View Full Version : Sick of people on IRC
12-27-2010, 02:07 PM
I am SO sick of IRC! It seems no matter WHAT channel I go to of any kind, I am expected to put up with people bragging about getting drunk (at the very least). I go off on 'em saying I can't care to hear about it and to STFU, basically.
Needless to say, they tell me I'm *really* the one with the problem and that I need to "loosen up a bit" and/or mind my own business. It is my business if they start blabbing in a public channel where I am present. I guess they want me in to join their ranks of drunkenness.
Instead I leave the channel eventually, usually after putting half or more of the users on ignore since they side with the drunk.
WTF is wrong with the world? The clean and sober guy who doesn't want to hear about people's shitty drunken lives is the one who's got the REAL problem, not the drunks.
12-27-2010, 04:02 PM
I am SO sick of IRC! It seems no matter WHAT channel I go to of any kind, I am expected to put up with people bragging about getting drunk (at the very least). I go off on 'em saying I can't care to hear about it and to STFU, basically.
Needless to say, they tell me I'm *really* the one with the problem and that I need to "loosen up a bit" and/or mind my own business. It is my business if they start blabbing in a public channel where I am present. I guess they want me in to join their ranks of drunkenness.
Instead I leave the channel eventually, usually after putting half or more of the users on ignore since they side with the drunk.
WTF is wrong with the world? The clean and sober guy who doesn't want to hear about people's shitty drunken lives is the one who's got the REAL problem, not the drunks.
Well you do have the problem, the problem is you go to places where people talk about shitty drunken lives. To solve your problem, go elsewhere as going off on them isn't going to do you any favours.
12-27-2010, 05:10 PM
Well you do have the problem, the problem is you go to places where people talk about shitty drunken lives. To solve your problem, go elsewhere as going off on them isn't going to do you any favours.
Problem is .... that's nearly everywhere online except here and a few other places.
12-27-2010, 11:34 PM
Problem is .... that's nearly everywhere online except here and a few other places.
yeah, but it's just like in real life, but easier.
you dont want to deal with drunk people, you just dont go to bars.
nobody is forcing you to talk to people online, or even arguing about being a drunk or not. if it bothers you that much that you just have to put people on ignore, maybe you do need to loosen up a little.
in life you're gonna have to deal with all kinds of people, most of those drink and you wont be able to put them on ignore.
12-28-2010, 09:17 AM
I'm hearing stuff like that all the time. From people that I work with and see everyday, from strangers whenever they ask me for a cigarette or at some parties or celebrations where everybody's drinking... This is called society and it really IS going crazy. No matter how hard I try and wish to isolate myself from all the dirt that this world is covered in, i will still be part of that piece-of-shit society and will HAVE to put up with drinking people, smoking people and plain stupid idiots that think they know better. And putting up doesn't exactly mean tolerating. I'm trying to not let myself just go off on all those people cause literally if I let my self go and start telling everyone what I REALLY think about them, i would probably spend my entire life just doing that. But then just think about it... are they even worth your attention? Hell no. So why bother? U know...I used to react just like that and it gave me a hard time, I felt like I'm the only person in the world who really cares...Just let it go. You can change it by letting the evil kill itself. It will all eventually just rot in its own shit.
12-28-2010, 09:57 AM
Hey man, I have friends that drink and smoke. I don't consider them to be dirt.
12-28-2010, 10:13 AM
Problem is .... that's nearly everywhere online except here and a few other places.
I have to say you are simply in the wrong places then, i don't have this issue, in fact the place i speak about alcohol the most is right here. Its quite easy to find places where alcohol is far from the main focus.
12-28-2010, 11:06 AM
Hey man, I have friends that drink and smoke. I don't consider them to be dirt.
I wasn't talking about people.
12-28-2010, 11:32 AM
No matter how hard I try and wish to isolate myself from all the dirt that this world is covered in, i will still be part of that piece-of-shit society and will HAVE to put up with drinking people, smoking people and plain stupid idiots that think they know better.
But then just think about it... are they even worth your attention? Hell no.
You can change it by letting the evil kill itself. It will all eventually just rot in its own shit.
I wasn't talking about people.
Are you sure?
I don't like it when people smoke or get wasted, but it's their own choice. I don't wish 'em to hell. And when they brag about it, I just let 'em and laugh in myself.
12-28-2010, 12:44 PM
I was replying to Cubey's post about how he's sick of "people bragging about getting drunk".
There are people who smoke and drink and there are piss-heads and junkies who like to talk trash about those who don't share their opinion. Those are dirt. I used to know a lot of people that I liked to call my friends, but eventually I got tired of watching them get drunk and puke on one another as a favorite pass time activity. Now I lost touch with them. I have no interest in being their fiend nor calling them my friends. After all the real friends are still with me and support me and share my views.
And real friends or very close people fall under a somewhat different category so to say. Family and friends are out of question here. And I couldn't care less about the others. Especially the retarded internet trolls.
12-28-2010, 12:49 PM
Are you sure?
I don't like it when people smoke or get wasted, but it's their own choice. I don't wish 'em to hell. And when they brag about it, I just let 'em and laugh in myself.
Take it easy ok? My girlfriend likes to have a glass of wine now and then so I have to get on with it cause I love her. But she never told me how wrong I was about not drinking alcohol or whatever. It's a different story u know...
And by the way she's giving it up now cause a few months back we got to the point of breaking up because of that. So here you go.
12-28-2010, 01:46 PM
I'm taking it easy.
12-28-2010, 03:27 PM
I was replying to Cubey's post about how he's sick of "people bragging about getting drunk".
There are people who smoke and drink and there are piss-heads and junkies who like to talk trash about those who don't share their opinion. Those are dirt. I used to know a lot of people that I liked to call my friends, but eventually I got tired of watching them get drunk and puke on one another as a favorite pass time activity. Now I lost touch with them. I have no interest in being their fiend nor calling them my friends. After all the real friends are still with me and support me and share my views.
And real friends or very close people fall under a somewhat different category so to say. Family and friends are out of question here. And I couldn't care less about the others. Especially the retarded internet trolls.
You are talking trash about people who don't share your opinion...are you dirt too then?
Your friends may share your views but its possible to be friends with people who have differing views on things.
And it sounds like you do care about these "others", you have shown that they stir up quite a vibrant amount of emotion in you. These others or "dirt" are someones friends and family.
