! yeah, it'd be cool to meet up. We're flying out 22nd of august and will spend the first week with setting up stuff and preparing for the wedding(28th), and then we go on honeymoon to Montreal, so we're gonna have to talk about it. I'm coming back on the 11th of september. I'm really hoping to check out a show in TO.
06-10-2010, 09:03 AM
thanks! yeah, it'd be cool to meet up. We're flying out 22nd of august and will spend the first week with setting up stuff and preparing for the wedding(28th), and then we go on honeymoon to Montreal, so we're gonna have to talk about it. I'm coming back on the 11th of september. I'm really hoping to check out a show in TO.
That is awesome man, we will definately have to set something up if you have some time in that intense schedule.
06-10-2010, 09:12 AM
Whoaa meeting sounds awesome. I hope for you guys you can plan something, I wish I could be a part of it.. Have fun !
That is awesome man, we will definately have to set something up if you have some time in that intense schedule.
yeah, I'll let you know for sure!
06-10-2010, 11:56 AM
sorry to break up the chat, but I have more questions lol
I have been doing lots of reading and what not, I get caffiene is considered a drug but I know a few sxe people who still have a morning coffee, is it kind of do whats right for you, or is that going against what sxe stands for?
06-10-2010, 02:23 PM
sorry to break up the chat, but I have more questions lol
I have been doing lots of reading and what not, I get caffiene is considered a drug but I know a few sxe people who still have a morning coffee, is it kind of do whats right for you, or is that going against what sxe stands for?
Its more a case of people not really taking the time to look at it and evaluating it, like you are taking the time to ask questions. Many people don't bother, most people who are edge and drink caffeine have never really questioned why using that drug is ok and yet others aren't, in fact many don't even think it is a drug and just have a skewed perception of how its completely different based on the fact it is so socially acceptable.
But yes, it is definitely about what is right for you in the first instance, if you examine the use of caffeine and have no issues with it then i would definitely suggest feeling free with that thought and not forcing yourself to think something you don't believe in order to fit a predefined a stance against recreational drug use. I think if you don't think its wrong and don't agree with those that say it is then you will always be better off following what you think but remember to question yourself and your reasoning. If someone does say they are edge and yet uses caffeine then you have to wonder how they reconcile and marry up the action of using a drug with the belief that recreational drugs are wrong.
Bottom line is, don't give up caffeine because straightedge says to, give it up because you believe its unneccesary and you don't want to use it...same goes for all drugs really, being honest with what you think and who you are is definitely the most important factor in doing whats right for you. It really doesnt matter if you go against straightedge so much, what i believe matters more is going against yourself. Straightedge won't fit everyone and will fail to describe all people but its a great place to source inspiration and find people that question things enough to sway from the accepted norm.
Its more a case of people not really taking the time to look at it and evaluating it, like you are taking the time to ask questions. Many people don't bother, most people who are edge and drink caffeine have never really questioned why using that drug is ok and yet others aren't, in fact many don't even think it is a drug and just have a skewed perception of how its completely different based on the fact it is so socially acceptable.
But yes, it is definitely about what is right for you in the first instance, if you examine the use of caffeine and have no issues with it then i would definitely suggest feeling free with that thought and not forcing yourself to think something you don't believe in order to fit a predefined a stance against recreational drug use. I think if you don't think its wrong and don't agree with those that say it is then you will always be better off following what you think but remember to question yourself and your reasoning. If someone does say they are edge and yet uses caffeine then you have to wonder how they reconcile and marry up the action of using a drug with the belief that recreational drugs are wrong.
Bottom line is, don't give up caffeine because straightedge says to, give it up because you believe its unneccesary and you don't want to use it...same goes for all drugs really, being honest with what you think and who you are is definitely the most important factor in doing whats right for you. It really doesnt matter if you go against straightedge so much, what i believe matters more is going against yourself. Straightedge won't fit everyone and will fail to describe all people but its a great place to source inspiration and find people that question things enough to sway from the accepted norm.
have u seen those dumbass straight edge shirts that say its ok to drink caffeine?
06-10-2010, 09:26 PM
have u seen those dumbass straight edge shirts that say its ok to drink caffeine?
toby morse.
06-12-2010, 05:42 PM
have u seen those dumbass straight edge shirts that say its ok to drink caffeine?
toby morse.
i have seen them but didn't know it was to do with toby
07-04-2010, 09:13 AM
I USED to enjoy drinking when I was younger ..and I am sure most people will be surprised me of all people is deciding to take this path, because I was always considered the life of the party and all that jazz, but thats just it.. I don't want that label at all. And my body physically can't handle it.. like at all. A simple night out just does me in, and I would like to utilize my weekends not spend them recovering. I don't want to go to this wedding anyways lol.. so not drinking will allow me to leave earlier anyways.
I live in Ontario, Kitchener right now.. moving to Toronto in exactly a month!
I can totally relate to you there. I used to be exactly the same, always ''seshing'' partying constantly and going out to night clubs. did it for many years. I look through the hundreds of photos from my profiles etc and it all seemed to be the same thing, party here, night out there, nothing much else going on really. It got to the point where i was taking so long to recover, drinking and hangovers just wear you down and i used to spend the best part of two days trying to recover and its just not worth it. Id rather wake up feeling great and do something productive with my day.
You know things will get easier, i used to have the oppinion i couldnt go out with my friends and have as much ''fun'' because id be sober, and it was wierd at first, going to shows and going out to hang with friends when they were all wasted and i was sober, but eventually i found i had a better time. I can go out dancing and hanving a laugh without spilling drink all over myself and smoking loads. and on the plus side, i wake up ready to start my day instead of hiding in the dark recovering feeling like death :D
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