View Full Version : Robbed
06-18-2010, 11:00 PM
Just got robbed a few hours ago when I went to the car to go back home. Me and 3 other high school buddies went to the big city to party a bit, celebrate the end of the exams. 'Round 3.30 AM we decided to go back home, man what shit.. we almost were at the railroad station where the car is parked when 2 dudes come around a corner. 99% chance drugs, not sober at all. They start talkin' shit about joints 'n stuff and grab me by the throat demanding I give my money. I say OK so he would let me go.. He keeps me by my arm and I had to give my wallet, or else I'd run off. He looked in it and took a 20, all I had. I asked him to leave my cards alone, I guess I'm lucky he didn't fuck with those. After me they go for my mates, they took 40 from one, and the one guy had another mate also at his throat. Man, good thing they didn't check for car keys !
After all, I don't care about the 20 that much. But I really feel bad about the dude grabbing me and the others. I feel so useless. They touched me, it feels like I have no more pride, I did nothing to stop it. On the other hand, why we didn't do shit.. They were a head bigger than us, aggressive as hell, who knows how it could ended when one of us did something.
There was a car that passed us when it happened, I made signs so he would stop, to help us, dude just ran off. The robbers saw us trying to stop the car, we said we just waved at the driver cause we know him. Also, a love couple came down the street, 18 years old I think. I'm kinda glad they didn't do their thing with the couple.
It really ruined a perfectly good night out with the guys. But the shame too, darn !!!!
I hate that city to begin with, but now I'm really gonna stay away from it.
Anyone that has same stories to share ?
06-19-2010, 03:37 AM
Ugh, sorry dude. I would say you're pretty lucky all in all, it definitely could have been worse.
06-19-2010, 06:20 AM
Just got robbed a few hours ago when I went to the car to go back home. Me and 3 other high school buddies went to the big city to party a bit, celebrate the end of the exams. 'Round 3.30 AM we decided to go back home, man what shit.. we almost were at the railroad station where the car is parked when 2 dudes come around a corner. 99% chance drugs, not sober at all. They start talkin' shit about joints 'n stuff and grab me by the throat demanding I give my money. I say OK so he would let me go.. He keeps me by my arm and I had to give my wallet, or else I'd run off. He looked in it and took a 20, all I had. I asked him to leave my cards alone, I guess I'm lucky he didn't fuck with those. After me they go for my mates, they took 40 from one, and the one guy had another mate also at his throat. Man, good thing they didn't check for car keys !
After all, I don't care about the 20 that much. But I really feel bad about the dude grabbing me and the others. I feel so useless. They touched me, it feels like I have no more pride, I did nothing to stop it. On the other hand, why we didn't do shit.. They were a head bigger than us, aggressive as hell, who knows how it could ended when one of us did something.
There was a car that passed us when it happened, I made signs so he would stop, to help us, dude just ran off. The robbers saw us trying to stop the car, we said we just waved at the driver cause we know him. Also, a love couple came down the street, 18 years old I think. I'm kinda glad they didn't do their thing with the couple.
It really ruined a perfectly good night out with the guys. But the shame too, darn !!!!
I hate that city to begin with, but now I'm really gonna stay away from it.
Anyone that has same stories to share ?
Not much you can do in those situations, you did everything right to be honest and lost some cash but to do anything else just increase the risk of a much greater loss. have you reported it to the police?
06-19-2010, 07:00 AM
so sorry for you! Unfortunately, this things happen... and you can't do anything about it.
06-19-2010, 07:45 AM
Not much you can do in those situations, you did everything right to be honest and lost some cash but to do anything else just increase the risk of a much greater loss. have you reported it to the police?
Nope, no police in sight. And I actually don't think they would do much about it. Maybe if we called right at the moment but we didn't have the chance.
I really need to be prepared for such things, I never knew they would happen to me.
06-19-2010, 08:28 AM
Nope, no police in sight. And I actually don't think they would do much about it. Maybe if we called right at the moment but we didn't have the chance.
I really need to be prepared for such things, I never knew they would happen to me.
not much you could/should have done differently. you lost some cash but the stuff that's harder to replace you didn't. you should however still file a police report since you don't know who else they did or will hurt.
06-19-2010, 11:23 AM
Nope, no police in sight. And I actually don't think they would do much about it. Maybe if we called right at the moment but we didn't have the chance.
I really need to be prepared for such things, I never knew they would happen to me.
like Dusty said you should make the police aware, it will give them a better chance of preventing more incidents and make them aware of whats happening. if no one reported it they could keep doing it with little bother. it won't change your situation but could help others.
06-19-2010, 12:26 PM
I'll see what I can do.
06-23-2010, 04:30 AM
Sorry to hear about that, There is nothing worse than feeling useless but its better and being stabbed. Phone it in to the police I very much doubt it was the first time they'd done it in that area. It's also proven in studies that if they are not caught or deter it could spiral into violent attacks.
I was once mugged......Well I say mugged,he tried.
I was 16 and in my teen days did not give a flying fuck. Some guy around 17-18 approached me at the city centre bus station demanding I give him my money and hat. I was working at 16 and had around £100 on me from my wage I'd just been given. As he went to grab me I saw red and managed to push him up against the wall using my elbow as a nice new necklace for this prick. I then demanded he handed over HIS money and HIS hat to me. He gave me £20 ouSorry to hear about that. Nothing worse than feeling useless,but however it's better than being stabbed. Also the folks are right, call that shit in because there'll be a high chance they've hit that spot before and studies show the more a person gets away with it the more violent the events could spiral.
t of his pocket and the hat went under the nearest bus wheels I could see. I got home and gave my Mum the £20.
It might sound a little far fetched and thuggish....But fuck him and people like that. No guilt.
But then there are times when fighting back can be the worst move which I found out at the age of 18. Two guys barged past me and my house mates late one Saturday night after getting back from a punk club while eating take away at the back door of our flat. They run straight up the stairs and began stealing things from the kitchen and living round...(My house mates bottle of whiskey A bottle of CK one and other things I cannot recall) I Asked them what the fuck they was playing at When from nowhere one of my house mates Smacked one of the guys on the side of the head with a plank of wood!! Then it turned really nasty........The hit lad grabbed the plank and rained at least 10 punches into my house mates face breaking his nose As the other guy had at that point pulled a knife from his back pocket and I heard the click (Lock knife) Pushed me up against the fridge and started stabbing wildly at my neck and face.......To this day I still have not got a clue how I managed to dodge every blow. I pushed the knife man away then my house-mates girlfriend come running in hitting and pushing the two guys, As my house-mate was holding his broken nose bent over against the wall (blood everywhere) I heard the click again and then watched in horror as he plunged the knife into my house-mates back. They then ran out of the house laughing. My house-mate never even knew what had happened. I had to explain to him at which point he collapsed face first into the floor. He spent 2 months in hospital because the stab was that deep it punctured his lung and he just about made it through. It turned out that night alone they stabbed,mugged,assaulted and robbed 5 different people.
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