12-28-2010, 03:29 PM
Take it easy ok? My girlfriend likes to have a glass of wine now and then so I have to get on with it cause I love her. But she never told me how wrong I was about not drinking alcohol or whatever. It's a different story u know...
And by the way she's giving it up now cause a few months back we got to the point of breaking up because of that. So here you go.
So is she giving up because she thinks drinking is wrong or giving up because she knows you think drinking is wrong?
12-28-2010, 03:34 PM
So is she giving up because she thinks drinking is wrong or giving up because she knows you think drinking is wrong?
12-28-2010, 03:44 PM
You are talking trash about people who don't share your opinion...are you dirt too then?
Your friends may share your views but its possible to be friends with people who have differing views on things.
And it sounds like you do care about these "others", you have shown that they stir up quite a vibrant amount of emotion in you. These others or "dirt" are someones friends and family.
Like I said, friends and family are out of question. No matter what. Others can live their lives the way they want. For all I care.
12-28-2010, 05:03 PM
in life you're gonna have to deal with all kinds of people, most of those drink and you wont be able to put them on ignore.
Someone who drinks and someone who gets drunk are two entirely different things. Drinking doesn't automatically make them (a) drunk. If someone wants to have a drink or two.. fine, whatever. As long as they aren't DUI or whatever.. that's one thing.
But hearing drunks bragging about their behavior is what I am getting sick of. By "drunks" I mean people who exclaim how they are currently drunk, or were recently drunk. Not simply someone who just had a beer or glass of wine.
12-28-2010, 05:10 PM
Someone who drinks and someone who gets drunk are two entirely different things. Drinking doesn't automatically make them (a) drunk. If someone wants to have a drink or two.. fine, whatever. As long as they aren't DUI or whatever.. that's one thing.
But hearing drunks bragging about their behavior is what I am getting sick of. By "drunks" I mean people who exclaim how they are currently drunk, or were recently drunk. Not simply someone who just had a beer or glass of wine.
it definitely sucks. it's like it is with most self destructive behavior. all you can do is shake your head and do your thing.
12-28-2010, 05:12 PM
Like I said, friends and family are out of question. No matter what. Others can live their lives the way they want. For all I care.
But why are they out of the question? and aren't you dirt for doing the exact thing you say makes them dirt?
And they can live their lives the way they want so long as they don't discuss it on IRC right?
12-28-2010, 05:21 PM
I certainly hope its for the right reasons.
12-28-2010, 07:19 PM
Someone who drinks and someone who gets drunk are two entirely different things. Drinking doesn't automatically make them (a) drunk. If someone wants to have a drink or two.. fine, whatever. As long as they aren't DUI or whatever.. that's one thing.
But hearing drunks bragging about their behavior is what I am getting sick of. By "drunks" I mean people who exclaim how they are currently drunk, or were recently drunk. Not simply someone who just had a beer or glass of wine.
a huge percentage of the people who drink do enjoy being buzzed and they have the rights to talk about it. the thing is, if you dont like hearing people bragging about things you consider stupid, either dont touch the subject or just dont hang out in places where those people are. nobody forces you to talk to them the same way nobody forces them to come over here and argue.
as a personal note, i always love when i discuss with people who like to get drunk, because everyonce in a while there will be a kid who will actually care enough to hear the other side and maybe act before it's too late.
12-29-2010, 07:49 AM
and aren't you dirt for doing the exact thing you say makes them dirt?
Sure I am! Considering the fact that I like to get really drunk every once in a while and then fall on everybody's ears telling stories of how I puked and how I can't remember what I did... 0__o
12-29-2010, 09:48 AM
If you really think like that, go on, we won't hold you back! As long as you enjoy it, life's good.
12-29-2010, 10:52 AM
I was being sarcastic
12-29-2010, 11:01 AM
Sure I am! Considering the fact that I like to get really drunk every once in a while and then fall on everybody's ears telling stories of how I puked and how I can't remember what I did... 0__o
I think its very clear that i am refering to the part about you complaining about how they talk shit about people who don't share their opinion. You are clearly doing the same thing but are replying with nonsense. And you are also ignoring the other questions i asked which to me suggests you possibly can't answer them without out further highlighting how your attitude is flawed and your opions lack consistancy or are simply just not thought through at all. Maybe thats why your response is somewhat facetious but it would be more benificial to discuss it sensibly.
12-29-2010, 11:02 AM
I was being sarcastic
Ever thought that maybe he was playing along with the sarcasm?
12-29-2010, 11:53 AM
I have already answered all your questions and you may find the answers in my earlier posts. You can read so I will not repeat myself. And I do feel negative about the type of people described in the very first post. And i might have got a bit too emotional there but that's what I feel towards them. I am not doing any of those things nor am I talking trash about them the way they are. I don't go online posting offensive stuff online or whatever.
Someone who drinks and someone who gets drunk are two entirely different things. Drinking doesn't automatically make them (a) drunk. If someone wants to have a drink or two.. fine, whatever. As long as they aren't DUI or whatever.. that's one thing.
But hearing drunks bragging about their behavior is what I am getting sick of. By "drunks" I mean people who exclaim how they are currently drunk, or were recently drunk. Not simply someone who just had a beer or glass of wine.
Cubey said he was sick of other people doing it and I supported his emotion. And I'm not trying to impose my point of view to anyone. What I said about "those people" was my personal opinion an nothing else. You may either agree or disagree with it. I'm not trying to prove anything here to anyone or talk somebody into adopting my own beliefs. It makes no sense to me at all. And this argument kinda makes no sense to me... what are we talking about?
But why are they out of the question?
Because they are the people I care about the most. Just as much as they care about me and that means we equaly influence one another. And family and close friends are more likely to hear you out and try to understand you than strangers. And they also have more rights to say whatever they want because it's the way it goes with friends and family. You share your thoughts with them, they share theirs with you.
And by the way, commenting on your earlier post about friends not sharing my opinion and views on things and how people I refer to as dirt can sometimes be my friends.... What's the point of friendship then? If a person doesn't share your views, doesn't understand you and does things that go against your beliefs, why would you call such a person a friend? Don't get it.
And they can live their lives the way they want so long as they don't discuss it on IRC right?
p.s. And I'd rather you don't rush to conclusions saying how "your attitude is flawed and your opions lack consistancy or are simply just not thought through at all."
I wasn't going to argue with anyone in the first place. And have no interest in continuing the argument unless the "I-am-smarter-than-you" guys forget how "smart" they are and get down to earth.
