11-03-2010, 12:11 PM
Sexism is not really so often discussed in the "hardcore scene" but I've been really interested about the issue lately. My friend got sexually assaulted at one show some time ago, and she doesn't wanna come to shows anymore, cos she doesn't feel safe and comfortable there. I know what happened is not so common (?) but i know there's ppl who feels that the atmosphere is sexist..
So, i was makin this interview with one band and i was asking question about this issue. They said that i should actually ask the girls and especially girls who arent going to shows anymore. That's where i got the idea to make this investigation..
So here's some questions i would like to ask from girls who are going to shows and from girls who aren't going to shows anymore. And boys can of course also answer if you feel that you have something important to say about this issue!
For girls whose are still goin to shows:
1. Do you think sexism appears in the hardcore scene/at the shows?
2. If you feel there is sexism, how does it show? If not, can you say you don't feel any different being a girl at shows?
3.How does the sexism affect you? How do you feel at the shows?
4.Would you like to change the situation? What would you like to change and how?
For girls who aren't goin to shows (anymore or just never been up to it):
1.Why don't you go to shows?
2.Where does these problems come?
3.How can we change it? What do we have to change and how?
you can answer to this email:
and of course just discuss in this topic too..
Sexism is not really so often discussed in the "hardcore scene" but I've been really interested about the issue lately. My friend got sexually assaulted at one show some time ago, and she doesn't wanna come to shows anymore, cos she doesn't feel safe and comfortable there. I know what happened is not so common (?) but i know there's ppl who feels that the atmosphere is sexist..
So, i was makin this interview with one band and i was asking question about this issue. They said that i should actually ask the girls and especially girls who arent going to shows anymore. That's where i got the idea to make this investigation..
So here's some questions i would like to ask from girls who are going to shows and from girls who aren't going to shows anymore. And boys can of course also answer if you feel that you have something important to say about this issue!
For girls whose are still goin to shows:
1. Do you think sexism appears in the hardcore scene/at the shows?
2. If you feel there is sexism, how does it show? If not, can you say you don't feel any different being a girl at shows?
3.How does the sexism affect you? How do you feel at the shows?
4.Would you like to change the situation? What would you like to change and how?
For girls who aren't goin to shows (anymore or just never been up to it):
1.Why don't you go to shows?
2.Where does these problems come?
3.How can we change it? What do we have to change and how?
you can answer to this email:
and of course just discuss in this topic too..