View Full Version : sniffers?...

06-08-2010, 08:31 PM
I know this guy who thinks sniffing chemicals is edge because he says "its NOT a formal drug or abuse". Ummm,that IS still drug abuse isn't it?

06-08-2010, 08:32 PM
I know this guy who thinks sniffing chemicals is edge because he says "its NOT a formal drug or abuse". Ummm,that IS still drug abuse isn't it?

most definitely and a shit ton more dangerous than most other drugs.

06-09-2010, 08:58 AM
So dangerous.
A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function, hence why people consider caffiene a drug.

So simply put, yes it is.

06-09-2010, 03:34 PM

Wow. Fuck.

I don't even know...just...


06-09-2010, 04:09 PM
So dangerous.
A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function, hence why people consider caffiene a drug.

So simply put, yes it is.

Anyone who doesn't consider caffeine a drug is plain wrong. It is definitively a drug and to dispute that is really just ignorance.

06-10-2010, 09:08 AM
Many things are drugs. I totally destroyed my ankle skating and had to take pain killers. Drugs are everywhere. However.....to be straightedge is to adhere to the foundations of the movement. We know what they are. So end of story. Its quite an easy lifestyle to stick to. I know people who call themselves edge, but will fuck anything that breaths. Is that edge? Just be sensible. Sniffing shit aint edge. Its common sense. But I agree. Caffeine is a drug.

06-10-2010, 02:08 PM
Many things are drugs. I totally destroyed my ankle skating and had to take pain killers. Drugs are everywhere. However.....to be straightedge is to adhere to the foundations of the movement. We know what they are. So end of story. Its quite an easy lifestyle to stick to. I know people who call themselves edge, but will fuck anything that breaths. Is that edge? Just be sensible. Sniffing shit aint edge. Its common sense. But I agree. Caffeine is a drug.

What are the foundations then? Are you saying we should emmulate the attitudes and approach of those way back at the start with regards to straightedge? Sexual abstinance doesn't really seem like a logical componant of straightedge from where i stand, and as for painkillers, well i have had injuries thats required there use also. But again not really an edge issue, i mean its not exactly recreational drug use is it?

06-16-2010, 03:52 PM
So for me drugs are anything that is consumed and alters the function of the body or the mind, that said there are some exceptions in my mind. For example I take anti-depressants and I know some diehard edge kids who would say that taking those type of medication is not edge. Yes they are a drug, but they do not harm my body, they do not alter my long term capabilities of my mind or body, so I think they are an exception to the no drug rule. I think if a prescribed medication is needed and taken in the correct manner it is okay, especially if a condition is life threatening . And for the medical marijuana thing (its legal in some states in the US) I think in only very specific cases is it okay for anyone, let alone someone who considers them self edge to use marijuana medically. Chemotherapy patients, people suffering from glaucoma and migraine sufferers (only if all other medication has been tried and failed) should be allowed.

06-16-2010, 05:40 PM
So for me drugs are anything that is consumed and alters the function of the body or the mind, that said there are some exceptions in my mind. For example I take anti-depressants and I know some diehard edge kids who would say that taking those type of medication is not edge. Yes they are a drug, but they do not harm my body, they do not alter my long term capabilities of my mind or body, so I think they are an exception to the no drug rule. I think if a prescribed medication is needed and taken in the correct manner it is okay, especially if a condition is life threatening . And for the medical marijuana thing (its legal in some states in the US) I think in only very specific cases is it okay for anyone, let alone someone who considers them self edge to use marijuana medically. Chemotherapy patients, people suffering from glaucoma and migraine sufferers (only if all other medication has been tried and failed) should be allowed.

Those people who suggest refusing medication based on straightedge are simply idiotic, its just a sure sign they aren't thinking straight. Anti depressents could harm you body however but all drugs can really, but like you say it is about the reasoning and application of these drugs. I am sure you aren't out to get high and using medication in a responsible well is ultimately something that could benifit you more than refusing it.

06-19-2010, 05:02 AM
I love STRAIGHT EDGE,ok? I DO NOT drink alcohol|caffeine products,use drugs|tobacco or have sex! That IS edge. What's all this talk about use?

06-19-2010, 06:22 AM
I love STRAIGHT EDGE,ok? I DO NOT drink alcohol|caffeine products,use drugs|tobacco or have sex! That IS edge. What's all this talk about use?

I am not sure i follow, could you maybe clarify the question a little?

07-04-2010, 08:51 AM
most definitely and a shit ton more dangerous than most other drugs.

I totally agree, i had a friend who was found dead outside from sniffing/inhaling solvents. Its so dangerous! Yeah with all drug misuse there are dangers, risks of addiction etc but it even says on the side of aerosols and lighter gas SOLVENT ABUSE CAN KILL INSTANTLY! it takes some form of idiot not to take that warning seriously!