12-29-2010, 04:57 PM
I have already answered all your questions and you may find the answers in my earlier posts. You can read so I will not repeat myself. And I do feel negative about the type of people described in the very first post. And i might have got a bit too emotional there but that's what I feel towards them. I am not doing any of those things nor am I talking trash about them the way they are. I don't go online posting offensive stuff online or whatever.
no you haven't answered the questions, if you think you have please point to where apart from later in this post! And yes you are talking trash.
Cubey said he was sick of other people doing it and I supported his emotion. And I'm not trying to impose my point of view to anyone. What I said about "those people" was my personal opinion an nothing else. You may either agree or disagree with it. I'm not trying to prove anything here to anyone or talk somebody into adopting my own beliefs. It makes no sense to me at all. And this argument kinda makes no sense to me... what are we talking about?
Well we are talking about all the inconsistancy in your opinion, like i wrote. And that is what makes no sense to me. It seems like you think your personal opinion is valid but write things to suggest that others with opinions that oppose yours should not be outspoken because you disagree with them an class them as dirt in an inconsistant way. If you aren't prepared to entertain and discuss opposing opinions its a real shame and thats how you are comming off to me.
Because they are the people I care about the most. Just as much as they care about me and that means we equaly influence one another. And family and close friends are more likely to hear you out and try to understand you than strangers. And they also have more rights to say whatever they want because it's the way it goes with friends and family. You share your thoughts with them, they share theirs with you.
And by the way, commenting on your earlier post about friends not sharing my opinion and views on things and how people I refer to as dirt can sometimes be my friends.... What's the point of friendship then? If a person doesn't share your views, doesn't understand you and does things that go against your beliefs, why would you call such a person a friend? Don't get it.
you won't learn a lot if the only people you surround yourself with and regard as friends are carbon copies of yourself, don't you agree that you can learn a lot from the ways people are different. What you are saying sounds like you are omitting that element. Its not about a friend not sharing your views, its the fact that friends won't share all your views, they can still understand you. Your grasp and scope of friendship here seem really black and white and it appears to lack much depth, tell me i'm wrong and its simply the way you are putting your views across don't give the best impression of what you actually believe.
You seem to be saying that family and friends behave in this perfect way, they don't. You shut down strangers who could become friends, thats close minded, surely thats can be erronous? Sure the people from the IRC example are not a likely source of friends but your statement seemed to shut out all strangers whose opinion differs from yours. Perhaps you should read what you wrote as its quite possible you simply haven't put forward exactly what you mean. Perhaps your statements are just a bit too sweeping?
So basically silence those you don't agree with, you don't see a problem with that? Why do you feel you have more of a right to put an opinion forward than them?
p.s. And I'd rather you don't rush to conclusions saying how "your attitude is flawed and your opions lack consistancy or are simply just not thought through at all."
I wasn't going to argue with anyone in the first place. And have no interest in continuing the argument unless the "I-am-smarter-than-you" guys forget how "smart" they are and get down to earth.
But what you have said is flawed, and there is a lack of consistancy but i didn't conclude anything. Perhaps the reason you didn't quote the whole statement is due to me saying how it "sugests" it is "possibly" due to xyz, i can only go by what you are writing and what you are writing does seem to lack consistancy etc. I'm inviting you to explain and discuss these areas but you don't have to if the smart thing is an issue.
12-29-2010, 06:51 PM
The only problem here is that you refuse to accept the fact that different people have different opinions and u cannot simply live with it. I am "talking trash" here, as you say, because I feel that I can air my views on this subject here. And originally when I used the word DIRT I was not talking about people. No I read your comments and understand that you didn't read my posts where I already explained to another forum member that what i meant by saying DIRT.
I don't really care if your opinion is different from mine and I wouldn't go and try to talk about it and make you explain why you think so just because I don't share your views. I've had enough sad experience in my life watching people suffer from alcohol and making others suffer as well. I see a drunk stinky pisshead asshole on the street - I feel sad about them. If I could help them I would. If they start talking how beautiful it is to get drunk and ask me for a smoke - I get angry and it makes me wanna do something terribly evil. But I control myself and I understand that violence within sxe is whats been giving straight edge a reputation of a gang. And I don't judge people by their looks and attitude towards drugs and alcohol until I see it and experience it and till I have at least talked to that person. Then I either make friends with them or stop communicating with them. I have to repeat my self again and again because someone obviously isn't getting the point. If a person gets drunk and likes it and does it regularly and likes to brag about it - YES those people will never be my friends. Don't agree and think this is immature or erroneous - fine. Your point of view is different from mine. I respect you opinion and have no problem with that. Please keep it to yourself though.
I posted here because I felt I was free to express myself freely and speak my mind here on this forum where we're like one close family. I wouldn't do it on any other forum neither would I say something like that to a live person because it would hurt their feelings and plain insult them. What I think and what I say are different things. It doesn't mean I lie or cheat or whatever conclusion you can make based on the few words taken out of the context like you did few posts back.
And i do not believe that you never felt angry about drunk people talking about getting drunk. Man I hear that almost everyday from people I almost live side by side. How hard they partied last night and haw drunk they got and they're putting up that smile on their face like it was the best damn thing that has ever happened to them.
To clear things up - when I said dirt I was talking about alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
People that lost themselves to alcohol, tobacco and drugs and have become alcoholics and drug addicts create the "community" which actually makes such notions as straight edge a reality. If there was no evil there would be no good. I mean it would be good but nobody would know it. They may be good people and I might be able to talk to them and eventually save some of them but I'm no Jesus and most people I wouldn't even know.
When I see a drunk stinky male piece of shit walking with his little daughter hand in had I fear bout the girl cause her father's lost. When I see a young mother holding a baby in one hand and a cigarette in the other and smoking and breathing out smoke which the baby inhales and she's all looking so careless what kind of a mother is that? And THEY raise children, half of which would eventually grow in broken families of alcoholics and junkies. That IS dirt and I will say it again and again.
I am not surrounding myself with carbon copies of myself and even if I wanted to that would not be possible. I am part of the society and it is impossible to isolate myself from it and continue living my everyday life. I always learn from other people and they learn from me. And I am pretty easygoing and open minded person, but I don't need friends like that. I need friends whom I could confide in 100%. I'm not shutting others down by not considering them my friends. We're not in high school are we. You don't add 100 people to your "friends" on facebook and call them your friends. You don't meat 100 people at your neighbors' housewarming party and call them your friends just because you know them by name. So i do want to be sure that my friends are real friends and that they would be there for me when i needed them the most and not be lying drunk choking on their own vomit. "Yeah you're a good guy and we have a lot of fun but when I needed your help you were so drunk you couldn't talk when I called you last night and I really needed your help and you weren't there." i need some kind of an insurance policy. Call it whatever you want.
