View Full Version : Depression and antidepressive drugs

09-07-2010, 08:06 PM
Really need help.

Ive just got labeld depression and anxiety like and emo beacuse of some private reasons which i do not want to talk about.
I went to the doctor after being depressend and very suicidal.
Talked some, did some tests and shit.
So anyways, now he prescribe me some antidepressive drugs and sleeping pills since i haven't really slept well or more then a few hours the last weeks.

And the things that i REALLY need some fucking help since things just get worse and worse.
I am talking to a shrink but that aint helping much.

I know i should asked my m8's, but since im not the guy that tell other people about his problems this is much easier since no1 here knows me.

So now to the question. Can i take the pills and still call me an edge?

I know that i SHOULD take the pills since its my health and all.
But still..

09-07-2010, 08:36 PM
Really need help.

Ive just got labeld depression and anxiety like and emo beacuse of some private reasons which i do not want to talk about.
I went to the doctor after being depressend and very suicidal.
Talked some, did some tests and shit.
So anyways, now he prescribe me some antidepressive drugs and sleeping pills since i haven't really slept well or more then a few hours the last weeks.

And the things that i REALLY need some fucking help since things just get worse and worse.
I am talking to a shrink but that aint helping much.

I know i should asked my m8's, but since im not the guy that tell other people about his problems this is much easier since no1 here knows me.

So now to the question. Can i take the pills and still call me an edge?

I know that i SHOULD take the pills since its my health and all.
But still..

sorry to hear that, depression is a big deal.
yes, you can take the pills and still be straight edge.
you should take em.

hope stuff gets better for you, dude.

09-07-2010, 08:36 PM
Really need help.

Ive just got labeld depression and anxiety like and emo beacuse of some private reasons which i do not want to talk about.
I went to the doctor after being depressend and very suicidal.
Talked some, did some tests and shit.
So anyways, now he prescribe me some antidepressive drugs and sleeping pills since i haven't really slept well or more then a few hours the last weeks.

And the things that i REALLY need some fucking help since things just get worse and worse.
I am talking to a shrink but that aint helping much.

I know i should asked my m8's, but since im not the guy that tell other people about his problems this is much easier since no1 here knows me.

So now to the question. Can i take the pills and still call me an edge?

I know that i SHOULD take the pills since its my health and all.
But still..

yes, but honestly, your mental health and life are more important than any label you hold on to. The help will only work though if you are open and honest with people in your life and be able to talk about what's going on with you as well as taking medication.

09-07-2010, 08:57 PM
Thnx for the quick anwser. Altough i still haven't taken any pills since i dont like pills at all and are skeptical to them.

And im one of those who sees a weakness in taking pills to be healthy.
So its not exactly easy to take it. I know if i take it could prolly feel better.
But at the same time i feel weak, which i hate. But know it will prolly be eaiser to take it next time im thikning of loading the shotgun(goes emo).

I know i could still call me edge, but its always easier to hear others opinion.
Especially when you know you can't think straight(insert bad joke about sxe here).

But anyways, thnx again for the anwsers.

Stay gold!

09-07-2010, 09:00 PM
Thnx for the quick anwser. Altough i still haven't taken any pills since i dont like pills at all and are skeptical to them.

And im one of those who sees a weakness in taking pills to be healthy.
So its not exactly easy to take it. I know if i take it could prolly feel better.
But at the same time i feel weak, which i hate. But know it will prolly be eaiser to take it next time im thikning of loading the shotgun(goes emo).

I know i could still call me edge, but its always easier to hear others opinion.
Especially when you know you can't think straight(insert bad joke about sxe here).

But anyways, thnx again for the anwsers.

Stay gold!

weakness is knowing that there's something you can do to heal yourself, but being too afraid to take the steps to do something about it.

09-08-2010, 01:04 PM
weakness is knowing that there's something you can do to heal yourself, but being too afraid to take the steps to do something about it.

yea man, you gotta take the pills if that's seems like a viable option to help. Don't get caught up in any purity or "tough" shit when you re dealing with your health. You are certainly still edge if you take those pills prescribed to you, its not recreational.

09-08-2010, 02:41 PM
I am on an anti-depressant and am straight edge.

10-11-2010, 09:21 PM
Just to post the obnoxious one could argue that drinking alone to sleep or pass out as to avoid the day and life is a need to some with mental "disorder". I sometimes have bouts where I am an insomniac and saddened by the state of the world and become placed in a state of helplessness. Before I claimed anything I had the mentality that substance use was a state of mind for the weak and I still feel that way that we can change the chemical output input of our brains and bodies but sometimes in this state of weakness when we are sad the helplessness overwhelms us and we become weak to the point of desired substance use. I am not saying don't take pills to feel better im just saying finding the right people and the right part of you can do the same in my opinion. To clarify I am not an user of anything but i have these desires sometimes to drink alone to pass out and feel bad for myself. Kind of an odd sad depressing thought but it mentally is very different from the approach of recreational use but still in my mind shows that I am weak and sticking to the label of edge gives me reason to overcome and or ignore it. That is my personal tool to overcome my weakness or ignore it all together.


I have faith that either way you can pull it together and I will still consider you a part of my brotherhood.

Good luck and stay strong.
