View Full Version : just found out my new favourite tv show

06-23-2010, 10:37 PM
Man Vs Food.

have you seen it?
man, i saw some burgers that made me never wanting to go to a lame fast food place.

just thought i'd share that

06-24-2010, 09:35 AM
Man Vs Food.

have you seen it?
man, i saw some burgers that made me never wanting to go to a lame fast food place.

just thought i'd share that

yeah. vivien and I are convinced that someone hates the dude and is trying to watch him die on tv.

06-24-2010, 10:21 AM
yeah. vivien and I are convinced that someone hates the dude and is trying to watch him die on tv.

Yup! The only logical explanation as to why a loved one hasn't staged an intervention must be they want him to die on the job for the insurance money.

You can imagine the conversation after the 1st season... "crap he survived, ok we'll go for season 2 another 6 weeks of 14lb burgers and hot wing you have to handle with gloves and that should finish him."

that said it does always make me want to go eat some bad fast food as well

06-24-2010, 10:34 AM
yeah. vivien and I are convinced that someone hates the dude and is trying to watch him die on tv.

Yup! The only logical explanation as to why a loved one hasn't staged an intervention must be they want him to die on the job for the insurance money.

You can imagine the conversation after the 1st season... "crap he survived, ok we'll go for season 2 another 6 weeks of 14lb burgers and hot wing you have to handle with gloves and that should finish him."

that said it does always make me want to go eat some bad fast food as well

well, i hope he doesnt cause i have to see more!
i saw one where he couldnt eat the whole dish, one with a bigass omelette... i was thinkin that after eating one of those you wouldnt eat eggs for like a half a year.

06-25-2010, 08:55 AM
I really need to check this out man.

06-25-2010, 06:05 PM
I hate this dude, he seems like such a douche. I still watch sometimes in the hopes he barfs.

07-04-2010, 08:03 AM
i want to see it, it seems pretty entertaining.
On the subject of fast food places, i have a friend who used to work in KFC nad he said that behind the scenes its pretty gross, kinda makes you think the sort of things that go into this crap. Shame most of the bad stuff tastes the best though.