Damn this is tiresome.
12-29-2010, 07:06 PM
Damn this is tiresome.
it would be less tiresome if you got rid of your double standars
12-29-2010, 07:08 PM
I'm pretty sure there are people you are in close contact with who smoke and drink and you still see them and communicate with them. So do I. And it's totally fine! They are good people that just have some bad habits.
But do they look like this?,1218199438,1/stock-photo-young-pregnant-woman-holding-wine-and-cigarette-15888820.jpg
Guess not. Well you never know, they might be deep and spiritual and have a nice personality right?
12-29-2010, 07:27 PM
it would be less tiresome if you got rid of your double standars
What do u mean?
12-29-2010, 07:40 PM
And I don't judge people by their looks and attitude towards drugs and alcohol until I see it and experience it and till I have at least talked to that person.
When I see a drunk stinky male piece of shit walking with his little daughter hand in had I fear bout the girl cause her father's lost. When I see a young mother holding a baby in one hand and a cigarette in the other and smoking and breathing out smoke which the baby inhales and she's all looking so careless what kind of a mother is that? And THEY raise children, half of which would eventually grow in broken families of alcoholics and junkies. That IS dirt and I will say it again and again.
Have you talked to them? I guess it's like rodrigo says.
I'm pretty sure there are people you are in close contact with who smoke and drink and you still see them and communicate with them. So do I. And it's totally fine! They are good people that just have some bad habits.
It's totally fine? You gave us another impression when you were talking about your girlfriend, that you had to put up with her drinking a glass of wine and almost broke up with her for that.
12-29-2010, 07:42 PM
I have absolutely no double standards. I don't think theres something I can do that others can't. What I'm saying is basically comes down to the following: I don't do stuff I don't want others to do to me and I don't want them to do to me what I don't do to them.
I don't go out yelling I'm straight edge and how I'm right in that and how others are wrong in not being edge. So I don't want them to do it eaither. Mind your own business and I'll mind mine. You don't touch me I don't touch you. Simple as that. THIS IS ALL I WAS SAYING.
12-29-2010, 07:48 PM
What do u mean?
well, "it seems like you think your personal opinion is valid but write things to suggest that others with opinions that oppose yours should not be outspoken because you disagree with them"
sure, you can later post a bunch of pictures of people being drunk and expand or change some of your own concepts to make it look less flawed, but the inconsistency is still there.
and it's particulary hilarious that you actually said this to straightXed
The only problem here is that you refuse to accept the fact that different people have different opinions and u cannot simply live with it.
when you've been basically treating everybody who does drugs like "pieces of shit"
12-29-2010, 07:48 PM
Have you talked to them? I guess it's like rodrigo says.
I wouldn't even want to. It's clear to see if a guy is an alcoholic and if he just likes to have a beer no and then. These are the more extreme cases and I'm talking about this kind of people.
It's totally fine? You gave us another impression when you were talking about your girlfriend, that you had to put up with her drinking a glass of wine and almost broke up with her for that.
Not entirely for that but because of the arguments that we had because of that. And it was not always a glass of wine. It used to be a lot more. And there were lots of other stuff going on that was only making it worse, and i don't want to talk about it.
12-29-2010, 07:57 PM
Is it wrong if I say you start to sound like a walking contradiction?
What I'm saying is basically comes down to the following: I don't do stuff I don't want others to do to me and I don't want them to do to me what I don't do to them.
Yo dawg I herd yo and yo dawg like yo yos so we put yo dawg in a yo yo so yo can yo yo yo dawg while yo dawg yo yos, dawg.
12-29-2010, 07:59 PM
I have absolutely no double standards. I don't think theres something I can do that others can't. What I'm saying is basically comes down to the following: I don't do stuff I don't want others to do to me and I don't want them to do to me what I don't do to them.
I don't go out yelling I'm straight edge and how I'm right in that and how others are wrong in not being edge. So I don't want them to do it eaither. Mind your own business and I'll mind mine. You don't touch me I don't touch you. Simple as that. THIS IS ALL I WAS SAYING.
so in your world view this message board should exist?
cause this is pretty clearly a site where edge kids can basically say how we see stuff.
and isnt your whole part on this discussion about how you are right and the people who get drunk are wrong?
how is this site different than any other place? non edge people still come here and read, we have a few non edge members who actively post and comment on stuff.
if it's a mind your own business deal, why do you care about what other people say or shout?
what happens when one of your friends disagree with you and breaks your apparently golden rule of "not challenging your rightness"?
12-29-2010, 08:02 PM
Yo dawg I herd yo and yo dawg like yo yos so we put yo dawg in a yo yo so yo can yo yo yo dawg while yo dawg yo yos, dawg.
dude, i dont go out and say nerd stuff in here, so you clearly shouldnt be allowed to do either, i'm gonna delete you from facebook.
12-29-2010, 08:02 PM
when you've been basically treating everybody who does drugs like "pieces of shit"
First of all you're overgeneralizing. I made my self perfectly clear explaining what and whom I'm treating.
Second of all I do not suggest that others with opinions that oppose mine should not be outspoken because I disagree with them. I never said that! It just pisses me off to hear it. i never said I was right and my opinion was the universal truth. Remember what this thread was originally about? Being pissed off. That's what it was about. And this is what I'm saying.
But for some reason you are doing exactly the same things that you think I'm wrong in doing. YOU are now saying that my opinion is flawed. Well I didn't ask what you think did I? I might as well ask you what you think about it and there's a chance I could find your views immature and flawed. Just think about it... :) And now I'm being pressured for just telling what I think without the intent to hurt anyone and provoke this whole fuss by people who just can't tolerate anybody's point of view that opposes their own.
This is ridiculous.
12-29-2010, 08:09 PM
First of all you're overgeneralizing. I made my self perfectly clear explaining what and whom I'm treating.
Second of all I do not suggest that others with opinions that oppose mine should not be outspoken because I disagree with them. I never said that! It just pisses me off to hear it. i never said I was right and my opinion was the universal truth. Remember what this thread was originally about? Being pissed off. That's what it was about. And this is what I'm saying.
But for some reason you are doing exactly the same things that you think I'm wrong in doing. YOU are now saying that my opinion is flawed. Well I didn't ask what you think did I? I might as well ask you what you think about it and there's a chance I could find your views immature and flawed. Just think about it... :) And now I'm being pressured for just telling what I think without the intent to hurt anyone and provoke this whole fuss by people who just can't tolerate anybody's point of view that opposes their own.
This is ridiculous.
not really the same thing, sir.
of course i'm saying your view is flawed. it defies logic.
and of course you didnt ask me. but if this is a message board and also known as "forum" where people post what they think and there's an exchange in opinions. here, you can read it on wikipedia if you like .
if you're not willing to get your views challenged, you should have thought about it first.
and no, i'm not doing the same thing you're doing.
i'm doing what you think drunk people shouldnt do.
12-29-2010, 08:14 PM
I could have said it differently very first post in this thread. I could have just written something like "Yes dude, I totally hear you. There are thousands of people on the internet and in the real world that are giving me a hard time too. And most of them drink and like sharing stories about how drunk they got the night before. It really pisses me off but what can you do? Many men many minds..."
Would you prefer me writing something like that rather than what I have originally written?
I was feeling angry because my co-worker spilled a glass of champagne in my face this Sunday at a corporate Christmas party. I thought at least here I could let my self go.
12-29-2010, 08:21 PM
and no, i'm not doing the same thing you're doing.
Yes you aren't doing what I'm doing. You're contradicting yourself.
i'm doing what you think drunk people shouldnt do.
Not "shouldn't do" but "what makes me angry when they do it". See you did it again.
First you say I'm doing something I'm not, to which i respond and you get me talking about stuff I wasn't even going to say or do... This is not in good faith brother.
12-29-2010, 08:23 PM
Nice discussion :)
12-29-2010, 08:26 PM
I could have said it differently very first post in this thread. I could have just written something like "Yes dude, I totally hear you. There are thousands of people on the internet and in the real world that are giving me a hard time too. And most of them drink and like sharing stories about how drunk they got the night before. It really pisses me off but what can you do? Many men many minds..."
Would you prefer me writing something like that rather than what I have originally written?
I was feeling angry because my co-worker spilled a glass of champagne in my face this Sunday at a corporate Christmas party. I thought at least here I could let my self go.
not a matter of me wanting you to post something one way or the other.
i dont think anybody here is trying to force their views onto you, but to challenge them and make you realize the mistakes you made and the flawed logic. if you chose to adress those things or not, it's your business.
it's a different thing to let yourself go and say how much you disliked that situation than what you did though.
12-29-2010, 08:32 PM
Yes you aren't doing what I'm doing. You're contradicting yourself.
how am i contradicting myself?
Not "shouldn't do" but "what makes me angry when they do it". See you did it again.
First you say I'm doing something I'm not, to which i respond and you get me talking about stuff I wasn't even going to say or do... This is not in good faith brother.
I don't go out yelling I'm straight edge and how I'm right in that and how others are wrong in not being edge. So I don't want them to do it eaither. Mind your own business and I'll mind mine. You don't touch me I don't touch you. Simple as that. THIS IS ALL I WAS SAYING.
12-29-2010, 08:36 PM
Maybe, but it's like going to a hardcore show. You let yourself go and all the anger and stress just goes away. And it's a lot better than accumulating it all inside and then go kill somebody and do something really stupid. That's what Cubey did. He didn't use such expressive words as I did but the idea was the same and that's what made me post here in the first place. Well anyways I don't think you got my point and I have nothing to add to whats been already said. I would be more interested in knowing Cubey's thoughts and if he's got anything to say...
I'll go get some sleep.
12-29-2010, 10:06 PM
alright, this is a bit long, but basically the guy started talking to me on msn
Radical says:
*hey man
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*radical here
*from sxe dot com
Rodrigo says:
*i figured
Radical says:
*i got tired of posting miles long posts
*it would be even easier to talk on the phone but would cost too much
*so whats going on
Rodrigo says:
*on what?
Radical says:
*u want to talk about the IRC people?
Rodrigo says:
*well, not particulary, unless you have something else to say or point where 'm suppoused to be contradicting myself
Radical says:
*basically you're saying that I'm wrong to be so issed off by people talking about getting drunk...I hate that and now that I said that I'm wrong for letting everyone know
*that's how I'm getting it
Rodrigo says:
*nobody said that
Radical says:
*well see
*first i said I hated when people talked about getting drunk
*then someone misinterpreted it
Rodrigo says:
*well that's the thing
*right there
Radical says:
*and eventually I ended up being criticised for what i didn't do
Rodrigo says:
*you just said it, you hate when people talked about being drunk.
Radical says:
*and i never said i had the right to say what i want and they don't
Rodrigo says:
*well, yes
*you did
Radical says:
*I said I felt like I could say it on this very forum and I also highlighted that I wouldn't say anything like that on any other forum and to a live person
Rodrigo says:
*wait a second
Radical says:
*because here people don't drink
Rodrigo says:
*wait a second and read
Radical says:
*and so they will at least understand my reaction
*while on any other forum it would look like I'm saying i'm better
Rodrigo says:
*if you go somewhere to talk about what you dont like, you're using something called freedom of speech
Radical says:
Rodrigo says:
*you go to the site and bitch abotu what other people do
*and you dont like it when they bitch
*that's a double standar
Radical says:
*well thats where you'r wrong
Rodrigo says:
*why is it alright for you to let go, and for them it isnt?
Radical says:
*I never said I din't like it when they bitched
*thats the first thing
*the second
Rodrigo says:
*you just said it though
*Radical says:
*well see
*first i said I hated when people talked about getting drunk
Radical says:
*is that a forum is a forum and people getting drunk are in real life
*yeah not on a forum
Rodrigo says:
*doesnt matter, public speech is public speech
Radical says:
*i go to a forum and bitch about stuff but i don't go out on the street and bitch about the same thing and fall on everyone's ears
Rodrigo says:
*doesnt make a difference
Radical says:
*well there is a difference
*the difference is
Rodrigo says:
*not really, both places are for people to speak
Radical says:
*that THOSE people do not only do that on the forum or at some particular place. They do it all the time and absolutely everywhere
*While I DON"T
Rodrigo says:
*well, shame on you for not using your right to do so
Radical says:
*and only went to the forum
*because I think it's not good to bother other people with my own problems so to say
*and I don't want them to bother me
*in return
*but they do
Rodrigo says:
*then dont pay attention to them
*it's not their fault
Radical says:
*so we have a one sided game going on
Rodrigo says:
*because of your own choosing
*not them
Radical says:
*Well like I said I'm not paying attention to them in real life. I control myself and suppress the feelings I get
Rodrigo says:
*well, you did also say that it's not good to supress the feeings
Radical says:
*thats why I went to the forum and let my self go
*cause here
*we are similar in our beliefs
Rodrigo says:
*again, your own choosing
Radical says:
*what do you mean my own choosing?
*what is?
*going to the forum>
Rodrigo says:
*you choose to pay attention to them
*you choose to bitch
*and you choose to let it get to your head
Radical says:
*so you're saying its better to keep your emotions inside
Rodrigo says:
*never say that
Radical says:
*and not feel free in what i'm saying even on this forum?
Rodrigo says:
*different deal
Radical says:
*then i don't get it
*whats the use of it then?
Rodrigo says:
*nobody is denying you to bitch
*or to talk
*you're feeling like people are forbidding you
*but nobody is
*i'm willing to hope it's because of a language barrier
Radical says:
*i don't have problems with taht
Rodrigo says:
*what everybody is adressing is your lack of consistance
Radical says:
*so its not the case
*in what?
Rodrigo says:
*in your post
*you complain about people doing the same thing you did
Radical says:
*which one
Rodrigo says:
*starting from the first one
Radical says:
*I did?
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*г kidding me?
Rodrigo says:
*and goes back to the same stance you took here on msn
*and it's the same thing that straightXed adressed
*and it's the same thing that lifestyle_x adressed
*and the same thing i adressed
*so there's gotta be a point where you realize what logic is and why you're commenting stuff that you dont apply to yourself
Radical says:
*this is getting stupid really
*from the very first post
*to the last
*I was saying
*that people
*like to say how drunk they get and how much they like it
*and they are using their freedom of speech
*telling things that may be offensive to others
*that other people may find inapproprate
*while I think it is wrong not to think before you say
Rodrigo says:
*not what you wrote
Radical says:
*and that I'd rather they did not talk about getting drunk
Rodrigo says:
*again, that's not what you wrote
Radical says:
*Its not what you READ
Rodrigo says:
*no, it's actually not what you wrote
Radical says:
*it is exactly what I was saying
Rodrigo says:
*i think there's something wrong with you
Radical says:
*here we go
Rodrigo says:
*you dont even realize what you say and write
Radical says:
*i think there's a misunderstanding going on from the very start of that thread
Rodrigo says:
*you dont realize that what you do is what you're actually complaining about
Radical says:
*do you consider the possibility that its you whos getting it wrong?
*and not me?
Rodrigo says:
*i always consider it, but lack of proof on your side and the clear fault in logic that was evident to me, and two other guys make the scale balance to my side
Radical says:
*I am complaining and the people that drink are not complaining but saying how good it is
Rodrigo says:
*so they cant say how good it is?
Radical says:
*they can
*but some people may not find it the most pleasant thing to hear
*and they don't think
Rodrigo says:
*and some people may not find what you say the most pleasant thing to hear
Radical says:
*but I don't say it
*thats the difference
*I'm keeping it to myself
*and they're not
*like I care
Rodrigo says:
*you did say it
Radical says:
Rodrigo says:
*you expect people to act just like you
Radical says:
*no i don't whats wrong with you?
Rodrigo says:
*i'm not the one complaining about what others do
Radical says:
*i said I'd love it if they kept it to themselves just like I do
*I wasn't even going to discuss this
*I just shared the emotion of the guy who started the thread
*cause I am sometimes feeling frustrated about it
*like he does
Rodrigo says:
*well, he's basically having the same problem in logic as you do
Radical says:
*oh man
*same problem in logic huh
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*what makes you think you are right?
Rodrigo says:
*do you even know what logic is?
Radical says:
*I mean this is like a story of the weakest guy in class that every body poke on and then he comes home and opens up to his mom and she comforts him
Rodrigo says:
*how is that the same thing?
Radical says:
*exactly the same
*i'm feeling bothered by people talking about alcohol
*but I want to hold down the anger and just write my thoughts out on a sxe forum hoping to get some support
*and feel relieved
Rodrigo says:
*not the same thing.
*people talking is public space
*and is public space
*but your own home is private space
Radical says:
*well now I'm actually sure that your concept of logic is erroneous
Rodrigo says:
*you using your speech in a public space is the same thing as them using their speech in a public space
Radical says:
*but a white man does not enter a black district with a poster saying I hate black people
Rodrigo says:
*he could if he wanted
Radical says:
*a sxe forum is a place for sxe kids only
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*yeah right
*no its not
Rodrigo says:
*in fact it's open for registration
Radical says:
Rodrigo says:
*mouseman is not straight edge
*and we've had lots of non edge people in there
Radical says:
*but its clear that one wouldn't want to google for sxe forums and then want to register if they were not interested
Rodrigo says:
*who says not edge people are not interested in straight edge?
*you're assuming
Radical says:
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*are doing this on purpose?
Rodrigo says:
*i'm refuting your comments
Radical says:
*can г read?
*but its clear that one wouldn't want to google for sxe forums and then want to register if they were not interested
*if they were NOT interested
Rodrigo says:
*and that's assuming
Radical says:
*that means
*that only people that ARE interested
*would go and register
Rodrigo says:
*and that's assuming and is wrong
Radical says:
*otherwise they would not wanna do taht
Rodrigo says:
*as i said, we do have non straight edge members inside and who participate in many discussions
Radical says:
*alright so you're saying that I would still go to the groceries and by potato If I didn't want potatos at all
*thats the biggest nonesense I've heard so far
Rodrigo says:
*no. and that's faulty logic again
Radical says:
*ur not even trying to read into what i'm writing
*like I'm talking to a bot
Rodrigo says:
*okay, lest do this real easy for you
*people join the message board
*not being straight edge
*because the purpose of the site
Radical says:
*but they are interested
Rodrigo says:
*is not to bring straight edge people
*but as a space tu discuss straight edge
*and people who are not edge who disagree with straight edge, still post
*and still are welcome
Radical says:
*why would somebody not interested in straight edge register on a straight edge forum??
Rodrigo says:
*to talk and discuss
Radical says:
*why would they want to talk if they are not interested?
Rodrigo says:
*because there are threads about religion, food, sports, music, movies, news and politics
Radical says:
*there are millions of other forums a lot more popular than sxe dot com
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*dedicated forums
Rodrigo says:
*that doesnt mean this one is private
Radical says:
*then why is it called sxe dot com?
Rodrigo says:
*because that was the primary goal of it
*but that doesnt mean there's no community surrounding it
*the fun part is, that i'm not even bullshitting you and for some reason you think i am
Radical says:
*if - the most fucking straight edge domain name i could think of is not dedicated to straight edge and is not for straight edge....... what makes it different from any other forum with movies, sports and stuff?
Rodrigo says:
*it is a straight edge message board
*but it's not private
*and its not exclusive
*everybody is welcome on the message board, and many people who keeps posting are not straight edge
Radical says:
*and so that means that it is wrong to write stuff like "I hate alcohol" on a straight edge forum because that is potentially offensive to non-straight edge members who like drinking alcohol and may not like it
*thats bullshit
Rodrigo says:
*nobody is saying that
Radical says:
*you are
Rodrigo says:
*we're pointing out your flaws
Radical says:
*couple of posts back
*that its a public place and stuff
Rodrigo says:
*it is
Radical says:
*and aabout non-sxe members
Rodrigo says:
*we have non sxe members
*see, you think we're basically giving you shit about your hatred
*but we're pointing out flaws in your argument
*personally, i dont care what you hate or what you dont
*but if you're joining a message board, expect your views challenged
*and in this case, the argument is flawed because you're giving shit to people for doing what you do
Radical says:
*but for some reason you feel you have the right to say what is right and what is wrong and to point out my flaws while not being perfect yourselves...
Rodrigo says:
*well, that's the point of a message board
*to discuss
Radical says:
* for doing what you do
*doing what?
*damn it
*there's nothing similar in what WE are doing
*I hate it
*THEY like it
*whats similar about that?
Rodrigo says:
*the speech part
*you like to bitch about them
*they like to drink
Radical says:
*no I don't
Rodrigo says:
*then dont do it!
Radical says:
*I only said I felt the same as the guy starting the thread
*I'm not a 15 year-old pussy
Rodrigo says:
*what does that has to do with anything?
Radical says:
*that likes to bitch about stuff
Rodrigo says:
*you did bitch about stuff
Radical says:
*I posted a comment
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*1 single comment
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*Saing that I hate it as well
Rodrigo says:
*is htere a number where it starts being considered bitching?
Radical says:
*just to support the thread
Rodrigo says:
*so you bitched about it
Radical says:
*this is ridiculos
*this is white
*no this is black
Rodrigo says:
*not really
Radical says:
*there is a hate thread
*on the forum
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*where people BITCH about stuff they hate
Rodrigo says:
Radical says:
*Have the posted it in that section would it arise such an argument?
*the guy
Rodrigo says:
*most likely, yes
Radical says:
Rodrigo says:
*because its a flawed argument
Radical says:
*thats a thread for all to bitch
*there are no rules
*that regulate
*what can be bitched about and what not
*whats wrong with that/
Rodrigo says:
*and again
*it's not what you hate or what you dont hate
*it's the argument that is flawed
Radical says:
*how exactly is it different from all the others in the hate thread?
*I hate people talking about getting drunk
*whats wrong with that?
*Do the non-sxe members see the hate thread?
Rodrigo says:
*well, nothing particulary, just that you hate people who talk about what they like
*nothing on the message board is private
Radical says:
*you don't have to be edge to open the hate thread and find something you don't agree with and find offensive
Rodrigo says:
*but again
*it's not the fact that you hate something what's being challenged
Radical says:
*and again it doesn't make sense
Rodrigo says:
*its the flawed logic behind it
Radical says:
*whats up with all this privacy
*the only thing that's flawed is your perception
Rodrigo says:
*nope, not really
Radical says:
Rodrigo says:
*and it's pretty clear from what you wrote
Radical says:
*its pretty clear from what YOU wrote here
Rodrigo says:
*if you say so
Radical says:
*and how yu're getting it all wrong
*and how sure you are
*that you are right
*can't you just admit that you got it all wrong from the start
*this must hit the ego so hard
Rodrigo says:
*i dont think so
Radical says:
*i understand
*lol you've been writing the 3 words for like 2 minutes
Rodrigo says:
*but if you feel like it's a matter of egos
*you should probably go back and keep adressing it on the message board
Radical says:
*I feel that you would rather put the blame on someone else
*and not admit it
Rodrigo says:
*not really
*but if you got nothing else to say or to refute i'm gonna go keep working
Radical says:
*because that's what you are doing now. ur refusing to admit you misunderstood the message
Rodrigo says:
*say hello to the message board
Radical says:
*whats that
*г know what they say
*they don't argue about opinions
*many men many minds
*but you are arguing
12-29-2010, 10:20 PM
i'm gonna say that if someone wants to talk about how much they hate alcohol and people behavior under the influence of alcohol, they can and should be able to do so here. I honestly care less about people that aren't straight edge feeling at home than I do about people who are being able to talk about what's on their minds. As long as kids aren't talking about how they want to go and kill drunks, then yeah, this is exactly the place where people should be able to come and talk about much the world sucks. how much dealing with drunks suck.
12-29-2010, 11:12 PM
Dusty made a real good point and he helped me see where i was wrong. That I made the whole deal get bigger and out of proportion from what it really was in the first place. you guys can completely say and let go of what bothers you and specially here since it is a sxe board. so i should apologize to Radical for turning the situation into something else that bare no relation to what was originally intended for.
This thread is fucking stupid and other threads like this have a lot to do with me coming here less and less.
You guys like to argue for the sake of arguing and overlooking what's important. that's fucked up.
I'm glad at least Dusty got it right.
12-30-2010, 03:35 PM
So do you guys thing i was wrong it what i was saying?
12-30-2010, 04:06 PM
So do you guys thing i was wrong it what i was saying?
No, I just think you guys weren't talking about the same thing. Dude just wanted a space to be able to vent with like minded people. I don't think he was talking about people not having rights or really thinking people were dirt.
12-30-2010, 05:57 PM
No, I just think you guys weren't talking about the same thing. Dude just wanted a space to be able to vent with like minded people. I don't think he was talking about people not having rights or really thinking people were dirt.
I couldn't really get that from what was said. Maybe its my fault but i have no issue with him slating people for drinking but i just think its a bit odd to say they shouldn't put their opinion forward. I tried to make that really clear. I'm not even sure how the responses i was getting were comming about.
Bottom line, i think everyone is entitled to their opinion and to voice it...i don't like the opinions of people drinking, i don't agree with it and exercise my right not to listen to it. But i don't think they shouldn't have the right to voice it...appologies for any misunderstanding.
12-30-2010, 08:10 PM
I couldn't really get that from what was said. Maybe its my fault but i have no issue with him slating people for drinking but i just think its a bit odd to say they shouldn't put their opinion forward. I tried to make that really clear. I'm not even sure how the responses i was getting were comming about.
Bottom line, i think everyone is entitled to their opinion and to voice it...i don't like the opinions of people drinking, i don't agree with it and exercise my right not to listen to it. But i don't think they shouldn't have the right to voice it...appologies for any misunderstanding.
I think the point he was trying to make was that he's not forcing his views on people and wished that he could live in a world where he didn't have to listen to people talking about getting drunk. I can't really find any fault in that.
12-31-2010, 01:38 AM
No, I just think you guys weren't talking about the same thing. Dude just wanted a space to be able to vent with like minded people. I don't think he was talking about people not having rights or really thinking people were dirt.
I assume you're referring to me an my original post. Yes, I was venting. And about people being "dirt"? Well, I do tend to say that but after all... they kind of treat themselves that way anyway after all. Especially drug users.
I have a disabling hard time dealing with stress and anxiety and this stuff is a pre-lit short fuse to the dynamite for me. Sure, I wish I could deal with things better but... then who knows... I might not be "me" anymore then. I might be an addict of some kind. Who knows. It's just part of my personality in general that I can't deal with stress and things I dislike very well. Change that in me and you would change my personality entirely.
I do a lot more venting online than I do in RL.. especially times I say people are "scum of the earth" or whatever. I have more sense than to say that to people's face. There is perhaps a small ounce of opinion I do feel in that. I think the world would be a HELL of a lot better off without the shit and it's (in a small way) what's keeping the world in a mess. I kind of have the attitude that if people don't respect themselves by being addicts, they don't deserve any respect from me.
But much of my venting is just that I get so overwhelmed and stressed out and I can't deal with it so I tend to resort to "scum of the earth" rather than logical, intelligent arguments against it.
But anyhow, I was not saying they don't have the right to free speech as it were. I was just saying they seem to spew it *everywhere*. They get offended and dislike it when I say I don't want to hear it. If they have the right to talk about it, I have the right to say I don't want to hear it.
12-31-2010, 06:34 AM
You didn't say people were dirt, actually.
12-31-2010, 09:04 AM
I think the point he was trying to make was that he's not forcing his views on people and wished that he could live in a world where he didn't have to listen to people talking about getting drunk. I can't really find any fault in that.
Thanks Dusty! That was exactly what I was talking about. Looks like you were the only one who actually got the point I was trying to make.
I have a disabling hard time dealing with stress and anxiety and this stuff is a pre-lit short fuse to the dynamite for me.
...especially times I say people are "scum of the earth" or whatever. I have more sense than to say that to people's face. There is perhaps a small ounce of opinion I do feel in that. I think the world would be a HELL of a lot better off without the shit and it's (in a small way) what's keeping the world in a mess. I kind of have the attitude that if people don't respect themselves by being addicts, they don't deserve any respect from me.
But anyhow, I was not saying they don't have the right to free speech as it were. I was just saying they seem to spew it *everywhere*. They get offended and dislike it when I say I don't want to hear it. If they have the right to talk about it, I have the right to say I don't want to hear it.
Couldn't have said it better.
12-31-2010, 02:13 PM
I think the point he was trying to make was that he's not forcing his views on people and wished that he could live in a world where he didn't have to listen to people talking about getting drunk. I can't really find any fault in that.
Ok, sorry, i got it wrong.
yep, this thread is fucking stupid.
12-31-2010, 04:10 PM
yep, this thread is fucking stupid.
yeah. we got it the first time you said it grumpy, but thanks for adding something useful!
12-31-2010, 04:33 PM
yep, this thread is fucking stupid.
Woah there! Its just a misunderstanding!
yeah. we got it the first time you said it grumpy, but thanks for adding something useful!
it's just funny that after pages of arguing you have your say and everybody all of a sudden realizes their stand was flawed a bit. that's all.
01-01-2011, 07:01 AM
it's just funny that after pages of arguing you have your say and everybody all of a sudden realizes their stand was flawed a bit. that's all.
Well like i said, it seemed like radical was saying that people don't have the right to talk about their beliefs if they dont match his own. I think if everyone reads through you can understand how i got that impression. Dusty interpreted it differently and radical agreed that what dusty said was what he was actually trying to say. So all of a sudden people to change their focus as they realise theree was a misunderstanding. Why that is "fucking stupid" is beyond me. I think the stupid thing would be continue the same argument with our wires crossed, i don't see anything stupid about accepting that there was a misunderstanding and ceasing the argument.
Well like i said, it seemed like radical was saying that people don't have the right to talk about their beliefs if they dont match his own. I think if everyone reads through you can understand how i got that impression. Dusty interpreted it differently and radical agreed that what dusty said was what he was actually trying to say. So all of a sudden people to change their focus as they realise theree was a misunderstanding. Why that is "fucking stupid" is beyond me. I think the stupid thing would be continue the same argument with our wires crossed, i don't see anything stupid about accepting that there was a misunderstanding and ceasing the argument.
Yeah. I just think had anybody else said the same thing as dusty, this wouldn't be a case.
01-03-2011, 02:31 PM
Yeah. I just think had anybody else said the same thing as dusty, this wouldn't be a case.
who knows, if you maybe had rather than talking about how dumb it was, maybe it would have?
who knows, if you maybe had rather than talking about how dumb it was, maybe it would have?
maybe. I guess we'll never know!
01-04-2011, 11:18 AM
Yeah. I just think had anybody else said the same thing as dusty, this wouldn't be a case.
I don't see why not, if they had said the same thing. If someone else had said it and the result was similar would it still be dumb?
I don't see why not, if they had said the same thing. If someone else had said it and the result was similar would it still be dumb?
no, it would be odd.
01-05-2011, 05:20 PM
no, it would be odd.
ok, well hopefully any oddness won't stop you posting here, its a shame to hear these threads make you post here less.
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